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the panjab, & KALAT, 

®urtnB a 



L' account of the insurrection at kal^ 

te '- '' BALOCHISTAN, 



a lARQI. map aNB numerous E.VGRAVrN 




Hi ©rlftiiari, ta 






Jsaiyad Keramat Ah'. — His adventure. — The 
Khan’s services.— Lieutenant Conplly.— Saiyad Mail 
Eeasons for it,— Government proposal to Saiyad Kers 
commmucations with Captain Wade. -His recon 
Seventy of the winter— Indications of spring.— Gc 
arm ai^ cold snow. — Destruction of houses.— 
flowers.— Water-fowl.— Gnats.— 
wa^.-*S,«a,g of Biver— Dost Mdhomed ‘Khan’s 
gsh remark.- Earthquafces.—The Shakufa — The A 
Khurban.— Abdul Samad.— His arrival at Kabal.— 1 
His release and employment.-His power.-Colone 
Thmder showers -Winds.-Progress of the season., 
tebles. Leisure for inquiry .-Dost Mahomed Khan 

r popularity with the 

nions of higher classes. 


Sirafraz Khan.— Dost Mahomed Kh, 
and attractions.— Dost Mahomed Khai 
Fati Khan’s revenge of his father's death, 
tion.— Youth of Dost Mahomed Khan.- 
The Vazir’s jealousy and 
—Seeks refuge in the roy 

•n’s mother— Her 
's neglected education. — 
-His successes and elewa- 
Mahomed Azem Khan.— 
•Dost Mahomed Kh4n’s perfidy 
-Mahomed Azesidiiitea(jA«rf' 

• • 

• J \ 





Saiyad Keramat AH. — His adventure, The Nawab Jab^ir 
Khan’s services. — Lieutenant Conolly. — Saiyad Maihin’s reward. — 
Reasons for it.— Government proposal to Saiyad Keramat Ah'. — His 
communications with Captain Wade. ^ — His recommendation. — 
Severity of the winter. — Indications of spring. — General thaw. — 
Warm and cold snow, — Destruction of houses. — Nazzar IMba 
Adam. — V ernal flowers. — W ater-fowL— Gnats. — » Chdkrf. » — Ra-^ 
wash, — Swelling of River.— Dost MI,homed Khan’s order. — ^Wag- 
gish remark. — Earthquakes. — The Shakufa. — -The Arghawan.— Id 
Khurban. — Abdul Samad. — His arrival at Kiibal. — His seizure.— 
His release and employment. — His power. — ^ Colonel Stotblart, — 
Thunder showers. — Winds. — Progress of the season. — Early vege- 
tables. Leisure for inquiry. — Dost Mahomed Khan’s celebrity. — 
His appearance at Ghazni, — His popularity with the pcKiple. — ^Opi- 
nions of higher classes. . . . 


♦ . 

Sirafraz Kh to. —Dost Mahomed Khan’s mother,— Her charms 
■and attractions. — Dost Mahomed' Khto’s m-eglected ■education.— 
Fati Khan’s revenge of his father’s death.— His successes and elcwii- ^ 
tion. — -Youth of Dost Mahomed Khan, — Mihomed Azem Klito.— 
The Vazir’s jealousy and remark. — Dost Mahomed Khan’s perfidy, 
— Seeks refuge in the royal camp.— M'ahomed Azem^^^i|meiheci. 


• # 






* i 

Dost Mahomed Khan’s aequaintainft) with Jai Singh. — I-.axity oi* 
Fati Khan. — ^Jai^Singh’s flight to Pesliawer. — KlunPs ])t>licv. — 
Tajiks of the Kohistan. — Their condition. — Dost Mahomed Khan 
appointed to the Koki^an. — His proceedings. — Khwoja J\hai^i in- 
veigled and slain.— Slaughter of Koh Daman chiets.“-Tri'atment of * 
robber chiefs. — Improved state of Koli Daman. — Fati Khaifs ad- 
vance upon Taghow,— Fati Khan’s caution.— Recovery of Kashmir. 

— The Vazir’s interview with Ran jit Singli.— Atak sold to Ranjit 
Singh.— Battle of Haidaro. — Dost Mahomed Klian’.s gallantry.— . 
Pati Khan’s military talent. — His suspicious conduct.— Activity of 
his enemies.— Expedition projected.— Fati Khan’s return to Ka’bal. 

— His triumph over his enemies.— March to Herat. — Haji Kiian’.s 
early career.— Friendship with Dost Alahomcd Khan.— Relievc.s liis 
necessities.— Seizure of Firoz Dm.— Dost Alahomed Khan’s crimi- 
nal conduct.— Flight to Kashmir.— Shahzada Karnran.— His cliarac - 
ter.— His jealousy of Fati Khan.— Fati Khan’s supposed views.— 
Popular conjectures. — Shalizada Karnran prompted to tiction.* — His 
sister’s reproach. — The Vazir’s action with Kajar. — His wound 
and retreat. — Fati Ali Shah’s apprehension and remark.— State of 
Afghanistan.— Fati Khan’s seizure the signal ibr the diKsolution of 
the monarchy.— Fur Dil Khan made prisoner by Shahzada Kdm- 
ran. Made mir of the Barak Zai tribe. — Escapes to Andali.— Hdji 
Khan declines the Shahzlida’s offers.— Joins Fur Dil Khan.— Son.s 
of Sirafraz Khan. — List and di.sposition of tlieiu. , . y 


Karardns march to Kabul. — Dost Maliomed Kiian’.s release — 
Protests against Mahomed Azeni Klian’s inactiv<‘ views.— Vblun- 
teers^to oppose Karnran.— Advances upon Kahul— Attfi Mahomed 

Khan. Made Miikhtahar Dowlah. — Shah W'ali Khan Shir Md- 

homed Khan.-Rcpkcod by Wafmhir paraivsi.s 

. Sudden cure.-I^trigues with the Suni faetiens.-Ek.,,,!..; HI, Ah 
Sujah al Mulkh.— Recmers*lvashinir.— Supp()rts Prinet^ Kaisnr — 
Slam at Peshawer.-Atta Mahome.l Khan invites Shah .Sujah al 
MuM.- Confines hini.-Kamran’s reveufre.- Attu M.-iimmod 
Ehajssommunioation with Dost Mtthomed Khan.— llis treachery 
-Is ilinded.-Sudden fall.-Sicge of Balia llissar— E.scap,. of 
nnce Jehangh^.— Preparations at Hcrat.-Approach of .Mahomed 
A^em KMn-^D^Shoroed Khan’s discontent.-Proclaims Sul- 

F , . . n 




*• ♦ I 

* % * ' 

tan All king/— Herat army manclies to Kcin<kliar*--Theiice to 
Chaliar Assiah. — Procipi!;ate retreat. — Reasons for. — KarKlahar 
to Shah Aleihintid. — Aiahoined Azem Khan invites ^?llah Sijjah nl 
AJiilkh.— ConJ^est with Shah Sujah al AIulkh. 5 p<i^\yuh Shafs made 
k ftrg . — A n-angeincnts . — M iireh upon SI \ ikarpu r . — 1 >< ist M li hon u h i 
Khan again proclaims Sultan AIL— Return of Alalmmed Azem 
Khan. — Discussion. — Dost Alahomed Khan’s proposal t(i Sultan 
AIL — Mahomed Azem Khan’s proposal to Shlih Ayuh,— Sfiltan A!i 
strangled. — Bhah Sujah al Alulkh’s army dispersed.— Ingenuity of 
the Sind amirs. — Alahotned Azem Khan’s presence ot' mind,— In- 

trigues in his camp. — -Evil intentions of Dost Alahomed Khan and 
Slur Dll Klum. — Alahomed Azem Khan’s retreat, — KKpeditiim 
against the Sikhs. — Ranjit Singh \s rneasiire.s.~-"Iiis ovt‘rture.s to the 
chiefs of Peshawer. — Fliglit of Jai Singli. — Dost Alahonu'd Khan 
proffers his services to Ranjit Singh.— Alahomed Azem Khan de- 
ceived by A'ar Alahomed Khan. — Dost iMahomed Khan’s tlesign on 
his treasure. — Mahomed Azem Klian’s irresolution.— Panic* and dis- 
persal of his army. — Ranjit Singli occupies Peshawer.— Divides Pe« 
shawer between Dost Alaliomed Khan and Yar Alahomed Khan. — 
Death of Maliomed Azem Khan, — His character. — Huhih Flah 
Khan, — Mahomed Azem Khan’s dying recommendation and retjuest. 
— Pur Dil Khan reaches KabaL— His phins. — Ayiih Bhah’.s infa- 
tuation. — Fur Dil Khan’s interview with Ayiih Biuih. — Opposition ^ 
of Shltlizlda Ismael. — Is skin. — Deposition of Aytib BhMi. — Retires 
to Lahore.— Jabar Khan. — His career.— Defeated in Ka.‘=!hmfr. — 
Governor of the Ghiljis. — His civility to Europeans, — Slighted l^y 
Hahib Ulah Khan. — Dost Alahomed Khan’s attempts. — llaljih 
Ulah Khan’s folly, — Defection of his cliiefs. — Inve.stment of Balia 

Hissar. . ■ ..... . 39 


The Kandahar sirdar’s march to the aid of nabil> Ulah Khan. — 
Dost Mahomed Khan retires. — Seizure of Habib Ulah* Kham — 
MMiomed KhAn asserts himself his avengA’. — ^Sad state of KMial. — 
Favourable dispositions to Dost Mahomed KhAn. — The KAndahar 
sirdars desirous to secure and blind him.— Saved by HajI Khan. — 
New arrangements. — HajI Khffn’s freak.— Engages in Dost 
homed Khan’s service. — Siiltan Alahomed Khan’s errors. — IBs lax 
government.— Besieged by Dost Mahomed Khan. — Retires to Pe- 
shawer. — Ahmed Shah. — His pretensions,- — His success* with the 


V ^ • .• 

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Yusaf Zais.— Oifends the Peshafir airdars.— Is betrayed by them. 

New claims of Dost Mahomed Khan’s brokers, — Reduction of 

Zurmat.— Return bo Kabal, and welcome.—Saiyad Ahmed Bhah's 
movements.— Dost Mahomed Khan’s assistance to his |*esh||m'r 
brothers.— Extravagances of Habib Ulah Khan.— His followeri se- 
duced by Dost Mahomed Khan.— Discomfiture of the Nawab Jabfc 
Khan.— March of Dost Mahomed Khan to Taghow.— His appre- 
hensions of Mazulah. — ^Death of Mazulah.— Designs of Jelalabad,— 
Defection in Dost Mahomed Khan’s army. — Arrangements. — Oaths, 
—Resumption of the Ghilji governmenWEemarks on Dost M4- 
homed Khan’s character.— His talents for husiness.— His adminis- 
tration.— Projects of Shah Sujah-al-Mulkh.— Sentiments of the peo- 
ple.— -Of Dost Mahomed Khan. — Proposal to assume royalty re- 
jected. — Arrival of mission from Kunduz. — Visit of Mir Alam 
Khan.— Views on Bajor.— Rumours and reports. , , 



Researches Mound. — Discoveries. • — Tuz-leaf manuscripts. — 

Images.— xijectures.— Antiquity of manuscripts.— Alarm of 
^Hends. — Intercourse with Mdhomed Akhar Khan. — His sensible 
^wations.— Anecdote of Mr. Moorcroft.— Dr. Gerard’s sculpture. 
— Excursions. — ^Return of Haji Khan. — His reception. — Haji Khan’s 
visit to Kunduz. — Hospitality of Mir Mahomed Morad Beg. — Re- 
volt in Badakshan. — H&ji Khan’s Alima. — Treaty with Mdhomed 
Mordd Beg. — ^R^hmatulah Beg’s replies. — Disposal of D4h Zanghi 
captives. — Rahmatulah Beg’s parting remark. — Release of Mir Yez- 
danbaksh’s relatives. — HSji Khan’s hints to them. — Haji Khan’s pro- 
jects. — Samander Khan. — Dost Mahomed Khan’s discretion. — Haji 
Khan’s final determination. — ^Dost Mahomed Khan’s reproaches. — 
Haji Khan’s retort. — Entertainment of elchis and chiefs. — Theft.' — 
Dost Mahomed Khan’s sarcastic counsel. — Haji Khan discharges 
his followers.— His imputed design. — Hussdn Khan. — Haji Khan s 
remark. — Movemei 3 .ts of Mir Mahomed Morad Beg, — Fate of Ma- 
homed All Beg. — Ahdulah Khan. . . , , 


t • 


Tour in Koh Daman^ &c. — Nanachi. — ^jVIirza Jafar Khan. — Kotal 
Kers Khfina. — Tumuli. — Killa Kohclnan. — Nazir IMir AIi Khan.— 
His conversation and travels. — Accident, — Shakr Dara. — Serai. — 


.;•# - ^ I 

BIzadi. — Bedalc. — KaK Dara. — Zirga«ah. — Cave. — Taluk of Fer- 
zali . — Sekandar- Shall. — PerSan inscription, — Cascade, — Auriculas. 

— Killa ShUhi. — Istalif. — Delightful view. — Ziarat Hazrat*Eshan, — 
Azdha. — Orchards. — Taluk of Istalif. — Mahomed K^iah Khan. — 

His c?lpturc*of Kahal, — His death. — Bolend Khiin. — His execution, 

— Istargitch. — Approach to Charikar. — Town of Cluirikar. — Trade, 

— Destruction of Gurkha battalion.' — Hupian. — Tutam Dam.— 
Shesh Biirjeh. — Application. — Octogenarian invalid. — Taviz. — Dost 
Mahomed Khan’s severity.— All Khin. — His recommendations to 
his raiyats.-— Canals. — River of Tutam Dara. — Conflict and surren- 
der of Dost Mahomed Khan.—Sultan Singh’s garden. — "History of 
Sultan Singh. — ^His rise. — Plot of Mirza Imam VerdL — Sultlin 
Singh’s adroitness. — Habib Ulah Khlin’s measures. — Sultan Singles 
state. — Seizes his ancient employer. — Malek Isa Khan’s proposal. — 
Sultan Singh swallows poison. — Jah Nimahi. — Tope Dara. — Simpli- 
city. — Nekkak Perida. — Compass. — Fugitive of Hupian. — Sell 
y aran.— Ziarat Derwish. — Killa Khurban. — Inhabitant.s of Cliari- 
kar. — Shihmak. — Sanjit Dara. — Mahomed Jafar Khan. — Killa Mir 
Saiyad Khan. — Kabal doctor. — Objects of excursion. — Killa 'olend. 

— Plain of Begram. — Return. — Baloch Khan. — Coins. — App* hon- 
sions of people, — Reports. — Killa Musa Khan.«— Tatarang 7,^ 
Kallakhan. — Tope. — Cheni Khana. — Killa Rajpiit. — Kotal Mama 
Khatun.^ — Killa lltafat Klii^n. — Kotal Pah Mindr.- — Return to 
Kabal, 109 


Collections of coins. — Jealousy. — Importance of discoveries, — 
Antifpies. — Site of Begram.— Hill ranges. — Neighbourbood of Be- ^ 
gram: — Tope. — Character of the Kohistan.— Magnificent view. — 
Boundaries of Begram.— Evidences, — Mounds.— Tumuli. — ^Stonea. 

— Site of city.— Deposits with the dead. — Testimony of fterodotus. 
—Funereal jars.— Traditions.— Mode of sc^>iilture,— Absence of 
data. — Hu|>idn. — Canal Mahighir. — Taimur’s colony,— Decline of 
Bc%ram.— Signification of Bdgram.— B4gram of Kabah— Begram 
of .lelalabad, — Begram of Peshawer.— Etymology. — Topes. — Anli» ^ 
quities of Kohistan. — Perwan,— Rdgh Rawan. — Localities in Pmy*- 
shir,— Caves in Nij row. —Vestiges in Taghow.— Ruins in Ghor- 
band.— Caves. — Ziarat. 


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M. Honigbcrger. — His antiquaritiii operations. — Dr. Oevard. — 
Adventures of AI. M^^^igbergcr. — Departure for Jelalab^id.'— Jid Oalu 
— Incivility. — Bbut Khak. — Defile of Sokhta Olianar. — Gliilp guidf. 

— Sell Baba. — Barik-ab. — Tagliow. — Sang Toda Baber Padsliah. — 
Jigdillik. — ^ICotal Jigdillik. — Surkh Pul. — Old aequaiiitance. — ^Kba- 
’111 KhaiVs story. — Samuches. — Troublesome night. — Kbalil KbunV 
death. — Gandaniak. — N hnia. — Balia Bagh. — IVitang, — Ascent of 
Slab Kob. — Caves . — Kajari. — Goraicb L — K ilia K a fr. — Cascades. — 
Extensive view. — Shrine of Lot. — Large'graves,— Shrine of Laineeb. 

— Opinions of the people. — Scriptural names. — The ibilf.— Seri]>turai 
and classical testimony. —Pall conquests. — Early civilization.— Dif- 
fusion of tlieir sciences and language. — Judicial astrology.— •Univer- 
sality of Pall language. — Names of localities. — Shrines. . 171 


Dost Alahomed Khan’s designs. — Alovements of Shah Sujfih al 
Alulkh. — Arrival of Aleher Dil Khan.— Sultan Alahonied Khan’s 
visit to Jelalabad. — Plots, — Dost Alaliomed Khan’s feints. — Extor- 
tions. — Projects and counter-projects. — Designs disclosed. — Haji 
Khan discarded. — March of Dost Alahomed Khan. — Alir Afzil 
Khan. — His ingenuity. — Submission of A'lahomed Osman Khan. — 
Aleasures of Alabomed Zeman KbA.n. — Assault and capture of Jela- 
labad. — Plunder of town. — Arrival of Nawhb .Tabdr Kban. — At- 
tempt to assassinate Dost Alabomed Khan. — Fate of {issussin. — Ala- 
homed Zeman Khan’s conduct. — His recent re-up])earunce.— Dis- 
posal of Jelalabad.— Seizure of chiefs of Kbonar and Lalpuni. — 
Abdul Gbiaz Kban. — His proposed mission to India. — Dost Ald- 
bomed Khan’s objections. — Secret departure. — Altercation at Daka. 

— Obstinacy of companions. — Reference to Sadat Kban. — His deci- 
sion and message,— His conversation.— His fate. — Remarks tberetm, 

— His successor in authority. — Slielman Kburd. — Alulla (Rmrt. — 
Robbers.— Reception at Ispind Sang.— Arrival at Pesliawer.— Con- 
fused state of affairs. — Ridiculous alaims. — Sbab Siijab al Alulkb’s 
treaty. — The Siklis profit by circumstances. — Their mnlerstanding 
wifb ligrties. — Proposal to the sirdars.— Advance of Sikli army.^ — 
Stand of Haji Kban. — Peshawer taken, — Jocularity of Hari Singh. 

— Pir Alabomed Khan’s valorous remark. — Abdiil Gbiaz KhatUs 
arrangements. . . . ... . oi>3 

• '■ ’yX;- 


h n 



Shatter X. 


Departure 4*om(iPesliawer.-~ March to Sh^khan.*v®x~sir(iars, — 
Their convel'sation. — -Fati Mahomed Khan’s civility. — Encamp- 
ment. —Bara river.— Popular credulity. — Departure for Minchini. 

— Alarm on road. — Old monument,— Badragas. — Minelimf . — Ghilj i. 

— Haidar Khtin. — Jalawans.— Fearful state of the river. — Consulta- 
tion. — Passage of the river.— Rahmatulah’s dexterity. — Shelman. — 

Ghilj i's piety.— Plain of Shelman. — Kotal. — Bahadar’s request. — 
Daka Khurd.— Good fortune.— Congratulations. — Daka Kelan. — 
Lalpura. — Curious conversation . — Suspicions. — Precautions. — 
Khurd Khaihar. — Momand’s tale. — Momand’s intention. —PI azar- 
noh.— Re-appearance of Ghilji, — Wilford’s Nysa and Mount Menl. 

— Bassowal. — Ghilji and his gang. — Necessity for action. — Kohis- 
tanis.— Night march. — Bati Kot. — Siirkh Dnvar. — Chaghatai castle. 

— Goodwill of Kohistanfs. — MiTza Aga Jan. — His surmises, — My 
ovni conjectures.— Ghilj I’s evil repute.— Subsequent attempts. — 
Renewal of researches. . . . , . 231 


Arrival of ex-sirdars of Peshawcr. — Haji KhaiFs project. — 
March of Dost Mahomed Khan to Kandahar. — Feeling in the 
country. — Gulistan Kluin’s rebellion. — His ines.sage to Amu* Ma- 
homed Khan. — Pkrction of Nawab Jabar Khan. — His ju'oposiil to 
Dost Mahomed Khan. — Letter to the Shah. — Impnidoiiee of the 
ShMi. — -Action near Kandahar. — Flight of tlie ShMi. — Fate of his 
followers. — Errors of the expedition, — Intercepted cmTcspondeneo. 
—Abdul Samad’s villainy. — Dost Mahomed Klian’s wish. — 
of affairs at Kabal. — Letter from Kamran.— Deportment of Kanda- 
har sirdars. — Return to Kabal. — Death of Amir Mahomed Kluin. 
— Shamsadni Khan.— Proceedings of ex-siftlars of Pcshawer. — 
Occupation of .lelalahad. — Disavowal of their ofliccrs. — ^Meeting 
with Dost Mahomed Khan, — Letter to Ranjit Singli.— Kamrau’.s 
offers to Shah Sujah al Mulkh. — The Shah’s distrust. — Flies tn 
Lash — to Sistan — to Baloclhstam— Pursuit of the Bhah. — Genero- 
sity of Mehnib Khan. — The Shiih retires upon Zehri and Bagh.-— 
Plones.ty of Samandar Khan. — His death, — The BliMi’s reception. 

# • 


at Haidarabad. — His return to fiuduina.-~rDost Ma})ome<i Khilu^s 
letter to Ludiana. — Reply. — Saiyad Keramat All’s officiousness. — 
Dost Mahomed Khan’s promise, — The Saiyad"s dilemma. — His 
ingenuity. — His gcro(}, fortune. , . 


Start on a tour to Khonar. — Bisut. — Tokchi. — Topes. — Puhvari. 
— Bazarak. — Khonah Deh. — Malek Shafi, — Kohistanfs. — Khushal 
Khan. — Tope of Khonah Deh. — Killa Padshah. — Fati Mahomed 
Khan. — Islamabad.' — Saiyad Hissam and his ladies. — IMistakeu ft)r 
Bazf-ghars. — Remains at Islamabad. — Route to Chitnll. — Dara 
Nur. — Barkot and Daminj. — Mahomed Zeman Khan’s failure.— 
Kazi Khel family. — Feud. — Bilangar. — Bisut. — Return to Tatang. 
— Trip to Lughman. — Killa Kafr. — Chaharbagh. — Kergah. — Man- 
darawar, — Tirgari. — Rivers of Alishang and Alingar. — IVIumjuma. — 
Namzat Bazi.— Fatal accident. — Ziarat Metar Lam Sahib. — Tomb. 
— Wilford’s reveries. — Native traditions. — Sultan Mahmud’s 
dream, — Discovery of Lamech’s grave. — Ancient vestiges. — Koh 
Karinj.— Alishang.-— Nadjil. — Malek Osmfin. — Saleh Rand Kot, — 
Rubies. — Alingar. — Dara Niazi, — Revenue of Liighman. — Extent 
of cultivation. — Crops. — Eels. — Fire-flies. — Inhabitants. — Skilful 
agi'iculturists. — Amusing story.- — Mahomed Akbar Klian's disaster. 
— Tope of Murkln Kh^l. — ^Conjectures. — Nokar Khdl. — Murkhi 
Khel. — Jajis. — Nasrulah. — ^Tumulus of Nokar Khel. — Departure 
for Kabal. — Terikki. — Arrival at K'dbal. 


Dost Mahomed Khan’s intention to assume royalty. — Views and 
opinions of parties.— Sultan Mdhomed Khan’s departure. — Day of 
inauguration.— Ceremony.— Exhortations.— Remarks of his subjects. 
— Dost Mahomed Khan’s dbmeanour.— His justificatiom — Prejiara- 
tions for the war.— The Klian mulla’s dexterity.— PltmdtT of the 
Hindus. — Mahomed Osman Khan’s address. — Dost Mdhomed 
Kljan’^ intentions.— Extortion from Mahomodans.— Death of Sabz 
All, Amount of exactions.- — March of troops.— Haji Khan’s depar- 
ture.— State of the season.— Mirza Uzur.— Mahomed Kuli Khan.— 
Progress to Jelalabdd.— Robbers at Se1i Baba.— Jigdillik.— Neces- 






laity of Mahomed KuH ?Oian.— Gfand|;mak. — Darunta.— Deatli of 
Naib Yar Mahomed.— Letters from Ludiana. — -EquiTocal nature 
of employment,— Incivili^ of the Naw^b.—Saiyad ICeramat All’s 
departure, — His tactics.— His ihtentions.—His a^isau^t on Ranjit 
Si«gh. — ^J>elic|te duties,— Evils of Saiyad Keramat Alf s conduct. — 
Afghan notions of ojffiicial oticpiette. . • . • 





Abdiilah Khan consigned to Seizure uiid .spoil of Abdi'ilali 

Klian. — The Amir’s, repentance.— Restitution of property.— lbjpular 
dissatisfaction.— Captain Wade’s interference. — ,R(*si<j> nation of ap- 
pointment. — Cessjons^by Ranjit Singh to Sultan Alahotnc'd Khan.— 
Letters from Peshawer. — The Nawah's willingnc'ss tt) he d#<’eiva!l.— 
Interview with the Amif. — Events of i83h.— Seih's of intrigues and 
alarms. — The AnnVs plans,— -Strives to gain over Alahotned Osman 
Khan, — Sudden panic. — Ht\ji Khan’s reeoininemlation.'-- '1'}^. Khan 
and his Hindu creditors. — The Amir's tinaneial uieasnre.<.—-Mo\e» 
ments of the Sikhs and of Kamran. — Ilaji Khan's lamiarks on tlio 
times.— Departure of PiT MahonuHl Khan.— I i is atteinpt<*d as^as- 
tination.— Impediments thrown on liis retreat.— Kilters from India. 
— Resume duties. — Intercourse lietweiai Kahal iUid Ludiana.— 
Renewed communications with Persia. — Ilaji Ihralum.— dliissih Alt. 
— Ivan Vektavich. — Plis seizure, release, and despaieh from Bok* 
hara.— His intentions and assertions. — Aluh'd Samad's projt-i.ts,— 
His influence in the Amir’s luiraiu, — The Amir’s evasion.— Jourm'V 
to Tatang, . . . , 



Aggressions of Hari Singii, — -Preparatimis to ro|)ei it. — ^IK'spateli 
of troops to Jclalabad, — Plans of attack. — Attempt ti> as.^ussinate 
the Amir. — Retaliation of Mahomed Akhar Khun. — March into 
Khaibar. — Cannonade of Jamrud.— Attack by llari Hingh,— Di.s 
comfitiire of Afghans. — Battle renewe<l hy Sham.sudin Khun.— Dan- 
ger of AmiVs sons.' — Feat of Aluhomed Akhar Khan.- - Dari Singh 
mortally wounded. — Retreat of Sikhs.— Mir/a Sumi KhunX pmyoi>. 
r>ont]-» of Hari Bingh.~--His intrepidity.— l>is|iutes in the Afghan 
Altercation between Alalfil Sumuil and .Mir Ai/ll Khuti.— 
of Afghan army. — Ilaji Khan’s deed.s in the Doaheb. — Leuali 
Singh’s mes.sagcs. — ilaji Khan’s letUus to KahuL— CuiUest with 
Lenah Singh. — Retreat of Haji Khftn. — His .suggestions n! Jelaiuhad. 
—His treachery.— Abdul S^tmadks effrontery.— Hi.s lii'gntdatiou umf 
dismissal. — Interview with tlie Amir. — With AlahmutHl Akintr 
Khan. — -Mirza Sami Khan’s advice. — Correspoudenee hetweeii Biklis 
and A%lians.— Return to Kabah— Adventure at Jigdillik.-^-K’eeep- 
tion of Mdhomed Akhar Khun at KahaL — Disuii.ssal of Haji Klnin. 
— His welcome at Kandahar. — His connexion witli the British.— 
His unclerstanding with Oulu.— His pursuit of Dt^st Alulmmed Khan. 


V I I , ^ • f 

# • • • 

• COiNTENTS. ' ■ • . ' XV 

#■■■■' FAOE 

— His final disposal — The Amir’s 4ispleasure with the Ghazni 
chiels*-“-2ierin Khan’s remark. — Motives of displeasure, — Eeifioval 
of Shamsadin Khan. — Reinonstranee of Kandahar Sirdans.— -Suppos- 
ed pkns of the Arnir,---The AiniVs exultation. • • 381 


Intercourse between Kabal and India. — Letters to Lord Auckland. 
< — Announcement of Captain Burnes’ mission. — -Letters from Cap- 
tain Wade. — Replies. — Ludiana Akbar. — Further letters from Cap- 
tain Wade. — Replies.— Persian Envoy, — Russian letters.— Mahom- 
ed Shah’s firman. — Haji Ibrahim’s private letter. — Captain Wade’s 
letters. — Kamber All’s difficulties. — Kandahar treaty. — Lieutenant 
Yektavich. — Mahomed Hiissdn’s arrival at Kflbal. — His ridiculous 
conversations. — Letters from Captain Burnes and Captain Wade. — 
Interview with the Amir. — Favourable dispositions of Ranjit Singh. 
— Night interview with the amir. — The Nawab’s counsel. — Lieu- 
tenant Pottinger’s departure from Kabal. — Remarks on his presence 
at Herat. — Siege of Herat. — Tlie Oovernor-generars warning off. — 
Results. ...... 


Captain Burnes’ notion of his mission. — Fallacy of opening tiie 
Indus. — Remarks on tMirnmerciul missions. — My eorres})ondenec. — 
Letters from Ca])tain Burnes. — His arrival in Kabal. — Defect in in- 
structions. — Captain VVkdo’s jealousy. — Obstaele.s,- — Advantages.— 
Statement of my views.^ — Favonrahle concurrences. 


Captain Burnes' conversations. — His humility. — Visit of Mirza 
Sami Khdn, — Resolutions of the am h* and hw atlvisens,— .I'heir dis- 
closure. — My dissent. — 'I'he Nawab’s opinion. — Nature of the «{ues- 
tion. — ■ Captain Burnes’ notice of proposals,-— Eeeommendatirais to 
Lord Auckland. — Unnecessary alarms of Fensia. — Captain Bunit.'s’ 
delusion as to the amir. — Captain Burnes’ neglect. — DisputtMjn 
prerogative, — Arrival of Velvtavich. — -His suspicious credentials." — 
Dismay of Ca])tain Burnes. — His imprudent admissions. — Hussen 

• 1 . 



All. — Opinions at KabaL— Repins of Goveritmeiit. — Despatch of 
Lieut. Le*ech to Kandahar. — Rejection of Dost Miihoined Khaifs 
proposals. — Perplexing state of the mission.—^bscnce of Na'wal).— 
Rage of Dost Mahomed Khan. — Unpleasant stay in Kabal. — Letter 
from the Chairman of the Court of Directors. — Interview -^ith %Iirza ♦ 
Sami Khan. — His remains. — Intimation to cpiitKabnl. — Durbar con- 
versations. — Determination to leave. — Proposals to seize Captain 
Burnes. Assault on my house. — Good-will of the inhabitants. — 
Parting interview with MirzaSami Kli^n. — Remarks on tlje mission. 

— The Afghanistan eorrespondence. — Delusive intelligence andro- 
ports.—- Object of Vektavich. — His reply to Dost Mahome<l Khan. 

— His return to Kandahar. — Abu Khan. — Haji Hiisseu Ali Khan, 
the Persian ambassador. . . . . , 451 



Progress to Peshawer,* — Captain Burnes summoned to Lahore. — 
Letter of Captain Burnes. — Reply of government. — Unsatisfuctory 
employment. — Letters of Captain Burnes. — Letter of JMr. IVIiunuigh- 
ten. — ^My recommendations. — Plans of the government. — Their <le- 
velopment.— Mr. Macnaghtcn volunteers his services.— Jd is career 
and fate.— Jew. — Dr. Lord’s Russian spy. — Captain Burnes’ n'pre- 
sentation to Lord Auckland. — Mr. Colvin’s note. — My su})missi(>n. — 
Offensive communications. — ^Resignation of service. — Excursion. — 
Journey to Lahore and Perozpur,— Passage down the river. — Mr. 
Macnaghten’s letter. — Interview with Sir Alexander Burnes. — Lord 
Auckland’s offers. — Captain Burnes’ insincerity, — Dr. Lord’s ac- 
count.— Sir Alexander Burnes’ account.— Application of Mr Mac- 
naghten.— Squabbles.— Conclusion. .... 4hZ 





Saiyad Keramat AH. — His adventure. — ^The Nawdb Jdb4r Khdn’s 
services. — Lieutenant Conolly. — Saiyad Maihin's reward. — 
Reasons for it. — Government proposal to Saiyad Keramat AIL 
—His communications with Captain Wade* — His recommend- 
ation. — Severity of the winter. — Indications of spring* — General 
thaw. — Warm and cold snow.— Destruction of houses. — Nazzar 
Baba Adam. — Vernal flowers. — Water-fowl. — Gnats. — Chukri. 
— Rawash. — Swelling of River.^ — Dost Mahomed Khan's order. 
— Waggish remark. — Earthquakes. — The Shakufa. — ^The Ar- 
ghawan. — Id Khurban.— Abdul Samad. — His arrival at KabaL 
— His seizure. — His release and employment. — His power.— 
Colonel Stoddart.- — Thunder showers. — Winds. — Progress of the 
season. — Eaiiy vegetables. — Leisure for inquiry. — Dost Maho- 
med Khan's celebrity. — His appearance at Ghazni, — His popu- 
larity with the people.- — Opinions of higher classes. 


A PEW days after my retisrn to KabaM was 
surprised by a visit from a person armouncing him- 
self as Saiyad Keramat AM, agent of the Supreme 
Government of India. He informed me of his 
travels, as companion of Lieutenant Arthur Conolly, 




• . 

and of his adventures at'KabaJ. It.apjx'an'd, that 
he had wished to preserve his iiH'oo-nito ; hut a 
letter, destined for Herat, having hi'en intereeptt'd, 
his existence, and the nature of his ('iiiplovui^Mit, . 
became revealed, jtnd he %vas consigned to tlu* 
bandi-khdna, or prison, of Dost Mahonu'd Khan. 
The Naw4b Jabar Khan embractal with alacrity 
the opportunity afforded of sliowing liis go(»d-\vill 
to Europeans, and to those connected M-ith them, 
and urged to his brothei-, that he had a singular 
.method of evincing his desire to cultivate a iViend- 
ship with the Sahiban of Hind, by placing the 
first of their agents sent to K;ibal in durance. 
The chief smiled, and admitted there was reason 
in the nawab’s rebuke, while ho called for the 
saiyad, that he might hear what ho had to say 
for himself. His tale was, that his sole business 
was to procure intelligence of Abbas JHfrm and 
his movements. Dost Mahomed Kh;\n observed, 
“Very good, they interest me also; take care not 
to write anything about me.” The nawfib joy- 
fully carried off the saiyad, and installed him in 
apartments of his own house, where, under that 
good man’s protection, ho securely and unre- 
servedly prosajuted his vocations. 

As the appointment of this saiyad |)roved tln^ 
first step in the intercourse between the Govern- 
ment o£ India and the Barak Zai chiefs, it may 
he profitable to note the causes loading to it, and 
to explain its nature. Lieutenant Arthur Oouolly’s 


I % 



tmvels are before the public. 1 hav(i junt'r reuil 
them, but am aVarc that he ox]wrk‘ncc<l <1iirK‘uIti<‘x 
at Heriit, which were relieved b| a saiyad nf l‘e- 
•shir^, jyiaihln Bluvh, who accompauied him to (al- 
cutta, and was munificently rewarded. Ah tin? 
saiyad was considered, in Afghanistan, to havt' as 
much profited by the necessities of I jiinitenunt 
Conolly as to have assisted him, th{‘ t'xtraordi- 
nary liberality shown to him was nnxttvr of sur- 
prise ; nor did I fully understaml it, until 1 was 
told by that oflicer himself, in 1840, that the saiya<l, 
had the merit of having served a <'onne.vion tif 
the then Mr. Secretary IMacnaghten. It is fair 
to add, that the saiyad has not }troved himH<4f 
unworthy or ungrateful for the bounties he re- 
ceived ; however, he might have been less favour- 
ably noticed had he been useful to any other in- 

As the Government had interested itself as re- 
garded Saiyad Maihin, it was also bound to extend 
its patronage to Saiyad Iveramat All, the com- 
panion of Lieutenant Conolly ; and it was proposed 
to him that he should I'epair to Kandahar, and 
furnish, from time to time, reports on the pro- 
ceedings of Abbas Mlrza. I believS the Goveim- 
ment at that time attached Mttle consequence to 
the movements of the crown prince of Persia, and 
adopted merely the suggestion of the saiyad lijm- 
self, who objected, however, to Kandahai-, and pre- 
ferred Kabal, which was assented to, with ^ an in- 

• • • 


junction that he was not even to report what 
passed there. After the saiyad was established 
firmly in Kdbal, and had more or less intercourse 
with parties there, he introduced certain, mister . 
in his reports, for which he was rebuked by Captain 
Wade, the political agent at Ludiana, to whom 
they were addressed ; but, subsequently, that func- 
tionary informed him that such subjects would be 
agreeable, as well as any remarks he might make 
on them ; and, thus encouraged, no doubt the 
.saiyad did as he was wished to do. 1 can state, 
on his own authority, that he recommended the 
formation of a Presidency, the capital of which 
he suggested should be Haidarabad in Sind. 

The saiyad was more liberal in religious opinions 
than was, perhaps, necessary or decent ; and, as the 
month of Ramazdn came on, I had much of his 
company, owing to his aversion to fasting, which, 
to save appearances, it was not right to display 
in the nawab’s house. 

Throughout January and February the rigour 
of the season was excessive. Without thermo- 
meter, I could not verify the depression of tempe- 
rature, but its effects demonstrated it must have 
been very loW. Copper vessels bui’st during the 
nights, and wine, a raS’e occurrence, was frozen. 

In the last days of February a thaw took place, 
an4 on* the 1st of March a swallow was observed, 
and hailed as an omen of the approach of spring. 
About ^the middle of Febi'uary wild ducks and 


sparrows were exposed for %ale in the bazars, and 
shortly afterwards p^ak, or spinach, was pro- 
curable, with the tender shoots of the fish plant, 
here ^nijjloyed a,s vegetables, and gathered fi’om 
the sun-exposed skirts of the hills. 

With the month of March an evident change 
* in the weather was perceptible. Water no longer 
froze, while showers of mingled snow and I’ain fell. 
\ Towards Noh Roz a general thaw commenced, and 
, although pure snow descended so late as 21st 
^ March, it did not remain on the soil. It is es- 
teemed fortunate by agriculturists when winter is 
accompanied by large quantities of snow, which 
is supposed both to promote the fecundity of the 
earth and to protect the grain sown in autumn, 
from which the spring crops are matured. Two 
kinds of snow are, however, distinguished, the warm 
and cold ; the first is beneficial, the last prejudicial. 
Warm snow, in fact, implies pure snow, and cold 
snow, frozen, or iced snow. To the inhabitants of 
the city an excess in the flaky supply is not only 
inconvenient but induces more serious evil. Now 
that a thaw took place, in consequence of the mud 
walls of the buildings having become completely 
saturated with moisture, their foundfftions yielded 
to the pressure of the weight above them, and 
very many houses fell in. Each accident was an- 
nounced by a tremendous crash. In my neighbour- 
hood two or three dwellings were involved in ruin. 

It was consolatory amid these casualties to know 



I 1 . 


6 tURAL FESTIVAL. ^ ^ • 

that little or no perso'nal , injury was sustained by 
the inhabitants ; a conservative power seemed to 
watch over huinan life. Children, as usual in cases 
of calamity, paraded the roofs of the tenevient^, 
invoking the intercession with heaven of their 
Prophet and saints. 

On the 28th March the fields in the country 
were so free from snow that the annual rural 
festival, called Nazzar, or olFering to Baba Adam, 
was celebrated. On this occasion the zamhidars, 
or cultivators, yoke , their oxen to their ploughs, 
and exercise the cattle, initiatory to the labours 
of the year. The day is closed in festivity. 

Dry frosts distinguished the beginning of A])ril, 
and water once or twice was slightly ice<l ovt'r. 

I was now able to extend my walks withotit the 
gates, and watch the starting into life of the vari<ms 
spring flowers which embellish the meadows and 
the skirts of the hills. Of numerous species the 
earlier w'ere bulbs. The first wdiich appears i.s 
called Gul Noh Roz, the flow'er of thc^ new yi'ur. 
It bears a minute yellow blossom, but is so abun- 
dant as to clothe with a golden garl.) the lower 
eminences, on which it delights. Water-fowl w(>re 
now plentiful in the marshes about the city, wliii-h 
were frequented by khe shikaris, or fowlers, 'flu' 
sird&’s falconers would w^ado in the water, and 
ocoasionally let fly their hawks. I oliserved an- 
other mode employed to counteract the shyness 
of the birds. Two men with jisals, .long heavy 



f #> 



muskets, would creep Ijehind a bullock, directed 
towards the fowlf, and when sufficiently near, fire 
leisurely over the animal’s back at them. In this 
nK)nth*mSny of the birds that retired at the ap- 
proach of wintei’, again made their appearance ; 
swallows, pigeons, wagtails, and the murg suli- 
man ; the lark also renewed his carols. Flies, 
gnats, and at length the butterfly, flitted in the 
vernal sunshine. Gnats are not generally trouble- 
some at Kabal, but about this time vast numbers 
are g’enerated on the margins of the marshes and 
swamps. In the evening, when myriads are on 
the wing, it is prudent to avoid them. About 
the middle of April chukri, or the green leaf- 
stalks of the rhubarb-plant, were brought from the 
hills of Paghmdn. In a week they were followed 
by rawdsh, or the tended and blanched stalks. The 
inhabitants rejoiced at the presence of one of their 
luxuries. The coriander-plant, cultivated in the 
gardens of the city, was now seen in the markets, 
being made to serve as a vegetable. On the 10th 
of the month, April, the river flowing through the 
city was so swollen by melted snows, that appre- 
hensions were raised that it would inundate its 
banks. Much alarm prevailed, and “the residents 
in the quarters most exposed to danger removed 
their effects, many to the Balia Hissar. The houses 
of my Armenian friends were crammed with ,the 
chattels of their acquaintance. Public criers pro- 
claimed throughout the bazars the sird^’s orders, 


r ^ 

that every person should bring four stones to con- 
tribute to the construction and renewal of the 
bands, or barriers. It was waggishly remarked, 
that had Dost Mahomed Khdn ordered' sell sam^- 
or three instead of four stones, compliance would 
have been general. It is customary with Afghans 
expelling their wives, to cast in succession three 
stones on the ground, at the same time exclaim- 
ing “ Yek tilMk,— do tillak,— sell tilkik or, once 
divorce, twice divorce, thrice divorce. The same 
observance is usual on the dissolution of fricndsbiji, 
or connexion with any one. On the 17th April 
a slight earthquake engaged momentary attention ; 
on the 19th April a very smart one succeeded. I 
had become somewhat accustomed to these phe- 
nomena, yet not altogether reconciled to them. Ifc 
is esteemed correct and deferential to the will of 
heaven to sit tranquil during their occurrence. As 
the rafters of my chamber quivered and rattled over 
my head, I could not but fancy that it M'as saf(>r 
to be outside. Commonly the shock is so transient 
that It has passed as soon as felt. Willows ln<| 
now become leafed, and many of the trevs l.egln 
to display incipient foliage. The chief attra<>ti<m 
of this monfe, however, was the shakufa, or bh.s- 
sommg of the fruit-trees. The orchard.s were 

to witness, and luxuriate in 
the delightful visions they exhibited. The environs 
of the city have, indeed, at this time a bea.itiful 
appearance, but imagination can scarcely jiicture 

the arghawan.' g 

the enchanting prospects afforded by the pic- 
turesque valleys of Paghman and Koh Daman. 
In the^ flower-gardens, and at ziarats, the narkis, 
or- narpisshs, and the zambak, of sweet-flag, ex- 
panded into bloom; and on the hills the lala, or 
wild tulip, charmed with its infinite variety. At 
some few of the ziarats the splendid arghawan- 
tree, arrayed in clusters of red flowers, produced 
in the scenery of the hills almost a magic effect. 
This tree, sparingly found at Kabal, as at Panjali 
Sh^h Mirdan, Jeh^n Baz, Kheddar, and Baber 
Badshah, abounds at the locality of Seh Yaran, or 
the Three Friends, and betw^een it and Tope Dara, 
in the neighbourhood of Ch4rik& in the Kohistan' 
The spot is, moreover, commemorated by Baber, 
who ordered the construction of a summer-house* 
and planted some chanar, or plane-trees at it, pos- 
sibly those which are now to be seen there. Com- 
manding an extensive view, it was adapted to the 
indulgence of his festive recreations, and enabled 
him in season to enjoy the fairy-like prospect of 
the flowering arghawans. These cover the rising 
gi’ounds to the skirts of the hills, and owing to the 
space over which they are spread, in blossom pro- 
duce a truly gorgeous scene, which ^may be ex- 
plained perhaps by the native- assertion, that the 
plain is on fire. I am not certain what tree the 
arghawin may be, nor of its native soil, for it. is 
a stranger at Seh YMn, and thence was introduced 
into the ziarats of Kabal. The stems and branches 



are covered with clusters of flowers, of a bright pink 
hue, followed by seed-pods. The leaves someA\'hat 
resemble those of the lilac-tree. Baber, or his 
translator, mentions, I believe, two ai-g-hl(w;yis, th(‘ 
red and the yellow. The latter is a very difh'rent 
plant, and called arghawan unjustly. It is <‘onmii()n 
on all the plains of the countr}’, also on those' of 
Balochisttn, and Persia. In the latter jvg-ion it 
is named mahak. It is a shrubby plant, bearing 
clusters of yellow pea-like flowers, with compound 
alternate leaves. It is one of the very numerous 
natural objects whose beauty is not prized ))ecuusc 
it is not rare. The arghawan is a small tree. 

At the close of April the celebration of tlie Id 
Khurban, or great AMliomedan festival in comme- 
moration of the triumph of the faith of Abraluim, 
gave an opportunity for the display of much pomp' 
and festivity. The day was ushered in witli s;ilntes 
of artillery, and the sirdai-, in state, repaired to the 
Id Gkh without the city, and repeated public 
prayers. He took advantage of the occasion to 
confer a handsome khelat, or dress of honotir, tnau, 

the notorious Abdul Samad. 

This man, it may be noted, arrived ifom Po- 
sh W during March. A profligate adveninrer, 
ongnia y of Tabrez,* he had flagrantlv si»itaiised 
himself in every country he had visited, as'weil as 
m M native land, which he was comjiellml to fly 
He had been at Bagdad, in India, Sind, and the 

had ingratiated himself in 

. ' ' ABDUL SAMAD. I 11 

the favour of Sultan Mahomed Khan, and had been 
appointed to raise* a battalion of infantry. His 
unprincipled actions and his audacity had made 
him ma|iy §nemies, and fearing thd result of some 
discussions which had originated, he decamped, and 
contrived to reach Kabal. Dost Mahomed Khan 
was not satisfied that his fear of Sultan Mahomed 
Khfin was real, and suspected that he came with some 
sinister purpose, in concert with that chief. After 
receiving him in the most com-teous manner, he 
ordered him and his property to be seized. The 
sird& had, indeed, been told that Abdul Samad 
possessed some fifty thousand ducats. The confis- 
cation brought to light about six hundred rupees, 
and the sirdar felt ashamed at his unprofitable 
breach of hospitality. Abdul Samad had not been 
idle. Although confined, he had, through the me- 
dium of a female singer, and superannuated Kin- 
chini, interested in his favour one of the sirdar’s 
wives, the mother of Mahomed Akbar Khan. He 
caused to be represented to her, how useful be 
might prove in case of accident to the sirdar, in 
securing the succession to her son, who could not 
hope to sit in his father’s place without opposition 
from his iincles, and even from his brothers. The 
fond mother induced her soft to sixpport Abdul 
Samad, who was not only released, but an ill- 
formed battalion, under one Shah Mahomed Klt»n, 
was transferred to him, with instructions to or- 
ganize and perfect it. The adventurer soon became 

I ■ 9 ' % i 


as absolute at Kabal*as Jie bad been at Peslutwer, 
and his ascendancy seemed to pr^ive Dost IMahoined 
Khan in no wise superior to his brotlicr as to 
sense or principle. If it were wished 'to ’believe 
that the Kdbal chief was a good man, his connec- 
tion with Abdul Samad belies the supposition, and 
establishes the reverse. Cognizant of his many 
enormities, he could only have retaiiu'd him as a 
fit and ^ ready instrument of villany. a'herc must 
have been no little congeniality of disposition in 
. the bosom of the sirdar, to have caused him, on the 
account of so profligate a character, to enduno-er his 
own reputation, and set public o])inion at dcdiance 
It would have been entirely needless to have no- 
ticed such a man in these pages had he not subse- 

I shall have occasion hereafter again to mention 
m, and to allude to the circumstances which led 

okhara, and, strange to say, became as jmwer- 
01 evi there as he had been at Kabul or 

Peshawer,--undoubtedly from ministering to the in- 
dulgence of the impure habits which <llgrace t > 
present ruler. From the accounts which have tran- 
spired concerning th^ detention and treatment of 

IT countryman. Colonel Stoddart, I fear lu' has 
suffered muol, 

nowtbsuadtog there are statemeirte, if . e't b 
ter. freer the ^rforteeate officer hir^eCe te rte 


I • 





purport that Abdul Samad had befiaended' him. 
To be befriended Isy such a man is in itself cala- 

The fno®tb of May commenced* with unsettled 
and variable weather. Showers of rain, and more 
than once of hail, occurred, accompanied by thunder. 
Thoug-h constant repetition in the plain of Peshawer, 
and sometimes extending’ over Jelalabad, thunder- 
storms are rare at Kabal. The opening of spring 
and the close of autumn may be marked by them. 
May was also characterized by violent winds from 
the north and north-west, dreaded by the proprie- 
tors of orchards. Rose-trees during this month 
unfold their blossoms, and many other flowers in- 
crease the interest of walks amid the gardens. 
Baber Bddshah becomes now delightful ; but it is 
not until June that the floral beauties of Kabal 
are well developed, or that its groves are fully in- 
vested with foliage. In the middle of May lettuces 
make a grateful addition to the vegetable stores of 
the bazar, and unripe plums and apricots, here eaten 
by all classes, nor deemed unwholesome, pour into 
the markets. Cresses, radishes, and cucumbers are 
also abundant. 

The leisure which my sojourn at Kabal during 
this period afforded, gave me an opportunity of be- 
coming better acquainted with the opinions held 
of Dost Mahomed Khan, as w’ell as of acqiiiring 
a knowledge of his career in life, which before I 
possessed but imperfectly. As he has since pro- 



minently engaged much public attention, even out 


of his own country, a brief stetch of his history 
may not be considered by many out of j»Ia(‘c, espe- 
cially as erroneous estimates of his clraraPter <are 
perhaps generally entertained, and circumstances 
have given to him a celebrity to which neither his 
virtues nor ability entitled him ; ho^vc'v('r, as an 
Afghan ruler he may have been res])ecta)>le, tuul 
even better than most of his contem])ora.ries. 

When I first saw him at Ghazni, in ISi/", he 
was tall and spare, his countenance ovidentiv indi- 
cating that he had his cares. He was distinguished 
by his plain white linen attire, in remarkable con- 
trast to the dashing gold-embroidered cloaks and 
vestments of his surrounding chiefs. Amongst the 
lower classes of his subjects he was d{'ci<ledly })o- 
pular; and at that time I had no opportunity of 
ascertaining the sentiments of people in higher 
life. On our road from Kandahar, as wo met 
people and inquired the news of K<il)al, wo had 
but one reply, that it was “abad wa fernnan,” 
flourishing and plentiful. There was but one opinion 
expressed, that the prosperity Avas due to the “ in- 
saf,” or justice of Dost Mahomed Khan. After 
reaching K^al, strolling one day towards the mea- 
dows of Chah^ Dehf I heard one man complain to 
another, that some person had thrown hi.s chihl 
from the roof, and thereby broken its arm. Ih' 
was asked, if Dost Mahomed Khan was dead ? No 
remark was more frequently repeated, in retort to 




. • / 



complaints of injustice, than .that Dost Mfitioined 
Khan was alive. TSiese instances prove the estima- 
tion in which he was held by certain classes of his 
peoj)le. . I soon discovered that hen\%s in no such 
repute with his relatives and dependent chiefs, who 
entertained a very different opinion of him and of 
his virtues. They considered his pretended mode- 
ration and love of justice as mere cloaks to liis 
ambitious policy, and as semblances necessary to 
keep his followers together, and to prevent them 
from ^intriguing and combining with his brothers 
cit Kaiidaliar and Posliawer. 


f ' * 




Sirafrfz Khan.— Dost Mahomed Khan’s mother.— llor charms 
and attractions — Dost Mahomed Khan’s neglected education— 
Fati Khdn’s revenge of his father’s death — His successes and 
elevation— Youth of Dost Mahomed Kluln— Mdimmcd Azem 
Khan— The Vazlr’s jealousy and remark.— Dost Maliomed 
Khan s perfdy — Seeks refuge in the royal camp. — Mahomed 
Azem Khan pacified.— Dost Mfihomed Khan’s acquaintance 
with Jai Singh— Laxity of Fat! Khan.— Jai Singh’.s Hi, -lit to 
Peshawer— Fati Khfin’s policy.-Tajiks of the Kohistan.-Their 

condition.— Dost Mahomed Khan appointed to the Kohistaii 

His proceedings.— Khwoja Khanji inveigled and slain— Slauirh- 
ter of Koh Daman chiefs — Treatment of robber chiefs — 
Improved state of Koh Daman.-Fatf Khan’s advance upon 
Taghow.— Fat! Khan’s caution.— Recovery of Kashmir— The 
Vazirs mtemew with Ranjit Singh.-Atak sold to Ranjit 
^ of Haidaro— Dost Mahomed Khfin’s gallantry, 

-Fak Khans military talent.-His suspicious conduct— 
Activity of his enemies.— Expedition projected— Fati Khan’s 
return to labal.— His triumph over his enemies. -March to 

Sr 7 S' 

omed Khan.-Relieves his necessities.-Seizure of Firoz 
m. — Dost Mahomed Khdn’s criminal conduct. — Fli.rht to 

- His character.- His Wily 
0 Fati Khan — Fati .Kha.n’s supposed views. — Popuiar con- 
jectures— Shahzdda Kdmrdn prompted to action.— His sisier's 

apprehension and remark State 

0 Afghanistan— Fati Khfln’s seizure the signal for the’ dis- 
solution of the monarchy.-Pfir Dil Khan made prisoner^ 

4 . 




A ^ 







Shahzada Kamran.— Made mir of the Barak Zai tribe.' — Escapes 
to Andffi. — Hiji J^han declines the Shdhzada’s offers. — J oins 
Fur Dil Khin.- — Sons of Sirafrdz Khan. — List and disposition 
of them. 

Do^ Mahomed Khan is one of the younger 
sons of Sirafraz Khan, the Barak Zai sirdar, 
slain by order of Shah Zem4n at Kandah&, in 
1799. Like all good Durani chiefs, Sirafraz Khan 
had many wives, of all classes and descriptions, 
and by them a numerous progeny. The mother 
of Dost Mahomed Khan was of a .Jiianshir 
family, and it may be presumed handsome and • 
engaging, as she was latterly the most favoured 
lady of the haram, and the only one who, in 
her tour of conjugal duty, when her lord was on 
marches, had the power to retain him in her 
company until the morning, on which account 
the troops blessed her, and would have been 
pleased if it had always been her tour, for they 
enjoyed their rest, which was sadly disturbed in the 
case of his other wives, for, seemingly to get away 
from them, the old sird& would march at midnight. 

At the time Sirafr^ Khan was slain he had 
twenty-two sons living. Dost Mahomed Khan, 
and his only full, and younger brother, Amir Ma- 
homed Khan, were then m^e children. To the 
loss of his father at so early an age may be partly 
ov/ing that the future chief of Kabal was allowed 
to grow up untutored and illiterate. Fati *Kfian, 
the elder son of Sirafi’az Khan, who, if some 





accounts be correct, w|is more guilty tliaii his sire, 
fled to Andali, the family' castle ^ on the Ilelmaud, 
and the next year, in concert with Shalizada ]klah- 
mud, took Kandahar, and the year following the 
dispersal of the royal army at Nani made him 
master of Kabal, and subsequently of the ]t('rson 
of Shah Zemdn, whose loss of sight atom'd for 
a similar injury previously inflicted l)y him upon 
Shahzada Humaiiin. 

The fortunate Mdhmud l)eeame investe<l with 
regal power, and tlie adventurous Fati Khan with 
the dignity of Vazir. This order of things wiis 
not, however, so firmly established hut that it was 
overthrown by a new revolution, which phua'd on 
the throne Siljdh al Millkh, a full brotluu- of Shah 
Zeman. The blinded prince was release<l fro}n 
captivity, and Shah Mahmud took his place. In 
course of time the latter found means to escape ; 
and Fati Khfin, ever ready for bold emprise, by 
another desperate effort, effected the (‘xpulsion 
of Shah Sujah al Mulkh. I have no nmrt^ than 
alluded to these events, because up to this time 
Dost Mahomed Khan was not yet heard of, indeed 
was too young to take share in them, or otherwise 
to attract attention. On the second assumption 
of power by Shah Mahmud he was advancing in 
youth, and was always about the ponson of"" his 
brother the Vazlr, rather as a dependant than a 
relative, performing even menial offices, such as 
serving him with wine, and preparing his chillam. 


• , f 





The course of events led tbe court to Peslunver ; 


when Dost Mahoihed Khan first brought himself 
into notice by an atrocious deed, which well marked 
hig reckless and daring dispositioif. Amongst the 
many brothers of the vazir, Mahomed Azem .Ivhaii, 
of nearly the same age, was distinguished by his 
dignified deportment and propriety of conduct. 

He was also veiy attentive in the administration 
of his affairs. The vazir, so indifferent to his 
personal matters that frequently no dinner was 
prepared for him, and his horses were standinsr 

O ^ 

without barley, was piqued at the better manage- 
ment of his brother, and felt annoyed wlien he 
heard him lauded. He imputed the prosperous 
condition of his establishments to the ability of 
the sahibkax’, or steward, Mirza Ali Khhn, who, he 
used to observe, had made a “ shaks,” or man, of his 
brother. One day, exhilarated by wine, he ex- 
claimed, “ W ould to God that some one would kill 
Mirza Ali, and deliver me from dread of IMahomed 
Azem Khan.” Dost Mahomed Khan, present, asked 
if he should kill the mirza; the vazir replied 
“ Yes, if you can.” Next morning. Dost Mahomed 
Khan placed himself on the road of the mirza, 
in the bazar of Peshawer, and as he proceeded to 
pay his respects to his employdl-, accosted him with 
“How are you, Mirza?” placed one hand upon 
his waist-shawl, and with the other thrust a dagger 
into his bosom. He immediately galloped off, not 
to the quarters of the vazir, but to the tent of 

c 2' 


I c 



Ibr^im Khan, Jemshidi,, a sirdar of note, and in 
favour with Shah Mahmud. Here he was within 
the circle of the royal tents, and it would luive 
been indecorous ’to have removed liim : j.V rhjips his 
reason for seeking refug-e there. Maliomed Azmn 
Khan was naturally incensed upon ht'aring ol' the 
catastrophe, and vowing that nothing' but Dost 
Mahomed Khdn’s blood could atone for that of 
his ill-fated mlrzia, in violent anger sought the 
vazir. That profligate man expressed his contrition 
that an accidental remark made by him, in his cups, 
should have caused the perpetration of so foul a 
crime, but pointed out, that the nu'rza could not 
be recalled to life; that Dost IMtihonied was still a 
biother; that if it were determined to punish him 
he could not be taken from his asylum ; that the 
impure habits of Shah Mahmud and his son Kam- 
ran were known to all, and if Dost Mahomed, a 
beardless youth, was left in their ])ower, fresh causes 
of ridicule and reproach, were likely to aris<.> to the 
family, what had been done, could not be undone: 
it was prudent, therefore, to foi-giit the i>ust, and 
avert the evil consequences of the futurr*. By 
^ch representations and arguments, Mahonu-d 
Azem KhAn suffered himself to b<' p('rsuad(>d, the 
mu'za was forgottefl, and Dost iMahome.l Khdn 
was brought from the protection of Ibrahim Ivhan, 
Whidi. The youth had deveIope<l talent of 
ig order, and his retinue was increased by 
the Vazfr from three or four horsemen to twenty. * 



It. ?: * 

o i *' 




About this time the ^acquaintance of Dost Ma- 
homed KhSn wit?i the Sikhs commenced, and in 
a manner which deserves notice, as throwing light 
on th|^ cdurse of his early life. "ll can be easily 
imagined, that the example of the dissolute Fati 
Khan must have had a pernicious effect on the 
morals and habits of those immediately about him, 
and Dost Mahomed Khan may claim commiseration 
when it is considered that he was elevated to man- 
hood amid the disgraceful orgies of his brother. 
Great suspicion attaches to the character of Fati 
Khan personally, and it is believed that in his 
youth he had made himself subservient to the vilest 
passions of many. It was also remarked, that until 
he felt himself securely fixed in power, he did 
not object to an acquaintance between the depraved 
Shah Mahmud and his younger brothers, and to 
such an acquaintance a degree of opprobrium was 
attached by the world, even if unjustly. Jai Singh, 
brother of Naial Singh, Attari Wala, was deputed 
by Ranjit Singh on a mission to Peshawer, and there 
became acquainted, the Sikhs say, enamoured of 
Dost Mahomed Khan. An endless succession of 
feasts and entertainments, of riotous debauches and 
nautches, in the Bagh Ntira Kh^ka, testified to the 
friendship between the old Sikh chieftain and the 
youthful Durani. Jai Singh on his return to La- 

hore was suspected of having formed too close, an 
intimacy with the vazir, and being otherwise dis- 
trusted by Ranjit Singh, he thought it prudent to fly. 



and with forty horsemsn CSikhs) he arrived, for the 
second time, at Peshttwer. He and Ids followers 
now swelled the retinue of Dost Mahomed Ivlian. 

The vazir, on his first accession t(> and 

power, had to contend with tiu‘ o.,vat lun’editary 
sirdars of the Dilrani clans, who naturallv opixtsed 
his advancement. Many of these \v(nv men of 
energy and ability, but these ((ualifies wer<« com- 
bined with that remarkable sim[dicity which .au- 
vades the Diirini character. The' vazir, hv vio- 
lence or by fraud, was enabled to ivmove 'many 
of them. His ejectment n-as caused hv a con'- 
federacy of the Sum leaders of Kdbal; and on his 
re-accession to power he judge*! it e.xp<.,lient for 
Its maintenance, to destroy them, f'p to the close 
of the rei> of Sh4h Zemdn, it does not appear 
that the Tajiks of the Kohistan i^xcited much no- 
tice, probably remitting an easy tributi>, and en- 
gaged in their internal disputes. From every ac- 
count, it would appear that from thm'r feuds am! 
violence of character their country was in an 
awful state of distraction. But tlu>v limi heconu' 
inured to warfare, had become sui.plie<l with fi.v- 
ai-ms and had learned the use of them, and umler 

ledirection-of able chieftains, formed in t!u> tur- 
bulent times in which they lived, had I.ecom.. un- 
doubtedly formidable. In sniritmil ■ -i 

urns, they paid i„piieit obcUuiico to their l„,Iv 

me„ahed«enda„taofrovorc.,.fa.„ilie.,vh„ hud 

for centonos been eslabUshed iu the eountry. The 


0 '4 



celebrated Mir Wais availed* himself of their pow- 
erful aid, and their tumultuous but gallant bands 
rolled ^ from their hills and vallej^ as a deluge 
upon the city. Fati Khdn was compelled to yield, 
for the time, to the storm. Again in power, it 
behoved him, he thought, to guard against its re- 
currence. It was in conformity to his general plans 
of assuring the stability of his ascendency, that he 
placed the governments of the country in the hands 
and trust of his brothers. The peculiar taleirt 
and promise evinced by Dost Mahomed Khdn emi- , 
nently fitted him for the arduous task of arranging 
the factions of the Kohistdn ; and he was appointed 
hakam, or governor. He was accompanied by his 
old friend Jai Singh when he marched to assume 
his charge. It would be too tedious to recount 
the various events which happened in the Kohistan 
of KAbal, consequent on Dost Mahomed Khfin’s 
appointment. It will be sufficient to allude to & 
few of them, and to note the general results. 

Dost Mahoihed Khan exercised all his ability ; 
gaining his ends by stratagem or by foi-ce, but 
never employing the latter when the former was 
sufficient. Some of the obnoxious chiefs he in- 
veigled by Korans and false oaths ; ’others, by in- 
termarriages,— a means not unfrequently resorted 
to by Duranis, to get their enemies into their 
power, when other wiles have failed. In tliis» nrode 
he obtained a wife from Perwan, and dislocated 
the union of its chiefs, slaying some, and despoiling 


r ■ 

r *»'. 

r * / 



the others. The sturdy deaders, of the Kohistan, 
were successively circumvented and disposed of. 
One of the most potent and cautious, Khwoja 
Khanji, of Ivarrezai, was nearly tlu' only o»^.e who 
remained, and he had rejected every overture, and 
i-efused to attend upon any consideration tlu' c:imp 
of the sirddr. It was felt by Dost IMahomed 
Khan that nothing was done while Khwoja Khanji 
remained in being, and he redoubled liis extaiions 
to ensnare him. He sent Koran after Koran ; en- 
gaged to many his daughter ; but couhl not (-nt ice 
the old chieftain from his castle. I’he Kliwoj'a, 
like every man in the Kohistan, had emnnit's. I’lie 
chief most inimical to him, was in attendance ujion 
Dost Mahomed Khan. This Sirdar, as a last nu'ans 
of winning the confidence of tlie Khwoja, put his 
enemy to death, claiming the mmit of having 
proved the sincerity of his desire to become friendly 
with him at the risk of incurring disgract* in the 
eyes of the world. The murder took j)laco at 
Baiyan, and Dost IMahomed Khan invited the 
Khwoja to meet him, an<l cement their frimxlly 
understanding, at the castle of his former foe. ’;rh<^ 
Khwoja was now overcome, and to fidfil his des- 
tiny, repaired to Baiyan. He came, howevt*r, with 
a most numerous retinue. Dost JMahoimsI Khan 
received him with all politeness and humility ; a 
tho'usand protestations of friendsliip and service; 
flowed from his lips; he addressed the old man as 
his f^her, and, it may be, lulle<l bis sus[>icions. 


At night Dost Mahomed .IChin took the hand of 
the Khwoja, and le*d him within the castle, that 
he might witness the preparation of an inventory 
of the effects of the slain, observing, that it was 
necessary, as the Khwoja knew what a particular 
man the vazir was. As soon as the castle was 
entered the gates were closed, and as the Khwoja 
passed into an apartment, said to be the tosha khana, 
Dost Mahomed KlAn gave the signal, in Turki, to 
his Kazilbash attendants, who cut their victim 
down. His head, severed from his body, was throAra 
fi’om the battlements amongst his followers. In the 
first transports of their indignation they commenced 
an attack upon the castle, but disunited and discon- 
certed, they retired before morning. Dost Mahom- 
ed Kh^n was left at leisure to rejoice in his victory, 
and the triumph of his dexterity. 

The government of the sird& comprised the 
Koh Daman as well as the Kohistan; and there 
was ample room for the exercise there also of his 
tact and severity. The slaughter of eight chiefs 
on the same day at Chai'lkar, might serve to allay 
the apprehensions of the vazir for the future, 
while it promised to guarantee the tranquillity of 
the country. Saiyad Ashrat Khan, of Huplan, was 
deemed too powerful to be allowed to live; and 
many others, although not equally dreaded, met a 
similar fate. While these murders, which may be 
called political ones, were in train of commission, 
the vigilance of the sirdar was more honourably 


directed to the suppression of the ro],i)er chiefs 
who, with organized hands, devastated the country 
or infested the communications. These particular- 
ly prevailed in the parts of the Koh Daman ne-n' 
Kdbal. The robber chiefs and their gungs’Jem 
natives of the villages, and resided <.penly in them 
and exercised, with the knowhalgv of' all, their 
furtive profession. Society was on (he point of 
becoming disorganized comidettdy had not a reme<iy 
been applied. To these di‘si)eradoes Dost Affi- 
homed Khan adopted a more .indicious ami manly 
hue of conduct. He tendertsl them forgiveness for 
the past, if they resumed hoiu'st ami lawful occupa 
tions; if they persisted in their habits of nipine 
to be blown from the cannon’s month wtis flu* 
nalty of their crime and contumacy. ,Hanv accent- 
ed the indemnity offered, ami even engagc;i in the 
sirdars service; others were s])e<.<lilv taken ami put 
to death. In process of time the Koh Daman was 
brought to a state of order and security; surprising 
because it had never been known befmv t,> e.vis^ 
there These important transactions weiv not ef- 
fected altogether without a display of force; par- 
tial revolts had often made it nei-essary t<, Kum- 
mo- troops from Kibal, but no very sJrious <-011- 

Dost mT tull-brother of 

Dost Mahomed_ Khan, Amir Mahomed Khan, who 

had, been appointed hakam at the citv ii 

marched to the assistance of his brother T ^ 
instance Shah Jn <,,,0 

Mahmud, in person, with the vazir 


FATI khan’s caution'. 27 

Fati Khan, entered the Kohistdn ; having made a 
demonstration in ftiat quarter, the army moved 
towards Nijrow and Taghow. At the entrance of 
the* two^'aHeys a few men in a tower, called Btirj 
Sakhi, ventured to oppose its progress. A panic 
seized the troops, who fled, abandoning their equi- 
page. Want of provender and provisions was 
alleged to justify the retreat, but possibly some 
unexplained cause led to it. 

It was a maxim with the vazir not to allow his 
brothers to remain too long in governments, both 
that they might not become too rich, and that they 
should not forget their dependence on him. Fie 
therefore sometimes recalled Dost M^iomed Khan 
to his presence. Amir Mahomed Khan ofliciated 
during his absence, whether occasioned by the pre- 

caution of the vazir, or that the services of Dost 
Mahomed Khln were required elsewhere. 

The vazir was accustomed to exclaim “ Oh ! 
that God would deliver into my hands Kashmir 
and HerE; the former that I might possess its 
revenues, the latter, that my enemies might have 
no place of refuge.” A financial operation, the 
coinage of base rupees, enabled him to march 
upon Kashmii-, which he recovered from Atta Ma- 
homed Khan, Bami Zai, and *his brother-in-law- 
In this expedition Dost Mdhomed Khan was pre- 
sent. The vazir, before he entered the hqppy 
valley, had an interview with Ranjit Singh on 
the bank of the Jelam, the Sikh chief crossing 

28 'battle at haidabo. 

tlie river. Here Dost. Mahoiiu'd Kliau liad au 
opportunity of evincing his iiistijictive propensity 
of desiring to punish any one vhose folly induced 
him to place himself in the ])0Avcr of hi^s rival or 
enemy, by a significant wink to the vazir that 
the Sikh was at his mercy. After the surrender 
of Kashmhr, which the vazir eonfidt'd to his bro- 
ther, Mahomed Azem Khan, .Tehandad Khan, the 
brother of the displaced xVtta IMahonu'd Khan, 
surrendered for a pecuniary eonsi<lerution the for- 
tress of Atak, of importance from its site to Ranjit 
Singh. The vazir was induced to atteniitt its re- 
covery, and engaged a Sikh army, covering it at 
Haidaro. In this action Dost Mahomed Khan, at 
the head of a large body of horse, led the van, 
broke the Sikh line, and carried tlieir guns. His 
troops thought the victory decided, and dispersed 
to plunder ; the Sikhs rallied, and the vazir, who 
should have been ready to have sujiported the bat- 
tle, had fled, having been told that Dost iritihomed 
Khan was slain. This chief had no alternative 
but to follow; gaining an increase of ri'putation, 
however, by bringing off the vazir’s abandoned 
guns. Fati Khan, while his personal bravery <'an 
hardly be "impeached, was very unsuccessful as a 
general ; indeed, he lost nearly every act ion in 
which he fought, and triumphed gimm-ally ovei 
hisMoes by dispersing them without combat. The 
means by which he contrived to succeed lan'ng 
inoperative against an external foe, tlu' chance 


■ 'T,;- 


is, that his reputation would •have been impaired 
had he been mu^ employed on foreign expe- 

There *are- still vei’y opposite sentiihents expressed 
in Afghanistan as to the loyalty of Fati Khdn. If 
carrying on war, and fighting battles contrary to 
the express orders of his sovei’eign be acts of 
rebellion, he was in rebellion when he attacked 
the Sikhs at Haidaro. But here so much licence 
is assumed, and so great a latitude is allowed, that 
it might be unfair to argue from his neglect of 
his prince’s instructions. His judgment may have 
dictated that the course he adopted was the pru- 
dent one in the then state of affairs, and he de- 
pended on success to justify himself, or even to 
claim merit from his easy sovereign. During the 
operations, however, his enemies at coijrt had not 
been idle. They had reiterated their suspicions 
to the Shah that, master of Kashmir, Fati Khaii 
intended to throw off his allegiance and to un- 
mask his designs. An impression, moreover, per- 
vaded the minds of the public that the vazir was 
yaghi, or in rebellion. Whether he was or not 
must remain matter of doubt ; if he was defeated, 
it became convenient to disavow it; and from the 
field of Haidaro he made hi^ way, almost as a 
courier, to Kabal. An expedition against Persia 
for the defence of Herat had been determinoil 
upon in his absence, and Shah Mamiud was en- 
camped vrithout the city at Aliabad. One morn- 



ing, unattended, clad in _a postin, and covered with 
mud, rode galloping into camp^Fati Khan. In his 
uncouth attire he presented himself before the 
Shah, saluting 'him Avith a sonorous S-.ilain alikam. 
The good-natured prince receivcnl him kindly, and 
the vazir asked what plans were in agitation. On 
being informed, he said, “ Who so iit to eont('ud 
with Kajar (Persia) as Fati?” Thus reinstat'd in 
his monarch’s good opinion, he hlaeki'iied the faces 
of his enemies, as the Afghans ex])n'ss it, that is, 
he covered them with confusion. 

The vazir marched with a formidable army to 
Herat, and Dost Mahomed Khan accomi)anied it. 
At Kandahar they w'ere joiiu'd by the prince 
Kamrdn, the governor. To him had repaired the 
displaced governor of Kashmir ; and, known to 
be jealous of the A’-azlr, his court had become 
an asylum for all hostile to him. On this march 
Dost Mahomed Khan became accpiainted Avith 
Hajl Kh^ Khhka. A soldier of fortune, he had 
originally served under Shehin Khan, in the t'ln- 
ploy of Mastapha Khan, a brother of Mahmud 
Khan, the chief of Kalat. Shehin Khan Avas a 
Babl, and jemadar of some fifty men. Hajl Khan 
soon became his confidant, and happening to be 
at Dera Gh^l Khan, an incident bianight him 
to the notice of Jabar Khan, half-brother of the 
vazir, and then governor of the place. Subse- 
quently the vazir arrived at Dera Ghazl Khan, 
and on Hajl Khln being introduced to him, was 




» * 
so pleased with his manners and history that he 

pressed him into hiS service. Haji Khan would 

only consent on condition of his old friend, the 

Babi. jenfedaj-, receiving the governlnent of Sivl 

Haji Khan soon grew into great favour. He had 

discernment to discover that Dost Mahomed Khan 

was a rising charactei’, and very much attached 

himself in consequence to him. The sirdar was, 

as Haji Khan once remarked to me, always the 


most needy of the sons of Sirafi’az Khan, and to 
relieve his necessities w'as a likely means of secur- 
ing his good-wdll. Hjiji Khan made himself use- 
ful in this way, and at various times alleviated 
his embarrassments; not with his own funds, for 
he had none, but by procuring sums of money 
fi’om others. Herat was held by the prince Haji 
Firoz Din, a brother of Shah Mahmud. The po- 
licy of Fati Khan required his seizure, and he per- 
suaded Shah Mahmud to consent to it. This was 
effected by stratagem, but the equivocal act had 
its ruinous consequences. In the confusion Dost 
Mahomed Khan, attended by his followers and those 
of the Sikh Jai Singh, forced the palace of the 
captive prince, penetrated into the hai-am, and de- 
spoiled its inmates. Amongst other unpardonable 
deeds, he tore away the jewelled band which se- 
cured the perjamas of the wife of the pr'ince Ma- 
lek Kasim, son of the prince Haji Fii'oz Din» 
The outraged lady was a sister of the prince 
Kamrdn, and sent her brother her profaned dress. 

f- 1 ^ 

i . 


The prince brother swore n'vcug-i'. In this miser- 
able alfair some of Jai .Sitig-h’s followers were 
w'ounded, and Dost Mahomed Khan, aware lie had 
everything to fear from the vazir'r> r(>se‘Ht?iu'nt, 
fled from Herat, in company witli a fcM- servants 
and the Sikh. He eventnally reacln'd Kashmir, 
where his brother, Mahomed Azmn Khan, jilaccd 
him under easy restraint, agreeably to orders re- 
ceived from Fati Khan. Tlu' Shaliz/ida Kumran, 
the only son of Shah hlalunud, had early given 
tokens of a spirit which could ill brook to be 
controlled. Sternly exorcising jnttho]-ity, he was 
conspicuous for unrelenting severity, which he 
pushed even to brutality. Highly immoral and 
licentious in his manners and habits, ami devoted 
to all kinds of intemperance, he mna'r in the 
midst of social or sensual gratifications nunitted 
his inexorable harshness. Yet, withal, he pre- 
served a degree of popidarity ami respect, derived, 
perhaps, from his energy and determined <diaracter. 

Fati Khan could not but know that to pr(.'S('rve 
his position it was necessary to provid(‘ against 
Prince Kamran, who was of no temper to submit 
to his ascendency. The vazlr had as littU; <lis- 
position to allow ShahzMa Kamran, or any other 
person, to thwart him in his views, or to stand 
between him and the preservation of his authority. 

..The suspicions of Fati Khan’s aims, extending to 
sovereignty, bad not diminished, and while the 
governments of the country were held by his 


brothers, it was manifest that but one step* more 

• • 

was needful to attain the dangerous pre-eminence. 
Herat had fallen into his power, the removal of 
tha indblent Shah Mahmud and *hts son would 
have let\ him absolute. He had expended, in 
largesses, during the march to Herat an immense 
sum, and it was a common opinion that a crisis in 
aifairs was at hand. If he could afford to permit 
ShSh Mahmud to have retained the titular dis- 
tinction and emblems of royalty, it was foreseen 
that he must destroy Prince Kamran or be de- 
stroyed by him. The one must rid himself of the 
other, — none could divine whether t’o-day or to- 
morrow, — or in this mode or in that, — ^but all felt 
that the existence of the two was inconsistent with 
the policy and feelings each was known to possess. 
The remnants of the Dur^i nobility had congre- 
gated around Prince Kamrin, and constantly ex- 
cited him to rescue himself and father from the 
thraldom imposed upon them by Fati Khan, and 
to avenge the honour of the Dur^i name by the 
sacrifice of so debauched and profligate an upstart. 
The shameless and perfidious acts of Dost Maho- 
med Khan roused in the prince’s bosom the direst 
feelings of revenge and indignation nor W'ere 
they softened when, in his consolatory visits to 
his sister, she refused to unveil to him until he 
had by signal vengeance resented the injury offered 
to her. 

The vazir returned to Herat after his unprofitable 

VOL. III. n 





campaign against tlip Persians, to reeruit iii.s army 
for a fresh expedition. He had fought one of hi's 
usual unsuccessful battles, and a slight wound, in 
the face, as some say from a spent shot f.'om fhc 
enemy, or, according to othens, from th<> n'msket of 
one of his Kazilbash adherents, gave him a pretext 
to abandon the field. Still be bad made a noise 
in Khorashn, and his avowed intention of renew- 
ing the war had determined Fati Ali Shah to take 
the field in person. It is said, that it was urg('d 
to the shall that Fatl Kbdn was but a contf'inptible 
enemy ; that any one of Ins sirdtii-s wa.s sufrudent to 
chastise him. The shah remarked, that it was true, 
but that he was “faiz baksh,” (prodigal in gifts). 
The^ old monarch justly appreciated the character 
of his enemy, and knew where his tact lay. 

The affairs of Afghanistan had become* very com- 
plicated, and the utmost energy would have been 
required to sustain it under the pressure of attacks 
from the east and west. Whether the vazir would 
have been competent to the task wm can hardly 
now decide. Engaged in hostilities with the Per- 
sians on the one side, and the Sikhs on the other, 
his seizure, and deprivation of sight by l>rin(m Kam- 
ran, closedrhis political career, and was the prelude 
to the enactment, in rapid succession, of as many 
strange events, and of as many enormoms crimes 
apd^perfidies as can be found in the annals of any 
country The shout of Vazir Fati Khdn, as the 
nite of the executioner was thrust into his visual 



*! _ • « 


organs, was that of the expiring Afghan monarchy. 
The absolute powfir he coveted, he may be almost 
said to have neglected to seize when within bis 
grasp, but.ihe bequeathed to his brethren the ample 
means of securing their independence, and at the 
same time of avenging him. Few of the vazir’s 
brothers were at Her£t when his seizure was effect- 
ed, and one of them only. Fur Dll Khan, fell into 
the power of Prince Kamran, the others escaping. 
Confined for some time, on taking an oath of alle- 
giance he was released and appointed mlr of the 
Haxak Zai Afghans, a nominal, if not a ridiculous 
distinction. Haji Khhn, Khaka, who had signalized 
himself in the battle with the Persians, and had 
been carried from the field grievously wounded, was 
still lying in the care of the surgeons in the city. 
Prince Kamran ordered him to be brought in a 
litter to his presence, and much wished so gallant 
a man to engage in his service. Hajl Khan pleaded 
his obligations to the vazlr, and Prince Kamran, 
who could respect valour and gratitude, was not 
angered. Subsequently Ffir Dll Khan escaped to 
Grlshk, where he set on foot, in conjunction with 
his brothers, levies to oppose Prince Kamran. Hajl 
Khan, recovered from his wounds, joined them. 

In the occurrences which * followed from this 
period we may consider the vazlr as politically 
dead. His brothers now assumed a prominent p^t. 
It has been already noted that Sirafraz Khdn, at 
the time of his execution, had twenty-two sons 



living." It may not bo improper to intrcxluce a list 
of them. Serving for record aud rcdereiiee, it will 
also tend to explain some of the causes of the ex- 
traordinary contentions which nfterwa’fds " (existed 
amongst themselves. It will he found how <airiously 
they were separated into groups, aHecdiMl hy their 
maternal descent. A history of the Barak Zai 
family would illustrate the advantages and disad- 
vantages of polygamy. 

Sons of Sirafrds: Khan at the thm qf the 
seizm'e^ with their dinposition. 

rFatiKhan ... 

f J M‘Ahomed Azeiii Khan 
I^Taimur Kuh Khan ... 

/ Attd Mahomed Khan 
I Yar Mdhomed Khan 
^ < Sultan Mahomed Khan* 
I Saiyad Mahomed Khan* 
y Pir Mahomed Khan* ... 

/ Shir Dil Khan 

i Fur Dil Khan 

^ < Kohan Dil Khan* 

* I Meher Dil Khan^' 

V Raham Dil Kh&n* ... 

i Samad Khan 

Assad Khdn 

Jahar Khdn* 

the vazir, 

governor of Kaslnnfr, 

slain in action with tlie Sikhs, 

slain in action at Pesluhvcr. 

in government at IVshfnver. 

at Peshawer. 

at Peshawer, 

at Peshawer. 

at Heriit (escaped). 

at Herat (made prisoner), 

at Herfit ( escaped ). 

at Herat (escaped), 

at Herat (es<*aped), 

governor of Kahal 

governor of Dera Gluiz! Khan. 

in Kkhmir. ■ 

t Mother, of the MahSmed Zai, principal branch of the B4rak 
Zai clan ; descent pure, 

^ Mother, Thokl Ghilji ; descent good, 

§ Mother, Ddrim ; descent pure. 

II Mothers, distinct, but Ddranl, 

* Members of the list living in 18S9, 



Amir Mahomed Khan 
Dost Mahomed Khan'*^' 
Turabaz Khan* 

Islagi Khan 


Abdul Rahman Khan 

...* at Kabal. 

in Kashmir. 

... in Kashmir. 

... in the Term country. 
... at Shikarpur. 

... unknown. 

i Mother^ J uanshir ; descent considered by Afghans as impaired. 
i MotherSj distinct, of inferior tribes, and the sons little regarded 
in consequence. 

* Members of the list living in 1839. 


Kamran's march to KabaL — .Dost ]\Iahumod Kiiau's release* “—Pro- 
tests against Mdhomed Azem KlifuPs inactive views.— Volun- 
teers to oppose Kamran. — Advances upon Kilbal. — Attd Ma- 
homed Khan. — Made Miikhtahar Dowlah.— Shah Wali Khan. 
—Shir Mahomed Khan. — Replaced by Wafudtlr Khan. — Feigns 
paralysis. — Sudden cure. — Intrigues with the Sunl factions. — 
Elevates Shah Sujah al Miilkh. — Recovers Kashnrir. — Supports 
Prince Kaisar. — Slain at Peshawer. — Atta MahunuHl Khan in- 
vites Shall Sujah al Mulkh. — Confines him. — Kainran's revenge. 
— Atta Mahomed Khan’s communication with Dost I^Iuhomed 
Khan — His treachery. — Is blinded. — Sudden fall.— Siege of 
B^lla Hissar. — Escape of Prince Jehanghir. — Preparations at 
Herfit. — Approach of Mahomed Azem Khan. — Dost Mdhonied 
Khan’s discontent. — Proclaims Sultan All king. — Ilenit army 
marches to Kandahar. — Thence to Chahar Asshih. — Precipitate 
retreat. — Reasons for. — Kandahar lost to Shfdi Mahmud. — -Bid- 
homed Azem Khan invites Shdh Sujah al Mulkh.^ — Contest with 
Shah Sujah al Mulkh. — Ayiib Shah made king. — Arrangements. 
— March upon Shikarpur. — Dost Mahomed Kluln again pro- 
claims Sultan All — Return of Bldhomed Azem Khan. — Dis- 
cussion. — Dost Mahomed Khan's proposal to Sultiin All.— Ma- 
homed Azem Khan’s proposal to Shdh Ayui». — Sultan Ah 
strangled.— Shdh Sujah al Miilkh’s army dispersed. — ingenuity 
of theSindAmlrs, — Mdhomed Azem Klian’s presence of mind,— 
Intrigues in his camp.— Evil intentions of Dost Mdliomed Kluui 
and Shir Dll Khdn. — Mahomed Azem Khan’s retreat. — Expedi- 
tion against the Sikhs, — Ranjit Singh’s measures. — His over- 
4,ures to the chiefs of Peshawer. — Plight of Jai Singh, — Dost Bla- 
homedKhan proffers his services to RanjitSingh. — Bfji homed Azem 
Khan deceivedbyYar Mahomed Khan.— Dost Mahomed Khans 
design on his treasure.— Mdhomed Azem Khan’s irresolution.— 



Panic and dispersal of his arpay.— Ranjit Singh occupies Pe- 
shdwer. — Divides Peshawer between Dost Mahomed Khan and 
Yar Mdhomed Khan.— Death of Mahomed Azem Khan. — His 
character.— Habib Ulah Khan — -Mahomed _Asem Khan’s dying 
recommejidation and request. — Fur Dil Khan reaches Kfibal. — 
His plans. — Ayub Shdli’s infatuation — Fur Dil Khan’s inter- 
view with Ayub Shih. — Opposition of Shahzada Ismael. — Is 
slain. — Deposition of Ayub Shdh. — Retires to Lahore. — Jabar 
Khan. — His career. — Defeated in Kashmir. — Governor of the 
Ghiljis. — His civility to Europeans. — Slighted by Habib Ulah 
. Khan. — Dost Mahomed Khan’s attempts. — Habib Ulah KhS.n’s 
folly. — Defection of his chiefs. — Investment of Bdlla Hissar. 

As soon as practicable, Shah Mahmud being- left 
at Herat, Prince Kamran moved on Kandahar, held 
by his deputy, and thence upon Kabal, which was 
evacuated by the NaWc\b Samad Kh^. Prince 
Jehanghir, the youthful son of Prince KamrAn, with 
Atta Mahomed Khan, son of the Mukhtahm- Dow- 
lah, as his principal adviser, was left in charge of the 
government. Prince Kamr^ for the moment re- 
traced his steps. 

As soon as the tidings of the vazir’s misfortune 
reached Kashmir, Dost MOionied Khan was re- 
leased from the restraint in which he had been 
placed, and a consultation was naturally held upon 
the state of affairs. Mahomed Azem Khdn, aware 
of the capture of Kabal, was inclined'" to consider 
the provinces west of the Incfus as lost and irre- 
coverable. He opined that it was prudent to 
remain quiet in Kashmir, from which he conceited 
neither the force of Kamran nor of the Sikhs could 
dislodge him. Dost Mahomed Khan protested 



against so timid and disgraceful a line of policy, 
urging the duty of revenging the outrage connuittcd 
upon the vaz«*, and the shame of abamlouiiig with- 
out a contest the land of their fatliers. Kashmir, 
he said, was but a rajit’s country, a Hindu country; 
if lost, at any time to bo resumed by the strongest. 
In conclusion, he volunteered to conduct an expedi- 
tion against Kiiniran, and to attempt the rei'overy 
of Kdhal. Mcthomed Azem Khan gave Dost IMii- 
homed Khan specie to the amount of two lakhs of 
rupees, and bills for twice the amount, and allowed 
him to depart, with a few troops. It would appi'ur, 
from the scanty resources placed at Dost Mahomed 
Khan’s command, that the Kashmir govtmior had 
little notion that he could be successful. He spared 
a trifle from his well-replenished coffers, and ex- 
cused himself froi^ the reproach which the world 
might affix to his reputation if ho sat nlti^gether 
supine. Dost Mdhomed Khtin marched to Pe- 
shawer, where he augmented his troops, ami thence 
to J elalabad ; here his funds were exhausted, and it 
was debated whether it was practicable to proceed 
farther. The case was desperate, as was the expe- 
dition itself; but a forward movement was decided 
upon, and the chief with his army neared Kdhnl. 

It has been seen that Atta Miihomefl Khan, 
Bami Zai, had been placed by Prince Kdinrun to 
direct his son. Prince Jehiinghir; he was now to be- 
come the antagonist of Dost IMahomed Khan. To 
be able, in any way, to comprehend the intrigues 


#. , . 


about to be develojped, it. will be necessary to ex- 
plain tbe relations in which he stood with the seve- 
ral parties engaged in them. Displaced from his 
governmgnl of Kashmir by Fati Khan, whose sister 
was one of his wives, he had repaired to the court 
of Prince Kamran, who, although he had ample rea- 
sons to be dissatisfied with him on other grounds, 
forgot them now that he might be held inimical to 
the vazir. With another, Atta Mahomed Khan, 
Alekho Zai, he continually incited Prince Kamran 
to remove the obnoxious Fati Khan. Invested 
with the dignity of Mukhtahar Dowlah, the direc- 
tion of affairs at K4bal was confided to him. Prince 
Kamrdn estimating, and perhaps justly, that he 
could not reconcile his differences with the Barak 
Zais, but forgetful that he might have ambitious 
views and projects of his own. .To elucidate these, 
and the singular part he was about to act, a slight 
reference to the history of his family is necessary. 
His grandfather, Sh^h Wall Khan, was the principal 
minister, or mukhtahar, to Ahmed Shah, and agree- 
ably to the constitution of the Afghan monarchy, or 
to the compact between the Dfirani elans under 
which it was formed, the office was hereditary. On 
the death of Ahmed Shah the mukhtahar set up 
Prince Sulmian, the eldest son, was defeated by 
Prince Taimur and slain. The first-born of the 
Mukhtahar, Shir Mahomed Khan, was recalled -fronj 
exile by Taimur Shah, and installed in his father’s 
dignity. He became known and celebrated as the 



Mukhtah^ Dowlah.' During ^the reign of Shah 
Zenaan he was replaced in office by Wufadar Khan, 
famous in Afghanist^ as the Sadn Z:n X^'anir. 
This appointment, an infringement u})on the setlhMl 
order of things, was unfortunate to the monarch 
who made it, and led to all tlu^ evils and misfor- 
tunes which afterwards ha})])ened to himsidf, and 
finally to the Sadu Zai su])remacy. 

Shir Mahomed Khan, deprived of offi(*e, h'igned 
paralysis, and throughout the reign of Shfih Zemau 
was carried in a litter, or hobbled on erutehes. On 
the expulsion of the shfih, and the slaughter of his 
rival, the Sadu Zai Vazir, he became suddenly mired 
of his afflictions, threw away his crutches, and again 
figured in public life as the mfikhtahar. Ho now 
particularly courted the Suni interests in Kfibal, 
paid great attention to Mir Wais, and profiting by 
the absence of the vazir at Kandahar, in conjunc- 
tion with his Sum friends, and Ahmed Khan, Ndr 
Zai, excited a religious tumult, which eh'vate<l to 
the throne Prince Sujah al Miilkh, then a fugitive 
in the Khaibar hills. The new shah was clearly 
indebted to the exertions of the H6ni h'mlers of 
Kfibal for his dignity. The Mukhtahar afterwards 
recovered Kashmir from Abdulah Khan, Ahddio 
Zai, and left his own son, Atta IMiihomod Khan, 
in government of the productive province. The 
shah''contrived to estrange the feelings of the. friends 
to whom he owed so much, and they conceived that 
as they had raised him to power, so they were 


f I ■ 



entitled to displace him. .Accordingly, when the 
jking had marched towards Sind, the mukhtah^, 
wi^ his former confederates, released Prince Kaisar 
fronf the ststte prison of the BOla Hissar, and pro- 
claimed him king. With their new sovereign they 
marched to Peshawer, where Shah Sujah al Mulkh 
in all haste arrived, and an action was fought on 
the Dasht Pakkah, without the city. The shah 
would have fled, but was prevented by the crowds 
behind him ; and the rebel leaders pressing forward, 
unsupported, anxious to secure his person, were 
slain. The mukhtahai', his brother, Mir Ahmed 
Khan, with Khwoja Mahomed Khan, Nur Zai, a 
staunch adherent of Prince Kaisar, simultaneously 
met a common fate. The prince himself, so lately 
victorious by the strange accidents of war, as a cap- 
tive adorned the triumph, scarcely merited, of Shah 
Sujah al Mulkh. It is just to add, that clemency 
was shown. Atta Mahomed Khan continued in the 
government of Kashmir ; nor was ShMi Sujah al 
Mulkh able to remove him. When the shah be- 
came a fugitive Atta Mdhomed Khan invited him 
to Kashmir, if for no other purpose, to make a 
tool of him. The shah, not perfectly compliant, 
was lodged in the castle of Koh Maian, from which 
he was i*eleased by the vazir, whbn he recovered the 
valley from Atta Mahomed Kham. On account of 
the insults offered to the shah. Prince Kmnran. ah 
though politically hostile to his relative, conceived 
it due to avenge the injury committed through him 


on the dignity of the S^dii Ziii family, by submit- 
ting’ the females of the 13fniu Zais at Ih'i-at to. 
the embraces of mule-drivers. bVom flu' above 
narration, it will be apparent that 'u ^sympathy 
existed between the family of Atta Mahomed 
Khan and the Suni party at Kabul ; and tlua-e 
can be but little doubt that he now inteiuhal, by 
its assistance, to have made himself iiuh'peiuhmt. 
A man of considerable ability, he ha<l a. fair tiold 
before him ; but underrating his oppotumts, instead 
of circumventing them, he was circnmventtal by 
them. Dost Mahomed Khan luni reaelual Kburd 
Kabal, two ordinary inarches from the city, and 
was hesitating whether to advance, when a commu- 
nication was pi'ivately conveyed to him from Atta 
Mahomed Khan. Dost hhihomcd Khan, deceived, 
or trusting to his dexterity to outwit his antagonist, 
moved forwards, but circuitously, and c*autiously, 
feeling his way to the eminences of Biman'i, to the 
north. Atta Mahomed Khan loft the Balia llissar 
with all the pomp and circumstaiu'e of war, and 
marched, as he gave out, to annihilatt' the rebels. 
He advanced on Biman'i, Dost Mnliom<‘d Khan’s 
troops slowly receding as he approached them. On 
the heights he harangued his men, ami dimounced 
the wrath of heaveh and the pains of ludl on any 
one who should betray Shah Mahmud, ShdhzMa 

Kamr^i, of Sh'Ahzada Jeha.nghir. W'ith tin 
breath, in a style peculiarly Afghan, lu> 
round, and in whispers, inquired for a Koran. 



sacred book was produced,^ Atta Mahomed Khan 
sealed it, and with renewed oaths despatched it to 
Dost Mahomed Khan. A succession of marches 
and 'boun1;eri1iarches, of slight skirmishes, and other 
feints, for a few days, was necessary, that a becoming 
quantity of oaths should be exchanged on both 
sides ; and that the confidential agents of the parties 
should arrange preliminaries. They ill-concealed 
the understanding, however enigmatical, between 
Atta Mahomed Khan and the Barak Zai chiefs. 
One fact was glaring, that the interests of Kararan 
were betrayed, and the safety of his son compro- 
mised. At length interviews were exchanged be- 
tween the Mukhtahar and rebel chiefs, and at one 
of these, which took place at the Burj Vazir, a 
pleasure-house built by Fati Khan, the former was 
thrown on the ground, and blinded by Pir Mahomed 
Khan, the younger of the vazir’s brothers. Of the 
brothers with Dost Mahomed Khan all had exchang- 
ed oaths with the Mukhtahar, except Pir Mahomed 
Khan, who, from his youth, had not been required 
to do so. Many versions are given of this affair. 
The friends of the Barak Zai chiefs pretend that 
the Mukhtahar intended to have blown them up. 
Others wholly deny this statement, and -regard the 
occurrence as naturally arising in*a contest for power 
between desperate and reckless men. The depri- 
vation of sight was in retaliation of the injury in« 
flicted on the vazir, owing somewhat, it is said, to 
Atta Mahomed Khan’s instigation. His schemes 



of ambition were in a moment given to the wind, 
and he withdrew to obscurity and retirement. He 
now resides at Aliabad near Kabal, umu)ti('ed and 
little pitied. It is remembered, that when g(»ver- 
nor of Kashmir, the plucking out of eyes was one 
of his ordinary punishments. Ills calamity atlordcd 
the son of Prince Kamran and his adherents the 
opportunity of admiring that the traitor had been 
entrapped in his own snares. 

Dost Mahomed Khan relieved from ;i formidable 
foe, or an embarrassing friend, wjis now enabled 
to besiege the Balia Hissar. Pernicious, or treache- 
rous counsel prevailed upon PriiU'c Jehanghir to 
evacuate the lower citadel, and to shut him.self up 
in the upper one. The empty fortre.s.s was imme- 
diately occupied by the enemy. Batteries were 
erected on the plain to the east, and a mine was 
conducted from the houses at the foot of the u])per 
citadel, under the bastion of the principal (mtrauce 
to it. Intelligence thereof was conveyed to the 
garrison, who were on the alert. It wa.s sprang, 
but did not fully prove successful. The .situation 
of the prince became exceedingly critical. In the 
bloom of youth, and remarkably handsome, the vow.s 
of the fair sex of Kabal were offere<l up for his 
safety. They may* have interested heaven in his 
behalf. A night, when all was darkness, and rain 
felh in torrents, enabled him, with his followei’s, to 
leave the upper citadel by the Derwaza Kiislu, im- 
perceived. Filing under its walls, he gained the 

t • ^ # 


• ^ . V « 


Kotal Kheddar ; and crossing jt, took the road to 
Ghazni Dost Mahomed Kh^ did not pursue.. 

By an astonishing run of good fortune, Dost Ma- 
hojned -Hh^ had become master of K§,bal, but it 
does not Appear that he was able to profit by the 
advantage so far as to march upon Ghazni He 
soon discovered that a more serious struggle was 
before him, as Shfih Mahmud and the Prince Kam- 
ran had marched, or were about to march from 
Herat. The hope to contend with their large army 
might have been preposterous had not so much 
unlooked-for success already justified him to hope 
for anything, and accordingly he prepared to i-esist 
the storm impending. 

When intelligence of the possession of Kabal 
reached Kashmir, Mahomed Azem Khan put his 
troops in motion, but probably made no farther 
remittances to Dost Mahomed Khan. As elder 
brother, and representative of the family, he could 
not allow, as he conceited, the takht, or capital, 
to remain in the hands of Dost Mahomed Khfin, 
who might affect to consider him in Kashmir as 
a vassal governor. It is not unlikely that this 
sirdM would have been better pleased that the 
city had not been wrested from Kamran, as he 
perhaps never expected that his brother would 
have been able to win it. Dost Mahomed Khan, 
on his part, was too shrewd not to be able ta 
penetrate the secret feelings of his elder brother’s 
bosom, and to be conscious how jealously he was 



regarded by most of the members of bis family. 
It also mortified him that his cx(‘rtions and tri- 
umphs should only contribute to the aggrandise- 
ment of othere.'* He felt that injustice whs oUered to 
him, while all his own ambitious ideas were tliwarted. 
These he could not consent to fon'go ; and to (*ho- 
rish them in spite of eireumstanei's frecpieufly led 
to perplexity and enthralment. Mate, jierhaps. at 
his successes, he soon began to evince a sIiom' of 
independence of action, and its first display was 
in the proclamation of Shahzfida Si'iltan Ali as 
king; he naturally fell into the dignity of vazir. 
This was strange news for Mahomed Azeiu Khan 
and the rest of the family. This ])rinco had offi- 
ciated as governor of Kabal umh'r Hhfih Mahmud 
with considerable credit, and was one of the riadii 
Zai princes, most respected for good .sense and 
conduct. It is probable, that had he ascended 
the throne under favourable circumstances he 
would have made a reputable sovereign. A.s it 
was, his funds and contributions from om? or the 
other sufficed to place about two thousand cavalry 
at the command of Dost Mahomed Khan to meet 
the overwhelming force from Ilerdt. 

The flight of Fvlr Dil Khdn to Andali, and his pre- 
parations to avenge the outrage offered to his bro- 
ther, Fati Khdn, have been elsewhere noted. Dy 
# strange fatality, the royal army avoided Andali 
en route to Kfindahar, thereby leaving the five 
brothers with their levies in the rear. These, 


as soon as the army had proceeded towards Kdbal, 
appeared before Kdndahar, and summoned Gul Ma- 
homed Khan, the governor, to surrender it. He 
consented ts do so, in case his sovereign should be 
defeated at Kabal, and entreated the confedei’ated 
brothers to retire until the issue of the contest 
should be known. They complied. Shah Mah- 
mud and his son advanced to Chahar Assiah, six 
or seven miles from K^bal ; when, abandoning 
their equipage, they suddenly decamped, and, by 
the road of the Hazarajat, precipitately gained 
Herat. The counsels of Salu Khan, otherwise 
known as Shdh Pessand Khdn, are believed to 
have occasioned this flight. It may be so ; but, 
when it is asserted there w^as no ostensible cause 
for it, facts prove that there was too much. Shah 
Mahmdd and Kamr4n had, of course, become ac- 
quainted with the dubious loyalty of the Kdn- 
dahar governor ; and the retreat of the five bro- 
thers would be, in their estimation, a more portent- 
ous event, as it might be supposed they would 
menace Herat. That this fear prevailed is shown 
by the haste made to reach it ; otherwise, the 
enterprise upon Kabal would have been worked 
out, or, if a . retreat had been judged -necessary, 
it would naturally have been* upon Kdndahar, 
where the traitor and the rebels might have been 
at once crushed. ^ , 

While the royal army was at Chahar Assiah, 
Dost Mahomed Khin, and his followers in the 





neighbourhood, were standiiigi with their horses’ 
bridles in their hands, and the advance of the 
force would have been the signal for their dis- 
persion and" flight. Of this Shah Malmnuh and 
his son were not, perha]is, aware, ami therefore 
listened to the evil suggestions of Sfdu Khan, 
that the Duranis of the army had <ronei'rte<l to 
betray them, and to follow the example of (Jul 
Mahomed Khki at KAndahar. Dost IVIalioined 
Khan did not credit the retreat of his enemies 
until Nazir DilAwer, a fugitive, and the only one 
from the abandoned camp, came and confirmed 
it. He then marched forward, and took j)o.s- 
session of the empty tents. When the royal 
army reached Ghazni, Prince Kamran, finding it 
entire, and that a defection of the Dnranis had 
not taken place, was willing to have returned upon 
Kabal, but was overruled. The brothers at Andali 
had not made a dash at Herat; but, receiving ex- 
aggerated reports of the discomfiture of tlu‘ Herat 
army, they marched to intercept its remnants, and 
fell back when they found it unbroken. tKil Ma- 
homed Khan surrendered Kandahar, and his sub- 
sequent fate has been already noticed. It is hard 
to say wlrether he was a traitor in intention or not. 
He may have reasoned that “ the royal army is all- 
powerful, and must succeed at Kfubail, wlien the 
-Andali brothers will disband their troops, or he 
deserted by them.” Again, when ho witnessed the 
extent of the evil he had occasioned, how {‘ould 



he face his sovereigg, or trust Mmself in the power 
of the implacable Kamran ? 

Dost Mdhomed Khan’s good fortune may be 
said* to have won Kabal a second time. His bro- 
ther, Mahomed Azem Khdn, had arrived at Pe- 
shawer, having left his half-brother, Jabar Khan, 
in charge of Kashmir. He had no sooner left 
the valley than the Sikhs prejjared to attempt 
its conquest. From Peshawer Mahomed Azem 
Khin sent an invitation to the ex-king, Shah 
Sujah al Miilkh, to join him. This measure loses 
its singularity when the existence of Sultan Ali 
as king at Kabal is considered, as respect for the 
Sddh Zai princes had not been yet wholly de- 
stroyed. So important did Mahomed Azem KliAn 
judge it to have a prince of the royal blood in 
his camp that he did not venture to move on 
Kabal without one. Sh4h Shjah al Mhlkh ar- 
rived at PeshSwer, and the premature exhibition 
of his exalted notions of regal dignity led to a 
battle between him and his inviters. The Shlih, 
defeated, fled, and found his way to ShikarpCir. 
Mahomed Azem Kh^ now adopted the Prince 
Ayub as king, no better being to be found, and, 
thus provided, took the road to K^bal.'' On the 
retreat of the Herat army Dos! Mahomed Khan 
had made himself master of Ghazni, in which he 
placed his brother, Amir Mahomed Khan, very- 
likely foreseeing that it would be the only hold 
he could contrive tp retain. He was unable to 

B 2 






oppose Mahomed A5JemJvhan,,.witli his l:ir”-e army 
and treasures, with all the wci«-lit of th(> family 
united against him, for now the hrollK'r sirdars 
of Kandahar would have marched (o '’S’uppert' the 
head of the fomily. A good d(‘al of mediation 
and altercation, of course, (msmsl, hut it tt'rmi- 
nated in the acknowledgment of Maiumu'd A/aan 
Khan as sirdar, and Ayub Hlulh as nominal s(»yc- 
reign. Dost Mahomed Khdn was jau-mittml to 
possess Ghazni, and the brothers, who had obtained 
Kdndahar, were judged worthy to hold it. .bib;ir 
Khdn, who had been defeated, wnundetl, and driven 
from K<%hmir, was placed in (diarge of the (dnljis 
dependant on Kabal ; Mahomed Ztmian Khan, son 
of the Nawdb Assad Khan, was ap]M)int('d to .bda- 
labad; Yar Mahomed Khan and his brothers to 
Peshawer; and the Nawab Samad Khan, resi- 
dent at Kabal, to Kohat and llangu. By this 
distribution the country was fairly partitioned 
amongst the several member.s of the family, and 
perhaps most or all of them were satisfied, ('.xcept 
Dost Mahomed Khan. It was now the common 
interest to repel foreign invasion, ami to preserve 
the family statu quo. The former was to be 
apprehended from Herfit and from the Panjab. 
For an infraction*' of the latter Dost Mdhoim'd 
Khin was principally to be dreadml. In consc- 
•quence of the recognition of Hhah Ayub, the 
monarch of Dost Mahomed’s creation, Shah Sill- 
tan All quietly descended in^o private life. His 


enjoyment of brief sovereigntj- bad cost him the 
little wealth he ha(? accumulated. 

The first care of Mahomed Azem Khfin was 
directed* Shikarpur, where Shdh Sujah 

al Mulkh was organizing an army. It was deter- 
mined to march and disperse it. The several mem- 
bers of the confederacy supplied quotas of troops, 
and many personally attended. The army marched 
from Kabal, the new Shah Ayub accompanying it. 
It had passed Ghazni, when Dost Mahomed Khan 
returned to Kabal, drew Shah Siiltan All from 
retirement, and anew proclaimed him king. Ma- 
homed Azem Khan was compelled to retrace his 
steps. Shah Sfiltan Ali, on the arrival of Shah 
Ayfib in Kfibal, had abandoned the palace of the 
Balia Hissar, in which Dost Mahomed Khiin had 
seated him, and retired to the Bfigh Vazir. He 
still resided there. It is difficult to account for 
Dost Mahomed Khan’s conduct, unless we suppose 
him desirous of creating as much annoyance and 
trouble as he could, or that there was a concerted 
plan to remove Shah Sultan Ali, who, as before 
noted, was a person of some ability. After some 
of the ordinary querulous discussion amongst the 
brothers, and' the intervention of friends, some 
arrangement was determined upon, and Dost M4- 
homed Khan, protesting his fidelity, submitted to 
Shah Siiltan Alz that to secure himself as sovereign 
he must cut off Shih Ayiib. Shah Sultan Ali 
indignantly rejected the proposal, and reviled him 



who dared to make jt. Dost Maliome<I Khan had 
eased his conscience : he had shown the priiieo the 
only mode, under circumstances, hy ^vllich In; (“oukl 
preserve him'sedf, and if he declined ,to adoj[>t it 
the error was his own. On his own part, ho felt 
absolved from interostin^t himscdf about the fate' of 
a prince who was himself rec'kless of it. lie wish- 
ed the prince to remove into the Balia Ilissiii’, 
which he did, occupying his own house. iB.ahomed 
Azem Khan next urged upon Bhuh Ayuh the 
necessity of putting to death Shah Sultan Ali, 
promising, if he complied, that he wouhl in like 
manner dispose of Dost j\Iahomed Khan. Shiih 
Aydb had the baseness to consent. The two shah-s, 
for the few days they lived together in the Balia 
Hissar, visited each other, and sat on tlu‘ same 
masnad. At length prince fsinael, %vith a servant, 
strangled the unfortunate Shiih Sultan Ali, when 
reposing, after an entertainment given to him. 
Shdh Aydb now asked Mahomeil Azem Khan to 
redeem his pledge as to Dost Mrihomed Khan. 
The chief observed, “How can I slay my hrotlun?” 
It is as unpleasant to comment on such ix'volting 
transactions as to narrate tlumi. Dost iVIahoined 
Khan had j:econciled his conscience; ami tlu^ sirdar 
may have presumed that he Avas guiltless of a crime 
committed by another. Tf one Sfidu Zni put to 
death another they could not help it. The sidvan- 
tages of the perfidy they derived in the disappear- 


ance of a source of embarrasspient ; and tlie"army 
■was again put in in()^ion for SMkarpdr, 

Taking the route of Ghazni and ShMl, where 
it was by the Kandahar contingent, it finally 

neared it^ destination. The army of ShMi Shjah 
al Mulkh melted away before it, but the sird& 
was detained some time in the an-angement of the 
Sind tribute. 

The Amirs had collected a numerous rabble, 
and a variety of negotiations were carried on, the 
Ddranis anxious to get as much as they could, and 
the Amirs willing to pay as little as they could 
help. The latter also made an experiment to 
disperse their obnoxious guests, by making a 
feigned attack by night on their camp. Muskets 
were discharged from the thickets on all sides, to 
the consternation of the Ddr^is, who were well 
disposed to have given way to panic, but the 
presence of mind of their leader saved them. He 
did not move from his tent, but called for his musi- 
cians, alFecting not even to notice the matter, 
taking care, however, to issue, without Mat, the 
necessary instructions to preserve order. In the 
morning the Amirs of Sind sent respectfully to 
inquire concerning the sirdar’s health, and to 
express their hopes that the tohi, or wedding, they 
had celebrated during the night had not disturbed 
his sleep. Mahomed Azem Khan had purposed to 
have well riddled the treasures of the ingenious 



Amirs, but the intrigues in liis nmdc him 

unwillingly accept an obligation to [my twelve 
lakhs of rupees front them, three lakhs of which 
was made ov6r ■to him, and the rc'maiudoF' m.'ver 
paid. The sirdar was overhurthened with treasure, 
the fruits of his government in Kashmir, but to 
preserve it he was constraiuetl to carry it about 
with him. It was now in the camp, and Dost 
Mahomed Khan, with Shir Dil Khdn, had i>roJected 
to seize it. The discovery of the foul (ilot precijii- 
tated the retreat of jMahomed Azem Khan, and 
saved the Amirs of Sind from a heavy sacrilicc 
of their hoarded wealth. 

The sirdar next set on foot an ex[H'dition against 
the Sikhs, who, elate with the capture of Kashmir, 
and the possession of Atak, were supposml to con- 
template ulterior aggressive measures. The spirit 
of the Dtirmii chieftains luid not yi't lieen broken ; 
the triumphs of the infidels were imimted to fraud 
and accident, and it was confidently Ixdit'ved that 
the sword would repel them, and drive them from 
their recent acquisitions. The defeat at liaidaro 
had thrown no disgrace on the valour of those 
engaged, and Mahomed Azem Khan remembered 
that Ranjit Singh was not invincibhy for he had 
inflicted a severe /jhastisemeiit upon him on the 
Tusa Maid^ in K<tshmir, when first his ambi- 
tious projects led him personally to invade the 
mountain-girt valley. Great preparations were 
made for the war, and agents wore despatched into 


the Mlly regions north of the course of the Kabal 
river, to arouse the Janatic population, and to draw 
out their gallant bands to co-operate in the great 
fight of the. faith. Ranjit Singh, with no less ac- 
tivity, prepared for the struggle. That shrewd chiet- 
tain knew too well the weak points of his Duntni 
opponents to neglect assailing them at so critical a 
conjuncture. He was conscious that it was easier 
to disunite them by artifice than to conquer them 
in the field. His agents had already began to 
tamper with the brother chiefs of Peshawer. It 
was represented to them that they had an oppor- 
tunity of experiencing the favour and liberality 
of the sirkfir, and of securing the possession of 
their territories in absolute independence. It 
was not asked in return that they should betray 
their elder brother, but that they should so con- 
trive that he should quietly return to Kdbal. The 
Peshawer chiefs were soothed with the notion of 
throwing off dejaendence on Mahomed Azem Khan, 
forgetful that in so doing they became vassals of 
Ranjit Singh. In another point of view, the 
chances of the war were doubtful, and they felt 
it to be their interest to confirm themselves in 
pow’-er, let what would happen. Th^sy listened 
coinplacently, therefore, to Ranjit Singh’s over- 
tures, and clandestinely entered into communica- 
tions with him. Mdhomed Azem Khan eventually 
marched from K^bal, and, taking the route of 
Jelalabad and the pass of Karapa, arrived at Min- 



clam; where he dej)Osite(l his treasun's. ITo then 
crossed the river of Kabal, anu reacdied Pi>sha\v(‘r. 
Dost Mahomed KhAn attended the army, and the 
halt at this '=pkce led to the loss of lus''-old Sikh 
friend, Jai Singh. The advanced detachnrent.s of the 
Ddnini and Sikh armies had upprotudied near enough 
to each other for occasional skirmislu's to happen. 
One day, some thirty Sikh Iu‘a<ls were brought 
in, and affixed to the house of Jai Singh, lie 
accepted the act as a warning to tl('eump, and 
fled to the Sikh army, lie was afterwards slain 
in the Panjah. 

Dost M<thomed Khan, aware that his brothers 
of Peshawer had an understanding with the enemy, 
signified to the elder, Yar Mahomed Khan, his 
desire of becoming an accomplice. Var Mahomed 
Khan did not fail to encourage him or to boast 
to the Sikhs the extent of his services in securing to 
their interest the most warlike of the sirdars bro- 
thers. Banjit Singh had now <-rossed the Atak, and 
Mahomed Azem Khdn was emaimptal at Nosluira. 
Negotiations, so fatal to Dilranis, wtwe carriisl on, 
and Yar Mahomed Khan, on the part of the sir- 
dar, was in the Sikh camp. What couhl Ih> ex- 
pected frojn such an envoy? Either wilfully, or 
at the dictation of the Sikhs, he wrote! d(dusiv<^ 
letters to Mahomed Azem Khan, and informed 
him that it was contemplated to seize, his hai"ain 
and treasure at Minchiui. The tiaxisurt' was a 
constant source of solicitude to the ill-fatc‘d sirdar. 


He was compelled to carry it with him, and then 
had difficulty to preserve it. 

Dost Mahomed KhA,n stands again accused of 
having dfteg+ied his unhallowed attention to it. A 
sharp action, had taken place on the opposite side 
of the river, between a portion of the Sikh troops 
and the levies of the Yusef Zai districts. Eanjit 
Singh was in person at the contest, and although 
it is pretended that he crossed the river on a hunt- 
ing excursion, and accident brought about the con- 
flict, yet the fact of his having passed seemed to 
countenance the report of designs upon Minchini 
and the treasure. Mahomed Azem Khin was in 
sore uneasiness of mind, he wept, tore his beard, 
and inveighed bitterly against the treason of his bre- 
thren. He foresaw the disgrace of retiring with- 
out a struggle from the fleld ; nor could he endure 
the reflection that his wives and treasure should 
fall into the hands of Eanjit Singh. Undetermined 
whether to stand his ground or to retreat ; now de- 
ciding upon the one, now upon the other alter- 
native, his indecision was communicated to his 
army. The infection spread, and augmented to 
panic. The dark shades of night magnified the 
existing doubt and terror; the whole camp was 
in movement. All were packing up and deserting 
it as a haunted spot, without any one knowing why. 
The morning came, but the army no longer ex-^ 
isted. The unfortunate Mahomed Azem Khan 
collected its wrecks, and picking up his haram and 


wealth at Minchiiu, crossed the Moiuand hills, and 
regained the valley oi JelalalKul. The ohji'ct of 
Raiijit Singh being obtained, he had no fartlu'r need 
of Yar MiilMsied Khan, and dismisstsMlfin t(’> join 
his fugitive brothers, and to plot fresh nus<duef. 
The Sikh chief entered Peshawer, but so ('xidted 
was the state of public feeling throughout the 
country that ho did not thiidc prudent to retain 
it. Yar Mlihoined Khan and Dost Mahonu'd Khan 
were privately sent for, and tlu'y n'luiiretl to Ih'sha- 
wer from the Durani canij) at Daka. Ranjit Singh 
rewarded their treason to their brother and their 
services to himself by dividing the territory of 
Peshiiwer equally between theju, vm-y expertly 
placing Dost Mahomed Khan in an antagonist posi- 
tion to the brothers of Yar Mahomed Khun, and 
thereby providing for the sui>port of strife and 
dissensions amongst them. Dost Mahonu'd Khan 
for some time resided at Ilashtnagar, not ashamed 
to be indebted for territory to Hanjit Singh. INIa- 
homed Azom Khan, exhausted by vexation, fell 
into a dysentery, which carried him to the grave. 
He may be truly said to have <liod broken-hearted. 
It may be useless to speculate on what <li<l not 
occur. W-e shall not inquire, therefore, what might 
have been the state of aftairs had ho adhered to 
his original intention of contenting himsedf with 
K&hmir; or if, when Dost hirdiomed Khan had 
'Won Ivi\bal, he had permitted him to have ivtaincd 
it. No doubt a knowledge of his younger brother’s 


character influenced him, and liQ foresaw the cliance 
of having the resources of Kabal directed against 
him. Mahomed Azem Khan had considerable abi- 
lity-^ w’as*^lk©wy, munificent, and digilifibd. He was 
esteemed worthy of his high station. In private 
life he was free, social and devoted to pleasure, but 
not at the expense of business. His qualities were 
compatible with friendship, and amongst his de- 
pendent chiefs he could boast of many friends. 
He was succeeded by his elder son, Habib Ulah 
Khan, a rash headstrong youth, elevated in the full 
indulgence of his unruly passions, and in the midst 
of all kinds of excesses. His vices and failings 
were rather of habit than of the heart, and to atone 
for them he possessed indomitable personal bravery 
and lavish generosity. Unfortunately he had reck- 
lessness in place of judgment, and was utterly 
unfit to contend with his keen and rapacious uncles, 
in the struggle which it required no prophetical 
skill to divine they would excite. The dying- 
father, conscious of his son’s incapacity and want 
of discretion, recommended him to the care of his 
uncle, Jabai- Khan; he placed their hands wdthin 
each other, and conjured his bi-other to supply his 
place as father, while he implored his son to wipe 
off the disgrace he had suffered before the Sikhs. 

The intelligence of the dangerous disorder of 
M^omed Azem Khan had brought Fur Dil Kjian, 
from Kandahar. The shah, of the sirdar’s creation, 
Ayub, will not have been forgotten. He still re- 

62 FUR i)iu khan.^ 

sided in tlie Balia Hissar. Oii tlu^ < of Ma- 
homed Azexn Ivhan, the Shahzada Isinutd, the in- 
strument previously of removing Hhdh Rvlltan AH, 
intreated his^hfther to arise and .seize thf'^'^tia'asnros 
of the departed chief. There were lu'it wanting 
many who would have aided in the enterprise. The 
indolent and corpulent Ayiib rehuktHl liis son as a 
blockhead, who, to no purpose, assured him tliat it 
was the only mode of preserving himself against the 
evil intentions of F6r Dil Khan. Hhahzfuia Ismael, 
finding his father deaf to all his repn‘sentations, left 
the city on pretence of a })leasure-])arty to Hanjitak, 
but in reality intending to retire to Pcshawer. The 
father, apprised thereof, sent after liim, and induced 
his return. The plans of Fur Dil Khan wan-e no 
secret, and very many persons wislu'd the .shrih to 
take precautionary measures, ofiering to .support 
him in case he did. The infatuated prince was ac- 
customed to revile such advisers, and allccted to 
disbelieve what they reported to him. A t h'ngth 
the sirdar intimated to the shfili his inttuitiou of 
making a visit to him in the Bfilla Hissar. The shfdi 
consented, and merely ordered that the sirdar only 
should be admitted within the entrance-gate of the 
fortress. Tn the morning the sirdar appt'ared at 
the gate, and his follow^ers, Kohistains principally, 
rushed in and filled the bazar Araba. On naiehing 
-the.entrance of the palace another effort was made 
to exclude the armed followers of the sirdar, but 
another rush introduced them, and they spread over 



dIiATH op ISMAEL. 63 


the courts. The sirdar, and, Meher Dil 
Khan, with a few attendants, ascended the staircase 
and entered the darbar apartment, where the shdh 
and Ms s<Si>Prince Ismael, were seate'd.* Salutations 
were exchanged, and some loose conYersation took 
place, until the sirdars began to motion with their 
eyes to each other, and to their followers. It may 
be presumed, that Prince Ismael perceived the signs, 
for he seized his carbine, laying before him, and 
presented it at the sirdars. The Kohistanis, who 
had surrounded the father and son, were able to 
turn the direction of the carbine, but a Kohistani 
was killed, and others were wounded by its dis- 
charge. The unfortunate prince was immediately 
shot by the companions of the man slain, the shah 
was made prisoner, and the palace became a scene 
of plunder. One ELaji Alf, who is also reported to 
have shot the prince, despoiled the shih of his rai- 
ments, and clad him in his own ; then, by the sirdar’s 
orders, placed him behind himself on a horse, and 
carried him off to the Burj Vazii*. A singular 
spectacle was offered to the people of the city as 
Haji All bore the degraded monarch along the 
streets, but they had become familial- with extra- 
ordinary events and regarded them with apathy. 
The sirdm-s, when they had given the orders, conse- 
quent on the feat they had performed, returned to 
their dwellings in the city with the same conyio-, 
sure after the deposition of a monarch as if they 
had been enjoying a morning’s ride. The delusion 



of royalty wliicli invested Sh:\]i^,Ayul) was too appa- 
rent to cleceivo any one, and it seemed as if tlio 
mock dignity had been couft'rred upon him i)ur- 
posely to bring" it and the Sadu Zai fand^y into con- 
tempt. Fur Dil Khan terminatt'd the faf<‘e, and did 
not feel himself bound to tolerate a shadow of his 
deceased brother’s creation. Shah .Vyub was tnaited 
with much indignity in the BurJ Vazir, and it was 
wished to have tortured him that he might surrender 
treasure. By interveiition a comjiromisi' was agrei'd 
upon, and on the payment of a lakh of rupees the 
shah was released, and had libm-ty to go where he 
might list. Mahomed Zcuian Khan on tliis occa- 
sion behaved generously, and put the unfortunate 
prince in a condition to travel to laibort' with com- 
fort. Ranjit Singh allowed him one thousand ru- 
pees per me7isem. Ills brotlu'r, Shahzada Tbrahim, 
who resided at Peslntwer, was emiljled, on news 
reaching of the events at Kfibal, to retire across the 
Atak, with his family and wealth entire. Tt may bt> 
noted also, that the Nawab .labar Khan privahdy 
conveyed to Shdh Aydb inttdligcnce of his danger. 

Jabar Khan, commonly called the nawdh, from 
having held the government of Deni (Uinzi Khan, 
was one of the more elderly of the sons of Si- 
rafrasj Khan, but'- having lost his motlun- at an 
early age, his education and fortune were for .some 
-time neglected. Mahomed Azem Khan at length 
noticed him, aird pressed his claims on the attt'iition 
of the vazir, who appointed him successively to the 



governments of Dera Julian and of iCabal. 

In both offices he acquitted himself highly to the 
satisfaction of tlje governed, but not equally so to 
tha^o of ffe. vazir. Besides,* in comnion with his 
brothers, totertaining exalted notions of his import- 
ance, and affecting independence of action, he forgot 
to remit the revenues of his provinces. On these 
accounts the vazir more than once treated him with 
severity, and he w^as obliged to seek asylum with 
Mahomed Azein Khin, who invariably received him 
with kindness, and protected him. When deprived 
of the government of Khbal, he fled to Kashmir, 
and induced Mahomed Azem Khan to assume so 
suspicious an attitude that the vazir marched against 
him. A battle took place. The vazir, defeated 
in the field, rode singly into his brothei-’s camp, 
and embraced him for having so worthily proved him- 
self a soldier, but expostulated with him on allow- 
ing Jab& to sow dissensions between them. When 
Mdhomed Azem Khan left Kashmir Jabar Khan 
was made governor. Five months scarcely elapsed 
when a Sikh army entered the province. With 
more rashness than sense, without forming his 
troops, he advanced, with a few followers, in front of 
the hostile line. A volley brought nearly all to the 
ground, and amongst them Jafe^ Khan, who had 
received five or six musket-shots. It was with dif- 
ficulty they contrived to carry him off. No battle,^ 
but flight and slaughter followed. Kashmir was lost 
to the Duranis. In the distribution of territory, 



wliich succeeded the establishment of iMiiliomed 
Azem Khan at Kabal, Jabur Khan juainircd the 
government of theGhiljis, dependent tliereoii. This 
nobleman hks< always shown partieuhu.-<-r iviIity to 
European travellers who have visite<l A'tghanistan, 
and always ex])resses his desire tlial some politi<-:il 
understanding may originatt' betweim Kd])nl and 
India. He may, probably, in this respect, liave 
imbibed the sentiments of his brother, jMahomed 
Azem Khan. 

The deceased sirdar in no way imitated the de- 
structive policy of the vazir as to the Dilrani 
chiefs. He collected as many as he could about 
him, and by munificent donations contributed to 
improve their broken fortunes. His court was very 
respectable. His son soon reversed the order of 
things, and, immersed in dissij>atitm, surrounded 
himself with the profligate and abandoned of all 
classes. He conducted the government at first by 
means of his father’s officers, but tljey became 
speedily disgusted, and either retired or were dis- 
placed. The counsels of the Nawnb Jabar Khan 
were, of course, slighted. 

Dost Mahomed Khan did not fail to observe 
that a field of action was open to him, and lu- saw 
a fair chance of wresting from the infatnatt'd son 
that Kabal which he pretended the father had 
jinjustly taken from him. His territori(‘s at Pe- 
shawer he consigned to the charge of deputies, 

I ';;minrnf(iiiii i -'mi ' mm - 

♦ * 



and hastened to E^^bal, where he connected him- 
self with all the turbulent spirits of the country. 

Hostilities soon broke out ; and for some months 
thei^ we:fe"incessant contests, in which Habib Ulah 
"Khin, frohi his superior force, came off victo- 
rious, and Dost Mahomed Khan fled to the Ko- 
histin, or to Ghazni, to recruit his means and 
prepare for a renewed struggle. At length Habib 
Ulah exasperated the Nawib Jabar Khan, by de- 
priving him of his government, which he gave to a 
dissolute attendant of his orgies, Nazir Ali Maho- 
med; and farther alienated Amintilah Khin, Loghari, 
one of his father’s confidential servants, and a person 
of the highest influence, by seeking to destroy him. 
The results were, that the Nawab Jabar Khan in- 
clined to the cause of Dost Mahomed Khan, who 
again appeared in the field, and that, in an action 
fought on the Dasht Kergah, near the city, Aminfi- 
lah Khan, and his associates, went over to him in a 
body. Habib Ulah Khan defeated, retired within 
the Balia Hissar, which. Dost Mahomed Khan, 
taking possession of the city, immediately invested. 


The Kandahar sirdirs yimrch to the aid Hahih Ulah Khan — 
Dost Mdhomed Kbaa retires.-— Bcizt in? of liahib Tlah Klum* — 
Dost Mdhomed Khan asserts iuiuself his avongon^ — Sail state of 
Kiibal. — Favourable dispositions to Dost Maloaued Khan, — The 
Kandaliar sirdars desirous to secure and blind him, — ^aved bj 
Khan. — New arrangements, — ilaji Khaifs freuk,~-liv 
gages in Dost Mahomed Khan's service. — t^ultan Mahomed 
Khan’s errors. — His lax government. — Besieged hy Dost Maho- 
med Khan, — Retires to Peshawer. — Ahmei! i^hah.~His pre- 
tensions. — His success with the Yus;if Zuis.— lilends the ?e- 
shdwer sirdars. — Is betrayed by them.— New claims td'Dost 
Mahomed Khan’s brothers. — Reduction id' Zilrmut.— Return to 
Kabah and welcome. — Saiyad Ahmed >Shrdi’s movt‘ments.^ — Dost 
Mdhomed Khan’s assistance to his Peshawer brothers. — Extra- 
vagancies of Habib Ulah Klum. — His fidlowers seduced by Dost 
^ Mahomed Kh^n, — Discomfiture of the Nawah Jabiir Kham— 
March of Dost Mahomed Khan to Taghow. — Ills apprehensions 
of Mazulali. — Death of Maziilah.- — Designs on Jelillahad. — De- 
fection in Dost Mdhomed Khan’s army — Arrangements.—* 
Oaths. — Resumption of the Ghiiji government. — Rt‘marks on 
Dost Mdhomed Khan’s character. — Ills talents for business. — * 
His administration, — Projects of Shah Sujali-al-I^hilkh. — Senti- 
ments of the people. — Of Dost I\Iuhomed Khan. — Proposal to 
assume royalty rejeifced. — Anival of missiim from Kundir/. — 
Visit of Mir Alam Khan. — View’’s on Bajor, — ■ llmmmrs and 

. " ■ --fp. ■ 

The brotlier chiefs at Kaiulaluti and Peshawer 
. had not heen indiiferent to the (‘vents juissin^ at 

seizure' OF HABIB ULAH KHAN. 69 


Kabal. It neither -accorded with their feelings nor 
policy that Dost Mahomed Khan should obtain the 
country, or what remained of the treasure of their 
deceased brother. Circumstances had not allowed 
them to act before ; or so long as Habib Ulah Khan 
was the victor so much necessity for movement did 
not exist. Now that he was besieged, it behoved them 
to take prompt measures. Shir Dil Khmr, with his 
brothers, hastened to K^bal, on the plea of assisting 
Habib Ulah Khan. A variety of desultory actions 
followed, interluded by overtures and negotiations, 
and Dost Mahomed Khdn was ultimately compel- 
led to fly to the Kohistdn. The K^dahar chiefs 
congratulated Habib Ulah Khan ; and assuring him 
that he might always depend upon their aid against 
the evil designs of Dost Mahomed Kh^, intimated 
their intention of returning to Kandahdr. They 
joined their p&h-khana, fixed at Aliabad, without 
the city. Habib Ulah paid them, as he thought, 
a farewell visit, when he was seized by Meher Dil 
Khlin, and instantly smuggled off to a castle in Lo- 
ghar, belonging to Khoda Nazzar, a Ghilji, and 
confidential minister of the brothers. The perfidi- 
ous uncles as instantly mounted, and took posses- 
sion of the city and Balia Hissar. It” need not 
be remarked, that what remained of the treasure 
fell into their hands. Neither did they scruple, on 
the score of delicacy, as to the means of elicif^ng- 
it. It is possible that Shir Dil Khan may have 
contemplated the retention of K^al, but a little 



experience proTcd 'it vas net pr:u‘tical)Ie. Dost 
Mahomed Khan was again in arms, as the avenger 
of Habib Ulah Khan, and tlie opj)ressiv(' nu'asures 

of Klioda Nazzar, or Mama, as commonly culled, 


intrusted with the charge of the city, had (‘st ranged 
the good-will of all. The brotlier chiefs of Pesha- 
wer had eventually reache<l Kabal, ami a strange 
medley of counsels and consultations prevailed. It 
would be impossible to detail the proet'edings of 
this period, or the intrigues earrit'd on. The dif- 
ferences of the several brothers produced a chaos 
of confusion, and although nothing was settled 
amongst themselves, many of their purtismis were 
involved in disaster. Their followers have lu'cn 
engaged in deadly strife when the rival leaders were 
sitting together over a plate of cherries. The 
settlement of their pretensions was ultimately ac- 
celerated by a manifestation of public ft'rding. The 
state of Kabal must have been terrific ; and the re- 
flecting at last began to think as to wbat course 
they should adopt to terminat(5 it. The Juanshirs 
and the Shia community deti‘rmiu(;d to support 
Dost Mclhomed Khan, and that chief s<‘cr(‘t!y ro 
paired to the city, and entered into engagements 
with them. Dm-ing the consultatiojiM that had 
passed between th'e brothers it had been (Im-idtal 
to put to death, or to blind, Dost Mahomed Khan ; 
• and on one occasion, when he had hetui allured 
to an interview, he had been placed in a cham- 
ber, and the door had been chained. Comi)nnc- 




tion, or tlie intercession of some one, saved "him, 

• 1 ** 

and he left the house unconscious of the danger 
he had been exposed to. Now that it was known 
that the ^hia community had espoused his cause, 
strenuous •eiforts were made again to secure his 
person and to blind him, if no more. Dost Ma- 
homed Kh^’s extreme caution' was overcome, and 
he came, intending to have an interview with his 
brothers. He was about to have entered the apart- 
ment where his fate would have been sealed, when 
Haji Khan, in the secret, motioned him to retire. 
He did so, mounted his hoi’se and galloped off. 
The Kh^ca soldier of fortune, in the service at 
this time of Shir Dil Khan, was able to discern 
that, backed by Kazilbash influence. Dost Ma- 
homed Kh^ had every chance of establishing 
himself. He had ever, from his acquaintance at 
Herat, had certain sympathies with him, and now 
he had determined to join his fortunes with those 
of Dost Mahomed Kh^. It was felicitous to pre- 
face the connexion by a signal service. The de- 
lusive arrangements tendered by the brothers to 
their kinsman with the view of betraying him, 
were converted into effective and real ones by 
the force of circumstances. It had beeji decided, 
as treachery had failed, to ha\e had another ap- 
peal to anns ; it had also been concerted by those 
willing to close the fearful drama enacting, to have 
slain one of the brothers in the expected combat, ' 
and by producing a blood feud amongst them, to 



have'Ied to tlieir mutual extermination. The fact 
became known, ami it was felt iiulisiuMisahle to 
accommodate matters without risking the safety 
of the family. ■■ By the new basis agreed epon Dost 
Mahomed Khan received the Kohistan -and (lliaz- 
ni, but as he had lost the territories at Pesha%ver, 
he benefited principally by the more favourable 
position he was placed in. 'I'he city of Kahal 
was given to Sfiltan Mrdiomed Khan, the second 
of the Peshawer brothers. .labar Kluln n'as rein- 
stated in the Ghilji government, and jlahib riah 
Khan, released from captivity, re<*eived the dis- 
tricts of Loghar and Ghorband. 'I’he governments 
of Jelalabad, Peshawer, and Kandahar were not 

When the sirdars of Kandalutr -^vere about to 
leave Kabal Haji KhAn Avas missing, and it was 
discovered that he liad retired to a shrine in the 
city, and that, professing to have beccmie a taquir, 
he had deprived himself of his clothing, and was 
seated, in great humility, with a langoti, or cloth 
bound round his loins. The sirdars w(‘nt to him, 
and asking if he was mad, conjured him to arise 
and go back with them; but he su'ore that he 
had renounced the world, and, as a facjuir, intend- 
ed to pass the renjainder of his days in seidnsion, 
prayer, and repentance. Whatever the sii’diirs 
J;hought of such assurances, they could not over- 
come his resolution, and time not allowing tlnnu 
much opportunity to reason with him, they loft 



Hi ■• . ■ 


him behind. As soon as they were gone Dost 
Mahomed Khan was in the presence of the penitent 
f%uir, and calling him baba, or father, besought 
him not tG* desert him in his new “ situation, for 
which he whs chiefly indebted to him, and entreat- 
ed him to get up and become his vazir. Haji 
Khan set forth his abhorrence of power, and the 
great crimes it leads men to commit ; but Dost 
Mahomed Khan was so earnest and affectionate 
that suddenly his scruples vanished, and avowing 
that he had always loved the sirdar, he declared 
that he would serve him even if he lost his 
own soul. 

Within the year after his return from Kabal 
with the plunder of his nephew, died Shir Dil Khan, 
leaving his ill-gotten wealth to be spoliated by his 
brothers. By his decease Dost Mahomed Khan 
lost the brother most capable of opposing his ad- 
vancement, and the one whose activity and valour 
he most dreaded. Sultan Mahomed Khdn at Kabal 
experienced that he had a dangerous neighbour in 
the Kohistan. Unluckily for this chief, the union 
of the Kazilbashes with Dost Mahomed KTiAu 
drove him into the arms of the Sum party too 
exclusively ; and looking upon his brother’s friends 
as enemies to himself, he treated them with harsh- 
ness and contempt. The city under his adminis- 
tration bid fair to become the theatre of religious 
dissensions; it had already begun to be a prey*to 
disorder, which it may be conceived Dost Mahom- 





ed Khan’s emissarjes fomented. SultAn Mitliomed 
Khan was wonderfully fond of splendid dresses, and 
his predilection for finery and embroidery bad 
earned him •'the sobriquet of Sultsln:^ Mahomed 
Khan Tillahi (the golden Sult4n Maluflned Khan). 
Not deficient in ability, he seemed ill-suited to 
govern, and while capable of business, seemed to 
dislike it. Respectable both in the field and cabi- 
net, he willingly fled from both to the pleasures 
of the harain. His public measures Avere lax, and 
he left much to his officers. It is said, that during 
his sway there were as many h£cams, or governors, 
in the city as there were kuchas, or sections. It 
required a more vigilant chief to contend with the 
restless and indefatigable Dost Miihomed Khan. 

When, finally, Sultan Mahomed Khfin received 
a message from his brother that he must evacuate 
the city, or dispute its possession on the plain, he 
exclaimed against his perfidy and perjury instead 
of exerting himself to oppose him. His Suni 
friends, however, warded off one or t%vo attacks, 
but their chief became invested in the Bfdla Hissar. 
As no movement was made from Kandahar or Pe- 
shdwer for his relief, it may be iiresuined that it was 
not coirvenient to afford it. Be this as it may, by 
the intervention of friends a treaty was concImU'd 
by which Sultan Mahomed Klum consente<l to 
^ retire to Peshdwer, and Dost Alahomed Khan bonnd 
himself to remit, annually, one lakh of ru])ees in 
return. As the Peshawer chief evacuated the Balia 





. # , 

Hissar by the eastern g-ate the fortunate Dost Ma- 
homed Kh^ passed into it by the western gate. 
His partisans and the populace manned the ram- 
parts, and'^in derision shouted affcef 1;he retiring 
Sultan Mahomed Khan, “ Khush amadid, Sultin 
Mahomed Khan, Tillahi,” or Good-b’ye to you. 
Golden Shlt^ Mahomed Khan. 

Dost Mahomed KhAn had now attained the fii’st 
object of his ambition, the possession of Kabal ; 
but he well knew it would be disputed with him 
as soon as his brothers of K^dahar and Peshawer 
were able to take the field. He had profited by 
their embaiTassed situation, and in place of assist- 
ing them had seized the occasion to aggrandize 
himself. To understand the events now passing 
it must be observed, that some time previously the 
celebrated fanatic and impostor, Ahmed ShAh, had 
passed through these countries into the Yusaf Zai 
districts, assuming a delegated power from above 
to exterminate the Sikhs, and to make himself 
master of the Panjab, of Hindostan, and of China. 
The shrewd chiefs of Kabal and Peshawer, while 
showing him the attentions due to a saiyad, were 
not quite convinced of his divine mission ; still, while 
regarding him cautiously, they could not? as Mus- 
sulmans, seem even to object to the crusades he 
proposed. In the Yusaf Zai country he was re- 
ceived with perfect cordiality, implicit confidence 
was given to his assertions, and the enthusiastic 
population took uj) arms, eager to signalize them- 



selves in the cause of religion, and to have shares 
in the countries which, as the saiyad told them, 
God had bestowed upon them. His unexpeetcjd 
success in foilsing the Yusaf Zais induced the Pe- 
shawer chiefs to open a communicatioil with him, 
agreeably to their plan of being on the right side 
under any circumstances ; and so innumerable were 
the hosts with the saiyad that his triumph, if un- 
certain, did not appear improbable. The saiyad 
himself was intoxicated with the results of his im- 
pudence and effrontery, and, assured of victory, 
affected to treat his allies as subordinates. Their 
pique immediately produced a x-enewal of their 
understanding Avith the Sikhs, and in the battle 
which followed, by flying on its commencement 
they threw confusion and disaster amongst the 
saiyad’s in-egular host. The daring and sul,)tilc 
impostor retired to his Yusaf Zai asylum, denoun- 
cing vengeance on Yiir Mahomed Khan. Dost Ma- 
homed Khan was in correspondence with the sai- 
yad, and it opportunely happened that his ])i'ocet'd- 
ings, by keeping the attention of the Peshawc>r 
chiefs engaged, were favourable to the Kabul cliiefs 
designs. HlLji Khan was constantly lamenting tliat 
the discords betAA'een the brothers of the. fuTuily 
should prevent his-marching Avith their united force 
to assist the holy saiyad Ahmed Slufh. 

I have ab'eady related the result of the (rom- 
bination between the brother chicts of Kandahar 
and Peshawer to Imnrble Dost Mahomed Khdn, 



and the active part taken by S^^iyad Aluned Shah 
in preventing the march westward of the Peshawer 

The sev'^ral brothers having trea<te(f with Dost 
Mahomed Khair as chief of Kabal, henceforth 
relinquished their attacks upon him on account of 
his unjust claims, and assailed him on a new point, 
urging, that it was his duty to contribute a portion 
of his revenues towards the expenses they incurred 
in defending themselves respectively, against Kam- 
ran on the one side, and the Sikhs on the other, 
while, medially situated, he was at ease and in 
leisure, multiplying his resources ; it might have con- 
fessed fear, if they had added w'hat yet they felt — 
for their degradation. To their demands for moirey 
or troops, the chief always replied, that the first 
he could not give, and the latter he would send 
only when their territories were actually invaded. 

No sooner had the Kandahai’ army retreated from 
Ghazni than Dost Mahomed Khan, at the insti- 
gation of Haji Khan, marched upon Zurmat, the 
country of the Suliman Khel Ghiijis. The chief 
hesitatingly consented to this expedition, being 
fearful, he said, to arouse the Ghiijis. It termi- 
nated successfully ; a multitude of castles were de- 
stroyed, tribute was levied, and fits payment annu- 
ally settled for the future. In this campaign the 
cholera spread amongst the troops, and produped . 
some casualties. Dost Mahomed Khan was affected 
by it, and, dubious as to the result, conjured Haji 



Khin, in case of, accident, to conduct liis wives 
to Kabal. 

The chief returned to his capital amid rc'Joicing-s 
and illuminations, and he could never Before liavo 
entered it with such pleasurable feeling^. It wouhl 
have been happy for him if he had been blessed 
with moderation, that he might have continued 
to enjoy power so satisfactorily ; but the spirit of 
ambition led him away, and his equivocal meastires 
soon diminished his popularity. He, as well as 
his brothers, had violated the family compact, and 
the frequent changes and removals from authority 
which had taken place proved it to be a fallacy. 
The suspicious light in which Dost Mahomed Khan 
was regarded by his brothers and relatives w^as 
not lessened by his increase of power and moans 
of injuring them, and henceforth we shall see how 
justly he was dreaded, and how deliberately, but 
determinedly he progressed in reducing them, and 
following up his plans of aggrandizement. 

The complete establishment of Dost hlahomed 
Khan in authority, in the year 1827, produced no 
instantaneous alteration in the distribution of tlu' 
country. The loss of Kohat and Ilangu made it 
necessary to provide for the sons of Samad Khan, 
and Dost Mahomed Khdn not interesting himself 
on their account, they fell to the care of Mahomed 
„Zeman Khan, who conferred on Mahomed Osman 
Khan the town of Balia Bagh, and on Sadii Khan 
villages in the plain of Jelalabad. 



.» * 

In tlie year 1829 Saiyad Ahmed Shah, made 
a serious attack on the Peshawer territory ; in his 
progress he captured the killa, or fortress of Hund, 
and Mahomed Khan, advancing *td’ recover it, 
was surprised in a night attack, and slain. The 
victorious saiyad, who was in communication with 
Faizdlah Khan, Hazar Khani, a powerful zemindar 
of Pesh£wer, entered the city, and for some days 
held it. The chiefs retired to Khaihar. The saiyad 
conducted himself moderately during his stay, dis- 
cussing religious points with the mhllas, and con- 
vincing them that he was not a Wahabi, as, it would 
seem, they had accused him of being. To others 
he unbosomed himself, and regretted that he had 
not seized Kabal, to have served as a point diappui 
to his operations. With the fugitive sirdars he 
opened negotiations, and they readily agreed to 
any terms proposed, having no intention of ful- 
filling them. It was arranged, that the saiyad should 
retire, leaving an agent at Peshawer to receive one 
lakh of rupees. Faizfilah Khan, and all others, were 
to be respected, who had sided with the saiyad, 
and the sird^s, as good Mussulmans, were to assist 
him in his future struggles with the Sikhs. The 
sirdars re-entered their city, and a few days after 
slew the saiyad’s agent and Faizulah Khan. The 
latter, on quitting the darb&, received his first 
wound from the hand of Pir Mahomed Khan, tl,ie 
younger of the sirdars. The preparations of the 
saiyad to avenge these perfidious acts, compelled 



applications to Dojt Mahomed Khan and to Lahore 
for assistance. As the integrity of the Peshawer 
territory had been impaired, Dost Mtthomed Khdn 
sent the Nawub Jabar Khan and Habib fJlah Khan, 
with their troops, to assist his brothers. ' The Sikhs 
also, whose interest did not accord with the occu- 
pation of Peshawer by the saiyad, ordered a force 
to cross the Atak. Some skirmishing hajipened 
in the Yusaf Zai districts, and the cam])aign termi- 
nated by the reti-eat of the saiyad and the reeovi'i-y 
of Killa Hund. The Nawab Jabar Khan returned 
to Kabal, and Habib Ulah Khan remained at Pe- 
shawer. Dost MOiomed Khan was glad of an 
opportunity to resume the revenues of Ids nephew. 
This impetuous youth had attached to him eight 
hundred very dissolute, but resolute cavalry. Tlu‘ 
excesses committed by him and them at Peslniwer 
were so extraordinary that on many (x'casions 
the shops of the city were shut up, as in a time 
of siege. The sirdars, perplexed how to deal witli 
him, at length, by stratagem, prevailed upon him 
to leave the city, when, finding that it was not. 
the intention to re-admit him, he took the road of 
LMpura, the town of the Momand thief Sfuhit 
Khan. Here he remained two or three months 
a compulsory aird unwelcome guest, and having- 
gutted the town, proceeded up the valley of delu- 
la|)ad. Mahomed Zeman Khan fled at his ap])roa(‘h, 
and repaired to Kabal, imploring assi.stance from 
Dost Mdhomed Khan. This chief smiled, and 



thought he might dispense with territory, if unable 
to protect it. Habib Ulah* did not occupy the 
residence of Mahomed Zeman Khan at Jelalabad, 
but passing the town, fixed himself about a mile 
beyond it, at the castle of Jehdn Nemahi, belonging 
to Mirza Aga Jan, one of the ministers. Here 
he and his men lived at free quarters upon the 
country. They were allowed some time to pursue 
their profligate career unmolested, that the people 
might be well surfeited, and that the measure in 
contemplation by Dost Mahomed Khan might stand 
excused. When the time came, he sent Mahomed 
Zeman Khan back with troops, and having tam- 
pered with Habib Ulah’s followers, they came over 
in a body, and were received^ into service. The 
Nawab Jab^ Khfin was entrusted with the charge 
of an expedition to the S^i valley of Taghow. On 
entering the valley he was surprised in an evening 
attack by Mazdlah, the principal of the petty Ma- 
leks, and so complete was the panic produced that 
the troops fled, abandoning their equipage and the 
two guns they had brought with them. The Nawab 
was the last man to mount, but neither his en- 
treaties nor. example could arrest the fugitives. 

Dost Mahomed Khdn conceived that it behoved 
him to reduce M^ulah and to recover his guns. 
He accordingly, in 1831, marched in person towards 
Taghow, It is asserted that the Nawab Jabar 
Khin was willing that the failure of his brother’s 
enterprise should extenuate the* reproach attaching 





to liis own ; and that his letters, encouraging Mei- 
ztilah to resistance, were intercepted. The uawMi’s 
friends aflinn, that his seal was forged. Dost Mji- 
homed Khan pntered Taghow, and reduc^'d the ))rin- 
cipal castles, while the jisalclns of his brotlu'r, Amir 
Mahomed Khiln, scoured the valley. Mjizuhih was 
ultimately induced, on the guarantee of Ilaji Khan 
and the good Mussulmans in camp, to pay hi.s re- 
spects to Dost Mahomed Khan, and he engage<i, 
while paying a certaiir sum down, to remit annual 
tribute. The abandoned guns were restored. IMii- 
zulah Khan was one of the men feared by Dost 
Mahomed Khc\n. He was not a great man, l>ut 
one that dared to act : and at certain time's t'xample 
is contagious. Mazulah Khan afterwards visited 
Kabal, but under such guarantees that his person 
was respected. Had he again come he would have 
repented his confidence. Dost Maliomcd Khan, 
in his anxiety to be ridden of him, oHer<'d a rt'ward 
of three thousand rupees to the ])er.son who wouhl 
slay him. The reward was falsely claimed ; and 
Dost Mahomed Khan was .so overjoyt'd that he 
paid the money without satisfying himself that 
the applicant was entitled to it. Some tinu^ after 
Mazulah^ was slain by a man, who caitu> laughing 
up to him, and presented his musket ; the wretch 
was cut down on the spot. It was lu'ver ascc'r- 
tained by whom, if by any one, lie had bet'n insti- 
giited to commit the murder of his chief. 

Aftet the submission of Muzulah and Taghow 



Dost Mahomed Khan marched to Lughman, an& it 
became revealed that he had desigms upon JelalabM. 
Mahomed Zeman Khan, previously informed there- 
of, had appMed to the chiefs of Peshiiv^r for assis- 
tance, and they, regarding the captm-e of Jelalab^d 
as the first step to the prosecution of the Kabal 
chief’s machinations against themselves, determined 
to give it, and marched with all haste to BishbuMk 
in the valley of Jelalabad, but under the shelter of 
the Khaibar hills. . As the affair was a family one, 
the Nawab Jabar Khan, M^omed Osman Khan, 
and others, became implicated in the league to 
support Mahomed Zeman Khan. At the approach 
of the Kabal foi-ce Mahomed Zeman Khan retired 
across the river, followed by Dost M£iomed Khan. 
A day of skirmishing passed, and on the morrow, 
when Dost Mahomed Khan had resolved to bring 
on a decisive action, the Nawab Jabar Khan and his 
party flatly refused to mount, or take part in it. 
Paralyzed, and ignorant how far the combination 
in his camp extended, while threatened by a junc- 
tion of the Jelalabad and Peshawer troops. Dost 
Mahomed Khan felt himself powerless. The Na- 
wab Jabar Kh4n now assumed the part of a me- 
diator and composer of differences, an office jof.which 
he is so fond that it is jocularly i;pmarked, he pro- 
motes difficulties for the pleasure of adjusting them. 
He had, however, to experience that mediators rfay 
not always be acceptable to all parties, and that 
while setting to rights the affmrs of others they 


THE NAWAB’S arrangements. 

may endanger their own. Willing to preserve Ma- 
homed Zeman Kli^n,' he did not wish to destroy 
Dost Mahomed Khan, and therefore by not enter- 
ing fully into -the views of the Peshawer«chiefs, who 
thought the opportunity a good one of reducing him 
to insignificance, he oftended them as well aS Ma- 
homed Zemin Khan. Dost Mahomed Khan was, 
of course, irritated that he was deterred from seizing 
a prey within his grasp. By the Nawab Jabar 
Khan’s skilful arrangement the invasion was con- 
sidered a friendly visit, and the firing that had 
taken place a few feu de joies upon the occasion. 
Mahomed Zemin Khan w^as to present his guest, 
Dost Mahomed Khan, with forty thousand rupees 
as mihmani, or entertainment fee. The Kabul and 
Peshawer troops were respectively to retire. Ma- 
homed Zemin Khan regretted his money; the Pe- 
shawer chiefs w^ere enraged that they had been 
put to inconvenience and expense to no purpose, 
while Dost Mahomed Khin was indignant at having 
been baffled. The Kabul chief, hou’ever, intent 
upon drawing as much advantage as he could from 
the aftair, pretended contrition that he had marched 
upon. Jelalabid, and pleaded in excuse his having 
listened -to bad counsels. He in some meastire re- 
stored confidence -to Mahomed Zemin Khan, and at 
length, with his owm hand, WTote a series of dread- 
ful imprecations on himself, if ever he wrested Jela- 
labad from him, on a leaf of the chiefs Koran. 
He, and his brother, Amir Mahomed Khan, both 



put their seals to this delectable document. Hav- 
ing for the moment lulled tlie suspicions of Ma- 
homed Zem^n Khan, he returned to Mbal, and 
informed th^ Nawdb Jabar Kh^, that,having heard 

his mal-administration of 
e 1 ji districts, he was necessitated to transfer 
them to Amir Mahomed Kh^ to bring them into 
order. In this manner the Nawib lost his govern- 
The conditions of the treaty of Ghazni, as to 
remittance of the Loghar revenue, had never been 
tulhlled, and the subsequent death of Ftir Dil Kh4n 
rendered the Kabal chief very easy as to any future 
embarrassment from Kandah&. The deceased sir- 
dar, while unpopular from a certain repulsive man- 
ner, was clever, and equal to business, which none 
f his remaining brothers were. The confusion into 
whicA their affairs soon fell made them disliked 
by all closes; and Dost MShomed Khan was not 
displeased at the accounts which from time to time 
reached Kabal of their tyranny and mismanage- 

I have now narrated some of the leading erents 
m the cmeer of Dost Maomed Kh«n np to the 

Kdbal. tts oonrse, it will not fail to be noted, 
had teen a smgnlar one. Possessing a rariety of 
talents, without principle, he had foiled his com- 
^trtors, and derated himself to power, the grea't ' 
object of his ambition. To attempt to delineate 


the" character of a man who has none, would be 
ridiculous. He was "good or bad as it suited his 
conceived interests. Still, the qualities which lie 
derived from jiature, or acquired in inteveoarse with 
the world, did not constitute him a great man, — the 
former w'ere not such as rendered him capable of 
an act of genei’osity, the latter were not such as 
permitted him to repose confidence in any human 
being. Dost Mahomed Khmr might have an ac- 
complice, he could never have a friend ; and his 
power, erected on the basis of fraud and overreach- 
ing, "was always liable to be destroyed by the same 
weapons. Many of his vices and errors were, un- 
doubtedly, those of his countrymen, and of circum- 
stances. His fortune had placed him in an age in 
which honesty could scarcely thrive. Had he been 
horn to legitimate pow’er he would have figured 
very respectably ; his talents would have had a fair 
field for their developement and exercise, and he 
would have been spai’ed the commission of many 
enormities, then unnecessary. It has been remark- 
ed, that he never acted wantonly, or pt>rpet rated 
mischief for the mei’e sake of mischief, and that lie 
was open to shame, but it was doubtful whetluT for 
having c^one evil or because he had gaine<l nothing 
by it. It is fair to notice the conduct of Dost 
MOaomed Khan in his new capacity of supremo 
chief of Kabal, especially as it did him much credit 
in many I’espects. From his youth upwards he 
had been dissipated, and prone to all the vices of 


i , I 


the country. Master of Klibal^ he abjured Mine 
and other unlawful pleasures. The chief of the 
community, it was due that his example should not 
be questioned. Of his application aisd ’aptitude for 
business thSre could be but one opinion. He had 
been xmeducated ; he now felt the evil ; and by an 
effort, which required considerable resolution at his 
age, overcame the neglect of his youth. He learned 
to read and to wn-ite. In all matters where no 
political questions had foi'ce he was fair and im- 
partial, and free from haughtiness ; and accessible 
to all classes. Vigilant in the administration of the 
country, crimes became few. People ceased to 
commit them, conscious they should be called to 
account. There can be no doubt but that at this 
time KS,bai was flourishing : stranger as I was, and 
observing the visible content and comfort that pre- 
vailed, I could not but have attributed it to the equal 
rule of Dost Mahomed Khan ; but I had afterwards ■ 

to learn that so much good might be owing to other 
causes than his justice or care for the welfare of 
his subjects. 

In the month of June accounts reached Kabal 
of the intention of the ex-king, Shah Stijah al 
Mulkh, to sally forth from his asylum at Lu- 
diana, and to attempt to re-establish himself in 
sovereignty at Kabal. The expression of sentiment 
this news brought forth proved, at least, that the 
people, if they had no fair cause of complaint against 
their actual chief, were not averse to a change in 



rule. It necessarilj produced much solicitude in the 
mind of Dost Mdhomed Khan, particularly as, al- 
though he did not avow it, he must have suspected 
the ex-king to be about to move unde'f the sanc- 
tion, if not with the support, of the British Govern- 
ment of India. It is subject for discussion, whether 
it was politic or honourable to permit an expelled 
king to organise armaments in British territory. 
Dost Mdhomed Khan, on first hearing the report, 
exclaimed, '' I have not money to march an army ; 
the inclinations of the Ghulam Khana are well 
known. I have but a few Afghans I can depend 
upon.” Mirza Sami Khdn, Haji Khan, the Khfin 
Mulla Saifadin Kh^, and others, urged upon Dost 
Mahomed Khan the necessity of assuming royalty, 
as well to enter the field on equal terms, with 
respect to rank, with his antagonist, as to obviate 
a conviction, prevalent amongst Afghans, that those 
who fall under the banners of a padshali, or legi- 
timate monarch, may hope for the rewards of mar- 
tyrdom, and which may not be so certainly expt'cted 
by those who perish under other auspices. The 
sirdar’s relatives universally and vehemently oj)- 
posed the project; and influenced somewhat by 
their pertinacity, and perhaps as much by the* 
knowledge that the people in general treated the 
affair with ridicule, it was abandoned. Dost hlfi- 
„ homed Khan observing, that it was inconsistent 
in one who had no money to become a king. 

,In the month of August, Atmfir, the Hindu 

1 ^ 


Diw^n of Mir Mahomed Morad Beg, the Uzbek 
chief of Ktinduz, reached Kabal on a mission. 

He brought as presents twenty-'feeven horses and 
twelve sh^ep, besides cloths, &c. His ’avowed ob- 
jects were ’with reference to the movements of 
the Persians in Khorasan, and the announced ex- 
pedition of the ex-king, Shhh Sujah al Mulkh ; 
to conclude a treaty, oiFensive and defensive, be- 
tween Dost Mdhomed Khan and his master, to 
be cemented by family alliances. The Kunduz 
chief would engage to furnish, w'hen called upon, 
seven thousand cavalry. There were many who ♦ 
suspected that the Diwdn was merely sent to as- 
certain thoroughly the state of aiFairs at Kabal. 

That he intrigued with many persons, particularly 
with Haji Khan, under orders for Bisut and Ba- 
mian, is certain. No one was more indignant 
than the khan at the bare mention of an Uzbek 
alliance ; and Dost Mahomed Kh^, purposing, if 
opportunity permitted, at some future time to visit 
Kunduz, excused himself from benefiting by the 
condescension of Mir Mahomed Morad Beg, of 
which he was unworthy. 

A few days after the Diwdn’s arrival Dost Md- 
homed Khan received a visitor of more distinc- 
tion in Mir Alam Khan, the chief of Bajor. 

When foiled in his attempt to secure JelalabM 
in the winter, the Kabal chief threatened to pro- 
ceed to Bajor ; his purpose ^as diverted by the 
receipt of a sum of money, some ten or twelve 


thousand rupees, and the promise of Mir Alam 
Khdn to come to I^abal. He now fulfilled it, 
but under every ''precaution for his security. Ma- 
homed Zenfan- Khan from .Telalabiid preceded him 
a few days, and he received the joint g-uarantees 
of Mirza Sami Khfin, the Nawabs Jabar Khun 
and Mahomed Zemfui Khan, Haji Khan, and Kluin 
Sherin Khlln. He was numerously attended, and 
his train, a select one, was well mount('d and ap- 
pareled. Dost Mahomed Khan received him n ith 
great respect, and lodged him in his own jtalaet'. 
The Bajor chief, it appeared, had sent a daughter, 
very young, to the Vazir Fati Khan, who intended 
her for one of his sons. The maiden had gTown 
up, and was now residing with the wivt'S of Dost 
Mahomed Khan. It was proposed to give her 
to one of the chiefs sons; to which .Mir Alam 
Khan, looking upon the daughter as lost to him, 
consented. The Bajor chief remained some day.s 
a guest, and although treated with civility, joy- 
fully took his departure, inwardly determiiu'd never 
again to trust himself in the power of Dost Ma- 
homed Khan. Bajor was a country much covetial 
by the sirdai*, and was the immediate advantage' 
he calculated upon from the possession of .lela- 
labad. Besides giving him the command of the 
plains of Peshawer, and putting him in commu- 
nication with the fanatical tribes of the mountain- 
ous regions between it and Kashmir, from its 
remote situation and great natural strength, it 


would admirably serve as a stronghold and place 
of refuge in case of a reVers'e of fortune. The 
distractions of the Durani chiefs had permitted 
the chiefs of Bajor to lapse into a ipeeies of inde- 
pendence. « Mir Alam Khan, on discovering that 
Dost Mahomed Khdn had designs against his terri- 
tory, had connected himself with the brother chiefs 
of Peshawer, who cordially united themselves with 
him, justly considering the preservation of his coun- 
try essential to the security of their own. 

Numerous were the reports which, during the 
autumn, wei*e circulated in the city relative to 
Khorasan and Shah Sujih al Mulkh’s proceed- 
ings. It was also a current bazar report that 
the sirdar intended to seize Hajf Khan. In pro- 
cess of time, however, that chief started on his 
expedition to Bisut and Bamidn, as I have related 
in the preceding volume. 






Besearches. — Mound. — Discoveries. — Tuz4eaf manuscripts. ~ 
Images. — Conjectures. — Antiquity of manuscripts. ~ Alarm 
of friends. — Intercourse with Mahomed Akbar Klmn. — His 
sensible observations. — Anecdote of Mr. Moorcroft. — Dr. Gerard's 
sculpture. — Excursions. — Beturn of Haji Khin.^ — His reception. 
— Haji Khan's visit to Kdndiiz. — Hospitality of Mir MMiomed 
Morad Beg. — Bevolt in BMakshan. — Haji Khan's Alima. — 
Treaty with Mdhomed Morad Beg. — Bahmatiilah Beg's replies. 
— Disposal of D6h Zanghi captives. — Rahmatulah Beg's parting 
remark. — Release of Mir Yezdanbaksh’s relatives. — Haji Khan's 
hints to them — Haji Khan's projects. — Samander Khan.**— 
Dost Mahomed Khan's discretion. — Haji Khan's final detenni* 
nation. — Dost Mdhomed Khan's reproaches. — Haji Khan's 
retort. — Entertainment of elchls and chiefs. — Theft. — Dost 
Mdhomed Khl,n's sarcastic counsel- — Haji Khan discharges 
his followers. — His imputed design. — Hussen Kiuin. — - Haji 
Khan's remark. — Movements of Mir Mahomed Morad Beg. — 
Fate of Mahomed All Beg. — Abdulah Khfm. 

Having now resided a year without interniptioiii 
and in perfect security, in the country, 1 was em- 
boldened io essay whether objections would be 
made to the examin|ttioii of some of the numerous 
artificial mounds on the skirts or the hills. I was 
unable to direct my attention to the massive topes, 
where considerable expense wm required ; still, 
the inferior indicatimis of the olden time miirht 

' cl 


repay the labour bestowed upon them, and by ’test- 
ing the feeling which my’ excavations created I 
might smooth the way for the time when I should 
be in condition to undertake the guperior monu- 
ments. Without asking permission of any one, 
I commenced an operation upon a mound at the 
skirt of the hill Koh Takht Shah, separated by a 
spur from the Zi^at Panjah ShMi Mirddn. It was 
at the entrance of a little khol, or glen, called 
Khol Shams, where was a spring and a few trees. 
The spot I had often visited with picnic paities. 
Below, or east of it, was a castle and garden, belong- 
ing to Akhiind Iddaitulah, already introduced in 
the narrative of my Bamihn excursion. I had 
become acquainted with his sons, who interested 
themselves to forward my researches. The mound 
was composed of two stages, the lower and superior 
one being garnished with caves. In the centre of 
the upper one. was a circular hollow, supposed by 
my friends to have been a hous, or reservoir of 
water. These caves had been visited by the in- 
mates of the castle, and from one of them a cop- 
per lamp had been brought, now in the possession 
of the Akhund. I obtained from them specimens 
of the unbaked bricks which had been epiployed in 
the construction of the mound. , They were sixteen 
inches square, with a depth of six inches. On one 
side was the impression of a hand, on the other that 
of a figure, or character, 4. Tradition ascribes the 
locality to Zakom ShAh, an'^bpponent of Hazrat 



AM, and therefore does not throw mucli light upon 
it. In the course of four or five days we discover- 
ed, nearly at one nf the angles of the mound, a tak, 
or arched resie^s, ornamentally carved, and sup])ort- 
ed by two slender pillars. In it we foiwid the re- 
mains of several earthen images ; the heads of the 
two larger ones only were sufficiently entire to bear 
removal. They were evidently of female figiu'es, 
and of very regular and handsome features. Af- 
fected by moisture, which had natin*ally in the 
course of centuries completely pervaded the mound, 
and everything of mere earth contained within it, 
we could yet from slight traces ascertain that the 
figures had been originally covered with layers of 
white and red paint, and that over the latter 
had been placed a surface of gold leaf. The hair 
of the heads, tastefully airanged in curls, had been 
painted with an azure colour. The recess also 
had been embellished with gold leaf and lapis lazuli 
tints. Accompanying the figures were a variety 
of toys, precisely such as the Hindus make at the 
present day, and in no better taste, rei (resenting 
horses, sheep, cows &c., of cement. The more 
important discovery remained. At the base of the 
recess were hevm stones ; and on their removal we 
found jammed in hstween them Naguri writings, 
on tdz leaf. Their position, which had clearly been 
adopted with a view to their preservation, had Tiot 
secured them from the consequences of natural 
decay and the all-penStrating damp. 

The chai-aeters on many of the fragmental masses 
"weie very distinct and legible. *It now occurred to 
me, that an examination of the ccyresponding angle 
of the mound might lead to similar ^results; our 
labours did,not substantiate the notion. We next 

opened the pile between the two angles, and it soon 
became evident that the space had been filled by 
a suite of small apartments. Some of these we 
cleared out In one of them, which had been 
crowned with a dome, we found several images, of 
different proportions, but one of them eight or ten 
feet in length. They were all of pure earth, and 
had been covered with gold leaf, and were lyino- ho- 
rizontally. My Mahomedan companions amused 
themselves in scraping it off, but the images were 
so saturated that it was impossible even to develope 
one of them perfectly. In another apartment, which 
had been alike decorated with mouldings, and paint- 
ed with white, red, and azure colours, we found 
three earthern lamps, an iron nail, and one or two 
fragments of iron. Pieces of charcoal were abund- 
ant, and occasionally a few bones were brouo-ht to 
light, with pieces of red and black pottery; the 
latter of good fabric, 

I ha™ been particuta- in detailing tlie resnits 
here, aa they are those lihety to be obtained in the 
examination of the numerous artificial mounds 
which everywhere in these countries arrest atten- 
tion, and which have no doubt a common chamcter. ' 
cou d not forbear the conjecture that the spot had 

antiquity of manuscripts. 


been purposely filled up with earth, which indeed 
was evident, or tha't it^might have been so filled up 
at some crisis wh«n the toirent of invasion was roll- 
ing upon EAbal, and it was judged nypessary to 
conceal the temples and funereal loeaIi(;ies to pre- 
serve them from desecration. The fragments of 
writing elicited have a degree of value, since the 
researches of Mr. Prinsep have arranged, in a tabu- 
lar form, the Nc%ari characters in use at various 
epochs. For our own we cannot claim a very high 
antiquity. If our preceding surmises have founda- 
tion, the locality may have been abandoned and 
concealed at the inroad of Sabakteghm Khan, the 
founder of the Ghaznavl dynasty. 

My researches became the subject of conversation 
in the city, and the son of Akhund Iddaitiilali hav- 
ing sold the gold leaf he scraped from the images to 
a goldsmith, for something less, I believe, than a 
rupee, my friends prayed me to desist from smdi 
labours in future, urging that tlie country was bad, 
as were the people, and that I should probably get 
into trouble. I smiled as I essayed to console my 
friends, and to point out that little notice would be 
taken of me so long as broken idols were the fruits 
of my pi’oceedings. 

Mahomed Akbfir Khfin, son of Dost Mtihomed 
Khdn, hearing of my discoveries, sent for me, and 
wished to see them. He was enraptured with the 
two female heads, and lamented that the ideal beau- 
ties of the sculptor '■could not be realized iii nature. 




From this time a kind of acqn^iintance subsisted 
between us, and the young sird^ would frequently 
send for me. I became a pretty constant visitor at 
his tea-table, and procured from him* an order, ad- 
dressed to the several maleks and chiefs of the Ko- 
histan and Ghorband, to assist me in any researches 
I might undertake in those districts, of which the 
sirdar was then hakam, or governor. I was as 
much gratified as surprised to witness the good 
sense displayed by the young sirdar as to the nature 
of my researches, and their object. He remarked 
to those about him, who suggested that I might be 
seeking treasure, that my only purpose was to ad- 
vance science, which would lead to my credit on my 
return to my native country ; and he observed, that 
while amongst Dur&iis the soldier was held in ho- 
nour, amongst Europeans respect was paid to men 
of “ illam,” or science. At one of these majlisses, 
or conversations, when the subject of topes was dis- 
cussed, a person related that he had attended Moor- 
croft Sahib on his visit to Darunta, and that while 
inspecting the monuments there a coin was brought, 
to which the sahib applying his glass, observed, 

“ Now I understand the meaning of the topes.” 

My intercourse with the sird^ allayed the appre- 
hensions of my friends, and encouraged me to con- 
tinue fearlessly my researches. I was always of 
opinion that no umbrage would be taken, and felt 
assured, that if I acted openly and fairly I should be 
fairly dealt with. Nothing farther, of consequence, 

VOL. in. H 






was extracted frojn tlie mound; but I may here 
observe, although anticipating the period, that at 
the close of autumn of this year, when Dr. Ge- 
rard arrived In Kabal, I pointed out the spot to 
him as one likely to yield some token which he 
was desirous to possess and to carry with him to 
India. From it he obtained the marble sculptured 
slab forwarded to the Asiatic Society in Bengal, an 
account of which, by his munshi and companion, 
Mohan Lil, appeared in the Journal of the Society 
for September 1834. 

During the preceding year I had made pedes- 
trian excursions within a circuit of six miles around 
the city ; I now felt that I could securely extend 
them, and my steps were first directed towards the 
Koh Daman and Kohist^. With one attendant, I 
made trips on foot in succession to Shakr Dara, to 
Ferzah, to Istalif, and at length had pushed onwards 
as far as Charikar. My intention in trips 
was not so much to examine deeply into the state 
and antiquities of the districts as to feel rny way, 
and to become acquainted. To a stranger, like my- 
self, and travelling without tent or retinue, there is 
difiiculty in procuring a house to pass the night in, 
unless, iifdeed, the masjit be taken as quarters. To 
pass the night without is neither safe nor .seemly. 
I had succeeded in forming acquaintances at all the 
stage villages between Kabal and Cdumkar, not 
only on one road, bgit on all the several roads lead- 
ing between them, and was certain whenever I 



dropped in at any of them to be received with 

June opened with cloxidy and \vindy weather. 
On the 8th and 9th slight earthquake# were expe- 
rienced. Thfey were both accompanied by a rolling 
rumbling noise. On the 12th my old friend Ilaji 
Khan arrived at KS,bal. He scattei'ed money 
amongst the populace, and proceeded straight to 
' the sirdar’s palace. His solemn intonation of Salam 
alikam was duly responded to by Dost Mdhonied 
Khan, who took his hand and led him into his 
haram, where he introduced the long absent khan 
to his favourite wife, the mother of Mahomed Ak- 
hkr Khan, telling her that her baba (hither) had 
returned. On the next morning the bciba was in- 
formed that his jaedad of Bmnian was transferred to 
the sirdar’s son, Mahomed Haidar Khan, and that 
he should receive^ annually the equivalent of its 
revenue in money. 

It may not be improper to narrate briefly, in this 
place, the proceedings of the khan after I left inm 
at Bamian. I have shown that he was in eoniinu- 
nication with Mir Mahomed Moriid Beg of Kuiiddz. 
His means of subsistence appear to have failed him, 
and he decided upon becoming the guest of tlm 
mir. Tp appease the clamours of his sohlit^ry for 
pay, and to relieve them from any solicitude' a.s to 
their families at Kabal, he directed letters to bo 
prepared, which he read to thenft^ purporting to lie 
from their connexions in the city, and stating, that 



by the khan’s orders his agent there had paid them, 
severally, certain sums of money. To amuse them 
farther, he announced his intention to build a city, 
also to break up the two idols, one of which, he 
affirmed, was full of diamonds, the other of rubies, 
citing, as a matter of course, the well-known story 
of Sultan Mahmdd. Finally, unable to remain 
longer at Bamidn, where he apparently lingered as 
long as possible, mistrustful perchance of the untried 
soil of Turkistan, he distributed eleven pais to each 
soldier, and started for Kunddz. He took the road 
of S%han and Kahmerd. The hospitality of the 
Kunduz chief was unbounded. At every stage pro- 
visions of all descriptions were supplied in profu- 
sion, nor were luxuries omitted. Tea and sugar 
were served out to the Afghan soldiery, and the 
mir’s officers wearied themselves in running from 
tent to tent to see that no want remained unsatis- 
fied. On nearing Kunduz it was found that a 
road had been made across the marshes and rice- 
lands which environ the town, expressly for the 
passage of the khan and his troops. Mir iMahomcd 
Morad Beg was suddenly called away to suppress a 
revolt at Faizabfid of Badakshan. Haji Khan in- 
sisted, a point of honour, upon accompanying him. 
The Afghans could not keep pace with the rapid 
movements of the Uzbeks. They followed, and 
reached Faizabad after its capture. The mir, on 
arrival, carried th^ place by assault, consigned the 
inhabitants to slavery, and their chief, Mir Yar 
Beg Khan, to a dungeon. 



The khan, conscious of the Mussulmani tendency 
of Mir Mahomed Morad Beg, had prepared to 
appear before him to advantage. He had converted 
many of his domestics into muftis, k|zi§, akhiinds, 
mullas, &c.,» and had surrounded himself with a 
powerful alima. In all conversations ■ with the 
Uzbek chief this gang of impostors was present, 
and the khan, constantly referring to the mufti 
sfihib or to the kdzi sahib, feigned neither to speak 
or to act but in consonance with the prescriptions 
of the Koran. The intercourse between two such 
zealous Mussulmans must have been delightful. 
The kh^n sojourned at Kunduz as long as his stay 
was agreeable ; and I have heard that Mir Mihomed 
Morad Beg repented of having, as he expressed it, 
shown the Afgh^s his country. The visit had, 
however, proved profitable to the khin in more 
senses than one, and he had received at sundry 
times from Diwfin Atmar, and it may be supposed 
with the mir’s cognizance, thirty-five^ thousand ru- 
pees. During his stay he had negotiated a treaty 
with the chief, by which Kahmerd, Seghan, and Ajer, 
were annexed to the government of Bamifin, and 
he left Kunduz, no doubt having impressed Mir 
Mahomed Morad Beg with the convictioji that he 
had secured a powerful and steady friend at Kibal. 
On reaching Kahmerd, on his return, he wished 
Rahmatulah Beg to put away one of his wives, 
to renounce wine, and to become a Mussulman. 
Rahmatuiah asked, how he could discard a woman 


■who had lived with him thirty years, and who had 
borne him many " children. As to wine, he said, 
that Killich Ah'" Beg had licensed him to drink it. 
The khan "could not lay hands upon the property 
of the Kahmerd chief wdth any propriety on this 
occasion, and was reluctantly obliged to forego it. 
He, however, had procured from him a large quan- 
tity of grain, on the pretence of payment, which he 
was inclined to have forgotten. It was urged, that 
such conduct would be disreputable, and suggested 
that a good opportunity presented itself of disposing 
of the captive Deh Zanghi chiefs, who would be 
gladly received by Rdhmatulah in place of money. 
They were accordingly made over to him, and he 
told the poor wretches that they should be liberated 
in exchange for a certain number of female slaves. 
Rahmatulah Beg accompanied the khan to the crest 
of the kotal leading from Ins valley into that of 
Seghan, and after taking leave of him, turned to 
his mirza and said, “He has taken my son with 
him, but if the next year he crosses this kotal you 
may shave my beard, and tell me tluit 1 am no 
man.” At Bamian the khan w'as joined by elchis 
from Bokhcira, Khulm, Kunduz, Shibrghan, 6ce. In 
his camji were the chief of Ajer, and tlu^ sons of 
the chiefs of Kahmerd and S%hdn. lie had as- 
sembled a goodly party of diplomatists and vassal 
chieftains, and had done no little business, but un- 
fortunately without instructions or authority. It 
is most probable lhat the khki would have been 



better pleased to have remained at Bamian tllan 
to have returned to Kabal, ‘but* he had no altei- 
native, and had received no satisfactory accounts 
of Shah S^jah al Mulkh’s progress. He therefore 
released the^ relatives of Mir Yezdanbaksh, until 
now detained in bonds, and significantly told them 
that the death of the mir and their treatment was 
owing to the orders he received from K^bal, and 
that now they would show if they were men or 
not. Mir Abbas, the principal, took the hint, and 
began to plunder kafilas. At Sir Chishma the 
khan still had scruples as to whether he should go 
on to Kabal, and sent to the city for a sum of 
money and some hundred sets of horse-shoes. The 
circumstance was reported to Dost Mahomed Khan, 
who, without comment, ordered both money and 
horse-shoes to be expedited. The chance is, that 
he would have been very glad if the khAn had 
made off. This singular man is accused at this 
time of having meditated the plunder of a kafila 
which had accompanied his party from Bamian, and 
then to have gained Toba, whence he might, as con- 
venient, proceed to meet Shah Sujah al Mulkh, or 
form new arrangements. It was known that the 
shah had been joined by Samandar Khan, Popal Zai, 
therefore the place of dignity with the prince had 
been occupied, and Haji Khan would not have been 
content to have played a subordinate part. The 
junction of Samandar Kh^ was, in another point 
of view, obnoxious, as some yeaTs since when con- 




nected with the sirdars of Kandahar, and holding 
the government of S^vi, the kh^n had wajiaid, be- 
tween Peshing ;ind Shall, a near relative of the 
Popal Zai Sirdar, and had either slain him or had 
delivered him" to the Kandahilr chiefs, to be slain. 
These accidents may have deprived the shah at 
this period of the services of Hdji Khan, Khaka. 
During his absence the wary Dost Mahomed Khan 
had uttered no expression which, reported, could 
have been interpreted as conveying the notion that 
he had any suspicions of his governor’s designs. At 
various times he sent purses of two thousand and 
one thousand rupees to his family, inquired courte- 
ously after their necessities, and lamented that the 
khan had exposed himself to privations. Many 
people in darbar would state openly that the khan 
was in rebellion, but this was vehemently protested 
against by Mirza Sami Khan and the Khan Mulla* 
the latter asserting that he was too good a hlussul- 
man ever to be “yaghi,” or rebellious. On the 
khM a reaching Arghandi he cut short hie donbte 
md mental deliberations by exclaiming that he ivoa 
r , ^ ®“^™oured of the very eyes of Dost Ma- 
omed Khan Leaving his troops and companions 
to follow at their discretion, he galloped off towards 

receuT^’ bj a select few. His arrival and 

reception have been noted. 

toke of Deet Mahomed Khto, reduced the Khaka 
lef to comparatife insignificance, and paralyzed 




him for the moment. It would also compel &m 
to disband his numerous foils wefs, whom he could 
no longer subsist, and an object of consequence to 
the sirdar -was gained without the ungracious al- 
ternative 0]^ a peremptory order. ^The khlin, by 
sitting on the gillam to receive the fatihas of his 
friends on account of the decease of his brother, 
Gul Mahomed Khan, was relieved for some days 
, from the mortification of presenting himself at 
darbdr, and had an opportunity to consult secretly 
with his supporters on his future line of conduct. 
When he eventually renewed attendance upon the 
sirdar, he assumed a high tone. The sirdar up- 
braided him with the murder of Yezdanbaksh. 
Haji Khdn asked, if it had not been committed 
under his orders. “ No,” said Dost Mfihomed Khdn, 
“ I never told you to take seven false oaths, and 
afterwards to kill the man. I continually wrote 
to you to give him an abundance of khelats, to 
secure him, and bring him to Kabal, when, after 
some time, I would have behaved handsomely to 
him, and have released him.” The khan retorted, 
that it was singular the sirdar should reproach 
any one on the score of taking false oaths, and 
inquired how he had inveigled and slain the chiefs 
of the Kohistan. The sirdar answered, by illam 
bazi, or dexterity, for he had sent logs of wood and 
not Korans. 

' The entertainment of the several elcMs and chiefs 
brought by the khfin was a subject of consideration. 


The sird& did not look upon them as commissioned 
to himself, and declared that he had no intention to 
put himself to apy expense. The elchi from Bok- 
hdra was handed over to Badradhi, one of the most 


eminent merchants of the city, \yhose, commercial 
transactions with Bokhara wmuld induce luTn, un- 
willingly, or otherwise, to attend to the stray en- 
voy’s kidmat. The elchi from Mir Miiliomcd J\Io- 
r£d Beg, and the chiefs of Seghan and Ajer, with 
the son of R^matulah Beg, being peculiarly the 
guests of Haji Kh^, were left by the sirdar to his 
care. While Dost MOiomed Khan did not ac- 
knowledge these people, he did not refuse to accept 
the presents they brought. Amongst those from 
Mir Mahomed Morad Beg were four noble }'aks of 

In course of time the Kundiiz elclii discovered, 
to his consternation, that his purse had been carri- 
ed off. On scrutiny, the theft was traced to the 
servant of Haji Khan, wdio brought the morning 
and evening meals for the elehfs party. Tlu^ khan 
bound his servant, and sent him to Dost JMahomtfd 
Khan, W'ho declined to notice the atfair, oliserving, 
that the guests are Haji Khan’s : so is the robber, 
let him act as he pleases. The kluin himself re- 
paired to the sirdar, urging, that it behovi'd him 
to punish the man. The sirdiir did not think so, 
and said, “ Deliver him to the Uzbeks ; they may 
sell him, and make something by him.” 

H^yi Khan for some time did not discharge his 



followers, perhaps hoping that he might have re- 
covered Bamian ; at length *he 'was compelled to 
do so, and his overgrown estahlisluaent was broken 
up. This circumstance was hastened^ by the sirdar 
ordering some of the Khaka retainers to quit the 
Chehel Situn, a large apartment erected over one 
of the towers of the Balia Hiss&, on the line of 
wall extending from the Derwaza Shah Shehid, 
, where Haji Khan had his house, to the palace. 
It was pointed out to Dost Mahomed Khdn that 
his discontented khan could at any time push his 
men along the ramparts directly into his residence, 
and that he was not secux’e. The demolition of 
Chehel Situn was directed, and the sirdar put in 
hand some precautionary erections at the point 
where the palace was connected with the ram- 
parts. One Nekho Mahomed had even reported 
that he had become informed that some dark en- 
terprize had been concerted. The Chehel Situn 
had been built, in the reign of Shah Zeman, by Jdn 
Nissar Khan, his governor of Kabal, that the prince 
might enjoy the view from it. 

The khdn sat very uneasy under his degradation, 
but soon had an opportunity of entering into fresh 
intrigues, from which he cherished the ^ hopes of 
gratifying his revenge on the sirdm*, and of ad- 
vancing his own ambitious views. Under the sir- 
d&’s son, Mahomed Haidar Kh^, one Hussen 
Khin, Shah Siwan, had been appointed naib, or 
deputy governor of the Haz^ajat and Bamian. 




Kh^ on tlie occasion told the sirdar that 
he had placed an elephant’s load upon a jackass. 

With this anecdote we shall leave the khdn for 
the present; 9 bserving, that on the return of the 
several elchis and petty chiefs to Turkistan, Mir 
Mahomed Morad Beg resumed Kahmerd, Seghan, 
and Ajer. He farther chapowed Seghan, and con- 
signed its chief, All Mahomed, the father-in-law 
of Haji Khan, to a dungeon. 

During the winter, or while I Wiis absent with 
the khan in Bisut, Abdulah Khan, the Atehak Zai 
chief, who, as I have mentioned, had been seized 
by the sirdars of Kandahar, was permitted by them 
to proceed to Kabal. He came in company with 
Ramazan Khlbn, Ohtak, alike discontented, and 
was* courteously received by Dost Miihomed Khan. 
To Abdblah Kh4n was assigned a j%hu- of sixty 
thousand rupees per annum, and to Ramazan Khan 
another of twenty thousand rupees per annum. Ab- 
dulah Khan had little to recommend him beyond 
being one of the few hereditary Dunuu sirdars 
who had hitherto, having attached him.self to the 
interests of the Barak Zai family, esca])ed from per- 
secution by them. He was one of the friends of the 
Sirdar Mahomed Azem Khan in Kashmir, and had 
acquired an evil reputation for possessing wealth. 
Now that he had been confined and i)ut to shame, 
his reputation adhered to him, and he brought it 
with him to Kabal. 

■ ■ ■ ir*! ■ ■ 





Tour in Koh Ddman^ S^c. — NanacM. — Mirza Jafar Khan. — Kotal 
Kers Khana. — Tumuli. — Killa Kohchian. — Nazir Mir All Khan. 
— His conversation and travels. — Accident.— Shakr Dara. — Serai. 
— Bizadi. — Bedak. — Kah Dara. — Zirgarin. — Cave. — Taluk of 
Ferzah. — Sekandar Shah. — Persian Inscription. — Cascade. — Au- 
riculas. — Killa Sh4hx, — Istalif. — Delightful view. — Ziarat Haz- 
rat Eshan. — Azdha. — Orchards. — Taluk of Istdlif. — Mahomed 
Shah Khan. — His capture of Kabal. — His death. — Bolend Khan. 
— His execution.— 1st argitch. — Approach to Charikar. — Town of 
Charikar. — Trade. — Destruction of Gurkha battalion. — Hiipian. 
— Tutam Dara.' — Shesh Burjeh. — Application.— Octogenarian in- 
valid. — Taviz.— Dost Mahomed Khan*s severity. — All Khan.— 
His recommendations to his raiyats.— Canals. — River of Tui- 
tam Dara.' — Conflict and surrender of Dost Mahomed Khan. — 
Sultan Singh's garden. — History of Sultan Singh. — His rise. — 
Plot of Mirza Imam Verdi. — Sultan Singh's adroitness. — Ha- 
bib Ulah Khan's measures. — Sultan Singh’s state. — Seizes his 
ancient employer. — Malek Isa Khan's proposal. — Sultan Singh 
swallows poison. — Jah Nimahi. — Tope Dara. — Simplicity. — 
Nekkak Perida. — Compass. — Fugitive of Hupian. — Seh Ydrin. 
Ziarat Derwish. — Killa Khdrban. — Inhabitants of Chdrikdr.— 
Shdhmak. — Sanjit Dara. — Mlthomed Jdfar Khan. — Killa Mir 
Saiyad Khdn. — Kabal doctor. — Objects of excursion. — Killa Bo- 
lend.— Plain of Begrdm. — Return. — Baloch Khdn.— Coins. — 
Apprehensions of people. — Reports. — Killa Mdsa Khdn. — Ta- 
tarangZar. — Kallakhdn.— Tope — Cheni Khana. — Killa Rajpdt. 
— Kotal Mamd Khatdn. — Killa Iltafat Khan. — Kotal Pah 
Mindr. — Return to Kabal. 




The return of Haji Klian had reproduced my old 
companion Sirkerder Kamber, and I pr<)])osed to 
him a lengthened excursion into Koh Daman and 
Kohistan; "toc which he cheerfully consented. We 
accordingly made our arrangements, and in hi.s com- 
pany I stai-ted on the tour. 

Passing Deh Afglnm, Kilhi Bolendi, and the vil- 
lage of Baraki, we gained the scdgiiorial castle of 
Nanachi, belonging to Mirza Jafar Khan, now aged 
and blind, but once the coniidential mlrza of the 
Vazir Fati Kh^. From wealth, ac(iuired in the 
vazir’s service, the mirza has constructed three cas- 
tles here, and has purchased a large tract of land. 
Mirza Sami Khan, the present minister of Dost 
Mummed Khan, married his daughter; and to this 
alliance OAves in great measure his elevation ; in- 
deed the blind mirza advanced his son-in-law the 
sum of money Avhich secured hiiJi otHce. lie is 
sometimes consulted on affairs of moment, and it 
need hardly he said, having mentioned under whom 
he was employed, that as a statr'smau he is elever, 
reckless, and unprincipled. Age has made him 
morose, while he was naturally cruel, and it is, per- 
haps, quite as well that blindness incapacitates him 
from taking an active part in public affairs. To onr 
right on leaving 'Nanachi, we had the extemsive 
pastures, now partially under water, (‘alhxl the (’ha- 
man of Vazirabad, from a village on their st)uthern 
limit. Tracing their vrestern bounds, we reached 
the village of D4h Kippak, of one hundred houses 




enclosed within walls. Beyond tHs, crossing a bar- 
ren stony tract, we came to the Kotal Kers Khana, 
or Pass of the Bear’s den. At ^s entrance we 
found a ruinous stone tower, formeiiy a choki, a 
few tut, or riiulberry-trees, and excellent water in a 
karez. The kotal is rather a slight defile than a 
pass, and was about three quarters of a mile in 
length, the road, although rocky, being perfectly 
easy to our cattle. At its western extremity was a 
tower, the station of officers receiving duties. Plence 
we had a noble view of the district of Shakr Dara, 
and of the plain of Koh Daman. W e halted a few mo- 
ments to enjoy the scene. On looking back we found 
we had still in sight the Balia Hissar of Kabal. 
From the tower, on either side of the road gently 
inclining towards the plain, were, at regular inter- 
vals, the circular foundations of ancient structures, 
which my companions conjectured to have been 
towers, but which were rather sepulchral tumuli. 
They occur in some number. Having gained the 
level but sterile plain, we had nothing better to do 
than make the best of our way across it, aiid to reach 
the cluster of villages, castles, and orchards which 
spread before us. The plain, generally pretty even, 
had its surface fractured in two or three pl'aces, and 
we crossed two or three ravines,* in one of which 
flowed the rivulet called the river of Koh Daman, 
which rising amongst the hills above Gdza, in the 
extreme south-west quarter, traverses the valley and 
runs along its eastern limits, until it finally falls 



into the united fivers of Ghorband, Perwan, and 
Pangshir, below Jiilgha. At length we reached the 
vicinity of the 'Cw'o Karezaks, Biilla and Paluu (the 
upper and lower), villages at the skirts of the hills. 
Above them, a little to the north, was'Gaza, where 
resides Naib Amir Khan. The three villages are 
all advantageously situated, and are abundantly dis- 
tinguished by vestiges of the olden time, in mounds 
and tumuli. It was dark before we reaehc^d the 
seignorial castle of Kohchlan, the first one occur- 
ring to the south of Shakr Dara, to which we had 
been invited, and where we were politely -welcomed 
by its proprietor, Nazir Mir Ali Khan. A capital 
supper was prepared, and we were lodged in the 
Mihman Khana, over the entrance to the ca,stle. On 
one of my former excursions, in making for Ivllbal 
from Shakr Dara, I had met the nazir, at tliat time 
unknown to me, near the Kotal Kers Khana. He 
stopped his horse and asked if I was not a Feringlh; 
on being answered, yes, he much wi.she(l me to have 
returned with him, and pointed to hi.s castle. I then 
declined to do so, and he made me promise I would 
visit him on some future occasion. The mizir had 
been a merchant, and had also served the Sirdar 
Mahomed Azem Khan in Kashmir ; owing to which 
he was held guilty of being very rich, and had been 
more than once required to disgorge part of the 
wealth he had acquired. To avoid farther demands 
upon his coffers, 'without absolutely pretending to 
be a pauper, he represented himself as struggling 




with the world, and barely able to make his way. 
His castle, a very excellent one, was built by Ro- 
hilla Khan, Popal Zai, a man who jn by-gone days 
of anarchy seems to have been the ^-ant of his 
neighbourhootl. He was slain by one B^am, at the 
instigation of Habib Ulah Khan. From his heirs 
the castle was purchased by a daughter of the Vazir 
Fati Kh^, who sold it to the najzir for six thousand 
• five hundred rupees. 

I had not intended to have halted here, but to 
have spent the day at Shakr Dara, yet, as the nazir 
talked of detaining us several days, we thouglit 
it seemly to remain one. On rising I joined my 
host, who was an earlier riser than I was, in a 
garden, near a reservoir of water shaded by majnhn 
b^ds or weeping willows. We commenced the day 
with a plentiful feast on mulberries and apricots, 
after which kabab, or roast meat, with admirable 
bread, prepared, as is the vogue at Herat, was intro- 
duced as a nastar, or breakfast. We had a good deal 
of general conversation ; from which I learned that 
the worthy nazir had been a great traveller, having 
visited India, Arabia, Persia, and Turkistan. He 
had been at B%dad, when Mr. Rich was resident 
there, and, according to his statement, had been 
a frequent visitor of that gentleman. The north- 
west tower having a very elevated apartment over 
it, I asked if it were practicable Tor me to gain it, 
without incommoding his family. . He obligingly re- 
plied, “ Bismillah,” and ordered the females of his 



havam to retire that I might pass. While this 
was in operation one of the good man’s wives ar- 
rived from Kahal, seated on a pony, wliich heing 
led near flie^ horse of my companion tlm sirkerdcr, 
a very vicious animal, a battle took jrlace, in which 
the lady was capsized, fortunately without greater 
detriment than fright. After this untoward acci<leut 
the wayward beast broke from his ropes, and fled 
from the castle. The nazir’s servants mounted, ' 
and, after a long chase over the country, secured 
the fugitive at the foot of the Kotal Kers Khana. 

I ascended the tower, accompanied by a rish 
safed, the malek of the castle, to give tuo all re<{ui- 
site information, and by anotlier person, to attend 
to my wants while I remained in it. I did not 
leave until evening, being well occupied in taking 
sketches, bearings, and making myself ac(piainted 
with the country. Dinner and fruit were sent 
up to me, and I passed the day very agrt'cably. 
The apartment commanded an extensive i)rosp(,a't, 
and, for whatever purpose erected, had clearly 
been the scene of many a festive jairty, if we 
might infer from the numerous <listichs written 
on its walls. 

In the morning we took leave of our friend 
the niizir, who detained us until some dozen eggs 
were boiled, which he made us put up in our kas- 
kurzms, with a couple of Herat cakes. Wv i)ro- 
ceeded towards tlje gardens of Shakr Dara, which 
we soon reached, having the small village of K ilia 



Safed (the white castle) on our left. Crossing a 
small rivulet, we passed, also to the left, the village 
of Killa Ahmed. Our road now sled through a 
wilderness of gardens and orchards, jjie road de- 
fined by parapets of stones, and at nearly every 
step crossed by canals of water. We arrived at the 
large village of Serai, inhabited principally by 
Hindus, adjacent to which is Surkh Bolendi (the 
* red mound), where resides Shah Nawaz Khan, the 
hakam of the district, or taluk. Here the Hindu 
Diwan of the Nawab Jab^ Khan followed me, 
and entreated me to become his guest, and I fear 
was mortified at my refusal. A little beyond Serai 
we crossed a small stream, rolling over a rocky 
bed, called the river of Shakr Dara. It did not 
exceed in breadth fifteen feet, but its current was 
noisy and impetuous. We next passed the remains, 
still attractive, of a royal garden planted by Taimfir 
Shah, and our road still threading through orchards, 
with the villages of Yakub, Suliman, Ac., to our 
left, we at length cleared Shakr Dara. On gaining 
the open country we came upon the ziarat of 
Khwoja Wahadar Jahi, where are two or three 
large chanm-, or plane-trees. Soon after we arrived 
parallel to the large village of Bizadi, to • our left, 
on the elevated side of a deep rawine, down which 
flows a rivulet. This place is picturesquely situ- 
ated, and is famous for the manufacture of vinegar. 
We next passed, also to our left, the large village 
of B^dak, alike I’omantically situated on an eini- 



nence, and surrounded with gardens, vineyards, and 
orchards. This place is included in the taluk of 
Kah Dara. Ob the side of the ravine 0]>posite is 
seated the s^ialler village of Killa Kajii. On the 


line ot road east of B6dak is the castle called Kilhi 
Wasil, where I halted and skctcluHl the village. 
Hence we proceeded to the larges village t)f KAh 
Dara, which has an abundance of gardens and vine- 
yards, and is the capital of a taluk, enjov(Ml in 
jaghir by Mirza Sami Khan, 'fhe rivulet here is 
considerable, and termed the river of Kah Dura. 
We next made % small village of Kadowla, Mith 
a small rivulet, and boasting the same advantages 


of site, abundance of water, anA gardens. Beyond 
it we entered the taluk of FerzaH, passing , to our 
left the Afghan hamlet of Bostan. '^hence made 
our way through orchards, with castles^ife villages 
to the right and left, until we reached the village 
of Zirgar^, seated on an eminence, south of a 
stream called the river of Ferzah. Here we halted 
for the day, at the house of a pi’evious acquaintance. 
“The village commanding an extensive view of the 
Kohistin, as well as Koh Daman, I took bearings 
and made observations from it during the remainder 
of the day. There was also at the summit of the 
eminence the entrance to a cave, which, although 
in a measure closed up, we could easily see once 
led by flights of steps downwards. The people 
represented, that within memory it was practicable 
to reach the bottom, where the stairs terminated 
in a spacious chamber, surmounted with a gumbuz, 
or cupola. An account so sober and probable, that 
I felt conviction it was true. 

The next day I passed in visiting the several 
villages and castles of Ferzah and its ziarats, and 
in making a sketch of Deh Zirgardn. The tOuk, I 
found, comprised twelve villages and four castles. 
The two principal villages, inhabited by Tajiks, 
contained but eighty houses each, ^nd the remain- 
der varied from thirty to seventy houses. The 
aggregate of villages and castles embraced about 
seven hundred houses, consequently a population of 
nearly four thousand souls may be assigned to the 

? - * # 




t£uk of Ferzali. Tfiis is mixed Afghtln and Tdjik, 
although the tribes are generally distinct in the 
villages. Th^^.T^jiks are under a local governor, 
one Sekandj^r Shah, saiyad, formerly a notorious 
robber. On inquiring what sort of 'a hakam he 
made, I was told he was very fond of exacting fines, 
but that he had a very smooth tongue. Whatever 
sum he imposed, he assured the individual that 
owing to a particular affection for him he only 
claimed half wdiat was due to the olfence, and to 
his own duty, but friendship could not be ri'sisted. 
Amongst the zhirats of the place I discovered a slab 
with a partially defaced Persian inscription, comme- 
morating the foundation of a fort, or castle of Nasi- 
rabad. It was unknown from what spot the stone 
had been conveyed, or to what locality it alluded. 

We proceeded up the glen of Ferzah for the 
purpose of visiting an afshdh, or cascade. Our road 
led by many of the villages, most romantically and 
delightfully situated on eminences. When we ha<l 
passed them we entered a lovely glen, very .spa(“ious 
at its commencement. I was astonished at the 
wild luxuriance of the vegetation, and at its variety, 
and observed with satisfaction the violet, and the 
blackberry-bush. This entihanting space had beiui 
till ^within a very»few years filled by a royal gardim ; 
little remained in evidence thereof but cultivated 
flowers, as sweet flags, &c., here and there sponta- 
neously growing. • As we paced nj) the glen it 
contracted, but was always abundant in grass and 



plants. Towards its extremity the road became 
troublesome, but I did not dismoxlnt, and it opened 
into a clear space, immediately uniter the body of 
the superior hills, over which a pas^J^ into the 
Hazara distinct of Turkoman. Here we found the 
cascade, which was indeed an agreeable object, al- 
though inconsiderable as to size. I made a sketch 
■V of it, and then went to the limits of the snow 
wl-- in front, where I was surprised to find a profusion 
of the most beautiful auriculas. I know not whe- 
ther I was most pleased at having seen the cascade 
or discovered the flowers. Having eaten our break- 
fasts, which we had brought with us, we returned 
to D^h Zirgaran, well satisfied with our trip. The 
remainder of the day we passed in the garden of Ak- 
hund Iddaitulah’s castle, where we regaled ourselves 
upon mulberries at discretion. 

Between Ferzah and IstSlif the soil was broken 
by ravines, and a very deep one occurs just before 
reaching the latter place, where Killa Shahi, or 
the royal castle, stands, on an eminence left of the 
road. It was built by Taimur Shah, who also 
planted a garden here, of which hardly a trace 
remains ; but there are numerous holly-trees sprin- 
kled about, of which the inhabitants boast, as 
there are none other to be found in the Koh 
Daman, however plentiful in the superior hilrs of 
Hindu Kosh. The royal castle had lofty walis" 
and towers, but was built of mud, and has been 
seriously injured by the people themselves, who 



arc not well tlisposetSjjto crown property, and wished 
to make it for ,pver untenantable, both because 
it coinnianclec^their town and that they might 
divert intr^^ir gai’dens a canal which was for- 
merly directed through its interior. Hence we had 
a magnificent coup d’ceil of the town of Tstalif, 
seated on the opposite side of a profound glen, or 
valley, down which, over a bed of rocky botilders, 
rushes a foaming rivulet. The sides of the glen 
are clad with orchards and vineyards, which alike 
fill much of the valley above and below the town. 
The houses occupying the rising ascent of the glen, 
and' standing on sites elevated one above the other, 
are all distinctly and separately discernible. Above 
the town soar some magnificent chanitrs, which de- 
note the ziarat of Hazrat Eshan. Istalif is one of 
the most picturesque spots which can be conceived ; 
all that a combination of natural beauties can 
achieve we behold here in perfection : their elfeet 
is not diminished, but rather augmented by the 
rude appearance of the houses of thc^ town. Tlie 
scenery of the country around is extensive and 
grand, in happy unison with the keej)ing of the 
whole picture. The people of the country have 
a proverb, that he who has not seen Tstiilif has 
nothing seen. Wp will not venture to say so much 
as t|lt, but may be allowed to believe that ho who 
seen Istalif is not likely to see many places to 
surpass it, and fe'^ to equal it. We were never 
tired of looking at the luxuriant scene, and left 


with regretj to fix our quartert, although intending 
to return on the morrow. ^ 

We early repaired the following dny to the royal 
castle, and I commenced a sketch of\b<^ fair land- 
scape before? me. Indisposition compelled me to 
defer my labour; and crossing the glen, I walked 
to the town to procure medicine, availing myself 
of the opportunity to visit the zi^at of Hazrat 
' Eshan. Here were a number of slabs with Persian 
inscriptions, but they proved to be religious mottoes 
and pious sentences. The curiosity at the ziarat 
is the number of plane-trees, which together form 
the mass, which, a conspicuous object to the regions 
around, appears but one tree in the distance. There 
is a group of several <trees, .I think thirty-seven, and 
the difficulty of counting them correctly is believed 
to be due to an illusion which enshrouds the con- 
secrated locality. Hazrat Eshan is but a recent 
saint, of not quite a century and half’s standing. 
He came from Turkistin, and his descendants, all 
holy men, are still numerous in the Eoh Daman. 
The spot, however, was probably a shrine of an- 
tiquity, and the H&rat has usurped the homage 
formerly paid to another. Istalif boasts also of 
the ziarat of Sofi within the town, of that of Noh 
Lakhi Sahib, in the glen at the, western extremity 
of its orchards, and of that of Hazrat Shah MMan, 
at Shorawer, one of its dependent villages, whetc 
are some volcanic vestiges and sulphurous springs. 
A vein of a white friable stone, tinged with a red 


colour, is believed ^to be the pertrified remains 
of a dragon, slajn, as all dragons in these coun- 
tries are, by tlie keen-edged Ziilfikdr. 

Nearly csiKy householder of Istalif has his garden 
or orchard. In most of these is a fewer, wliere, 
as soon as the fruits ripen, the hunilies repair, 
closing their houses in the town. The people 
themselves, Tajiks, are not very amiable, nor are 
their females very chaste; and the mulberry sea- • 
son, which draws them into the orchards, by atlbrd- 
ing facilities to their intercourse, is generally 
marked by sanguinary conflicts and murders, and 
proves productive in fines to the governor. Be- 
sides the towm of Istalif, the taluk comj>rises the 
adjacent villages of Gudara,*Perganna, Shonaki, 
Khwoja Hassan, Malla, Ilassan Kacha, and Shor- 
awer. The town and villages are reckoned to 
contain together three thousand houses, which 
would give a population of fifteen thousand to 
eighteen thousand souls to the taluk. Ilic re- 
venue derived from it is rated at forty thousand 
rupees, and this year was enjoyed by Abdulah 
Khan, the Atchak Zai sirdar. A great part of 
the population of the town is of the w'eaver class, 
and quantities of coarse cloths, lunglhs, and susi, 
are manufactured,^ and a trade is maintained with 
Tristan. During the years of anandiy which 
distinguished the downfall of the Sadu Zai mon- 
archs, some individuals of notoriety were pro- 
duced amongst the turbulent citiiaens of Isktlif. 



The most remarkable was Mahomed Shah Khan, 
a simple weaver, who rose one morning, and fancied 
himself destined to be padshah of . Delhi Grasp- 
ing his musket, he left his house alope, shot the 
two or three first men he met, to show that he 
was in -earnest, and took the road to Kabal. Be- 
fore reaching Ferzah he had been joined by several, 
and then crowds began to flock in to him. At the 
head of four or five thousand men he entered 
Kabal. The court, under Shah Mdhmfid, was 
absent at Peshdwer ; and Prince Sultin Ali, go- 
vernor, had difficulty to preserve the Balia Hissar, 
being compelled to abandon the city to the weaver- 
king. Shahzada Abbas broke from confinement, 
and aspired to soveriignty ; and as Mdhomed Shah 
Khan’s ideas extended far beyond Kibal, he could 
afford to support the prince’s views there, and an 
understanding followed between them. The weaver 
quartered his men on the inhabitants of the city 
during the winter, and spared the Shia quarter 
of Chandol, at his mercy, by listening to the hopes 
of ransom held out to him by the Ghulam Khdna, 
then with their sovereign at Peshawer. In spring 
Sirdar Mahomed Azem Khdn was commissioned 
to clear the city of the pests assailing it ; and 
arriving with a large body of, troops, some hard 
fighting ensued. Mahomed Sh4h Khfin was slain, 
and. Prince Abbas secured, was re-conducted to his 
prison. More recently, one Bolend KhAn made 
a figure in the country. Alike a Aveaver ori- 


ginally, lie became a robber, and flourished so 
exceedingly that^ he became the terror of the 
neighbourhood.. He built a castle on an emi- 
nence at Ist^^if, completely overlooking and over- 
awing the town and tdluk. He rendered some 
important services to Dost Mahomed Khan, winch 
he pleaded when, subsequently, that chief seized 
him, and ordered him to be put to death. Dost 
Mahomed Khan acknowledged them, but said he ' 
was not about to be slain for the services he had 
pei’formed, but for the treason he meditated. 

On leaving Istalif we passed down the glen for 
about a mile, and cleared the gardens of the place. 
We then crossed the river, and traversing a very 
rocky surface, made the highiiroad, leading a mile 
and a half to two miles from the hills. Passed 
the parallel of Shorawer, where are seen the azdha, 
or dragon, and impressions in the rock, belitn-ed 
to be of Daldal, the charger of IMzrat Alx. Next 
that of Kiishab, a small hamlet, the more north- 
ernly of the taluk of Istdlif. Beyond this, we 
reached the parallel of Istargitch, a collection of 
villages and orchards. It is famous for its grapt's, 
and was formerly for the refractory s])irit of the 
inhabitants. Dost Maliomed IChan somewhat al- 
layed it by the execution of two of their maleks, 
who w'ere brothers, AgCi Jan and Mahdvji Khan. 
Still further, and computed four cosses from Istalif, 
we had under the hills another cluster of villages 
and orchards, called Sanjit Dara. About a coss 



beyond, having passed in the interval the castle 
and hamlet of Raijist, vre came in a line with 
Tope Dara, celebrated for the magm:^ent tope 
it contains. Another coss brought us. to Chailcal, 
a village of fifty houses immediately on the road, 
opposite to the zmrat of the Khw^zada of Shah 
Nakshband. At this point commenced the gar- 
dens and cultivation of Chdrikar. At the entrance 
• of the town is a large castle, the residence of 
Khwoja Padshah, one of the hereditary kowanins 
of the Kohistan, and claiming descent from Hazrat 
Eshan. Our road this morning had been over a 
tolerably even plain, sometimes crossed by rivulets 
and canals of water. To our left, as has been 
noted, were the skirts of the hills, and to our 
right the open plain of Koh Daman, with its 
villages and cultivation. A few black tents were 
occasionally seen on the plain, the abodes of the 
Afghan pastoral families, whose flocks grazed it. 

I had already made acquaintances in Charikar, and 
we halted at the house of one of them, at the open- 
ing of the towm. After refreshing ourselves we 
wnlked up the bazar, about four hundred yards in 
length, and loosely covered to exclude heat. The 
town is said to contain about one thousand houses, 
and carries on an active trade with the neighboui- 
ing districts on either side of the Hindu Kosh. It 
exports the coarse products of the looms of the Ko- 
histan and considerable quantities of iron, both in 
pigs and manufactured into horse-shoes. At Cha- 


rikar resides the h^am, or governor of the Kohis- 
tan ; and duties are fevied here on merchandize pas- 
sing to ^nd fro between it and Turkistdn. They 
were this year farmed for ten thousand rupees. 

Chai-ikar during the recent military occupation 
of Kabal was the seat of a j^olitical agent, and 
the station of the shdh’s Gurkha battalion. When 
the insurrection broke out the position was attack- 
ed by the warlike Kohistanis, and after some days’ 
severe fighting the battalion, sadly diminished in 
numbers, retired upon Kabal, and at Karabagh 
nine miles from Chaiukai*, its wrecks, entangled 
amongst the orchard walls of the town, were 
overwhelmed and extinguished. The gallant lit- 
tle mountaineers of Mpal would, however, appear 
to have left their foes as much cause for sorrow 
as for exultation, and, at least, died worthily. 

Early in the morning we took the road to Til tarn 
Dara, carrying our breakfast in our saddle-bags, 
and accompanied by an acquaintance, one Dadaji. 
To our left we passed the small village of lliiplan, 
deserted in great measure, but once famous for its 
saiyads, the principal of whom, Saiyad Ashraf Khan, 
was slain by Dost Mahomed IChan, and the remain- 
der are fugitives in Sir Aulang. It is farther distin- 
guished by its huge artificial mounds, from which at 
various times copious antique treasures have been 
extracted. Beyond Huplan every glen of the hills 
had its orchards, until we reached a castle called Killa 
Wall, where commences the district of Tutam Dara, 


immediately preceded by a burial-ground, in which 
the graves were disposed without much nicety, as 
many extending from east to west as fr^m north 
to south. We passed through the village, of about 
one hundred* and fifty houses, the better of which 
belong to Hindus, who reside here in some num- 
ber. We made for the seignorial castle of Shesh 
Burjeh, belonging to All Khan, and seated on an 
eminence overlooking the river of Ghorband, which 
here issues from the hills into the basin of the Ko- 
histan. While taking our breakfast, Sirkerder 
Kamber went to the castle for some butter-milk. 
The females observing that I had a book in my 
hand, asked if the fikhund was a mulla, and from 
what country he came. The sirkerder said, from 
a country one year and one month distant. One 
of them said, that if the akhund would write a 
taviz for a person with afiiicted eyes it would be a 
charitable act. The sirkerder promised to inform 
the akhund. He came to me, and after we had 
breakfasted returned to the fair TAjiks, and told 
them that the akhund had opened his book, and 
that his nazzar, or sight, had fallen upon a black fowl, 
which if given he would write a taviz. The fe- 
males ran into the castle, and a few minutes after 
came, led by a youngster, a short, miserable-looking 
octogenarian, with his eyes bound up, and weeping 
most bitterly. Old as he was, he proved to be the 
husband of one of the prettiest ef the Tajik ladies, 
was named Azem Khan, and by office nazir - to 



All Klidn. He fell at my feet, embraced them, 
and sobbed incessantly. He protested, that he 
bad no black fowl, but would give bis sbirt or 
bis trowsers,^sucb as they were, if I would write 
a tfiviz. I made baste to scribble Mie letters of 
the alphabet on a slip of paper, and directed it to 
be carefully sewn in fine linen and suspended over 
bis temples. For fear the taviz might not be 
effective, I recommended bis wife to coagulate the * 
white of an egg with alum, and apply the mass to 
his eyes by night, hoping that the epitbeui of lli- 
verius might benefit him if the charm should not.' 
Diidaji was not pleased that I should write a tciviz 
mtift, or gratis, and seemed to think that if black 
fowls were not produced white fowls ought to have 
been. It is scarcely possible to visit any place in, 
the Koh Daman or Kohistan without learning some 
proof of the justice or sevei-ity of Dost Milhomed 
Khan. Hei'e the malek, Alx Khan, is the sfm of vSaki 
Khan, one of the eight maleks seized the same day 
at Kiirabagh, and executed togetlier at Charikrir. 

All Khan has secured tolerable interest in the 
darbar at Kabal by giving his sister in marriage to 
Nazir Alladad Khan, Judnshlr, the bnxther of Dost 
Mahomed Khan’s mother, and who is the adviser 
and director of Ijis son, Mahomed Akbar Khan. 
Nazir AlladM has estates at Tutain Dara, and by 
renewing an ancient canal has brought as much 
waste land under-cultivation as yields an annual 
i-etm-n of two hundred kharwars of grain. He is, 


moreover, the hakam, and holds the valley in j%hir. 
He is accustomed to tell his raiyats to repeat fewer 
prayers, and observe less fasting, but in l|pu thereof 
to speak truth and be moi*e honest. 

From the jiver at Tutam Dara are diverted three 
magnificent canals, each extending for six cosses, or 
about nine to ten miles southernly, and for that dis- 
tance irrigating and fertilizing the plain. The more 
• westemly is called Jui Robat, from terminating at a 
place so called. The intermediate one is named Jui 
Khwoja, and terminates at Dowlat Khaka. The third, 
and easternly one terminates at Karoti. In its course 
it supplies the villages and lands of Deh Sadulah, 
Deh Kazi, Baiyan Mir -Moghal Khdn, Ydrchi, Tok- 
cM, Khwoja Khedari, Shakhan, Mahighir; beyond 
whieh is Karoti. This canal is named the Jui Mahi- 
ghir, and was made, or renewed, by Anair Taimur. 

Tutam Dara has since acquired celebrity, from 
having been the spot where Dost Mahomed Khan, 
in his attempt to raise the Kohist^, encountered 
the British force under General Sale, and where 
the misconduct of a regiment of native cavalry led 
to some unfortunate results. Dost Mahomed K b A n 
and his followers, it would seem, were little satis- 
fied with their triumph, for the latter dispersed, 
and the former, in true Afghan style, observing, 
that rather than be sold by one of the scoundrels 
about him, it would be better for him to sell him- 
self, rode off, nearly unattended, 4;o Kabal, and sur- 
rendered to the envoy. Sir W. Macnaghten. 



The river of Tiitam Dara, flovring from Ghorband, 
was not at this time Vider than thii’ty feet, nor lit- 
tle more than knee-deep. Its course w^as impetuous, 
and over i bed strewed 'Ruth boulders. Seen from 
the castle of All Khan, the valley w^s sufficiently 
picturesque, and I judged it worthy of a sketch. 
We were now on the brink of the basin of the 


Kohistin, and had skirted the hills which bound 
Koh Daman to the west throughout their entire 
length. I should have been happy to have ex- 
tended my progress into the Kohistln, but being at 
this time unable, I returned to Ghai’ikdr. 

In the evening we repaired to the garden of the 


late Diwan Sultan Singh, where we were delighted 
with a variety of flowers, Indian chrysanthemums, 
balsams, stocks, Indian pinks, China asters^prinees’ 
feathers, French and African marigolds, &c. The 
paths were planted on either side with safedars 
and poplars, and in the centre, where they met, 
was a takht and summer-house. At one extre- 
mity of the garden was a diwan-khana, or hall 
•of audience, at the other a handsome hamarat, 
or residence, painted within and without with 
flowers. The garden to the north was open, al- 
lowing a complete and magnificent view of the 
Kohistan and the Hindu Kosh. It occurred to me, 
that no Mahomedan would ever have thought of 
this arrangement. Diwan Sultan Singh was a per- 
son of no small importance in his day. He was son 
of a Sikh of Ch&ik^, the tarfizadar, or weigher of 
grain, to Malek Ish Khan of Mahomed Iraki, a dis- 
trict near Khwoja Regh Rawdn. The son succeed- 
ed to his father’s oifice, but subsequently became 
a partner, or connected with Diwan Damudiir, the 
diwin of the Sak Zai Sirdar Madat Khan. When 
Sirdar Mahomed Azem Khan returned from Kash- 
mir he called for an account of the revenues of 
Koh Daman and Kohistin from Diwins Ramsah 
and Gursah, who gave false statements. Stiltin 
Singh informed the sirdar of their delinquencies, and 
was appointed diwin of Koh Daman and the Kohis- 
t^ in their stead. He held oflfice during the life- 
time of the sirdar and his son, Habib Ulah Khin. 

K 2 



In the distracted politics of that period, the diwdn 
connected his interests with those of Aminulah 
Kh4n, Logari, and when the khdn, fearing the 
headstrong violence of the sirdar, turned his at- 
tention to Dost Mahomed Kh^n, the diwan did 
same. Mirza Im^m Verdi, the minister of 
ahib Ulah KhAn, had concerted a plan to secure 
his master’s stability, by ''the removal of four ob- 
noxious persons, viz. Naib Aminulah KMn, Hafizji. 
son of Mir Wais, Shekh Maz&, and Mir Marjati 
of the Kohist^. Sultan Singh, known to be emi- 
nently bold and reckless, was destined a part in 
the execution of this scheme. Summoned to a con- 
ference with Habib Ulah and Mirza Imam Verdi, he ' 
was informed of what was intended to be done, ’and 
of what was expected from himself. On taking leave 
he revealed the plot to Naib Aminulah KMn. This 
coming to Habib Ulah Khan’s knowledge, he sent 
Nazir Ah Mahomed to secure the diwan, intend- 
ing to put him to death. The nazir told Sfilt^n 
Singh that Habib Ulah Khan wished to give him a 
RReJat, and dismiss him to the Kohistan. 

Sffltan Singh immediately ordered his ySbfis to be 
laden, and putting forty armed Kohistanis in front 
of his horse accompanied the nfeir to that part of 
tte ShohOT baaSf where one road leads to the Bflla 
issm and another to the house of Aminfilah Khin. 
fcnlten Singh took the latter, and the naair re- 

K W.?. 

ai Khan ordered the drums to beat to 


arms, and marclied on Aminulah Khan’s house. 
The khan resisted, having been joined by his friends, 


and the sirdar’s efforts to force his hous^ proved 
ineffectual. These events led to the re-appearance 
of Dost Mahsmed Khan, and the battle on the 
plain of Kergah, where Habib Ulah Khan was de- 
feated. Under Dost Mahomed Khan the diwan 
continued in employ, and was particularly distin- 
•guished for the dexterity with which he managed 
the affairs of the district imder his charge. A person 
of most forbidding features, he had acquired an as- 
cendency in the Kohistan that no person before 
him had enjoyed. He affected the state of a sirdar, 
held levees and darbars, planted gardens at Chd- 
rikar and Saiyad Khel, and built splendid residences 
and castles. He was suspected of entertaining the 
notion that the Raj Gdru was near at hand, but 
he was destined to fall. Forgetful of his obliga- 
tions in early life to Malek Isa Kh^, he obtained, 
by his representations, an order from Dost Ma- 
homed Khan to seize him. The malek was called 
to Charikar, on pretence of business, was made 
prisoner, and conveyed to Kabal. A fine of sixteen 
thousand rupees was demanded of him, but he had 
interested in his favour Mirza Sami Khan and 
Nazir Ali Mahomed. Malek Isa Khan said to 
Dost Mahomed Khan, “You have sold me to my 
slave for sixteen thousand rupees ; put the slave in 
his %a’s hands, and you shall have thirty thou- 
sand rupees.” Dost Mahomed Khan feigned to be 



soothed with this proposal, and was not displeased 
to see competition, as it promised to increase the 
sum he should get from one or other, or from both 
of them. Sultan Singh was sent for by Dost Ma- 
homed Khai, who applied to him .many abusive 
epithets, and talked, without intending to do so 
much, of making him a Mussulman. On reaching 
home the diw^ sent for a rupee’s weight, or value 
of arsenic, discoursed with his friends, Hke Cato - 
upon the immortality of the soul, dismissed them’ 
locked his door, and swallowed the poison. Dost 
Mahomed Kh^ was exceedingly sorry when in- 
formed of his death. Nor is this the only instance 
when he has had to regret having driven a high- 
spirited man to self-destruction. Malek Isa Khin 
now excused himself from paying anything, as the 
iwan had not been made over to him, and the sirdar 
ashamed of the affair, gave him his liberty. He’ 
owever, benefited by the appropriation of the estates’ 
and property of the unfortunate Siiltfin Sino-h. 

^ rom Chfirikar, in company with a young lad 
the son of our landlord, I walked up to Tope Dara 
Where I W before been. Midway the 
e rewed with huge boulders, and sprinkled with 
arghawan bushest so beautiful in bLom at the 
commenoeuient of spring. As we neared the hill, 

ae yellow fish, the red siviteh, and the !htS 

n^rth^f A little ^ 

Built by one Khwoja 



J&n, it is now inhabited by a few wretched faniilies 
from Sir Aulang. At the opening of the dara into 
the plain are some large tumuli, one bopoured by 
the name of Rustam. The castle of Tope Dara, 
situated in a 'picturesque and commanding situation, 
has been suffered to fall into decay. The village 
comprises about sixty houses, constructed clumsily 
of stones. Passing through it, we proceeded to 
• the Tope, and I occupied myself for some time in 
making sketches of it. About the monument were 
numerous caper-trees, of a species similar to that 
of the Baloch and Persian hills. Proceeding a little 
up the dara, which has a fine brook running down it, 
whose volume of water was considerably augmented 
by the earthquake of last year, we found a con- 
venient place to rest in, and were supplied by the 
villagers with mulberries. I had to strike sparks 
from a flint over the heads of two children, and 
learned that persons who had crossed the Atak river 
are supposed to possess some peculiar powers. We 
remained here until evening, when we were joined 
by a party, composed of the relatives of Mir Hakjx 
Sahib and the son of Khwoja Padshah of Charikar. 
We had a fresh regale of mulberi'ies. When they 
departed we went a little farther up the dara to see 
a spring, called Nekkak Perida, or Flying Nekkak. 
We fouiid a smooth perpendicular rock, from the 
base of which issues the spring, and which receives 
its name from one Nekkak, whose misfortune it was 
to fall from the top of the rock. We had several 



of the villagers with us, and they pointed out 
two stones, in one of which was a hole, as they 
said, the. perforation of a spear; in the other a 
fissure, caused by a sword-wound. The stones, I ' 
was assured, represented a brother and sister, slain 
by kafrs, or infidels. From an eminence overlook- 
ing the plain I next took a few bearings, and my 
compass created no small astonishment; I how- 
ever soon made them familiar with it, and indulged - 
them by looking through it, after I had fixed the 
hair-line on an object. In this way they became 
useful as well as pleased, and told me the names 
of places that I did not know. I hitherto said 
nothing about opening the Tope, neither did I in- 
quire for the malek, as the time had not come, 
but appeared in the village, as I had done before, 
a casual visitor. Having completed my observa- 
tions, we bade adieu to the friendly villagers, and 
passing the mound called the tomb of Eiistam’s son, 
we struck across the plain for Charikar. In our 
progress we observed a man at some distance, who 
as soon as he descried us left his path, tucked up 
the skirts of his garments, and with his musket 
trailed and his body bent, glided from behind one 
stone to another. He did not appear to be dodging 
us, but rather taking precautions against us. On 
nearing him, so that my young companion could 
catch a glance at him, he was recognized as a 

fogitive of Hup^n, who had stealthily visited his 
len s at Istargitch, and was now on his return to 



Sir Aulang. The poor wretch feared to encounter 
in every one he met an enemy. He relaxed a little 
on finding that he had nothing to appreh^d from 
us, but preserved his caution and distance, and I 
could not but admire his activity. 

Visible from Charlkar is a white building, at 
S6h Yaran, or the three friends, which the peoj)le 
call a sanduk, or chest, believing it to have been 
• built for some other purpose than to enclose a 
tomb. As the spot is one which was honoured by 
the emperor Baber’s approbation, and which he 
embellished with fountains and chanar-trees, it 
behoved me to visit it. In my way to Tope Dara 
yesterday, I had been near to it, as it lies about 
a mile only north of it, but judging I should have 
enough to occupy me there during the day, I did 
not deviate from the road. I again, as the distance 
was trifling, left my Kabal companions behind, 
and proceeded on foot with my landlord’s young 
son. The sanduk, as it is called, proved to be the 
remains of a quadrangular building, having a pillar 
inserted at each of the angles. The entrance faced 
the south, which seemed to imply, that it was not 
originally a tomb, although there were two marble 
grave-stones standing within its walls. It had 
also once been covered vdth a cupola, which seemed 
likevdse to have been an addition, but it had in 
great measure fallen. Hence we passed to the 
ziarat of Derwish, where there «re fountains and 
chanar-trees, which we might have attributed to 



the social king, of -whom, howeyer, no tradition 
is preserved here, had we not been led still farther 
on towa-ds Killa Khurban, where are many ancient 
sepulchral mounds, and where a spring of water 
issues high up in the hills. Here ware some vener- 
able chanar-trees ; and the locality is to this day 
one of favourite resort to the people of Charlkar. 
There could be little doubt but that this was the 
place which had delighted Baber. The water from " 
the spring forms a canal on the plain below, irrigat- 
ing a small garden at the base of the hill. At- 
Seh Y&an is a village of some forty houses, and 
Killa Khtirbin is a deserted castle. South of the 
latter is a ravine, supplied with a rivulet, and con- 
taining a few orchards and dwellings, named Takia. 
We followed this ravine until it merged into the 
plain, which we then traversed and regained our 
quarters. On my first visit to Ch&ikar I found 
the inhabitants, who are not particularly famed for 
civility, inclined to be merry at my expense, and 
in walking the bazar I incurred the hazard of 
being mobbed, one rogue passing the word to the 
other that a “murgh noh,” or strange bird, had 
come. On better acquaintance, however, they 
had become very respectful and tractable, and in 
lieu of their jeers and jests I received in passing 
their Salam alikams and Khush amadeds. 

As Sanjit Dara was one of the spots between 
Istalif and Tope’' Dara which I had not seen, I 
proposed to devote a day to an excursion to it ; 


and accordingly we mounted, and proceeded across 
the plain to Tope Dara ; whence we intended to 
skirt the hills. A good many ravines intersected 
our road, otherwise pretty good. At about two 
miles we passed the agricultural village of Sh^hmak, 
with an excellent canal. To the left of the road 
there were some vestig'es, in stone parapets and 
mounds, not of much importance, and in the hills 
. to our right we observed the entrances to several 
samuches, or caves. Hence we gained the villages 
and gardens of Sanjit Dara, and halted for the day 
under some walnut-trees on the bank of its rivulet. 
Here are collected seven or eight villages. The 
principal ziarat is distinguished by a magnificent 
chanar-tree. The soil is too rocky to be turned 
to great profit, and prevents the cultivation of the 
vine to any extent. The orchards are principally 
stocked with mulberry and walnut-trees. We 
were preparing to return to Clwikar, when we 
were told that Mahomed Jafar Kh4n, one of my 
Bimian companions, was encamped below the dara, 
and that he held some of the villages in jaghir. 
We paid him a visit, and accepted his invitation 
to become his guests for the evening. A sheep 
was killed, and, while our supper was preparing, 
the khan and myself were engaged in conversation. 
He was intent upon forming a clnal, the obstacles 
to which were some rocks. He seriously inquired 
of me whether they might no* be removed by 
vinegar. I told him all I knew about Hannibal 



and the Alps, but recommended him, nevertheless, 
to try the elfects of a little powder. 

From Sanjit Dara we returned to Charikar, and 
taking farewell of our friends, crossed the canal, or 
Jui Robat, flowing through the town, and passed 
over a fertile tract, cultivated chiefly with cotton. 
We then crossed the Jui Khwoja, and subsequently 
Jfli Mahighir, a little after which we reached Killa 
Mir Saiyad Khdn. The owner received us with po- 
liteness, and lodged us in his mihm^-khana, but 
complaining of heat, I was conducted to the garden. 
There we found a doctor of Kabal, who had just re- 
turned from Bokhara Sherif, where he had realized 
three thousand rupees by his practice. He was a 
dwarfish, hook-nosed, morose old gentleman, and 
disposed to have displayed his erudition had I coun- 
tenanced him. He remarked, that he had known 
two or three Feringhis, who administered mercury, 
copperas, arsenic, and other poisons, while his own 
practice was according to the genuine Yunani, or 
Greek system, and safe. 

A primary object of my rambles into the Kohis- 
tan of Kabal was to ascertain if any vestiges existed 
which I might venture to refer to Alexandria ad 
Caucasum, the site of which, I felt assured, ought to 
be looked for at the skirts of the Hindu Kosh in 
this quarter. I had before reached the borders of 
the plain of Begram, and had heard strange stoiies 
of the innumerable* coins, and other relics, found on 
the soil, but had been unable to procure a specimen. 



all to whom I applied, whether Hindu or Mussul- 
man, denying they had any such things in posses- 
sion. I now purposed to obtain ’from MirSaiyad 
Khan a party of his retainers to enable me to tra- 
verse and suryey the plain, which is dangerous to do, 
owing to the marauders infesting it. He provided 
half a dozen horsemen, a sufficient escort, as, being 
known to the robbers, they are not interrupted by 
. them. Having passed the large ruinous village Ghu- 
1am Shah we arrived at Killa Bolend, on the brink 
of the Kohistan basin, and at the commencement 
of the plain. There were seven considerable Hindu 
traders here, but we applied to them for coins in 
vain. We therefore proceeded across the plain until 
we reached a tope at the eastern extremity of Koh 
Bacha, and near Jtilgha. Of this monument I 
made a sketch, and noted my observations of the 
country. When we were well back on our return 
I dismissed Mir Saiyad Khan’s party, and we struck 
across the plain to Killa Khwoja, a small village, 
where we were welcomed by Malek Gafur, a friend of 
my companion, Sirkerder Kamber. We heard fresh 
tales of Begram, and the treasures found there, and 
my curiosity was so intensely excited, that I deter- 
mined to revisit it, taking with us Mir Afzil, the 
malek’s son, who had friends in the vicinity. Ac- 
cordingly, with him for our gu&e, we passed suc- 
cessively the villages and castles of Deh Ghulam 
Ali, Mahighii-, seated on the csftial of that name, 
Killas Ghiilam and Jarula, Koh Deh, Killa Illaiyar, 



and Gujar Khel, beyond which was Killa Bolend. 
We were there receiW by a dyer; and Mir Afzil 
descended into tSie valley below to inquire for a 
friend, residing at one of the castles of Baltd Khel. 

I repaired to the roof of the dyer’^ house, and 
wished to have taken bearings, but the wind was 
too violent to permit me to remain at ease. Mir 
Afzil returned with Baloch Khdn, a fine honest 
young man, who brought me a present of melons - 
and grapes. This was the commencement of an 
acquaintance, which continued as long as I remained 
at Kabal ; and Baloch Khan greatly assisted me in 
my subsequent researches, as I could always, when 
needed, call upon him and his armed followers to 
attend me in my excursions, and to protect the peo- 
ple I sent. He now exerted himself to procure 
coins ; and at last an old defaced one was produced 
by a Mahomedan, for which I gave two pais, which 
induced the appearance of others, until the Hindus 
ventured to bring forth their bags of old monies, 
from which I selected such as suited my purpose. I 
had the satisfaction to obtain in this manner some 
eighty coins, of types which led me to anticipate 
bright results from the future. The fears and scru- 
ples of the owners had been overcome, and I re- 
mained some time at Killa Bolend, securing their 
confidence. It had been feared that I should employ 
Mgaris, or forced labourers, to scour the plain in 
search of antique <relics, on which account it had 
been determined to conceal from me, if possible, their 



existence. I afterwards learned from a zirghar, or 
goldsmith, of Charikar, that at the time I applied to 
him he had three charaks, or about fifteen, pounds 
in weight of old coins by him, which his companions 
deterred him frpm exhibiting. I made myself well 
informed as to the mode, and by whom these coins 
were found ; and the clue to them once discovered, 
the collection became an easy matter, although it 
subsequently proved that a long time was necessary 
before I became fully master of the plain. While 
this traffic was carried on, the report had spread that 
a Feringhi had come to engage soldiers, and cro-wds 
came from the neighbouring castles to ascertain the 
truth, and what pay was given. I now thought it 
better to leave, and accordingly we retraced our 
steps to Killa Khwoja. 

We had intended to have made a long march next 
day, but at the first castle we reached the sirkerder 
was recognized by the people without, and we were 
induced to remain there for the day. The castle 
was built by one Musa Khin, since dead, and the 
honom’s of our entertainment w'ei’e performed by 
Assad Khdn, a fine youth, the younger of his two 
sons living. 

In the morning I ascended one of the towers of 
the castle, and took, bearings, and after breakfast 
we started on our road toward^' Kabal. As in 
coming we had skirted the plain of Koh Daman to 
the west, so in returning we sMrted its eastern 
limits. Under the hills parallel to our course is the 



site of a city, called, by tradition, Tatarang Zar. It 
extends for a long distance, but appears to be a con- 
tinuation of the ancient sepulchral grounds of Be- 
gram, from which it is separated only by the river of 
Koh Daman. Coins, trinkets, &c.,-are frequently 
picked up on the surface. Passing the village of 
Bdgh Alam, of one hundred houses, and then Killa 
Kerimdad, we came upon the river, in a wide bed, 
but the stream is inconsiderable. East of it was a^ 
hill called Chehel Dokhtaran, or the forty virgins, 
who have as much celebrity in these countries as 
the eleven thousand virgins of Cologne have in 
Europe. Hence we passed the village Langar, of 
sixty houses, and then a castle called Killa Godar ; 
after which came the village of Bazari, containing 
forty houses ; from which we proceeded to Kalla- 
khan, where the sirkerder found a friend, one Zehin 
Khan, who would not allow us to proceed farther. 
K£lakhan is a large village of four hundred houses, 
the greater part of which are fortified. Its revenue 
is enjoyed by Ahmed Khan, son of the late Nawab 
Samad Khan, and it is famed for raisins of superior 
flavour. In the evening I mounted, for the purpose of 
visiting a tope near Korrinder. W e passed to the left, 
in succession, the small village of Mushwani, and the 
larger one of Korrinder, then the castle of Rohilla 
Khan, Popal Zai;.' Crossing a deep ravine, we came 
to the seignorial castles of Ltichu Khan, held by the 
family of Haji R^hmatulah, one of whose daughters 
is the favourite wife of Dost Mahomed Khan, and 



mother of his son Mahomed Akb^ Khan. Hence 
turning to the east, we crossed the river of Koh 
Daman, and struck easterly to the i;ope, on the emi- 
nences overlooking the plain. I examined and 
made a sketch»of the structure ; after which repaired 
to another building, a little more easterly, and lower 
down towards the river, called Cheni Kh^na. This 
was an octagonal building, neatly constructed of ex- 
• cellent kiln-burnt bricks. It had been originally 
crowned with a cupola, and had been superbly 
painted with flowers and other devices, in tints of 
lapis lazuli, red, yellow, and other colours ; whence, I 
presume, its modern appellation. It had four en- 
trances from the several cardinal points with an 
aberration of twenty degrees; but there was no 
recess which could serve for a kabla, or to point it 
out as a Mahomedan edifice. Within there was a 
grave-stone, bearing a rather licentious copy of 
verses, or epitaph, and the date 1211 of the Hejra, 
which did not, consequently, apply to the edifice, 
which certainly had an antiquity of some centuries. 
It stands on an eminence, buttressed with masonry 
to the north, west, and south. Having completed 
inspection, we retrograded to Kallakhan. 

In the morning we skirted the hills to the Kotal 
of Mama Khatfln. On our right w'e had an im- 
mense artificial mound, said to lenote the site of 
an ancient fortress, and called Killa Rajput. Its 
summit is now crowned by mud Wls, of compara- 
tively recent construction. The kotal has an easy 




eommenceineiit, aiid a plain is crossed, for above half 
a mile, when we reach a choki. Hence the ascent 
is more marked /or two or three hundred yards, until 
the summit is reached, where is a takht, or basement 


of stones, from which we have a good view of the 
plain of Kdra Dushman, and the countiy and hills 
to the east. At the termination of the kotal, or 
where commences the plain of Kara Dushman, is 
the dilapidated castle built by Iltafat Khdn, Khwoja, ■■ 
in the serai appertaining to which we halted, to 
avoid the meridian sun. The castle and lands are 
farmed by N&ir Khairulah, for some four or five 
thousand rupees annually ; and he is a most severe 
landlord. A splendid masjit is attached to the 
castle, but has been suffered to fall into decay. The 
fine garden has been destroyed, and nothing of 
verdure remains but an avenue of mulberry-trees, 
leading from the foot of the kotal to the castle. 
Iltafat Khan was a khwoja, or eunuch to the Sadu 
Zai princes, and designed this castle, with its gar- 
dens and establishments, which were most complete, 
to perpetuate his name. The course of events has 
made them crown property, and they are neglected, 
as such property generally is. About three o’clock 
we resumed our journey, and at three quarters of a 
mile from the castle crossed a deep ravine, in which 
was a small rivmet, which flows across the plain 
to Killa Kaji, ahd eventually to Aga Serai. A 
course of five mfles cleared us of the plain, and led 
us to the foot of the Kotal Pah Minar, crossing 



a low range of hills separating the plain of K4ra 
Dushman from the pastures, or chainan ofVazira- 
bad. At its southern base is the small” ruinous 
village, called after the kotal, and a iittle beyond 
it to the east, is the village Deh Yaiya. On the 
crest of the kotal is a choki, from which an exten- 
sive view is commanded, and we had ag-ain the 
pleasure to behold before us Kabal and its environs. 

* Descending into the plain, we passed to our right 
a deserted castle, built by Mir Wais, and a large 
tumulus. We had subsequently to wade through 
a mass of stagnant water and mud, up to our horses’ 
girths, for nearly a mile, when we reached the castles 
and villages of Bim&u, and then the Kaiaban of 
Shah Zeman, from which we pushed on to the 
Balia Hissar, closing a very agreeable excursion. 


Collections of coins. — Jealousy.— Importance of discoveries.— An- 
tiques.— Site of Begram.— Hill ranges.— Neighbourhood of B6- ' 
gr^m.— Tope,— Character of the Kohistdn.— Magnificent view. 

—Boundaries of B6gram.— Evidences. — Mounds. — Tumuli. 

Stones.— Site of city. — Deposits with the dead Testimony of 

Herodotus.— Funereal jars.— Traditions.— Mode of sepulture.— 
Absence of data.— Hupian.— Canal M^highir.— -Taimur’s co- 
lony.— Decline of Begrdm,— Signification of B6gram.— B6grdm 
of Kdbal. — Begrfim of Jelalabdd. — Begr&n of Peshawer. Ety- 

mology.— Topes — Antiquities of Kohistan. — Perw^n.— Begh 
Kawan.— Loeahties in PanjsMr.-Caves in Nijrow.— Vestiges 
m Taghow.— Ruins in Ghorband.— Caves.— Zidrat. 

The discovery of so interesting a locality as that 
of Begram imposed upon me new, agreeable, and I 
should hope, not unprofitable employment. I avail- 
ed myself of every opportunity to visit it, as well 
with the view to secure the rich memorials of past 

ages it yielded as to acquire a knowledge of the 
adjacent country. 

Before the commencement of winter, when the 
plain, covered wife snow, is of course closed to re- 
search, I had accifmulated one thousand eight hun- 
dred and sixty-fiVe- copper coins, besides a few silver 
ones, many rings, signets, and other relics. The 


next year, 1834, the collection ^which fell into my 
hands amounted to one thousand nine hundred cop- 
per coins, besides other relics. In 1^35 it increased 
to nearly two thousand five hundred copppr coins, and 
in 1836 it augmented to thirteen thousand four hun- 
dred and seventy-four copper coins. In 1837, when 
I had the plain well under control, and was enabled 
constantly to locate my people upon it, I obtained 
•sixty thousand copper coins, a result at which I was 
well pleased, having at an early period of my re- 
seai'ches conjectured that so many as thirty thou- 
sand coins might annually be procured. The whole 
of the coins, and other antiquities, from Begram, with 
several thousands of other coins, brought to light in 
various parts of Afghanistan, have been forwarded 
to the Honourable the East India Company. 

The failure of the Kabal mission in 1838 com- 
pelled me to leave the country and to susjiend my 
labours. I had found, that I was not pei*mitted to 
prosecute them without suffering from jealousy in 
certain quarters, and when I was desirous to resume 
them in 1840, the hostility of a miserable fraction 
of the Calcutta clique prevented my purpose, by acts 
as unprecedented, base, and illegal, as, perhaps, were 
ever pei-petrated under the sanction of authority 
against a subject of the British crown. 

It may be superfluous to dwell^upon the import- 
ance of the B%ram collections independently of 
the revelation of unknown kings alid dynasties, they 
impart great positive knowledge, and open a wide 


field for speculation and inquiry on the very mate- 
rial subjects of the languages and religions prevail- 
ing in 0entral Asia during the dark periods of its 
history. Astonishing as are many of the conclusions 
forced upon us, because in opposition to opinions 
before current, and now proved to he erroneous, it 
is a sourqe of unqualified satisfaction that not only 
has the progress of discovery confirmed the veracity 
of our justly esteemed classical authorities, hut at- 
every new step it teaches us to appreciate the value 
of our Scriptural records, which alone have preserved 
a rational account of the growth and spreading of 
the human race. 

Besides coins, B%ram has yielded very large 
numbers of engraved seals, some of them with in- 
scriptions, figures of men and animals, particularly 
of birds, cylinders, and parallelogramic amulets with 
sculptured sides, rings, and a multitude of other 
trinkets, and miscellaneous articles, genemlly of brass 
and copper ; many of which are curious and de- 
serve description. The reasons which confine me to 
a mere allusion to the results of my researches at 
B%ram need not restrict me as regards the locality, 
which, besides its pretensions to be considered Alex- 
andria ad Caucasum, has other claims to notice. 
It occurs about twenty-five miles in a direct dis- 
tance fi-om the present city of K4bal, and is situated 
at the south-eastf point of the level country of the 
KohistM, in an Ingle formed by the approach of a 
lofty and extensive mountain range, trending from 



the superior Caucasus on the one side, and by an 
inferior range, (the Siah Koh,) on the other. The 
former range, while it separates the Kohistan from 
the populous valley of Nijrow to the east, defines 
to the west the course of the lengthened valley 
of Panjshir. The latter range, commencing about 
fifteen miles east of Kabal, stretches to ^the north, 
and gradually sinks into the plain of Begram. 

* Through a break in this range, called Tang-i-Khar6nj 
nearly east from Kabal, flows the united streams 
of Kabal and Loghar, which, surmounting a magni- 
ficent fall, winds among the hilly districts in its 
course to Lughman and Jel^ahad. The range it- 
self forms a prominent feature in the landscape 
of Kabal, displaying a bold precipitous front, and, 
being of gneiss, has the appearance of being strati- 
fied. Behind, or east of the Sidh Koh, is a hilly, 
not mountainous, tract, although waste and desolate, 
named Koh Safi, from the tribe that pasture their 
flocks in it ; and this tract intervenes between the 
Slab Koh and the valley of Taghow; moreover, 
through it meanders the river of the Kohistan, 
until, at a spot near Siirbi, it unites with the river 
of Kabal. Through the open space formed by the 
approach of the above noted ranges the river of 
Kohistan, fonned by the accession of the larger 
streams of Panjshir, Perwdn, ?gid Ghorband, with 
the minor rivulets of Kohista% and Koh Daman, 
directs its course, describing, al the point where 
it quits the basin of the Kohistan, the northern 


boundary of the plain of Begram. Parallel to the 
river, also leads the high road from the Kohistan 
to Nijrow, Taghow, and Jelalabad. 

Begram is comprised within an extensive district 
called Khwoja Khedari. To the nojth, it has an 
abrupt descent into the cultivated lands and pas- 
tures of the Baltu Khel and KerimdM Khel fa- 
milies, which interpose between it and the river 
for the extent of perhaps a mile, or until the river 
reaches the base of a singular eminence called Burj 
Abdulah, which, from the remains of walls and 
mounds on its summit, was undoubtedly an appur- 
tenance of the ancient city. Beyond, or east of 
Burj Abdulah, another small space, devoted to cul- 
ture, with two or three castles, called Karaichi, 
fills a curvature in the direction of the abrupt 
boundary of the plain with the course of the river. 
Beyond extends a low detached hill, called Koh 
Bacha, for about a mile and half, separating for 
that distance the level dasht from the river." At 
the eastern extremity of Koh Bacha is one of those 
remarkable structures we call topes ; and on the 
opposite, or northern side of the river, are the 
castles and cultivated lands of Mahomed Irakhi, 
and beyond them a sterile sandy tract gradually 
ascends to a celebrated hill and ziarat, called 
Khwoja Regh Ra^^^n, an interesting point in the 
scenery from Begrfin, and thence to the skirts of 
the superior hill range above mentioned, high up 
on which the g^dens of the village of Durnameh, 


(a corruption of Dur Nam^lil, or conspicuous from 
afar,) are visible. This village is famous as a resi- 
dence of a desperate band of robbers, who infest 
their vicinity in general, and the plain of Begram 
in particular ; .,also for affording asylum and pro- 
tection to the outlaws of KAbal. East of the tope, 
the level plain stretches for above a mile, until, 
with the same character of abrupt termination, it 
»sinl5;s into the low lands of Julgha, where are 
numerous castles, much cultivated land, and, as the 
name Julgha implies, a large extent of pasture. 

The Kohistan, it may be observed, and which 
may better show the position of B%ram, is a punch- 
bowl, or basin, on three sides surrounded by hills, 
and on the fourth, or southern side, by a compa- 
ratively elevated tract, which forms, as it were, 
the rim, and runs sinuously from Tutam Dara — ■ 
the point where issues into the basin the river of 
Ghorband — and passing, as we have seen, the plain 
of Begram, extends easterly to Julgha. This basin 
may have a circumference of thirty-five to forty 
miles. The higher lands of B%ram on the one side, 
and of Mahomed Irakhi on the opposite one, form 
the spout to this basin, from which descend its 
waters upon the lower countries eastward. The 
coup d’ceil presented is most magnificent ; the 
winding courses of the rivers, t]^ picturesque ap- 
pearance of the gardens and cities, the verdure 
of the pastures, the bold and varied aspect of the 
environing hills, crowned by the snowy summits 


of the Hindu Kosh,^ form a landscape whose beauty 
can scarcely be conceived but by those who have 
witnessed it. The natives of these countries are 
apt to coippare it with the scenery about Herat 
and the Kohistan of Meshed, but they, as well 
as the neighbourhood of Ispahm, which is very 
beautiful, must yield the palm to the Kohistan of 

The boundaries of the dasht of Begram are the' 
lands of Julgha to the east, the level plain of 
Mahighir to the west, the river of Kohistan to the 
north, and to the south what is called the river of 
Koh Daman. At the north-west angle of the dasht 
is the small village of Killa Bolend, where reside 
a few Hindu traders, who have considerable inter- 
course Avith the neighbouring hill tribes, and at the 
south-west angle are three castles, called Killa Yez- 
bashi, distant from Killa Bolend about four miles. 

Notwithstanding the vast numbers of relics 
discovered on the plain, other evidences that a city 
once stood on it are not so palpable as to have 
attracted extraordinary attention, had it not been 
imperatively directed to the locality from the cir- 
cumstance of the discovery of the numerous and sin- 
gular antique treasures at it. In many places, indeed, 
it has been proved, that by digging about a yard 
in depth, lines of - cement, seeming to denote the 
outlines of struc^-es and their apartments, may 
be found. On the edge of the plain to the north, 
where it abruptly sinks into the low lands of 



Baltu Khel, from Killa Bolend to KaraicM is a 
line of artificial mounds ; but sucb objects are so 
universal in occurrence tbrougbcfut tbe •Afghan 
countries that, in ordinary instances, they might 
claim only a cursory notice. On the summit of 
the eminence called Burj Abdulah are the re- 
mains of stone walls, marking a square enclosure; 
they are, however, loosely arranged, and, I should 
•* rather conjecture, denote the remains of a more 
recent castle than an edifice of the ancient Be- 
gi-am ; some mounds, however, found on it, may 
have a greater antiquity. South of, and conti- 
guous to Burj Abdulah, are some mounds of great 
magnitude, and accurately describing a square, of 
considerable dimensions. On one side of this 
square, in 1833, the exterior front of the mound 
subsided deep into the earth, and disclosed that 
these mounds were constructed of huge unbumt 
bricks, two spans square and one span thick. This 
accident also enabled me to ascertain that the 
original breadth of these stupendous walls, for such 
we must suppose them to have been, could not 
have been less than sixty feet, while it may have 
been much more. Among the mounds near Killa 
Bolend is a large tumulus, which appeare to have 
been coated with thin squares of white marble ; 
and near it, in a hollow formed in the soil, is a 
large square stone, which the^ Mahomedans call 
Sang Eustam (Rustam’s ^ stone) ; and which the 
Hindus, without knowing why, reverence so far 



as to pay occasional visits to it, to daub it with 
sindur, or red-lead, and to light lamps at it. In 
the Mahomedan' burial-ground of Killa Bolend is 
a fragment of sculptured green stone, made to serve 
as a head-stone to a grave ; above four feet is above 
ground, and we were told as much more was con- 
cealed below. This is a relique of the ancient 
city ; and we meet with another and larger but 
plain green stone applied to a similar purpose in 
a burial-place called Shehidan, or the place of 
martyrs, under Koh Bacha. In a ziarat at Chari- 
is also a fragment of sculptured green stone ; 
and it is remarkable, that all fragments of stone 
which we discovered, and which we may suppose 
to have reference to the ancient city, are of the 
same species of coloured stone. The inhabitants 
of these parts are now ignorant whence it was 
procured, although, doubtless, from the inferior 
hills of the Caucasus to the north, where steatite 
is so abundant that the people dwelling in them 
make their cooking utensils of it; and steatite, 
with jade, and other magnesian green stones, are 
found together in the lower hills of the Safed Koh 
range, south of the valley of Jelalabad. 

In specifying the extensive limits over which 
coins and other relics are brought to light, we 
must not be understood as conveying the notion 
that the entire spkce defined by them was once 
filled by a city. We should rather suppose not, 
and that it is to the ancient burial-grounds of the 


former city we are indebted for the supplies of 
curiosities we meet with. If asked to assign the 
site of the city, I should, fixing the enormous 
square enclosure south of Burj Abdulah as the fort, 
or citadel, locate it between those remains and 
the western portion of the plain, or towards Killa 
Bolend and Mahighir, in which space coins are 
found in far less number, while scorice, lumps of 
4ron, fragments of glazed earthenware (the latter 
a peculiar token, in opposition to the common 
baked pottery which is scattered over the whole 
plain,) are found more abundantly than in other 
spots. In this part also, besides the remains of 
walls, may be traced the courses of the ancient 
canals, by their parallel lines of embankment. The 
presence of mounds, the casual discovery of coins, 
and other antiques, are generally supposed to indi- 
cate the site of a city, whereas, they may only point 
out that of its burial-grounds ; a distinction worthy 
of notice, when the detection of an actual site is 
important, and which might possibly be usefully 
applied to some of the celebrated old sites in the 
world, as Babylon, Nineveh, &c., particularly when 
we have reason to believe that, with the ancients, 
their burial-places were without the city, and in- 
dependent of it. The probability that the great 
numbers of coins and other reliques, discovered 
on the dasht of Begram, are merely deposits with 
the ashes of the dead, as prescribed by the usages 
and superstitions of former times, is strengthened 



by the knowledge that such deposits were in practice, 
and the articles found alike confirm it. Coins were 
mingle4 'with them, that the expense of transit 
over the rivers of Paradise might be provided for ; 
as with the Greek or Roman corpse was placed 
a fee for the ferryman Charon. Rings, seals, beads, 
ear-rings, small images, &:c., were either the pro- 
perty of the deceased or the votive offerings of 
friends ; arrow-heads, frequently occurring, may- 
mean that the deceased was a warrior, or that he 
was fond of archery. The collections from Begram 
have furnished a great variety of engraved signets, 
and many gems, curious as specimens of art, with 
multitudes of small sculptured animals, particularly 
of birds. A passage in Herodotus, while it admir- 
ably accounts for the production of many of the 
relics elicited in the burial-grounds of ancient 
Babylon, serves also to explain why similar results 
should be obtained in those of Begram. Speaking 
of the old inhabitants of Babylon, he says, “ Each 
person has a seal-ring, and a cane, or walking- 
stick, upon the top of which is carved an apple, 
a rose, a lily, an eagle, or some figure or other, 

for to have a stick without a device is unlaw- 

The immense distribution of fragments of pottery 
may be satisfactoyly explained, when we recollect 
that the mode paiticularly prevalent of treating 
the bodies of the dead was by cremation, then 
collecting the, ashes and lodging them in earthem 



jars, whicli were finally deposited beneatli the soil. 
These funereal jars, in the eours*e of ages, have be- 
come affected by damp, and consequently , fragile, 
as by the abrasion of the surface of the soil they 
and their fragments have become exposed ; hence 
we discover the fragments mixed with the soil, and 
the coins and other relics originally deposited with 
them. Entire jars are, indeed, sometimes found ; 
,and the lines of cement, before noted, as discover- 
able about a yard beneath the surface, if horizontal, 
may indicate the floors on which these jars were 
placed ; and, if perpendicular, the separation of one 
deposit from the other. 

The traditions of the country assert the city of 
Begram to have been the Sheher Yun4n, or Greek 
city, overwhelmed by some natural catastrojjlie, 
and the evidence of its subterranean lines and 
apartments is appealed to in support of them. If 
we have rightly conjectured their nature, they are 
found only in their natural position, and afibrd 
evidence of another kind. The present Hindus 
call the site Balram, and suppose it to have been 
the capital of Raja Bal. 

There is a peculiar feature attending the deposit 
of the sepulchral jars, that not only was it neces- 
sary to cover them with earth, but it was essential 
that the earth should contain no stones or other 
extraneous substances. So particular was this 
deemed that in many situations on the ascent of 
hills, where earth could not be found, it has clearly 


been brought from the plains beneath, and always 
carefully sifted, fn all the old burial-places of 
Afghanistan we witness the feeling as manifestly 
as if expressed oh a Roman tomb-stone, Sit tibi 
terra levis. In traversing the dasht of B%ram 
not a stone is met with ; the reason obviously, 
that the surface is actually composed of the pre- 
pared earth, spread over the ancient places of 

It is mortifying, when making inquiries as to 
the former history of a site, on which we find 
coins of ages in regular succession from Alex- 
ander to the Mahomedan era, to learn no better 
account of it than the traditions above-mentioned 
afford, and while we are compelled to conjecture 
doubtingly upon its origin, to have no precise data 
on which even to estimate the period of its decay 
and final ruin. That it existed for some centuries 
after the Mahomedan invasion of these countries, 
is proved by the vast numbers of Cufic coins found 
at it ; which, moreover, seem to show that the 
early conquerors of Islam- did not particularly in- 
terfere with the religion of the conquered, or of 
such that submitted to their temporal dominion, 
as the practice of cremation must have been con- 
tinued, and would not have been followed had 
the people become Mahomedans. It is not, in- 
deed, improbable that this city, like many others, 
may owe its destruction to the implacable Jenghiz ; 
but, if so, we ought to detect some notice of it 


in the extant histories of that conqueror, and of 
his period. 

Without aifecting the probability, that at P%ram, 
or in its immediate neighbourhood, was the site 
of Alexandria ad Caucasum, it will be remembered 
that the narratives of Chinese travellers expressly 
state that, subsequently, there was a capital city 
in this part of the country called Hupian. A 
^locality of this name still exists between Charik^ 
and Tutam Dara ; and I have noted that it possesses 
many vestiges of antiquity ; yet, as they are exclu- 
sively of a sepulchral and religious character, the 
site of the city to which they refer may rather be 
looked for at the actual village of Malek Hupiin, 
on the plain below, and near Charikar, by which 
it may have been replaced as the principal town, 
as, more anciently, it superseded another, perhaps 
Alexandria itself. 

That Begram ceased to exist at the time of 
Taimur’s expedition into India we have negative 
proof, furnished by his historian, Sherifadin, who 
informs us that Taimur, in his progress from 
Anderib to Kabal, encamped on the plain of 
Bar^n (the modern Baiydn, certainly) ; and that 
while there he directed a canal to be cut, which 
was called Mdhighir ; by which means the country, 
before desolate and unproductive, became fertile 
and full of gardens. The lands, thus restored to 
cultivation, the conqueror apportioned among sun- 
dry of his followers. The canal of Mahighir exists 

VOL. III. ‘ vr 



at this day, preserving the name conferred upon 
it hy Taimur. K considerable village, about a 
mile west of Begr^, standing on the canal, has 
a similar appellation, and probably also owes its 
origin to Taimur, who may have attempted in it 
to have revived or renewed the ancient city. This 
canal of Mahighir, derived from the river of the 
Ghorband valley, at the point where it issues from 
the hills into the basin of the Kohistm, irrigates^ 
the lands of Baiy^ and Mahighir, and has a coui'se 
of about ten miles. Had the city of Begrfei then 
existed these lands immediately to the west of 
it would not have been waste, and neglected ; 
neither would Taimur have found it necessary to 
cut his canal, as the city, when existing, must have 
been supplied with water from the same source, that 

is, from the river of Ghorband, and from the same 
point, that is, at the exit of its waters from the 
hills into the basin ; and the canals supplying the 
city must have been directed through these very 
lands of M^ighir and Baiyan, which Taimur found 
waste and unproductive. The site of Begram, 
although having to the north the great river of 
the Kohistan, could not have been irrigated from 

it, as its stream flows in low land, considerably 
beneath the level of the dasht, besides being too 
distant. On the south it has the river of Koh 
Daman ; but this, while only partially and casually 
provided with water, runs in a sunken bed, and 
is alike inapplicable to the purposes of irrigation. 



It may be farther noted with reference to the 
colonization of Mahighir by Taimur, that the in- 
habitants of Khwoja Khedarl, while forgetful as to 
whom their forefathers owed their settlement in 
this country, jgicknowledge their Turk! descent, and 
alone of ail the inhabitants of the Kohistkn speak 
the Turk! language. 

The appellation B6gram, although it may be 
^ questioned whether such was ever the peculiar 
name of the city, must still be considered indicative 
of the former importance of the site it now de- 
signates ; undoubtedly signifying the chief city, the 
capital, the metropolis. Still, it must be borne in 
mind, especially, when considering the coins found 
on it, that it must generally have been a provincial 
capital. About three miles east of Kabal we have 
a village and extensive pasture retaining the name 
of Begram ; and if we inquire whether we have any 
vestiges of a former city at the spot, numerous 
mounds, and a series of magnificent topes on the 
skirts and in the recesses of the neighbouring hills 
to the south, seem to attest the fact — and would 
denote, might we infer from the single coin found 
in one of these buildings by M. Honigberger, who 
examined them, that the capital of King Mokad- 
phises, or Kadphises, and his lineage, was there 
located ; or, should not that inference be granted, 
that a city of some consequence existed here, for 
the structure was probably, if not connected with that 
sovereign, erected in his time. Two large cities 

U 2 

■ t-: 



could scarcely have been located so close together 
as Begram and the present Kabal, therefore it is 
possible 4hat the predecessor of the modern city 
may have been Begram (under, however, some other 
and peculiar name), on the banks of the river of 
Loghar, which winds through its meadows. A 
character of sanctity is yet preserved to the Loghar 
river in this spot, for to the adjacent village of 
Shevaki the Hindus of Kabal annually repair to 
celebrate the vesak holidays. 

Near Jelalabad a spot called B%ram, about a 
mile and half or two miles west of the present town, 
would seem to denote the site of the former capital 
of the province ; and that a city has flourished here, 
with its periods of importance and prosperity, we 
are not permitted to doubt ; not merely by con- 
sidering the actual state of the country and the 
advantages of position, but from the existence in 
the neighbourhood of three distinct series of topes, 
at Darunta, Chahar Bagh, and Hidda, without enu- 
merating independent and isolated ones. The vici- 
nity ofB%ram, indeed the entire plain of Jelalabad, 
is literally covered with tumuli and mounds. These 
are truly sepulchral monuments, but, with the topes, 
sanction the inference that a very considerable city 
existed here, or that it was a place of renown for 
sanctity. It may have been both. Tradition aflSrms, 
that the city on the plain of Jelalabad was called 
Ajtina, and alike asserts that ' the ancient Lahore 
was there; which may mean, that prior to the para- 


mount sovereignty in these copntries being possess- 
ed by Lahore (it must be remembered it was so 
when Mahmud of Ghazni first invaded India), it 
was established here. 

Near Peshawer we have a spot also called Be- 
grdm, distinguished by its mounds and tamarisk- 
trees, marking the site of an ancient city; and that 
this epithet of eminence and distinction was con- 
tinned up to a recent date we learn from Baber and 
Abul Fazil. 

The term be-gram appears composed of the 
Turki be or bi (chief) and the Hindi “gram” (city); 
the latter word, while still colloquially employed 
by the people on the banks of the Indus, was once 
probably of more general use in the countries of 
the Afghans, but has been superseded by the Per- 
sian “ sheher,” and “abad,” with the Hindi “piir.” 
Besides these four Begrams, there is Oshter-gram in 
the Kohistan; Sal-gram, a Hindu ziarat in Panjshir ; 
Pesh-grain, in Bajor; No-gram, in Panchta, &c., all 
sites of considerable antiquity. 

It has been observed that at the extremity of 
Koh Bacha is a tope, which on examination fur- 
nished no useful result. Judging from its appear- 
ance, it has not so great an antiquity as many others 
near K^bal and at Jelalabad. 

There is another at Alisai, ten or twelve miles 
east of Begr^, between the valleys of Niji-ow and 
Taghow; and there is again another and superior 
one at Tope Dara, near Charik&, which may reason- 


ably be supposed to, have been constructed under 
the princes of Hupian. A fourth, moreover, occurs 
at Korriifdar, midway between Begram and Kabal ; 
but it has unfortunately happened that no one of 
these several monuments has yielded evidences 
upon which we might decide upon its origin or 

The KohistAn of Kdbal abounds with vestiges of 
its ancient inhabitants ; they are chiefly, if not ex- 
clusively, of a sepulchral character, but their greater 
or less extent with the numbers and varieties of 
the coins and other relics found at them, may 
authorize us to form an estimate of the importance 
of the places which we infer W'ere situated near 
them. Admitting such criteria, a city of magni- 
tude must have existed at Perwdn, about eight 
miles, bearing north nineteen west, from Bdgr^, 
consequently that distance nearer to the great 
range of* Caucasus, under whose inferior hills it 
is in fact found. Coins are discovered there in 
large numbers, and there is also a cave remarkable 
for its dimensions ; while in the hills which sepa- 
rate it from Sir Aulang, is a takht, or square stone 
monument, the sides of which are girt with deco- 
rative mouldings. The site in Perwan is called 
by Mahomedans Merwan, and by Hindus Milwin. 

At Korahtas, east of the famed hill and ziarat 
Regh Rawan, and on the opposite side of the river 
to Begram, from which it is distant about six miles, 
•bearing north forty-eight east, coins are nume- 



rously found, and we have tie usual tokens of 
mounds, fragments of pottery, &c., with remains 
of works in masonry about the hills, which bearing 
now the appellation of Killa Kafr',., are in truth 
sepulchral repositories. 

At the hill of Regh Rawin (flowing sand), re- 
markable for the bed of sand lying upon its 
southern face, which gives it both its name and 
’‘singular appearance, is a subterranean cave, which 
has a descent by hewn, or artificial stairs, and may 
therefore be supposed to mean something more 
than the ordinary rock cave. It has never been 
duly explored, and there might be danger in the 
attempt to descend into it. The M^homedans have 
made it a ziarat, and have an idea that it is the 
spot whence their expected Imam Medi will issue 
upon earth; and they believe that on roz Juma, or 
sacred Friday, the sounds of nagaras, or drums, may 
be heard in it. It may be observed, that the Ma- 
homedan shrines, or by far the greater part of 
them throughout these countries, were originally 
those of the former idolatrous inhabitants, whose 
conversion to Islam was doubtless facilitated by 
the policy which dictated the conservation of their 
sacred localities, so dear to them fi-om past asso- 
ciations and custom. A compromise was made 
between them and their converters, similar to that 
between the Prophet and his Arabs, by which the 
adored black stone of the latter became the kaba 
of the faith propagated by the former. 




In the valley of P^njshir are considerable vestiges, 
at three distinct localities ; one near the castle of 
Saifula ln Dara Ferbaj; another in Dara Baz&ak, 
near the castle of Zamrud Khto. It has before 
been casually remarked, that there?’ is in Panjshir 
a place of peculiar religious repute, called by the 
Hindus Sal-gram, although, from the lawless habits 
of the natives of Panjshir, they seldom venture to 
visit it. The Hindus also consider the word Panj-? 
shir (the five lions) as referring to the five sons 
of Pandu. The valley is even now populous and 
fertile, and in former times, when these countries 
were held in due and firm control, must have 
been of consequence, as affording a facile com- 
munication with Badaksh^. It had, moreover, 
a distinct and intrinsic value in its silver mines, 
which were worked in remote times, as we, are 
told by Abulfeda. There is reason to believe that 
this metal, in common with many others, abounds 
in the secondary hills of the Caucasus. The inha- 
bitants of Panjshir, esteemed by their neighbours, 
and so calling themselves, Tdjiks, while they speak 
Persian, also understand the Pashai language. 

In Nijrow, as in other valleys of this country, 
are abxmdance of mounds and caves. While I 
was at Kabal chance brought to light a large 
collection of caves which had formerly been con- 
cealed under eaiih. Some of them were described 
as curious, and their discovery was a subject of 
wonder for the day to the inhabitants. North- 



east of this valley are a few villages belonging to 
families still retaining the name of Pashai. The 
natives of Nijrow, esteemed Tajiks^ and conversing 
with strangers in Persian, generally discourse in 
Pashai with ea^h other. 

The large valley of Taghow has many vestiges 
of its ancient inhabitants, and large parcels of coins 
have been found among them. It is now held by 
^ the Sdfi, reputed an Afghan tribe ; but one of its 
most considerable daras, or minor valleys, is named 
Pashian. The tope of Alisai, between Nijrow and 
Taghow, has been before alluded to. 

In the valley of Ghorband, separated from Koh 
Daman to the west by a high hill range stretching 
from the Hindu Kosh, are many and important 
remains of ancient times. This valley has a direc- 
tion towards Bamian, the Haz&a districts of the 
Shekh All tribe, and of Shibr intervening. At a 
spot called Nilab are the ruins of an ancient 
fortress on the river, which even during the last 
few years have been rendered more palpably ruins 
by Dost Mahomed Khan, who employed elephants 
in the work of destruction ; fearful that his nephew, 
Habib Ulah Khdn, whose authority he had con- 
tributed to overthrow at Kabal, might have fled 
to it, and have renewed its defences. At Fulojird, 
and FerinjM are remarkable caves; the latter of 
which Wilford had heard of, and with reference 
to Hindu traditions was willing to consider the 
cave of Pramathas, or Prometheus. 



In Gliorband is ^ celebrated Hindu ziarat, wbicb 
they call Gh^uk Tabbi, the equivalent of Baba 
Adam, Trbich merits notice, remembering Wilford’s 
notions that„Bamian was the Mosaical Eden, — ^not 
that I believe it was, but as showing how that 
singular, but always talented, man’s inquiries were 


M. Honlgberger. — His antiquarian operations, — Dr. Gerard. — 
Adventures of M. Honigberger. — Departure for Jelalabad. — ■ 
Id Gab. — Incivility. — Bhut Khak. — Defile of Sokhta Chanar. 
— Ghilji guide. — S6h Bdba. — Barik-ab. — Taghow. — Sang Toda 
Baber Padshah. — Jigdillik. — Kotal Jigdillik. — Surkh Pul. — 
Old acquaintance. — Khalil Khan’s story. — Samfiches. — Trouble- 
some night. — Khalil Khan’s death. — Gandamak. — Nimla. — 
Balia Bagh. — Tatang. — Ascent of Siah Koh. — Caves. — 
Kajari. — Goraichi. — KiUa Kafr. — Cascades. — Extensive view. 
— Shrine of Lot. — Large graves. — Shrine of Lamech. — Opi- 
nions of the people.—Scriptural names. — The Pali. — Scriptural 
and classical testimony. — Pali conquests. — Early civilization. — 
Diffusion of their sciences and language. — Judicial astrology.-— 
Universality of Pall language. — Names of localities. — Shrines. 

On my return to Kibal from my first excursion 
to Begram I had the pleasure to meet M. Martine 
Honigberger, from Lahore, who proposed, via Bok- 
hara, to regain his native country. My visits to 
this gentleman caused me to see frequently the 
Nawab Jabar Khan, with whom he resided; and 
that nobleman issued a standing order that he 
should be informed whenever I came, and made 
it a point to favour us with his company. With 
M. Honigberger I made a trip to Shakr Dara, with 
the view of ascending the high hill Hous Khast, 


but the season being too early we failed to do so, 
and I nearly perished in the attempt. M. Ho- 
nigberger subsequently examined several of the 
topes near Kabal, and then proceeded to Jelalabad, 
under the Nawab’s protection, where he instituted 
a series of operations on the Darunta group; and 
had not his apprehensions been excited by certain 
rumours as to the intentions of Nawab Mahomed 
Zeman Khan, and Sirdar Stilts Mahomed Kb^p 
of Peshdwer, then a guest of the Nawab, it is pos- 
sible little would have remained for my ultimate 
examination. As it was, he precipitately retired 
to Kdbal. His labours have had the advantage of 
having been made known to the European world 
by the late regretted Eugene Jacquet. At the 
close of autumn our European society was aug- 
mented by the arrival of Dr. Gerard, the companion 
of Lieutenant Burnes, and a few days after his de- 
parture for Ludfana M. Honigberger set out with 
a kifila for Bokh&a. 

At Ak Robat, a march beyond BSmian, he was 
maltreated and plundered. Dost M^omed Kh^n, 
I fear, was not innocent in this matter; nor does 
it extenuate his guilt that he was led to sanction 
the injury offered to M. Honigberger by the re- 
presentations of the profligate Abdul Samad. Niaz 
Maomed, the governor of Bamian, was a creature 
of the latter; and the chief of K4bal while he 
furmshed M. Honigberger with letters directing 
every attention to be paid to him, placed his seal 


on the wrong side of the paper, by which it was 
understood that the reverse of what was written 
was to be done by those to whom .they were ad- 
dressed. Private instructions of course did the rest ; 
and it would appear that M. Honigberger very nar- 
rowly escaped being put to death. Abdul Samad 
complained that he had met with ill-treatment at the 
hands of the French officei’s in the Panj&b. Sub- 
sequently the Nawab Jab& Khm purchased from 
Niaz Mdhomed some, or all, of the articles plundered, 
and sent them to M. Allard at Lahore, for trans- 
mission to M. Honigberger. The aifair created a 
great expression of disgust at K^bal, indeed Dost 
Mahomed Kh^n, in removing Nlaz Mahomed from 
the government of Bamidn soon after, made his 
criminal conduct the plea for his disgrace. The 
nawib was anxious that I should reside with him 
whert M. Honigberger left, but I declined, as I was 
doing very well where I was, and purposed to repair 
to Jelalabad for the winter. 

I was about to start, when the nawab entreated me 
to defer my departure for a few days, and accom- 
pany him. As I did not consent, the good-natured 
nobleman sent me a message to the effect that 
he would come to my house in the Balia Hiss^r, 
and have me locked up. I could not divine the 
meaning of his solicitude, but nevertheless detei- 
mined upon proceeding, when, finding I was not to 
be diverted from my purpose, he made me promise 
that I would go to his castle at Tatang, and not 

174 ID GAH. 

quit it until he came. So much arranged, he di- 
rected a Ghilji, Gul Mdhomed, to be ready to ac- 
company me, and instructed me, at the first stage 
of Bhut Khak, to pass the night at his castle. 

I left K4bal with my own servants ; the Ghilji 
guide, and a mirza who had agreed to become one 
of our party, being to join us at the nawab’s castle 
at Bhut Khak. I had not seen the castle, and had 
been misdirected, or had misunderstood the direc- 
tions given to me, and made for Killa Mosan, un- 
der the ridge bounding the plain of Kabal to the 
south. In route from the Derwaza Shih She- 
hid we passed the eminence and ziarat of Si4h 
Sang to your left, overlooking the Id Gah, or space 
where the annual and public festivals are cele- 
brated, and where, in expeditions to the east, the 
pesh-khana, or advanced tents of the chiefs; are 
pitched preparatory to the assembly of the army, 
and to marching. In the short distance between 
this spot and the Derwfiza Shfih Shehid, about half 
a mile, the unfortunate Shih Sujah al Mulkh 
would appear to have been assassinated. 

Crossing the small rise, called Kotal Yek Lan- 
gar, with the ruinous castle of Killa Gurji on its 
crest, we descended into the plain of Kamari, a vil- 
lage of that name' being to our right, and to our 
left another, called Killa Ahmed Khdn. At this 
point also the road is intersected by the canal Jui 
Khwoja, derived from the Loghar river, which at 
some distance farther we crossed by a dilapidated 



bridge of brick-work and masonry, tbe village of 
Begr^m lying immediately to our right. A little 
beyond the river , we struck acrfjss the plain to- 
wards Killa Mosan, believing it to be the nawab’s 
castle. We found our error; but its Afghan occu- 
pants were very willing we should have passed the 
night with them. We declined their proffered ci vi- 
rility with thanks, and made across the plain in a 
northerly direction for the nawib’s castle. Mid- 
way we passed Bhut Khak, a large enclosed 
agricultural village, desolate in appearance, but 
memorable in the traditions of the country as 
the place where Sdlt^ Mahmdd broke up the 
idols of Samndth, whence its name. On arrival at 
the nawSrb’s castle I was surprised to meet with 
an uncivil reception. I inquired for Mukhtahar 
Khan, the intendant, to whom the duty of receiving 
us fell, and the fellow did not deign to notice me. 
I accordingly turned to the right-about, and retro- 
graded to Bhut Khak, where I passed the night in 
the samuches, or caves, which are, indeed, usual halt- 
ing-places for kafilas and travellers. Bhut Khak is 
the station of a karijghir, or collector of duties, and 
has a fine rivulet to the east. The samuches in 
which we lodged have their corresponding small 
tumuli, proving the character of the spot. The vil- 
lage is the last occurring on the plains of Kabal to 
the east, and beyond it commences the hilly coun- 
try, extending to Jeldlabad. In a line to the south 
of it terminates the ridge of Shakh Baranta, around 



whose extremity leads the high road to Khurd Ka- 
bal, or little Kabal/ and T 4 zin. 

Early, in the> morning I despatched one of my 
people to the nawab’s castle to ascertain whether 
the mirza had arrived. He met him coming to 
me, with a host of the naw^b’s people, sent from 
Kabal by their master to do me honour. They 
were much chagrined at the untoward reception I 
experienced from Mukhtah^ Khin, and said they 
were at a loss what report to make to their master. 
I found afterwards that the man’s incivility cost 
him his employment, and I had the task of inter- 
ceding for his pardon and reinstatement. The 
Ghilji guide did not, however, make his appearance, 
and deciding to move on without him, we debated 
as to what road should be followed, and that of 
Sokhta ChanM was fixed upon. Accordingly, we 
crossed the rivulet of Bhut Khak, and traversing 
an uneven undulating tract, entered the hills on 
our right. At their entrance was a small valley, 
with the remains of a castle, a little cultivated 
land, and a clear rivulet. From it the road led 
through a continued defile, and we were embarrass- 
ed by ice and frozen snow, particularly during the 
first part of our progress, when a rivulet accompa- 
nied us. On reaching a spot with a few samuches 
we halted, and were joined by the Ghilji, commis- 
sioned by the nawab to attend us, who proved to 
be the same person who had escorted Dr. Gerard 
and his party. We 90W moved forwards with 



greater confidence; indeed we. had not prudently 
left Bliut Khak without our guide, but fortune 
had befriended us. On entering' the hiHs I. ob- 
served my companion, the mirza, turn .pale, and he 
did not then tejl me what was the matter. He had 
noticed a party of robbers sitting on the hills above 
us, over a fire. They did not descend, as we were 
armed and mounted ; but we learned, subsequently, 
, that they intercepted some pedestrians, and drivers 
of asses, in our rear. I did not see these men. 

As we approached the vicinity of Tezln the rocks 
were i*emarkably contorted, and throughout the de- 
files were many indications of copper, a metal moi*e 
or less abundant in the hills of this part of the 
country. We at length came into a valley, through 
which flows the rivulet from Tezin, now on our 
right, where we found a few camels laden with 
chaflf, and the proprietors, Chuli Zai Afghans, be- 
ing willing to supply our cattle, we determined to 
halt with them for the night, the rocks being dis- 
posed so as to exclude the wind, at this season 
justly dreaded. The early part of the night passed 
mildly, but afterwards, as we heard the shrill whist- 
ling of the breeze, we congratulated ourselves on 
being sheltered from its violence. 

By sunrise Ave were on the move, and passed 
down the valley, spacious and open, but the sur- 
face broken and stony, in many places sprinkled 
with low trees and shrubs, until we reached the 
ziarat of Seh Baba, or the three fathers, the shrine of 





all the robbers of tb,e country, who make this spot 
a favourite resort, and perform pilgrimage, and plun- 
der travellers at 'the same time. It is conveniently 
located for the exercise of their calling; three of the 
roads from Kabal, those of Tezin, §okhta Chanai-, 
and Lattaband, meet at it. The ziarat is a grave 
in an enclosure of loose stones, distinguished by a 
large tree bedizened with rags and shreds. We here 
turned to our right, the road leading over a jum- ^ 
ble of sandstone hills, inducing a variety of ascents 
and descents before we reached the narrow length- 
ened valley of Barik-ab, so called from a slender 
rivulet which flows down it. 

On the heights were the remains of an old 
Chaghatai castle, and a recent one, built by Amir 
Mahomed Khan, for the protection of the road. 
There are also several samuches, now used by the 


traveller, but which, from the many tumuli apparent, 
were originally constructed with a different object. 
From Barik-ab we continued our progress over the 
same elevated and diversified country, and enjoyed 
from the rounded summits of the hills a fine view of 
the open valley of Taghow, about twenty-five miles 
distant, and of the intervening depressed hilly space, 
through which flow the rivers of the Kohistan and 
of Kabal. The valley of Taghow appeared studded 
with castles and gardens, denoted by the dense dark 
masses speckling its surface, and has evidently a 
marked slope from the north to the south. We 
also aflvantageously beheld the lofty range dividing 


Taghow from the more eastern|y districts of Lugli- 
mmi and Nadjil, with its acutd pyramidical peaks, 
and north of it the snowy summits'of KohJKohand, 
which intervenes between Panjshir and the moun- 
tainous seats o^ the Siaposh Kafrs. Descending in- 
to the spacious stony valley of Kattar Sang, we met 
a strong k^fila from Peshawer, and coming to a ri- 
vulet we halted, and made our breakfast. Leaving 
^ the valley, we again crossed an uneven tract, but 
with greater extent of level surface. A heap of 
stones was pointed out as the Sang To da Baber 
Padshah, and is believed to have been raised by the 
soldiers of Baber’s army, each soldier, agreeably to 
the emperor’s orders, contributing a stone. A little 
beyond it are the walls of a" small square building, 
near which two or three fellows were skulking. 
We rode up to it to see that no robbers were lurking 
within it, and farther on reached the summit of a hill, 
on which were the ruinous walls of two Chaghatai 
castles, and below us the dara, or valley of Jigdillik, 
with a good rivulet, and the remains of a garden 
planted by Taimtir Shah, in which his unfortunate 
son, Shah Zeman, was deprived of sight, when deli- 
vered by Malek Ashak to Assad Khdn, brother of 
the Vazir Fati Khan. We passed the night in 
some samuches, of which there are several, with a 
number of tumuli on either side of the valley. 
Higher up in it are again others ; and besides a few 
scanty groves of mulberry-trees, on an eminence, is 
the village of Jigdillik, now deserted, having been 

N 2 



but a short time sinee given over to plunder by Ma- 
homed Akbar Khan. The inhabitants, Afghans, 
had dispersed, until they should be invited to resume 
their seats. r AVe with difficulty procured necessa- 
ries, and Gul Mg,homed had to scour, the country in 
quest of them. Jigdillik, from the misfortune of 
Shah Zemka, had acquired a local celebrity, which 
has now become more general, and wofully enhanced 
to us, since its cheerless and desolate glens have 
witnessed the destruction of the wrecks of our ill- 
fated Kabal force. 

From Jigdillik we ascended a dara, gradually con- 
tracting until we came to the foot of a slight kotal, 
called the Kotal of Jigdillik. On its crest were the 
remains of a Chaghatai castle, and but for the hazy 
weather we should have had a magnificent view of 
the low country of Jelalabad beneath us. This kotal 
is now, and has probably always been, the limit of the 
Kabal and Jelalabad jurisdictions ; and on that ac- 
count, and with reference to the habits of the neigh- 
bouring tribes, it was anciently deemed a position 
worthy of being protected, as is manifest by the 
remains of its castles, more than usually extensive. 
Baber was here opposed in one of his expeditions, 
and it is possible that to the establishment, by his 
orders, of a line of posts and stations between Kabal 
and Atak, the castle, whose remains we see, was 
owing, as well as many of the other fortresses, known 
at the present day as Chaghatai killas, however his 
successors may have improved and added to them. • 



The descent was continual^ without being preci- 
pitous, and the snow diminished every step we ad- 
vanced, until at last we left it fairly behind us. On 
arrival at a locality called Lokhi, whei;e to the right 
is a rivulet in ^ bed overspread with reeds, our guide 
asked permission to visit Hissarak, a little right of 
the road, where he said his family resided. It was 
granted, as he promised to join us at Surkh Pul. 
We did not suspect he had other motives until we 
reached that place, so called from a bridge built by 
Ali Mirdan Khan over the Surkh Rud, or red 
river, which crosses the road, and glides into the 
valley of Kangkarrak. It seemed that our friend 
had some altercation with the karijghirs, or toll- 
collectors, when attending Dr. Gerard and his party. 
Anticipating that we should encounter similar diflS- 
culties, he had wisely put himself out of the way, 
and left us to arrange matters ourselves. We pass- 
ed the bridge and made a short halt. I went to see a 
Persian inscription on a rock, recording its foundation, 
when one of the collectoi’s came to me and asked if 
I was the owner of the horses. I replied “ Yes 
when he said, “ Take them before the khan,” point- 
ing to a person wrapped in a postln and sitting with- 
in a circle of stones, by the side of the road. I 
shook my head ; and he then said, “ Go, and have 
a little iktalat, or conversation with the khan.” I 
again shook my head, for I could not conceive who 
the kh^ could be in such a place. The mirza, who 
had joined, expressed his intention of waiting upon 

182 KHALIL khan’s STORY. 

Khalil Khan. On l^earing the name, I asked what 
Khalil Khan it was, and was told, Khalil Khan of 
Bisdt. “<Oh, then,” I exclaimed, “ I wall go myself.” 
I had soon t^ie satisfaction of shaking hands with an 
old friend, whose civilities to me in piy first visit to 
these countries I have before recorded. I could 
not refuse to pass the evening with him ; and men 
were despatched to Tutu, two cosses distant, for a 
sheep, barley, and chaff, while cakes, cheese, and 
honey were immediately placed before us. We 
talked over the events which had befallen us since 
we first met, and the khan gave a strange account 
of his disasters. He said he was overw^helmed with 
debts, and that his fine castles in Bisut w'ere mort- 
gaged. He w^as farther embarrassed in his accounts 
with the Nawab Mahomed Zeman Khan, from 
wdiom he farmed the transit-duties of Jelalabad, and 
who occasionally resumed them, but finding no per- 
son collect them so well, was compelled to trans- 
fer them again to him, notwithstanding the liberty 
he took in withholding the receipts. He told me, 
that he did not care a fig for the nawab, that he 
■had married two or three daughters of the Ghiljis in 
the neighbourhood, and was in rebellion whenever 
money was demanded from him. I congratulated 
him in being, in one respect, in , so thriving a way. 
An elderly staid gentleman coming towards us, the 
khan observed, that the scoundrel was one of his cre- 
ditors, who gathered up the monies as he collected 
them from kafilas. 


Tea being brought for me, the kh^ complained 
of headache, and referred it* to the beverage, of 
which he drank two cups; I ratljer suspected the 
evil was owing to his sitting the whole day in the 
sun, which, however, he said, was his custom. Some 
of his young naen brought in some partridges, which 
were grilled, and served to us, and, it being evening, 
we retired to samuches, excavated by the khdn him- 
self, and in which he resided, or rather passed his 
' nights. He was very proud of them, as being me- 
morials which would confer immortality upon him, 
and showed me a substance which he had found in 
course of the work, which cut glass, and which 
he fancied to be a diamond. The samuches were 
oppressively hot, and I certainly should have pre- 
ferred the open air. After an excellent supper, the 
mh’za produced a book, the Khalil wa Damnah, 
and recited, to the great apparent satisfaction of the 
khan and himself, for the rest of the evening. I 
sat until I could not keep my eyes longer open, 
and went to repose on a chaharpahi, at the ex- 
tremity of the samijch. It was in vain that I 
courted sleep, which, if the heat of the apartment 
would have permitted, the asthmatic cough of the 
old gentleman creditor prevented. I had not ex- 
pected another cause of interruption, offered by 
Khalil Khan himself, who throughout the night 
kept up an incessant series of shouts, groans, and 
sighs, intermixed with ejaculations of Sokhtam! 
sokhtam ! I burn ! I burn ! and Oh ! Khoda ! Oh ! 



Khod4! toba! toba! haz&toba! Oh God ! oh God! 
repentance ! repentance ! a thousand times repen- 
tance ! I was a>rmed, but observed that no one 
took any notice ; and the old g'entleman, whose cough 
made him pace the samdch a good part of the 
night, passed and repassed the chaharpclhi, on 
which the poor khan was extended, perfectly in- 
diffeient to his torments 5 wherefore I concluded 
the exhibition was an ordinary one. I w'ent through 
a singular night, and heartily rejoiced at the break 
of day, which enabled me to quit the samuch. The 
old gentleman requested a remedy for dil-dard, 
and professed to be eased by a decoction of cloves. 
Khalil Khan complained of fever. A few days 
aftei the unhappy man died ; and his corpse was 
carried past Tatang, where I was staying, in its 
way to Bisut for interment. Some time after I 
met the old creditor at Jelalabad, and observing 
“ So poor Khalil Khan is gone,” asked of what dis- 
order he died, and was told that Hazrat All had 
slam him, weary of having his name profaned, and 
of hearing the perjuries he uttered. 

Having breakfasted, we bade farew'ell to the 
KhAn, and passed over an uneven country, the 
road tolerably good, until we came to a rivulet, 
which we crossed, and ascending a short but ab- 
rupt kotal, found ourselves on the table-land of 
Ganda^ak. Afar off we had descried a horse 
standing on the summit, which we rightly con- 
jectured to be that of the Ghilji guide. We ral- 


lied him on leaving us at the mercy of the karij- 
ghirs. We halted at .Gandamak, although we had 
only marched three cosses, as we could command 
supplies and g’ood accommodation. TJie village, 
once enclosed within walls, does not contain above 
forty or fifty houses, but has some half-dozen 
Hindu shopkeepers, and it is famed for its fine 
mulberries. South of the village is a royal garden, 
all but destroyed. There are two or three castles 
adjacent, one called Killa Gandamak, another be- 
longs to Meherdad Khan, Poijal Zai, and anciently 
Harkai-a Bashx. There is also much cultivated 
land, water being plentiful. The inhabitants are 
of the Kohgani tribe, that formerly possessed tlie 
country to the west, held by the Jabar KhH Ghil- 
Jis, who expelled them. They now occupy in this 
vicinity, besides Gandamak, the villages Tutu Ka- 
jai’, Nimla, Fatiabad, &c. They claim to be re- 
lated to the Ghiljis, who do not acknowledge the 
affinity, and apparently with reason. Gandamak, 
from its elevated site, has a climate cool in com- 
parison with that of the lower plains of Jelalabad, 
and the people, in common with those of the dis- 
tricts of the contiguous Safed Koh, teixd silk- 

From Gandamak we came to the villages of 
Hashem Khel and Belal Khel, with the Naian ri- 
vulet, over which is a ruinous bridge of two arches, 
picturesque in decay. To our right were th© vil- 
lages and castles of Nokar Khel, and above 



at the skirts of ^the Safed Koh, the villages of 
Murkhi Khel, Zoar, &c. In place of following 
the high road-, which leads to Nimla, we took one 
to our le;ft, over the table space of B4inak, from 
which we had an admirable view of the valley, 
village, and royal , garden of Nimla. This village 
is a small one of eighty houses, but the garden 
appears very advantageously with its tall cypress- 
trees. It is famed for narcissuses, posies of which 
are sent as presents to Kabal. The unopened buds 
are selected for transport, and they expand on be- 
ing placed in water. From the table space of Ba- 
mak we desended into the valley of the Sdrkh 
R6d river, at a point called Kangkarrak, where is 
a small collection of ancient caves. We halted 
there, and breakfasted. We now observed many 
plants of warm climates, strangei's to Kabal, and 
the milky ak-bush became abundant. We traced 
the southern skirts of the narrow valley, passing 
many hamlets, small castles, and much cultivation, 
and finally came to Balia Bagh, a small walled-in 
town, seated on the very bank of the river, on the 
opposite side of which is the site of the city of 
Adinapur, flourishing in the time of Baber. 

About a mile west of the town is a garden, the 
Chahar Bagh, planted by that prince, and which 
he calls Bagh-i-Wafa. He vaunts the strong po- 
sition of the fortress of Adinapur, which I could 
neve| detect, unless a mass of ruins on an emi- 
nence, near some triangular entranced caves, denote 



it, and if so, however extensive, it would appear 
to have been very loosely constructed. Balia Bagh 
is a commercial little town, and Hindus in great 
numbers reside at it. The revenue is enjoyed by 
Mahomed Osmap Khan, son of the late Nawab 
Samad Khin, who was expelled from Kohat by 
Pir Mahomed Khan, of Peshawer. Two or three 
hundred men were employed in widening the 
trench, it being said that Dost Mahomed Khan 
was expected. We vs^ere now gratified by the 
sight of luxuriant fields of sugar-cane. A little 
beyond Balia B%h we crossed the Surkh Rud, a 
rapid stream, and with water to our horses’ girths. 
Passing a variety of hamlets and fortlets, with the 
village of Kotipur, we arrived at the nawab Jabar 
Kh&n’s seignorial castle of Tatang, where we were 
received with all honour by his intendant Abdu- 
lah, and presently installed in apartments over the 
principal gateway, whence we commanded a noble 
view of the valley of Jelalabad and the country to 
the east. This castle was built by the nawab when 
governor of the Ghiljis of Kabal, and when he could 
call forth the labourers of the country at discretion. 
He fixed upon a waste, neglected spot, therefore 
called Tatang, which in Pashtani implies desolate, 
and to reclaim it directed his attention. The site 
had been anciently occupied by a castle called Killa 
Rajputah, or the castle of the R^jpdts, and was con- 
nected by fradition with the period of Rajpub sway 
in these countries. Two or three substantial towers 




were yet existing, and' tlie nawab lias often assured 
me it employed more labour to remove them than 
was required to i*aise the new castle. A superior 
castle, with very lofty walls and towers, has been 
erected. To the east, or front, is a large public 
garden, with handsome summer-house and baths 
for the accommodation of guests, and adjoining 
the southern front of the building is another pri- 
vate garden. Both are stocked with flowers, and 
at this time displayed large expanses of red and 
white tuberoses. In the evening the fragrance of 
the atniosphere was delightful. The trees in these 
gardens, as over the estate, are but young, although 
some of the cypresses have attained a moderate 



height. About eighteen kolbahs,of land appertain 
to the nawab, who has purchased the whole of it, 
but at very low pi’ices. Thez’e waS formerly no 
water, or little in the neighbourhood, a »deficiency 
which the nawal^ has obviated by bringing a ca- 
nal from the S6rkh Rud, opposite Balia Bagh, 
along the skirts of the hills, at the foot of which 
Tatang lies. Within the castle there is a sj>aci- 
ops residence for his family, pi'ovided with all due 
appendages, as baths, &c., and about thirty-five 
houses, for his tenants and agricultui’ists. The 
estate is now in pretty good order, and in course 
of time will be a magnificent one, as additions 
are evdiy year made to it, by purchases of the 
adjoining lands. The naw^ab takes great pride 
in it, and is never so happy as when walking 
over his grounds, planting trees, widening canals, 
or feasting upon the beauties of his flower-gar- 
dens. A doubtful politician and statesman, his 
skill as a husbandman is denied by no one. 

I fulfilled my promise to the nawab of not wan- 
dering far from his castle, yet I did not neglect 
the immediate environs, which to me had at least 
the chaiTU of novelty to recommend them. One 
of my first excursions was to the summit of the 
range overshadowing us, and which, extending from 
Jigdillik to Darunta, separates the valleys of Nin- 
grahar and Lughman. It is called Kandaghar by 
Afghans, Bagh Atak by Tajiks, and Koh Bolan 
by the people of Lughman. It is also frequently 



■called Siali Koli,,or the black MU, in contra-dis^ 
tinction to the inagnitlceiit range of the Safed Koh, 
or white hill,"on the opposite, or southern line of 
the valley^ From Tatang a glen, called Kajari, 
in a north-west direction, extends to the main body 
of the range, and early one morning I started to 
proceed up it and gain the crest of the hills, at- 
tended by one of my servants and an Afghan guide, 
Ferdusi. At the opening of the glen upon the 
plain round conglomerate hills occur on either 
side, composed of boulders of moderate dimensions, 
combined by a calcareous cement. This species 
of rock is very liable to delapse, and huge frag- 
ments, fallen from above, strew the narrow- valley. 
From the same reason, towards the summits, many 
of them have a scarped perpendicular line of many 
feet in depth, which has caused their selection for 
the excavation of samuches. Here are many of 
those ascetical residences ; and the hills abound 
with vestiges of walls, ramparts, and pottery-ware, 
indicative of the former character of the locality. 
As we ascend up the glen we tread upon a series 
of stratified and schistose rocks, at first barely 
peering above the surface, but gradually rising in 
altitude. Amongst these we observed some of the 
impressions, common enough in these regions, appa- 
rently of the hoof of an animal. Here, as well as 
everywhefe else, I have seen them ; they are found 
in a certain kind of black stone. Three hundred 
yards from its commencement the glen contracts. 

• • 


and a short tanghi, or defile, is^ passed, where is 
a very beautiful object in an excavated arched 
recess, made in ancient times for the sake of ob- 
taining zakh, or the sub-acetate of irpn, which 
completely pervades the rock. The people at pi*e- 
sent employ it to strike a black dye on cloths 
previously saturated in a decoction of pomegranate 
rind. The spot is particulaidy picturesque, from 
the nature of the stratified rocks, and the vari- 
ously tinged yellow and green hues caused by the 
presence of the zakh. It is a fairy scene, and the 
grot of Oberon could not be more fanciful or fan- 
tastic. Beyond it the glen expands, and the en- 
closing hills to the west are again provided with 
caves. Here is also a warm spring, and a clump 
of productive date-trees, which give a name to 
the glen, which throws off a branch to the west, 
leading to Marnu, a spot inhabited by Afghan pas- 
toral families. At this point is a small, but deep 
dand, or pool of water, its borders fringed with 
that species of reeds from which the kalams, or 
pens of the country, are fashioned. We traced 
the northern branch of the glen, being' anxious 
to see some remains we had heard of, the first 
said to be at a spot called Goraichi, a place of 
Hindu pilgrimage. In fact, we found scratched 
on the rocks a variety of rude figures, of men on 
elephants and horses, and of men on foot, armed 
with bows and arrows, of stags and lions, of hares,- 
and other animals. It was impossible to decide whe- 



ther the figures w^re owing to single design or were 
the result of casual and occasional contributions. 
If the: former, 'it may have been intended to repre- 
sent a battle, or hunting-scene. The figures w^ere 
too rudely scratched to deserve^ much attention, 
neither could anything useful be learned from them ; 
but, surmounting the rocks on which they are found, 
we presently came upon some more substantive re- 
mains, in walls and parapets of masonry, on the 
crest, and encircling the sides of an eminence. 
This locality, as all similar ones are, was called 
• Killa Kafr, or the infidel’s fortress. A line of wall 
was carried round three sides of the peak; the 
fourth, presenting an abrupt perpendicular escarp- 
ment, rendered its continuation unnecessary. The 
entrance faced the west. At the eastern point 
were the remains of a circular tower. Beneath 
the superior line of wall, on the acclivities of the 
eminences, parapets had been raised ; the intervals 
between them and the inclined surface of the rock 
were filled up with pure sifted earth. From these 
spots funereal jars, containing dark-coloured earth, 
bones, and fragments of charcoal, had been pro- 
cured, establishing the fact of the sepulchral nature 
of the locality. The walls on the summit enclosed 
a variety of small apartments, the partition walls 
of which were entire, and which seemed to point 
out the residences of the various persons connected 
with the establishment. It could scarcely be doubt- 
ed that it was the ancient bui’ial-place of some 



village on the plain. Skirting Ijie hills to the east, 
I afterwards found many such places were to he 
found, some of them much more considerable than 
the one here. They occur continuously, as it were, 
until we reach ti|ie temiination of the range, where, 
for the last two or three mil§s, is dispersed the group 
of the topes of Darunta. To the westward we also 
discover them ; the remains at the site of Adinapur, 
^whether or not denoting the fortress so favourably 
spoken of by Baber, are of the same character, 
and similar vestiges present themselves until we 
reach the caves of Kangkarrak, and even beyond 
them. In all instances the rational inference is, 
that they refer to villages formerly located, as at 
the present day, on the plains beneath them, and 
that their retired situation was selected in con- 
formity to the custom and religion of the time ; 
of which the ever-present cave attests, that seclu- 
sion and asceticism were prominent features. In 
like manner, we account for the antique evidences 
to be found on the skirts of the various hills of 
Afghanistan, all of which exhibit them, and it is 
only natural they should, for there were villages, 
of course, in all directions, as now, in the plains 
at their feet ; and every village as naturally had 
its place of sepulture. 

The view of the country from Killa Kdfr being 
extensive, I took a few bearings, and then retraced 
my steps, to gain the road leading to the summit of 
the range. It continued very fair and even for 

VOL. m. 




some time, and broxi-ght us to a waterfall, of fifty or 
sixty feet in heigM. As we ascended we were gra- 
tified by the sight of a much more considerable fall, 
or rather succession of falls, the superior one of 
great height. There was little w^ter, and it was 
'clear that such objects, to be seen to advantage, 
should be visited after rains and floods. There are 
many of them in various parts of the range. The 
difficulty of our journey increased as we neared the 
summit, though the hill offered no impediment to 
our ascent beyond that presented by its inclination, 
and it was only after repeated halts that we attained 
the object of our journey ; and certainly our toil was 
well repaid by the wide, the varied, and magnificent 
scenery on all sides. To the north we had under 
our observation the valleys of Ltighman, with their 
towns, villages, castle, and cultivated lands, bounded 
by Koh Karinj ; beyond which a jumble of. hills de- 
signated the abodes of the mysterious and imper- 
fectly known Siaposh races. To the west of the 
Lughmmi valley stretched a cheerless barren ex- 
panse to the ranges separating it from Taghow, and 
the lands of the Sahibzdda Uzbins. At the point 
where it connected with the cultivated plain, near 
the town of Tirgari, a solitary dome indicated the 
ziarat of Metar Lam Sahib, or the supposed gi’ave 
of the patriarch Lamech. The towns, villages, and 
castles appeared as minute specks upon the plain, 
but they were specially distinguished by the vene- 
rable gaz-trees of their ziarats. We had an admi- 



rable view of the rivers of Aliagar and Alishang, 
winding like slender rivulets in their courses, and 
effecting their junction at Tirgari, and subsequently 
at Mandarawar uniting with the riven of Kabal. 
Directing our sight to the east, we commanded a 
view up the valley of Khonar as far as Islamabad, 
where it was intercepted by the snowy range sepa- 
rating it from Bajor, and which confines to the east 
t;he course of the river of Kameh, which we had 
also the gratification to descry in its meanders along 
the contracted valley. Turning round, the valley of 
Jelalabad and of the Kabal river was fully deve- 
loped, bounded by the hills of the Momands and 
Khaibaris, intervening between it and Peshawer. 
To the south we had a glorious prospect of the 
Safed Koh range, the limitary boundary of the val- 
leys A)fNingrahar and Bangash, and of the nume- 
rous districts at its skirts. To the west, our obser- 
vation included Aman Koh, and snowy peaks in 
the vicinity of Kdbal ; but the atmosphere was hazy 
in this quarter. Our admiration at the noble pros- 
pect made us think of leaving the hill with regret, 
but we had reached late, and after taking my ob- 
servations upon the principal localities within view, 
I was compelled to descend. Our downward course 
was easy, and we regained Tatang a little after 

Within a mile from Tatang, in a valley of this 
hill-range, is the ziarat, or shrine of H^zrat Lut 
Paigambar, supposed to be the grave of no less 



a personage than the scriptural patriarch Lot. 
Such an object necessarily commanded my atten- 
tion, dnd I therefore one evening walked to it. I 
found one’ of those graves of extraordinaiy dimen- 
sions which abound in this country; and more 
sparingly are found westward, as at Kabal, and 
in the Hazarajat. The grave in question was about 
thirty-three yards in length, and was enclosed by 
a wall, rudely constructed of stones. It had the 
usual concomitants, of poles surmounted with flags, 
of lamps, and a spring of water contiguous. A 
path leads from it to Balia Bagh, which, as well 
as the immediate vicinity of the grave, is kept 
carefully clean, as the inhabitants of that place, 
both Mahomedan and Hindu, constantly repair to 
it, and hold it in special reverence. Adjacent to 
it is a smaller grave, believed to be that of a, rela- 
tive of the patriarch. At the head of the grave, 
the assiduity of pilgrims has accumulated a rich 
cabinet of the mineralogical specimens of the hills, 
for it is usual to deposit in such localities any 
rare or cmious natural object of the kind which 
may be found. They are also partially strewed 
over the entire surface. On this account the 
mineralogist should always visit the shrines in a 
Mahomedan country, as he will find there collected 
what it would cost him much trouble to acquii'e 
in their dispersed state; the naturalist will also 
meet with antlers and horns of extraordinary di- 
mensions, and the antiquarian may chance to dis- 


cover fragments of sculptured stones, and inscribed 
slabs. The numbers in which these large graves 
occur in the valleys of Ningrah^ naturally pressed 
on my mind the consideration of their nature. It 
was unnecessary^ to believe, with the people of 
these parts, that they covered the remains of giants, 
which they infer Hazrat Lht, and the other patri- 
archs, to have been; and it was obvious that their 
direction from noi’th to south was strictly orthodox 
and Mahomedan. In most situations they are 
ziarats ; and those which are not are still beheld 
reverentially, their holy character being acknow- 
ledged, while it is regretted that no revelation 
has disclosed to whom they relate. The more 
celebrated of these large graves, is that of Mdtar 
Lam Sahib, or the patriarch Lamech, in Lughman, 
known in Europe from its connexion with the 
traditionary history of Stilts Mahmud, and by 
the notice Wilford has taken of it. In fixing the 
antiquity of these memorials we are not abso- 
lutely without guides. On the plain of JelalabM 
many are found on the summits of the tumuli of 
the middle ages, whose epoch we are warranted 
to conclude from the coins and relics picked up 
on their surface, or elicited by excavation, to have 
been anterior indeed, but frequently very little so, 
to the Mahomedan conquests. Nothing can be 
more certain than that the graves, in such posi- 
tions, are postei'ior to the tumuli on which they 
are formed. I thei’efoi’e suppose that they are 



the graves of Mahomedans who flourished in the 
time of the Caliphat rule, and who, falling probably 
in action with infidels, have been interred with 
extraordinary honour. I have had occasion to re- 
mark, that the shrines of the ancjent superstitions 
of the country have, palpably, been legitimatized 
by the early Muslim invaders ; and this fact may 
account for the presence of these graves in sites 
which, if only sepulchral, will still have had a 
religious and venerated character. On many of 
the tumuli where these monuments are found 
there are gaz, or tamarisk-trees, of great size, and 
of at least as remote an age as the graves they 
overshadow. To Sultan Mahmud traditionary re- 
cord imputes the reclamation of these graves, and 
the revelation, imparted in a dream, that the 
sepulchre of the patriarch Lamech was unknown 
and dishonoured in the country. 

The inhabitants of Balia Bagh believe that the 
existence of the shrine in their environs conduces 
to the prosperity of the town, and those of Liigh- 
man ascribe the productiveness of their lands to 
their good fortune in possessing the shrine of the 
illustrious Lamech. In these degenerate days 
neither has any endowment : the contributions of 
the pious, and the offerings of pilgi’ims, are the 
sources from which their little establishments are 
kept up. 

It may deserve notice, that many localities in 
Afghanistan bear scriptural names : Kibal itself is 



that of a place in Palestine, noticed by the author 
of the Book of Joshua, chap. xix. verses 24 to 30, 
when describing the allotment of the tribe o| Asher. 
It again occurs in Kings, where Hiram^ the prince 
of Tyre, dissatisfied with the twenty cities made 
over to him by' Solomon, confers upon them the 
name of K&bal, which Josephus explains to mean 
worthless, or unprofitable. In like manner we 
have Zoar, Shinar, Gaza, Sheva, Sidim, Tabar, 
Aman, Kergha — to mention only a few instances — 
all of which we find not only in the Scriptures, but 
in the earlier of them ; and it is clear that they 
were names borne by the localities when they 
became first known to the Israelites, and that they 
were not confeiTed by the latter. It need not be 
doubted that they are Pali names, given by the 
Pali settlers in that region, called Pdlistan, or laud 
of the Pali, the original of our Palestine ; and these 
Pali are again the Philistines, (a plural term,) so 
long the memorable antagonists of the Hebrews. 
If we inquire who these Pdli were, we learn from 
Genesis that they were descendants of Ham, in 
the line of Mizraim ; and if we consult classical 
authorities, we are informed by Diodorus that they 
were one of the gveat Scythian families, the other 
being the Napi; and we are farther told, that at 
a very remote time they overran all Asia, and 
penetrated into Europe, and the islands of the 
Mediterranean. Of these Pali conquests I am 
not aware that we have any other positive record, 



but they are fully^ confirmed by vestiges left be- 
hind in all the countries they are said to have 
subdueci. Tyre, or correctly Tfir, was, as Strabo 
says, more ^anciently called Pali-tur : the Pali tur 
or fort ; and Rome succeeded a PMi-tan, the PMi 
town, on the hill we call Palatine; while innume- 
rable places throughout Italy, Greece, Sicily, and 
the Mediterranean isles, as well as throughout 
Asia, attest the presence of these ancient people. 
Their conquests are, moreover, of the first import^ 
ance; for, connecting the evidence of Scripture with 
that of Diodorus, we find that subsequent to, if 
not consequent upon, the dispersal at Babel, the 
PM must have spread themselves into the regions 
known to the ancients as Scythia, as they re- 
turned from them in their career of victory, men- 
tioned by the historian. In their first movements 
towards the east they necessarily carried with 
them all their arts and sciences. And on this point 
the testimony of Scripture is most valuable, for 
in apprising us of their aifinity with the descend- 
ants of Mizraim, it leaves no room to doubt that 
they were as proficient in them as were those 
with whom they were connected ; and it is need- 
less to advert to the early state of society and 
civilization in Egypt,- unless to suggest that the 
countries into which the PM spread may have 
been at the same time equally imder similar in- 
fluences'; and we can but remember that in China 
there would always appear to have existed a civil- 


ized people. At Babylon Alexander the Great 
was presented with a series of astronomical calcu- 
lations, extending for a certain number of years, 
within ten of the date generally assigned to the 
erection of the tower of Babel. It has been sus- 
pected that one of the objects of the tower may 
have been to facilitate such observations, probably 
for the sake of the predictions deduced from them ; 
and it is curious to find that in China and in India, 
from the earliest times, judicial astrology has been a 
favourite study, and the principal means by which 
a crafty hierai’chy have imposed upon the deluded 
imaginations of the people. Would not the 
have carried that science with them ? Recent dis- 
coveries in India, and in Central Asia, have proved 
that the language of those cormtries at the period 
of the Macedonian conquests was Pali. Sanscrit 
turns out to be Pali; the language of Persia at 
the time of Darius Hystaspes, was Pali ; Phoe- 
nician we know to be Pali : facts undeniable, and 
in unison with authority we feel all inclination 
to respect and venerate, while they are singular 
only because they disturb erroneous impressions, 
long current and cherished. There are many points 
in connexion with the Pali of engrossing interest, 
to discuss which would cany me beyond the limit 
prescribed for such matters in these volumes; it 
will be sufficient, after what has been observed, 
to point out that the occuiTence of Pali names, 
whether in Afghanistan or Palestine, is no cause 



for wonder; had |;hey not occurred there would 
have been. Besides Pali names, the Afgh^ coun- 
tries preserve' in their localities names of the 
several races which have successively overrun them. 
Hence we have Arab, Eajpiit, Turki, Persian, as 
well as other appellations ; and the various remaik- 
able shrines owe, no doubt, their nomenclature to 
the early Mahomedans, who thereby made the ex- 
isting sacred places their own. 



Dost M^omed Khan^s designs. — Movements of Shah Sujdh al 
Mulkh. — Anival of Meher Dil Khan. — Sultan Mahomed 
. Khan’s visit to Jelalabad. — Plots. — Dost Mahomed Khan’s 

feints Extortions — Projects and counter-projects. — Designs 

disclosed. — Haji Khan discarded. — March of Dost Mdhomed 

Khan Mir Afzil Khan His ingenuity. — Submission of 

Mahomed Osman Khan. — Measures of Mahomed Zeman Khan. 
— Assault and capture of Jelalabad. — Plunder of town. — Ar- 
rival of Nawab Jabar Khan. — Attempt to assassinate Dost 
Mahomed Khan. — Fate of assassin. — Mahomed Zeman Kluin’s 
conduct. — His recent re-appearance. — Disposal of Jelalabdd. — 
Seizure of chiefs of Khonar and LMpura. — Abdul Ghiaz Khan. 
— His proposed mission to India, — Dost Mahomed Khan’s ob- 
jections. — Secret departure. — Altercation at Daka. — Obstinacy 
of companions. — Deference to Sadat Khan. — His decision and 
message — His conversation. — His fate. — Kemarks thereon. — 

His successor in authority. — Shelman Khurd. — Miilla Ghori. 

Robbers. — Reception at Ispind Sing. — Arrival at Peshawer. — 
Confused state of affairs. — Ridiculous alarms.—Shah Sujah al 

Mulkh’s treaty,— The Sikhs profit by circumstances Their 

understanding with parties. — Proposal to the sirdars. — Advance 
of Sikh army.— Stand of Plaji Khan — Peshawer taken Jocu- 

larity of Hari Singh.— Pir Mahomed Khan’s valorous remark.— 
Abdul Ghi^z Khan’s arrangements. 

I HAVE noted, that on passing BOla B%li work- 
men were employed in strengthening the defences 
of the place, inider a notion that Dost Mcihomed 
Khan contemplated to visit it in his way to Jela- 


labad. I soon found that there was good ground 
for the apprehension, and at once understood the 
nawab’s' solicitude, that I should go to his castle 
and not wai>der from it. When I left Kabal I was 
not aware of the sirdar’s intention, in fact, sup- 
posed his attention would be directed to other 
quarters ; but I troubled myself little about poli- 
tics, and did not penetrate the secrets of his 
councils. It was known that Sh§.h Sujah al Mulkh 
was at Shik^pur, that he had defeated the ai’niy 
of Northern Sind at Sakar, and extorted a sum 
of money from the confederated chiefs. All ac- 
counts concurred that he had collected an army, 
formidable as to numbers at least ; that there was 
abundance in his camp, and that the road to Kdn- 
dahar was open to him. His letters were circu- 
lated through all parts of Afgh^ist^n, and there 
was scarcely a person of note who had not re- 
sponded to them. In September, Meher Dil Khdn, 
one of the Kandahar chiefs, arrived at Kabal, avow- 
edly to induce his brother, Dost Mahomed Khdn, to 
march to Kkidahar, to assist in repelling the danger 
with which they were menaced by the ShAh’s ad- 
vance. Notwithstanding, the sh4h was naturally 
an object of dread ; so imperfect was the bond of 
union between the several Barak Zai brothers in 
power that the real purpose of Meher Dil Khan’s 
visit was to entice his brother to Kandahar, with 
a view of rendering his territories accessible to inva- 
sion by the chiefs of Peshawer and Jelalabad. 


Dost Mahomed Khaii, well acquainted with the 
intentions of his brother, received him with out- 
ward civility, but neglected to prbvide him with 
entertainment, or with expenses to defray it, there- 
by annoying him during his stay, and probably 
abridging its continuance. He engaged, however, 
to march to Kindahar, if satisfied that no ad- 
vantage would be taken of his absence by the 
chiefs of Peshawer. Sultan Mahomed Khan ad- 
vanced as far as Mama Khel, south of Gandamak, 
and sent his son to Kabal to assist at the confer- 
ences, as a proof of his desire to unite cordially 
with Dost Mahomed Khan in the crisis which im- 
pended over the family. Such was the proclaimed 
motive ; but agents, in the train of his son, were 
commissioned to tamper with the adherents of the 
Kabal chief, and, in concert with Meher Dil Khan, 
to arrange measures with the disaffected for his 
destruction. The Nawab Jabar Khan, and Hfiji 
Khan, were privy to these plots, and lent them 
their countenance. Sultan Mahomed Khan’s agents 
reported, that their mission had been successful ; and 
Dost Mahomed Khan, who had alike despatched 
emissaries to Peshawer on a similar errand, w'as flat- 
tered by their assurances that the retainers of his 
brothers had been corrupted. Sultan Mahomed 
Khan, of course, exerted all his influence with 
Mahomed Zeman Khfln, who, however hostile to 
Dost Mahomed Khan, and desirous to preserve his 
authority at Jelalabad, w^as not anxious to provoke 




attack ; and while leonsenting to call in the Pesh- 
awer chiefe, if Dost Mdhomed Khan became the 
aggressor, and to cede them Bishbulak as an equi- 
valent for •their assistance, still would not per- 
sonally see SuMn Mahomed Khan; and when 
this chief, about to return to Peshawer, called 
at his house in Jelalabad, he was not admitted, 
and was compelled to leave without an interview. 
Mahomed Zemin Khan had been summoned by 
Dost Mahomed Khan to meet and confer with 
Meher Dil Dhan at Kabal. His refusal previ- 
ously to co-operate with the sirdar of Kabal in 
his expedition to Taghow, had been made the 
pretext for the invasion of his territory, as before 
narrated. On this occasion he declined to place 
himself in the power of his suspected kinsman, but 
avoided the charge of contumacy by sending his 
son, an evasion little palatable to Dost Mahomed 
Khan. Before Meher Dil Khdn departed from 
Kabal the sirdar had stationed his pesh-khana at 
Deh. Mazzang, and the Kdndahar chief returned, 
most likely pluming himself on the result of his 
dexterity. To provide means for the expedition, a 
loan of thirty thousand rupees was forced from 
the Shikarpuris; a few other individuals were 
seized, and sums of money extorted from them, 
until, at length, the persons of Ndzir Khairulah, 
and the Mirakhor Wall Mahomed were secured, 
the first under the protection of the Amm al 
Mulkh, Mahomed Rehim Khan, and the latter 


in the service of the Nawab Jafo^r Khan. Thirty 
thousand rupees were demanded from th® one, and 
ten thousand rupees from the other. This step 
was highly offensive to the two noblemen named, 
and the nawab used strong language; but all that 
he could effect was a commutation, by which a 
part of the amount was given in money and the 
remainder in goods and chattels. The pesh-khina 
was still at Deh Mazzang, when, in November, a 
fall of snow happened, and the soldiery became 
somewhat discouraged at the prospect of a march 
in winter, and through snow. Mahomed Akbar 
Khan, the sirdar’s son, had been sent to Lughman, 
ostensibly to collect money for the expedition ; it 
was alleged that the march was delayed until his 
return. In this stage of the business the prin- 
cipal kow^ins, at the suggestion of Amir Ma- 
homed Khan, requested the sird^ to defer his 
march to Kandahar, pointing out that, according 
to his repeated and constant assertions, the Shah 
had no army, so there could be no immediate 
danger, while a march through the snow would 
disorganize his own force. They proposed to go 
to Khuram, where revenue for the last two years 
had not been collected. The sirdar affected to 
take the recommendation ill, swore that he would 
march to Kandah^, and acquit himself of his 
duty to his brothers, if up to his neck in snow ; 
that all who chose might follow him, and all who 
chose might remain ; that, for himself, he would go 


if followed only fey Abdul Samad and liis batta- 
lion. • 

The!>pfeh-kMna was advanced to Killa Kazi, and 
Abdul Samad, witb Ms battalion, directed to join it. 
The first fall of snow, after an interval of severely 
cold weather, had been followed by a second, and 
the prospects of tbe troops became daily more dis- 
couraging. In this conjuncture the sirdm* convened 
his kowanins, and prefacing that they might thank 
the Amin al Mulkh, and others, for their dilatoriness 
in complying with his demands, or he had certainly 
marched to Kandah& in despite of snow, declared 
his resolution to take their advice, and proceed to 
Khuram. One of his dependents, Bahawal Khan, 
Barak Zai, was despatched to examine and report 
upon the state of the Kotal Pehwar. This man on 
his return afiSrmed that the kotal was impracticable, 
and that some of his men had lost their toes from 
the severity of the frost. The sirdar then ordered 
his p^sh-khana to be brought from Killa Kazi, and 
to be fixed at Siah Sang, east of Kibal, and on the 
road to Jelalabad. His real purpose, which he had 
hitherto so industriously concealed, became appar- 
ent. It was greatly disrelished by many. The 
Nawab Jabar Khan was very sore, and, ostensi- 
bly, the sirdar’s brother, Amir Mahomed Khfin, 
disapproved of it. The nawab, however, declined 
to remonstrate, observing, that if he said march, 
he made his nephews enemies; if he said, do not 
march, from previous transactions he should be 


suspected of intrigues with t^em ; adding, with 
simulated humility, that he was a nukar, or servant. 
The arch dissembler, Amir Mahomed Khan, took 
a Koran in his hand, and presented hijnself before 
his brother, praying him not to march on Jelalabad, 
reminding him ^f the mutual oaths they had both 
taken to Mahomed Zeman Khan, and offering, if 
money was the object, to contribute three lakhs of 
rupees. The sirdar replied, that if twelve lakhs of 
rupees were proffered he would refuse them, and 
march. Dost Mahomed Khan next called Hdji 
Khin to an interview, at which, besides himself and 
the kh^, Amir Mdhomed Khan, and Mirza Sami 
Khan were present. In a few words he informed 
the khan, that his evil deeds and his intentions were 
known and forgiven, that his person and property 
were respected, and that he had liberty to transport 
himself and his dependants wherever he pleased. 
Amir Mahomed Khan, before Haji Khan recovered 
from his surprise at this abrupt announcement, had 
taken off his turban and placed it at his feet, con- 
juring him not to reply. He then withdrew him 
from the meeting, protested that he considered him 
as a brother, and that if he disliked to remain in 
Dost Mahomed’s service he should share in his own 
fortune. Of course, this matter had been previously 
arranged between the two brothers. On the 21st 
of December the pesh-khana was advanced to 
Bhut Khak, where the battalion joined it, and soon 
after Dost Mahomed Kh^ left the city. He 

VOL. ni. 


'* tt 

S' t • • 


marclied successively to Kliurd Ivabal, Tezin, Jig- 
dillik, and Ishpan, in the Kohgani district, a little 
west of Gandamak. Here he halted to allow the 
troops from Kabal to reach, which followed in 
detail, as was necessary on account of the inclement 
season and the scarcity of provender. The sird&’ 
came with his battalion, the Ghulam Khana troops, 
and fourteen guns. Amir Mahomed Khan, the 
Nawab Jab^r Khan, and Haji Khan were yet in 
Kabal, where one of the sirdar’s sons, Maomed 
Akram Khan, had been appointed governor. At 
Ishpan, famous in Afghm history for one of Sh^h 
Sujah al Mulkh’s discomfitures, the sirdar was close 
upon Mama Khel, the place to which Sultan Ma- 
homed KliAn had advanced in the autumn. There 
resides Mir Afzil Kh^, eldest son of Akram Khan, 
Popal Zai, the vazir of Shah Slijah al. Mulkh, slain 
in the disaster at Nimla. Mir Afzil Khan, bitterly 
inimical to Dost Mdhomed Kh^n, was no doubt 
mixed up in the intrigues carrying on against him, 
but his cunning made him now, as at all other 
times, feign affictions in his limbs. Aware that 
Dost Mahomed Khan was likely to pay him a visit., 
and to demand money — for he is reputed to be very 
rich — his ingenuity had provided against such a call, 
by an expedient worthy of the occasion. One night, 
while the sirdar was yet at Kabal, he employed 
men to rob his own castle. Holes were perforated 
in the walls, and in the morning carpets, felts, and 
utensils of all kinds were found scattered about. 


His wife, a daughter of the V;|zir Fati Khan, im- 
mediately started for Kabal, and related to her 
brother the sad misfortune, and loss, of alb her jewels 
and valuable property ; reviled Mahomed Zemhn 
Khan for his lax exercise of authority, and prayed 
that the sirdar -^ould use his influence to recover 
her wealth. He had difficulty to appease his volu- 
ble relative, but he was too shrewd not to perceive 
the manoeuvre put in play. He, however, forebore 
at this time to demand a contribution from Mir 
Afzil Khan, aware that his wife would be forth- 
coming with the piteous tale of the robbery. The 
manner in which Mir Afzil Khan acquired his use- 
ful lady may be told as characteristic of Fati Khan, 
and also to his honour. When Akram Khan was 
cut down at Nimla, he recommended his family to 
the protection of his antagonist, saying, they might 
one* day serve him. Fati Khan subsequently in- 
quired for Mir Afzil Khan, and gave him his 
daughter in marriage. By this alliance the son 
was able to preserve much of his father’s property, 
although many lakhs of rupees were lost, being 
confided to Hindus, who fled to Amratsir, where 
they are now capitalists. Mir Afzil Khan lives 
secluded in a delightful locality at Mama Khel, 
where he has built castles and planted orchards and 
vineyards, but is supposed to be a reckless in- 
triguer. His reputation is very bad, and very dif- 
ferent from that of his father. He has a brother 
connected with Pir Mahomed Khan of Peshawer, 


alike distinguished tfor his intrigues, and qualities 
the opposite to amiable ones. 

Front Ishpin Dost Mahomed Khan marched to F a- 
tiabad, between "which and Bhlla B%h a stony plain, 
traversed by the K^rasii river (black river), inter- 
venes for about three miles. Here^he asked Abdul 
Samad, at what expense of life he would capture 
the latter town ; who replied, with the loss of ten 
men. The sirdar- observed, you shall presently see 
that I can manage these affairs better than you can.” 
I shall order the discharge of five guns, and Ma- 
homed Osman Khan will come walking into camp 
like a dog with his tail between his legs. The guns 
were discharged; and their repox*t dissipated, as the 
sirdar had predicted, his nephew’s warlike notions. 
His mother appeared, a suppliant, announcing her 
son’s allegiance, praying the town might not be 
attacked, and expressing his readiness to supply the 
camp with provisions. The lady was accompanied 
by a host of persons, bearers of sugar-cane, and 
other dainties. It was stipulated, that on the ad- 
vance of the army to Chahar Bagh of JelalabM her 
son was to join the camp, and make his submission. 
It has previously been mentioned, that the sird&’s 
son, Mahomed A kbar Khan, had been despatched to , 
Lughman. On the arrival of his father at Jigdillik 
he commenced offensive operations there, expelling 
the troops of Mahomed Zeman Khan from the 
Tajik villages included under the rule of the Jela- 
labad government. About eight thousand kharwars 

ZEMAN khan’s MEASURES. 213 

of grain fell into his hands. From Tirgari he march- 
ed to Chahar B%h of Liighman, where he await- 
ed instructions. This expulsion of the Jelalabad 
chief’s troops was effected without hloOdshed ; but 
they had to subniit to be plundered of their horses 
and arms. 

The NawAb Mahomed Zem^ Khan had been for 
some time busy in renewing the defences of Jelala- 
bad. The dilapidated walls, originally of some 
width, were repaired, and on an eminence, a little 
south of the town, called Koh Bacha, he erected an 
intrenchment and placed a piece of ordnance in bat- 
tery. He had summoned the iljari, or militia of the 
country, and the saiyad petty chiefs of Khonar, with 
Sadat Khan, the Momand chief of Lalpura. He 
could scarcely, however, have expected to with- 
stanjl a siege, "notwithstanding his preparations, but 
must have depended on the arrival of the Peshawer 
army to his assistance, when, if no actual collision 
took place, the usual routine of intrigues and nego- 
tiations would have been carried on; and if Dost 
Mahomed Khan had been foiled, he for the present 
would have preserved his authority. A confidential 
agent from the Peshawer sirdars, Nazir Morad AH, 
was with him, urging him by resistance, to give the 
army time to join him, as also striving to obtain the 
cession of Bishbulak, which the nawab, formerly 
promising to yield, now scrupled to make over. 

When Dost Mdhomed Khan reached Fatiabad 
the malek, or principal of the place, who, with his 


iljari quota, was at Jelalaliad, informed the nawab, 
and asked whether he should fight or give barley 
and provender, as was required. The nawib turned 
to his chiefs-around him, and said, “ You see how 
silly Dostak is, to come into my cpuntry; if I did 
not feed his horses, they would be famished.” The 
inalek repeated his inquiry as to how he was to act. 
“ Go,” said the nawab, “ and provide barley and chafij 
or his horses will die.” The malek, -with his men, re- 
turned to Fatiabad, and made his submission to Dost 
Mahomed Khan. This sirdar advanced to Chahar 
Bagh of Jelalabad, where he was joined by Ma- 
homed Osmdn Khan, and his son, Mahomed Akb& 
Khan, from Lughman. He halted there one day, 
and on the next moved upon Jelalabad. On the 
same day he possessed himself of the eminence Koh 
Bacha, and the ziarats close to the town walls on 
the western side. During the night a nagam, or 
mine, was carried under a bastion nearly opposite, 
and on the following morning, the first of the month 
Ramazan, a day worthy of being signalized, the 
train was fired, and the battalion of Abdal Samad 
marched over the breach into the town. Parties 
were immediately despatched to protect the resi- 
dences of the nawab, and of those it was intended 
to preserve from plunder, and the rest of the tovm 
was abandoned to the mercy of the soldiery. The 
two mirzas of Jelalabad, Imam Verdi and Aga Jan, 
with SMat Khan the Momand chief, were made pri- 
soners, but two persons whom Dost Mahomed Khan 



was very desirous to secure, N^ir Morad All and 
Fati Mahomed KMn, Popal Zai, and father-in-law 
of the Nawab Jabar Khdn, foixnd means to^escape, 
and reached Peshawer. As for the ^awab Ma- 
homed Zeman Khan, as soon as the town was en- 
tered he seated ^himself, with the Kor^n in his 
hands, open at the part where Dost Mahomed Khan, 
two years before, had written the most horrible de- 
mmciations on himself if ever he deprived him (the 
nawab) of Jelalabad. Special care was taken that 
no outrage was committed on the nawab or on his 
family, but their dependants were rifled and de- 
nuded without scruple or remorse. The Nawab 
Jab& Khan reached Tatang the day before the as- 
sault and capture of Jelalabad, at which he was not 
willing to be present. In the evening of that day, 
walking along the skirts of the hills between the 
castle and Balia Bagh, I met him with a small 
party. He produced, with much satisfaction, a coj)- 
per coin which he had picked up somewhere on the 
road, and which proved to be one of Agathocles. 
He had left Kabal in company with Haji Khan, and 
together they reached Bhut Khak. The nawab 
took the road of Sokhta Chan&, and the khan that 
of Khurd Kibal, whence he marched upon Bangash, 
and was next heard of at Peshawer, where he was 
cordially received, appointed naib, and assigned a 
j%hir of one hundred and twenty thousand rupees 
per annum. He had arrived to take pai-t in the 
machinations concocted by the chiefs there against 



their brother, DostrMahomed Khdn, whose celerity, 
however, had rendered them nugatory, and by the 
opportune acquisition of Jel^abad and the command 
of its resources, made him more formidable than 
ever. Amir Mahomed Khan arrived from Kdbal a 
day or two after the capture of Jelalabad, and 
gravely expostulated with Mahomed Zeman Khdn 
on his rashness in firing upon Dost Mahomed Khfin, 
who, he pretended, had no idea of interfering with 
Jelalabad; but was merely passing by, intending 
to make a demonstration against Peshawer, and 
with no more serious purpose than to bring his un- 
toward brothers there to an imderstanding. The 
territory of Jelalabdd was placed under the govern- 
ment of Amir Mahomed Khan, and a j%hir, to the 
value of one hundred and fifty thousand rupees per 
annum, was made over to MahomedrZeman Khan, 
and the quota of troops he was to entertain fixed at 
three hundred. The mirzas of Jelalabad were rein- 
stated in ofiSce, and Sadat Khan, after some days’ 
imprisonment, was released, on condition that he 
should give a daughter to one of the amir’s sons. 
Dost Mahomed Khan encamped bet-ween the town 
and river, and shortly after seized the saiyad chief 
of Peshat in Khonar, then in his camp, and de- 
spatched Mulla Momind Khdn to occupy his little 
domain. Many reasons were urged for the step ; suf- 
ficient ones were, that he was a sworn friend to 
HSjl Khfin, and that his country lay in the road to 


It may here be noted, that besides depending up- 
on the assistance of the Peshawer sirdars, the 
Nawab Mahomed Zeman Khan had^ been tsdlling, 
by the assassination of Dost Mahomed.. Kh^, ' to 
have ridden himself of apprehension from him, and 
commissioned ^a desperate man in his employ to 
commit the deed. This man went to Kdbal where 
his family resided, and one night, by means of a 
ladder, ascended into the apartment where Dost 
Mahomed Khan was sleeping with one of his ladies. 
He relented of his fell purpose, as, he said himself 
afterwards, he thought it a pity to kill such a man, 
and carried off his shawl, trowsers, &c. as trophies of 
his visit, which he presented to the nawab, and 
claimed his reward. The ladder was left standing, 
and was of course discovered in the morning. Subse- 
quently the man came to Kabal, resided openly in 
the Balia Hiss^, made no secret, or very little, of 
what he had done, and was unnoticed by Dost Ma- 
homed Khan. In course of time he was shot one 
evening as he came from a tlindii’s hoirse, by some 
Rikas. His friends demanded the blood of the 
Rikas at the hands of Dost Mahomed Khan, who 
manifestly favouring them, pretended there was not 
evidence enough against them. 

Mahomed Zemin Khin by the loss of Jelalabad 
was deprived of authority, which he may have prized, 
although not very able in its exercise, yet he did 
not otherwise suflPer, as he preserved his wealth, 
supposed to be great. From that time, while con- 



stantly engaged wkh the Nawab Jabar Khan, and 
others, in the intrigues of the hour, he generally se- 
cluded^ himself; and by pretending sickness, or afflic- 
tions of the limbs, excused his attendance upon Dost 
Mahomed Khan, whom he constantly asserted it 
would be meritorious to slay, althougl^ to kill Ranjit 
Singh, an infidel, would be a crime. He seldom 
called Dost Mahomed Khan by any other name 
than Dostak, and was alike accustomed familiarly 
to address JHahomed j^zem Khan, when living, as 

In the recent events at Kabal he would seem to 
have taken a conspicuous part, or, perhaps, he has 
been made an instrument by others for the sake of 
his wealth. I have understood, that in common 
with the seniors of the Barak Zai family, he did not 
use to wait upon the shah, but sent rhis son Shuja 
Dowlah, a youth, by whom the unfortunate prince 
has been eventually slain. 

Immediately after the arrival of the NawAb Jabar 
Khan, and the capture of JelAlabad, I directed my 
attention to the topes of Dariinta, and was engaged 
in their examination until the Nawab Jabar Klinn 
earnestly requested me to accompany his son, Abdul 
Ghias Khan, who it appeared was destined to be 
sent to India to receive an English education. I 
had much rather the request had not been made, 
yet knew not how to evade it, and consented to 
accompany the puth to Peshawer at all events, 
and to Lahore, if necessary. I was soon informed 



that Dost Mahomed Khan by no means approved 
of the mission of Abddl Ghi& Khan, if on no other 
account, that he beheld his brother, the nawab, vdth 
jealousy, and disliked that he should form any con- 
nexion, however faint, with the British, or any other 
government. On the other hand, it need not be 
supposed that the nawab had any but interested 
political motives in forwarding his son at the pre- 
sent conjuncture, when the interests of the family 
were threatened by Shah Sujah al Mtilkh, who, it 
was generally believed, was supported by the British 
government. In his most extravagant expecta- 
tions the nawib had been encouraged by the British 
agent, Saiyad Karamat Ali, with whom the scheme 
of sending Abdul GMas Khin originated. Through 
the medium of the saiyad also, he corresponded 
with the shfih, being fearful in such a matter to 
confide to his own mirzas. Dost Mahomed Khan 
would probably have detained the youth, nor have 
permitted him to proceed, but the naAvab delayed 
his departure until the time arrived when Dost 
Mdhomed Kh^n was compelled, by the events 
transpiring at Kandahar, to return towards Kdbal, 
when Abdul GMas Khan was sent for from Tatang, 
and secretly placed on a raft and floated down the 
river to Peshdwer, his horses and attendants beinsr 
to follow him. I could not retract my promise, and 
in a few days started from Tatang, with a formidable 
cavalcade, the retinue of the young lad, for Pesh- 
awer. The first march we made to Ali B%hdn,. 



six cosses east o:& JelalaMd, and the second took 
us to Bassowal. On the third we reached Daka 
at th& easterir termination of the Jelalabad valley. 
Here, on ihe Momands claiming the customary 
passage-fees, the nawAb’s people talked largely, and 
refused to pay them. Some altercation followed, 
but at length it was conceded by the claimants, that 
as the nawab’s people were Mussulmans as well 
as belonging to the nawab, the fees should be re- 
mitted, and that I should be considered in the ligfit 
of a guest, and not asked to pay anything, but that 
two or three Hindds of the party must pay the 
usual sums, as they no farther belonged to us than 
as being in our company. The nawab’s people 
refused to allow the Hindds to be taxed, and on 
my professing willingness to pay for the men and 
for myself, horses and servants,' according to custom, 

I was entreated not to mention such a thing* as it 
would be derogatory to the nawdb. The Momands 
then offered to commute the matter by acceptance 
of a sheep ; but this in like manner was refused ; 
when they waxed sore, and insisted on the payment 
of full fees. Many of them congregrated, and but 
for the nazir of Sadat Khan, who happened to be 
with them, we should all have been plundered, if 
not worse treated during the night. In the morn- 
ing fresh debates ensued, and it was finally settled 
to refer the business to Sddat Khin himself, who 
we found was at ShelmAn, a spot in the hills. Mr 
mirza was sent as agent to our party, being per^ 


sonally known to the khin. On his return he re- 
ported, that SMat KhAn, after cursing Dost Ma- 
homed Khan and the naw^h, affirmed that he- could 
not interfere with the claims of his ulus, or tribe, 
but that he remitted his own share in the fees, or 
, one-third. The flawab’s people, I thought, were, 
very rightly served ; but now there was another evil, 
for it proved they had no money to pay the fees, 
and after all they were compelled to draw on my 
funds. Sadat Khan had sent a very civil message 
to me, and requested me to wear country clothes, 
as my mirza had told him I was clad in European 
costume. The next morning we marched for Shel- 
man, and, after passing Daka Khurd, commenced 
the ascent of a high and difficult pass. We had 
nearly reached the summit when a host of fire-lock 
men came with rapidity down the steep sides of 
the hill. It was SMat Khan and his followers. I 
had a few minutes’ conversation with the khdn, and 
while complaining of the losses Dost Mahomed 
KhM had inflicted upon him on the capture of 
JelalabM, he consoled himself with the notion that 
if defeated by Shah Sujah al Mulkh, his rM gurez, 
or the road by which he would fly, might bring him 
to the Momand hills, when he would retaliate upon 
him and remunerate himself. Sadat KhM was a 
man of very good address, and is a very respectable 
chief, contriving to keep a turbulent tribe in ex- 
cellent order. SMat KhM is now a fugitive,' and 
rebel. I know not the causes leading to a result, 


which I may, however, regret, because I feel assured 
that nothing but ignorance and unfair treatment 
could -have made him so. When I left Peshawer, 
in 1838, he vas aware of the intended restoration 
of Shah Stijah al Mdlkh, expressed his satisfaction, 
and declared his readiness to aid in the views of the 
Indian government, and that he did not want money. 
Khan BaliMar KhS.n of Khaibar, and other chiefs 
of the neighbourhood, said the same thing. We want 
no money. It would not surprise me if more had 
been required of Sadat Khin than ought to have 
been, and that he has been punished to conceal 
the weakness and ill-judgment of others. I have 
heard as much from a Sadu Zai prince engaged 
in the transactions of that period. If unfortunate 
for Sadat Khan, it is no less so for his tribe, and 
for those who pass through their country, for never 
was tribe or country kept in better order than by 
him. Turabaz Khan, the nominee of the British, 
is a good man, and services he may have rendered 
deserve requital, but his supporters cannot give him 
ability or conduct, and both are required in the 
chief of a powerful 6lus, and were possessed by 
Sadat Kh^n. 

The ascent of the kotal achieved, we came upon 
the table land of Shelman Kelan, which we traversed 
throughout its extent; nor was it until evening that 
we reached Shelman Khurd, seated upon a fine 
rivulet, the banks fringed with oleanders, at the 
western base of the gr eat Kotal of Tatara. The 



inhabitants here were not disposQ,d to be very civil, 
and in the night rain descended, not in showers 
but in floods. In the morning we commenced the 
ascent of the pass, exceedingly long and diflficult 
to the cattle, from the smooth surface of the rock, 
over which, in maiy parts, the road leads. From 
the summit of Tdtara the view is very extensive, 
but the hazy state of the atmosphere over the Pesh- 
awer plain prevented it from being observed with 
advantage. The road now winds around the brinks 
of fearful precipices, and it was only a little before 
arriving at the village of Mulla Ghori, still among 
the hills, that it improved. Hence the road, had 
we followed it, was good ; but the nawab’s people, 
to avoid a village where the inhabitants have a bad 
character, deviated from it, with the intention of 
making Ispind ^Sang, a village on the plain of Pesh- 
awer."^ We were speedily bewildered amid ravines, 
the passages blocked up with boulders, and, to com- 
plete our confusion, a party of ruffians, with long- 
knives in their hands, rushed down upon us. Flad 
we been together we should have been too form- 
idable in number for these men to have approached 
us, but we were scattered, and they asailed us who 
were in advance. Not one of them touched me, 
all passing ; I presume because, although unarmed, 
I was so well dressed that they suspected I was some 
more important personage than I was. They cried 
one to the other, looking at me, “Dar sirdar df, 
prej di ;” that is a sirdar, do not touch him. Much 



miscWef had not^ been done when they observed 
our companions in the rear pressing forward, and 
a parley took, place, which closed by a few rupees 
being given to them, when they made off. After 
this rencontre we cleared the hills, and descending 
into the plain, reached Ispind- Sang. Here we 
occupied the hujrr; and the nawS,b’s people sent 
for supplies to the malek of the village, who re- 
plied, that had they come to him he would have re- 
ceived them as guests, but as they had taken up 
quarters at the hujri they must find themselves. 
We had more rain at this place, and I was glad 
when the morning broke forth, that I could push 
on to Peshawer. I found Abdul Ghlas Khan 
lodged with his uncle, the Sirdar Sultan Mahomed 
Khdn, but that affairs had arrived at a sad state. 
The Sikh army under Hari Singh ^was encamped 
at Chamkani, three cosses from the city, and it was 
feared that he intended to occupy it under plea of 
a treaty, arranged between Ranjit Singh and Shfih 
Sujah al Mulkh, consequent to the departure of the 
latter from Ludi^a. Some affected to believe that 
the treaty had been concocted by the consent, and 
under the sanction, of the British political agent at 
Ludiana. Hari Singh, avowedly, only demanded the 
annual tribute in horses, rice, swords, &c., which, by 
their engagements the sirdars were bound to give, 
but he was not easily satisfied, and by rejecting 
horses &c., as not suitable, he gained time, which was 
clearly his object. The sirdars, aware of the actual 


aspect of affairs, had sent their families to Minchini, 
on the northern side of the Kdbal river, with their 
guns and other property. They remained in Pesh- 
awer, with their horses ready to be saddled at a 
moment's notice, and it was somewhat ridiculous 
about twice or thrice every day, to see the servants 
nmning out' with the saddles on their heads, and 
returning when they discovered that the alarm 
which had been given was a false one. All the 
doors and windows of their houses, indeed every- 
thing of wood which was portable, had been carried 
away; and I understood such had always been the 
case whenever the Sikhs had encamped near Pesh- 
awer. By the treaty before alluded to Peshawer 
had been ceded to Ranjit Singh, and no doubt 
Hari Singh was commissioned to look after its 
execution. '» 

Everything at this particular crisis conspired to 
favour the designs of the Sikhs; and the plots de- 
vised by the chiefs of Peshawer to effect the ruin 
of Dost Mahomed Khdn immediately involved 
their own ; and their fate affords an example of 
evil falling upon those who imagine it. The 
promptitude of their Kabal brother in the capture 
of Jelalabid, had broken up the confederacy against 
him, and they now, in turn, began to be apprehen- 
sive lest he should attack them ; and in truth they 
were at his mercy ; but while he could easily have 
expelled them, and have overrun their country, he 
might not have been competent to have retained it 

VOL. in. 




at this time. Their fears, however, induced them to 
apply to the Sikhs for assistance, who readily pro- 
mised it on certain considerations, and Hari Singh 
gladly crossed the Atak river, which, if they had not 
played into his game, he might not have done, but 
would have been content to have watched the course 
of events in the country east of it. The arrival of 
Hdji Khan, also in conformity to their plans for the 
destruction of Dost MSbiomed Khan, in which he was 
intended to have been a main instrument, proved se- 
riously detrimental to the sird&s. Disappointed in 
his projects as to Dost Mahomed Khan, but anxious 
to evince his capability in his character of naib, he 
proposed a variety of innovations: amongst them, 
to refom the army, and to dismiss all the shias, or 
infidels. These men, the remnants of the old Ghu- 
1am Khana of Peshawer, were yet powerful, if not 

- ly 

a very numerous body, and growing incensed at the 
propositions of Haji Khan, and fearing the effects 
of his ascendancy, at once opened a communication 
with the Sikhs, as did many others, not shlas, but 
who could not feel confidence in Haji Khdn. The 
principal Hindu diwans of the country were also in 
correspondence with Hari Singh ; and had he not 
been furnished with positive orders or discretionary 
powers, the opportunity was so tempting that he 
would scarcely have been warranted, in Sikh po- 
licy, to have foregone it. After he had procured 
from the sird&s beyond the ordinary complement 
of tribute, he sent a message to them, that the 


Shahzida Noh Nilifl Singli, the grandson of Ranjit 
Singh, who was with the army, desired to see the 
city, and it would be well that they should eva- 
cuate it, and retire to Bagh All Mird^ Khan, when 
the shahzida would ride round it, and then the 
army would retirer towards the Atak. The morn- 
ing came, when Sultdn Mahomed Khan, who had 
always his spy-glass in hand, descried the Sikh 
force in motion. All became panic-struck, and 
horses were saddled and mounted in a trice. The 
house was emptied as if by magic, and none re- 
mained in it but Abdul Ghias Kh^, his party, 
and myself. We ascended the roof, and beheld 
the Sikhs moving forward in very respectable style. 
In the van was the young sh^hzMa on an ele- 
phant, with Hari Singh and a variety of Sikh 
chiefs, attended by a host of cavalry. Behind them 
followed the battalions of M. Court, advancing in 
columns at a brisk pace. On reaching the gardens 
attached to the house we were in the first shots 
were fired, some Afghans being concealed among 
the trees. They were soon cleared out, and the 
march of the force was not affected by the desul- 
tory opposition. Subsequently we heard some 
smart firing, and learned during the day that the 
Sikhs, pressing too close upon Hdji Khin, who 
covered the retreat of Sultdn Mahomed Khdn, 
the khan lost patience and turned upon them. 
He handled them severely, and, as admitted by 
themselves, checked their advance until the bat- 

Q % 



talions came* up. -Klian Maliomed Khan, the bro- 
ther of HAji Khan, was badly wounded in this 
skirmish, but =was borne off the field. Some very 
splendid instances of individual bravery were ex- 
hibited by the Afghans, and one gallant fellow 
cut down six of his opponents.'' The Sikhs, hav- 
ing completed the circuit of the city, encamped 
under the Bffla Hissar to the east : the discom- 
fited sirdfos retired to Takkal, and then to Shek- 
han, at the skirts of the hills. My mirza in the 
course of the day went to the Sikh camp, M'here 
he saw Hari Singh, who asked where I had been 
during the tamasha, or sport. He replied, that I 
had witnessed it from the roof. He then asked, 
jocularly, where the sirdars had gone. The mirza 
said to Takkal, to prepare for battle. The sirdar 
laughed and said. No, no ; nasgher, nasgher; 
they have run away, they have run away some 
to Kohat, some to Khaibar. I certainly was 
amused at the almost ridiculous manner in which 
the Sikhs had made themselves masters of an 
important and productive country, and Sultan Ma- 
homed Khan was as much to be laughed at as to be 
pitied, for in place of adopting any means of de- 
fence he had sent away the better part of his 
troops, and prohibited the citizens and people of the 
country from defending the city, as they wished. 
Pir Mahomed Khan was accustomed to say, that he 
had three lakhs of rupees, and did not care who 
knew it ; that he had reserved them for such a cri- 



sis as this; that he would assemhle the Ghazis, and 
do many wonderful things. H^ji Kh4n would, 
when such valorous speeches were made, embrace 
the sirdar, saying he must kiss the lips &om which 
such words flowed. Pir Mahomed Khan, however, 
thought it better to keep his three lakhs of rupees, 
and hastened to Kohdt to collect what he could 
from the inhabitants, previously to bis departure ul- 
timately from the country. The force with Hari 
Singh did not exceed nine thousand men ; and had 
a show of serious resistance been made he would 
at least have been obliged to temporize; also, had 
the city, although an open one, been put in a 
condition for defence, and the system of kucha 
bandi adopted, he was scarcely competent to have 
forced it. As it was, with a small force he pos- 
sessed himself of a country which, some years be- 
fore, Ranjit Singh in person, with twenty-five thou- 
sand men, did not venture to retain. True it is, 
that since that period the spirit of the Mahome- 
dans had become dejected by repeated defeats, and 
that there was, as there universally is, treachery 
in the Durani camps and councils. Abdul Ghias 
KhSn had visited the Shahzfida Noh Nihil Singh, 
and the arrangements for his departure for Ludiana 
had been fixed ; I therefore did not see the occa- 
sion for my accompanying him, as his forward jour- 
ney would be safe and easy. His uncles of Pesha- 
wer were very averse to his intended sojourn in 
India, and might possibly have taken upon them- 



selves to have detained him, considering its ob- 
ject a political one. They reasoned, that the nawab, 
his father, an’d not themselves, would benefit by it. 
They had,' however, given me their hands, and 
pledged themselves to permit him to proceed, and 
their abrupt departure, at any rate, deprived them 
of an opportunity of violating their promises, while 
Abdul GMas Khan became free to follow up his 
father’s instructions. 


Departure from Peshdwer. — March to Shekhan. — Ex-sirdars, — 
Their conversation. — Fati Mahomed Khan’s civility. — Encamp- 
ment. — Bara river. — Popular credulity. — Departure for Min- 
cMnl — Alarm on road. — Old monument. — Badragas. — Min- 
chini. — Ghilji. — Haidar Khan. — Jalawans. — Fearful state of 
the river. — Consultation. — Passage of the river. — Rahmatulah’s 
dexterity. — Shelman. — Ghiljfs piety. — Plain of Shelman. — 
Kotal, — Bahadar’s request. — Daka Khurd. — Good fortune. — 
Congratulations. — Daka Kelan. — Ldlpura. — Curious conversa- 
tion. — Suspicions. — Precautions. — Khurd Khaibar.— Momand’s 
tale. Momand’s intention. — Hdzaraoh. — Ee-appearance of 
Ghijji. — Wilford’s Nysa and Mount Meru. — Bassowal. — Ghilji 
dnd'‘*his gang. — Necessity for action. — Kohistanis. — Night 
march. — Bati Kot. — Surkh Diwar. — Chdghatai castle. — Good- 
will of Kohistams. — Mirza Aga Jan. — His surmises. — My own 
conjectures. — Ghilji’s evil repute. — Subsequent attempts. — Re- 
newal of researches. 

Taking farewell of the naw4b’s son, we started 
for the fugitive sirdar’s camp at Shekhdn, distant 
about ten miles from Peshawer. The march was 
rather a hazardous one, as our Sikh soldiers did 
not dare to pass the limits of the city gardens, 
and the natives of the villages on our route were 
under arms. We, however, managed to pass safely 
through them, being considered devout Mahomedans 

232 ex-sirdars’, CONVERSATION. 

retiring from the sity .profaned by the presence of 
infidels; and ultimately crossing the Bara river, 
we found, under the shade of its high bank, lying 
covered with lungMs, the Sirdar Sultan Mahomed 
Khan, with his brother, Saiyad Mahomed Khin, 
HAji Kh4n, and UsS'izji, the son of the late Mir 
Wais. They were not, probably, in their own esti- 
mation so conveniently accommodated as in their 
commodious dwellings at Peshawei*, but I could 
not forbear thinking that to such men a little 
adversity is useful. When they arose, SultM Ma- 
homed Khan alluded to no other topic than the 
perfidy of the Sikhs, apparently losing sight of his 
own misfortunes, or consoling himself by reviling 
the authors of them. Haji Khan, consistently 
enough, proposed a variety of stratagems by which 
the city might be recovered, and olfered to execute 
many venturous deeds, aware that he should not be 
sanctioned. The sirdar replied to all his proposals, 
by expressions of horror and surprise at the unpa- 
ralleled disregard of oaths evinced by Hari Singh. 
Poor Saiyad Mahomed Khan said not a word, and 
appeared careless of what had happened ; Hafizji and 
others, who had now arrived, seemed, by their signi- 
ficant looks at each other, to intimate the predi- 
cament into which they had been brought, and their 
wonderment as to what was to follow. After sitting 
some time in company with the sirdar and his circle, 
I repaired to the tent of one Nazir Abdul Rehim, 
where I was provided . with quarters. Close to us 



was the tent of Fati Mahomed Khan, Popal Zai, 
with whom were accommodated Mahomed Osman 
Khin, son ofWafadar Kh^, the Sadu Zai vazir, 
and Hafizji, the son of Mir Wais. Fati Mahomed 
Khan, as soon as he perceived me, sent over a dish 
of sweetmeats and tea, and this civility he continued 
while I remained in camp. This was located on 
the Bara, at the spot where its course is intercepted 
by hands, or artificial ramparts, by which its waters 
are diverted into canals for the irrigation of the 
circumjacent plain. The water is proverbially ex- 
cellent as an aliment, and as conducive to the ferti- 
lity of the soil. It is believed that to its peculiar 
virtues a celebrated variety of rice, called in con- 
sequence the Bara rice, owes its length of grain 
and delicate flavour. The river has its source in 
the hills of Tirah, and from the benefits it confers 
upon the country has been from time immemorial 
an object of veneration ; and Shekhan, or the spot 
where the division of its waters is effected, is held 
particularly sacred. The Mahomedans of the coun- 
try have a belief, that if a Hindu should bathe in 
the stream at this particular place its waters dimi- 
nish. They have therefore erected a tower on its 
right bank, where is constantly stationed a guard 
of Momands, who, besides watching over the hands, 
are enjoined to guard against the pollution of the 
z’iver. Should so calamitous an event accidentally 
occur it is judged necessary to sacrifice a cow, 
when the waters, it is said, gradually increase until 



they regain their usual volume. There is a grove 
of trees and ziarat here, where is a stone which, 
according to popular credence, if struck by a musket- 
ball discharges blood. As the Mdhomedans will 
on no account fire at it themselves, and would hold 
it very profane in others to do so, rhe stone is likely 
to preserve its character, and their faith in its pro- 
perty to remain entire. 

Sultan Mahomed Kh&a made it a point of honour 
to consider me his guest, and I was sumptuously 
entertained, eating my suppers by the glare of nu- 
merous torch-lights ; but I felt ashamed to be feed- 
ing luxuriously in a camp where the soldiers were 
subsisting on parched grain ; I therefore requested, 
after a stay of three days, to be provided with a 
companion for Minchini, and the sirdar commis- 
sioned his Shehinchi Bashi, who had business there, 
to attend me. We started before daybreak,^ and 
by the time it was broad daylight found ourselves 
on the j)lam, with the Khaibari village of Jamrud 
on our left hand, and to our right the village of 
Takkal, distinguished by its topes and sepulchral 
mounds. Here our ears were assailed by the din 
of the Sikh nagaras, which made us both accelerate 
our pace and close upon the hills. On gaining a 
village, called Reghi Balia, the inhabitants were 
busy in removing their effects, the report having 
spread that the infidels were approaching. We 
again made for the skirts of the hills, and traced 


them until we reached the large, but now deserted 
village of Ispind Diri 

In our course to Minchim*we passed a monument 
of the olden time, a square structure, and fonned 
rather rudely of stones. The length of each face 
may have been about twelve feet, and the height 
a little more, or about fifteen feet. Surrounding 
it were abundant vestiges of walls and minor 
mounds. With a castle, called Killa Arbib, on our 
fight hand, we reached the river, and crossed on 
a jfila, or float of inflated skins. The Shehinchi 
Bashi conducted me to the tent of Naib Miilla 
Abdul Kerim, who it appeared had charge of the 
sirddr’s property, &c., at Minchini, and he imme- 
diately sent for the malek of the village, who 
was directed to provide me with trustworthy bad- 
ragas, or -safe-conductors, to Daka, from whom a 
written acknowledgment of my arrival there in 
security would be demanded. The malek soon 
brought from his village two men, Rahmat Ulah 
and Bahadar, both of LMpura, and in the service 
of SMat Khin, the Momand chief. The uaib ar- 
ranged the amount of fees to be paid, which came 
to eight and a half rupees, six for my three horses, 
one and a half for my three men on foot, and one 
rupee for the ferryman’s hire at Abkhana, it having 
been arranged that we should pass by that route. 
There were many people sitting vrith Naib Abdul 
Kerim ; amongst them, on his right hand, 
one Saleh Mahomed, a Ghilji. 




MincMni is a straggling village of about two 
hundred houses and huts, on the river side, and at 
the foot of lovir rocky hills. It has some eight or 
ten Hindu dok^s, or shops, and as many dispersed 
square defensive towers on slight eminences. It 
belongs to Sadat Khan, and is of consequence as 
being the ferry by which goods and passengers are 
crossed, intending to traverse the AbkhAna route, 
also from its site being at the point where the great 
river of Kabal issues upon the plain of Peshawer. 

While at Minchini the Ghilji whom I had seen 
in Naib Abdul Kerim’s tent came to me, and re- 
presented that he was of a respectable family at 
Maidan, west of Kabal, and the chief of a thousand 
families ; when the Nawab Jabar KhAn was hAkam 
he had differences with him, which caused him to 
abandon his native seats ; that he then retired to 
Kandahar, and subsequently to Peshawer ; that he 
was weary of wandering, and desired to return to 
his connexions at Maidan. He prayed me, on 
reaching Kabal, to employ my good offices to re- 
concile him with the nawAb. I replied, that I would 
speak to the nawAb, but of course could promise 
nothing farther. On mounting to commence our 
journey I found that Saleh MAhomed intended to 
accompany us, and I had seen him, in course of the 
day, sitting in a neighbouring masjit, in close com- 
munion with my Momand badragas. 

We had proceeded some two or three hundred 
yards along the river-bank when we were stopped 


by some men, wbo affected to believe that we were 
passing clandestinely, and one of my Momands re- 
turned to the village, and brought t-he malek, who 
satisfied his people. About a mile further we came 
to a small village of about one hundred houses, the 
original Minchm% which is very picturesquely seat- 
ed. Hence we crossed the hills, none of them very 
high, for about fom- cosses, and arrived at the village 
of Haidar Khan, of about one hundred and fifty 
houses, placed on an extensive plateau, or table- 
land, and well supplied with water in a rivulet. 
This we crossed and fixed ourselves for the night 
at a detached portion of the village, inhabited 
chiefly by jalawans, people with whom we had a 
little to say, as they have in charge the ferry of 
Abkhana. We were here provided with every- 
thing we needed, as chah^pdhis, mats, &c.; our pro- 
visions were cheei’fully cooked for us, and our treat- 
ment was in every respect civil. Our badragas ne- 
gotiated for our passage across the river on the mor- 
row ; and the jalawans, alleging that at this season 
of the year no one thought of taking this road, and 
that their massaks, or skins, were dry, engaged to 
moisten them, and do their best to put us over in 
safety. They proposed that we should employ a 
certain number of swimmers in addition to the men 
seated on and directing the jalas, or floats; to which 
we readily consented ; and to remunerate them gave 
a sheep as offering to the pu, or saint, at R6nar, a 
spot near Lalpura, who is supposed to interest him- 


self in the fate of those who travel on jilas, provided 
hy meet oblations they prove themselves worthy of 
his protection. ’ In the morning of the next day we 
made a smart ascent from Haidar Khan, and a de- 
scent, equally long and difficult, brought us to the 
river. I was astonished at its boisterous state, and 
the frightful scene presented by the rocks,, whirlpools, 
and surges, with the rapidity of the current. My Mo- 
mand conductors had misgivings, and regretted that 
they had not taken the Tatara route. Even the jM'’- 
awms, while affirming that they would do their 
best, said they could not engage for safety. I was 
perfectly confused, for I never expected that such 
obstacles were in our way, and, incompetent to judge 
of the degree of safety or danger, I very closely 
questioned the jalawans, who now held the threads 
of our destinies in their hands, and I fthought from 
the statements of these honest fellows that '’they 
hoped to get over, and I felt inclined to trust myself 
and fortunes to their care. At the same time, I 
thought it becoming, to consult my attendants, and 
pointing out to them that the river was more form- 
idable than I had anticipated, while they had heard 
all that the jMawdns had said, I offered, if they had 
doubts as to the passage, to return, as no evil had 
been yet done, and we were still on the safe side. 
They, like myself, were willing to trust to chance, 
and the jffiawans prepared their float. 

While the machine was being adjusted Saleh 
Mahomed, who kept himself very much apart, twice 


or thrice called Bahddar aside, who as often said to 
me on his return, looking scornfully towards the 
Ghilji, “D^ khush sarai di;” That -is a worthless 
fellow. The float was formed of eight. skins; and 
when ready our baggage was placed thereon, above 
which were seate<?three of my servants. Four men 
with 'paddles wei’e alike perched on it, and half a 
dozen swimmers accompanied. It narrowly escaped 
being upset on starting, and vsdth the celerity of an 
arrow was borne across the river. By the great 
efforts of the paddlers and swimmers it was impelled 
upon the opposite bank, just before a spot which 
appeared most dangerous to me, from the tremen- 
dous whirlpools at it. Yet through these very 
whirlpools the emptied jala was brought back, so 
fearless and accustomed thereto are the jdlawdns of 
Abkhdna. • 

My mirza, the Ghilji, and myself, now took our 
seats, and as the float was not overloaded with bag- 
gage, we were passed with comparative facility, and 
made a point higher up than the float had before 
gained. I observed my people on the opposite 
banks raise their hands in supplication, but there 
was no time for reflection, as the passage was the 
work of an instant. Before I was landed the men 
asked me for inam, or reward, which, as their expec- 
tations did not exceed one rupee, I readily promised, 
seeing that unasked I should have given them more. 
The swimmers next passed my horses, and completed 
the transport of the party and all belonging to it. 


R4hinatulah, one ^of the Momands, would fain 
show his dexterity, and cross with his own massak. 
Twice he was carried away by the stream, once caught 
in the whirlpools, from which he contrived to reach 
the same bank he started from, and the second time 
again engulphed by the same obstacles ; on extri- 
cating himself he was fairly borne down the river. 
The circumstance afforded merriment to the j41- 
awans, who laughed at the notion of -a man of LS.1- 
pura attempting to imitate the swimmers of Ab- 

From the river-bank we made a long, and some- 
times precipitous ascent, until we reached the sum- 
mit of the range, from which we descried Shelman 
Kelan, the village at which we purposed to halt 
for the night. Om' road hence was good, leading 
over a broken surface, until we reacdied the table- 
land of Shelman. At its commencement was a 
choki, or guard-station, where a trifling fee is ex- 
acted from passengers ; we passed on, leaving our 
badragas to settle it. On reaching a small castle, 
with a few houses without the walls, we stopped 
until they rejoined us. Here it was decided to 
remain, and chaharpdMs, mats, Ac., were furnished 
to the party, with necessaries, but at high prices. 
Our Ghilji friend seated himself in the masjit, de- 
fined simply by a circle of stones, and, with his 
rosary in his hand, chanted many hymns. I did 
not at all like this man ; keeping close to us, he 
was very reserved, and seemed to avoid all inter- 



course. The elevated valley of Shelman may be 
from five to six miles in length from east to •west, 
with a breadth of about a mile and half. On 
the north it descends abruptly upon the river of 
Kabal, and on the south a ridge of hills separates 
it from the Shin'wri districts. Much of its surface 
is cultivated, and wheat is the grain chiefly gro'wn. 
Over it are dispersed some ten or twelve small 
hamlets, which consist of square towers, with a fe'W 
houses around them. The plain is inhabited by 
the Shah Mansur Khel, a tribe of Momands. My 
badragas here enjoined especial vigilance dui’ing 
the night, urging the proximity of the Shinwari 
hills. In the morning we proceeded up the plain, 
and at its extremity came to a tower and choki 
at the ridge of the pass, which abruptly commences. 
In a recess; of the hills to our left at this point 
was s *dand, or' pool of water. From the choki 
a comprehensive ■view is obtained of the valley 
of Jelalabad. "We thought it better to dismount, 
as the road is very precipitous for some distance, 
when it improves, until a minor, but diificult, ascent 
is made, from which we descend upon Daka Khurd, 
or Little D4ka, a small village on the river. Here 
BahMar and SMeh Mahomed, who were in advance, 
seated themselves and waited my arrival ; and as 
the Momand did not speak Persian fluently, the 
Ghilj], acting as his interpreter, intimated to 
me the necessity of giving inflm, or reward, at 
the village we were about to gain. I turned to 





Bahadar, and objected to be questioned amongst 
bills, upon a point on wbicb I had perfect free 
will, and told him that Dhka Kelhn, or Great 
Dhka, was the place where such a demand would 
be considered. He instantly rose, and feeling the 
reproof, moved on, while I saw that the Ghilji was 
chagrined the point had not been pressed. 

Daka Khdrd contains about eighty houses, and 
is pleasantly enough situated. We halted awhile, 
and enjoyed cool draughts of buttermilk, bowls Qf 
which were brought to us. Continuing our journey, 
the road skirting the rocks on the brink of the river, 
we at length found our progress impeded by the 
river, which had overflown and inundated the path. 
There was still a track practicable to men on foot 
over the rocks above us, but it was necessary, un- 
less we returned and followed some other road, 
to carry our luggage on men’s backs, and t<r swim 
our horses against the current for a considerable 
distance. As our experience and good-fortune at 
Abkhhia had made us bold in aquatic affairs, all 
this was done, and our horses were brought round 
in safety to the village called Daka Kelan. The 
inhabitants congratulated us on our arrival, and 
averred that there must be some holia, or sacred 
personage, of our party, for they had never known 
the Abkhana passage to be attempted at this sea- 
son, though their beards had grown white, and they 
had never dreamed that horses could have been 
swam against the current, as they had now wit- 



nessed. They informed us that we ought to have 
taken a road which led by a zi&at. We were, 
indeed, aware of another road, which, besides being 
rather circuitous, winds under the kotal of Lo- 
hagi, and comes out at the extremity of the Dara 
Haft Chah, or vajley of seven wells, of Khaibar. 
From Shelman to Daka Kelan the distance may 
have been about seven or eight miles. We made 
for a grove of mulberry-trees near the river, which 
was very full, with several islands in it. There 
are too or three small hamlets at Daka Kelan, 
at the principal of which Sadat Khan, to whom 
it belongs, has built a serai for the accommo- 
dation of kafilas. There are several Hindd traders 
located, as the place is a constant stage to kafilas 
and passengers travelling between Peshawer and 
Jelalabdd, from its site, at the entrance to 
the. Mils; and -it also stands at the head of the 
roads both of Khaibar and Abkhana, On the 
opposite bank of the river is Lalpura, a town 
of about eight hundred houses, the little capital 
of the Momands, and where resides their chief, 
Sadat Khan. Ferry-boats ply between the two 

While we were resting under the shade of the 
mulberry-trees four men, Afghans, came, and seat- 
ing themselves, set to work in making chapplis, 
or rude sandals, as is the custom of the moun- 
taineers in these regions, of the beaten stems of 
a plant, the fish, a species of aloe. Very close. 

E 2 



to me, I could bpit Lear every word they said ; 
and presuming, I conclude, that I could not com- 
prehend Pashto, they talked very loudly and freely. 
I was not much gratified to discover that plunder 
was the object they had in view, and that their 
sandals were being made to enable them to follow 
me up. It was also edifying to hear the rogues 
chuckle over their contemplated booty, and to 
witness how they laughed, and fancied themselves 
in possession of the ducats which, they said, J 
had round my waist. One thing was fortunate, 
that I overheard them, and became aware of the 
danger to which I was exposed. I neither did nor 
said anything by which the fellows could imagine 
I was cognizant of their intentions, but allowed 
them to complete their sandals and depart in 
peace. I then inquired where Saleh Mahomed 
was, and was told he had not been seen '-since 
leaving Daka Khurd. I suspected this man in- 
tended to play me a trick ; and in the neigh- 
bourhood of the Shinwaris, he could, unluckily 
for me, experience no difficulty in finding fit as- 
sociates. . . 

In the morning, on arrival here, I had heard 
that a strong party of Kohistams had reached 
from Peshawer by the Tatara route, on their way 
to Kabal. In the service of Sultan Mahomed 
Khan, they were returning to their homes, on the 
breaking up of his authority. I sent to the vil- 
lage to ascertain if these men were still there. 


They had left it on their journey. I then or- 
dered our cattle to be laden, and horses saddled. 
I called the Momands, and, making them a pre- 
sent "which quite pleased them, expressed my wish 
that they should accompany us as far as Hazar 
Noh, mid'way be^'ween Daka and Bassowal, at 
■which place I purposed to pass the night. To 
this they cheerfully assented. Between Daka and 
Hazar Noh the road is desolate, and there is 
a.niple room for accident ; but I felt pretty cer- 
tain that no one would venture to interfere with 
us so long as we had the Momands with us, 
for it is not the object of robbers to be recog- 
nised. About a mile beyond Daka we passed 
Khurd Khaibar, as it is called, where were a few 
kishdis, or black tents, and numerous ancient 
mounds and caves. - 

The road, heretofore along the river bank, now 
leads amongst low hills for some distance, until 
we enter the little plain of Ghirdi, a village of 
that name lying to our right on the river. From 
Ghirdi, rounding a low ridge of hill, we entered 
another plain, in which were two or three isolated 
eminences, encircled from base to summit with 
lines of walls and parapets. A few gaz-trees also 
occurred, and we did not question but that they 
marked sepulchral localities of the middle ages. 

On reaching the cultivation dependent on Ha- 
zar Noh (the thousand canals), I told my Momand 
friends that they might return ; and they had 


taken leave, when my mirza asked BahMar to 
repeat in my hearing what he had before told 
him concerning SMeh Mahomed. The tale of the 
Momand ran, that the Ghilji had proposed to him 
at Minchim before we started, and which explained 
the confabulations in the masjit" there, to despoil 
us on the road and to divide the booty. At Haidar 
Khan he again urged the matter, saying that the 
kas-kilrzm, which I carried on the pummel of 
my saddle, was full of bhutkis, or ducats, and that 
the larger kurzln, or saddle-bags, of my mirza 
was full of Kashmir shawls. He proposed to take 
the ducats, and the shawls were to fall to the share 
of Bahddar. He next wished that I should have 
been put out of the way in crossing on the float 
at Abkhana ; and I called to mind Bahadur’s re- 
marks to me there, that he was a “khush sarai,” 
or worthless fellow. At Shelman he was" again 
willing to have instigated the Momands to commit, 
or connive at, robbery ; and I understood the pre- 
cautions they at that place took to prevent it, and 
the recommendation they urged on my people to 
be vigilant during the night. The last effort he 
made with Bahadar induced my stoppage on the 
kotal leading upon Daka Khurd ; this having failed, 
he said that I should not escape him if he followed 
me to Surkh Diwar. It seems that the Momands 
here, who had all along been communicating to 
the mirza what passed, but who, in his wisdom, 
did not inform me, observed, that as the Ghilji 



was not “ dast ward4r,” or inclined to desist, and 
as he had it in his power to cause me evil, they 
would cut his throat and throw him into the river, 
on the road to Duka Kel^n. Whether they would 
have done so or not I cannot tell, hut there is 
just a chance that^they would, and Bahadar assured 
me that he fully intended it. The Ghilji, however, 
wisely gave them the slip, and was not seen after 
leaving Daka Khurd. He, of course, was off, to 
beat up for more compliant associates. 

I was angry with the mirza for having concealed 
his information from me, as, while suspecting the 
Ghilji fi'om the first, had I positively known his 
designs tended to mischief, I would not have scru- 
pled to have bound him hand and foot when in my 
power. As it was, he was at large, and in a neigh- 
bourhood where he could collect as many villains 
as he.»ehose, while we, six or seven of us, were, ridi- 
culously enough, unarmed, and floating about, as it 
were, at his mercy. However, it became necessary 
to do the best w^e could under circumstances, and I 
trusted at Bassowal to be able to adopt some pre- 
cautionary measures, as the place was this year held 
by Saifulah Khdn, B&ak Zai, who was my friend, 
and I hoped to find some of his people there, or 
that the malek might be disposed to give us aid. 
We, therefore, dismissing om’ Momands, passed on 
to Hazarnoh, a large straggling village, seated on 
gentle eminences, bounding to the south an ex- 
tensive plain stretching to the river. In front, or 



west, the hill Koh, under which Bassowal is 
situated, and which was now visible, separates it 
from the plain of Chahard^h. At Hazarnoh the first 
object that attracted our attention was Saleh Ma- 
homed, seated, with a group of fifteen or twenty per- 
sons about him. I pointed him ^ out to my mirza, 
who, ashamed of the rebuke he had recently receiv- 
ed from me, affected to doubt that it was he. From 
Hazarnoh to Bassowal, a distance of about four 
cosses, or six miles, the high road leads over, the 
eminences fringing the plain ; a lower road leads 
more direct over the cultivated lands, but is more 
or less difficult to cattle, from the numerous cuts 
or canals of water traversing it, supplied from in- 
numerable springs, issuing from the bases of the 
low hills at the line where they rest upon the level 
valley of the river, and which enable the inhabit- 
ants largely to cultivate rice. We preferred the 
lower road in spite of its obstacles, but it was 
not until after sunset that we reached Bassowal. 
In the distance, in a lofty hill on the opposite bank 
of the river, are seen the caves, with triangular- 
shaped entrances, noted by Wilford, and which partly 
induced him, probably, with the proximity of Mar 
Koh, which he supposes to be Mount Meru, to lo- 
cate the ancient city of Nysa in this neighbourhood. 
On this point we may not decide; caves are too 
numerously and too universally found, that any 
important deduction could be drawn from so com- 
paratively a trifling group as is here presented, and 



wliether Mar Koh may have any more serious ety- 
mological signification than the snake-hill, as un- 
derstood by the natives, is doubtful. Still, Basso- 
wal exhibits ample vestiges, as does the entire 
jieighbourhood, of its ancient inhabitants. The caves 
in the hill on the opposite side of the river are 
also interesting evidences, as are the mounds and 
tumuli which accompany them at the point where 
the hill subsides into the plain. The various in- 
dications of old sepulchral localities are here very 
numerous ; and the spot is called Chakanor. 

On reaching Bassowal we halted in a grove 
contiguous to one of the enclosed villages, where 
we found a family, who, about to proceed to Kabal, 
proposed- to start at midnight, and we arranged 
to proceed in company. My servants went to the 
bazar to cater for necessaries, and one of them 
returned with the unsatisfactory intelligence that he 
had seen S^leh Mahomed, with six other indivi- 
duals, sitting at a Hindu dokan. They had taken 
off their shirts, muffling up their faces with them, 
and had talwdrs, or swords, in their hands. I ques- 
tioned him as to the certainty of the person being 
SMeh Mahomed, and was told there could be no 
question, for he had addressed him on recogniz- 
ing him, and had received an answer from him. 
I then commissioned another servant to walk 
quietly up the little hazir of the place, and with- 
out appearing to have been sent for the purpose, 
to see whether it was truly the Ghilji, and by 


wliat sort of people he was attended. This man, 
•coming back, confirmed the other’s statement ; and 
it was clear we had to provide against the despe- 
rate scoundrel and his band of muffled villains. 
I directed my mirza to go to the malek of the 
place, and desire him to wait, upon me, but I 
scarcely had given the direction when a large 
armed party came from the gate of the village 
close to us, who proved to be the Kohistams who 
had preceded us from D^ka, and were about to 
make a night-march towards Jelalabad. I asked 
them where they were going, and on being inform- 
ed, inquired if they would wait five minutes, or so 
long as our cattle were laden. They replied, “Yes;” 
and while the operation was in progress I was re- 
cognized by three or four of them, who had seen me 
in the Kohistan, and our understanding, therefore, 
became complete. I told them, in a few wosds, my 
position with the Ghilji, and they much wished to 
have returned into the village, and to have secured 
him and his gang. I was not consenting, as they 
were Tajiks, and it was just possible that the peo- 
ple of the village might make common cause with 
the ruffians, as they were all Afghans. I was well 
satisfied to be fairly out of the dilemma, and trust- 
ed that the companions of Saleh Mahomed, on find- 
ing themselves disappointed, would turn about and 
beat him soundly for having deceived them, and 
brought them, to no purpose, from their homes. 
We marched from Basso wal, leaving the fellows 



and our apprehensions behind us. The Kohist^is 
exceeded forty in number, and all carried muskets. 
I asked them if they were loaded, and they smiled, 
observing, that the lads of the Kohist^ neyer travel- 
led with arms unloaded. We followed a road lead- 
ing through marsl^^es to the northern extremity of 
Mar Koh, which impinges on the river, but through 
which is an open narrow valley, expanding upon 
the plain of Chah^ Deh. 

On the skirts of Mar Koh, overlooking Chahar 


Deh is a tope, which I never had an opportunity 
to examine. We crossed this plain diagonally, 
clearing the southern end of the ridge, which de- 
fines it to the west, and came upon the village 
of Bati Kot, near which we halted and bivou- 
acked upon the plain. Before daylight we resum- 
ed our march, and crossed the extensive plain 


intervening between the last village and Siirkh 
Diwar. It was intersected by rivulets, flowing from 
the Safed Koh on the south. At the commence- 
ment of the ravines and broken ground of Surkh 
Diwar our party congi’egated, and we marched 
through them en masse. We were too strong to be 
attacked by any but very numerous and bold gangs 
of robbers, but the place has a very bad repute. 
On an eminence to our left were the remains of 
a large Chaghatai castle, erected, no doubt, for the 
protection of the road, — ^they now serve to shelter 
robbers, who make them their ordinary lurking- 
place. We observed a solitary individual under 



the walls, which occasioned half our party to rush 
up the hill, and we thoroughly scoured the ruins 
and their environs, but met with no other person. 
Clearing the ravines of Surkh Diwar, we gained 
the village of All Baghan, or, as sometimes called, 
Sama Khel. We did not halt h^ere, but continued 
our course tpwards Jelalabad. 

On reaching a ziarat, about two miles from the 
town, the Kohistanis halted during the heat of the 
day, and as I determined to push on, I made them 
a present to enable them to regale themselves, 
which delighted them, and they said they should 
be happy to escort me to Kabal, affirming, in their 
manner of expression, that they would carry me 
through the hills on their shoulders. Passing 
through the town of Jelalabad we arrived, about a 
mile beyond it, at the castle of Mirza Aga Jan, 
where we were kindly welcomed. In the ^even- 
ing the mirza produced some tolerable wine, and, 
after the long journey we had made, I did not ob- 
ject to a piala, or cup of it. On hearing the tale of 
our adventures, he said he did not at all like the 
Ghilji, and I observed, neither did I, but I ex-* 
pected to hear no more of him. He seemed te 
fear that the fellow had been commissioned from 
some high quarter. I thought not, for, in that 
case, false badragas would have been imposed 
upon us, and we should hardly have escaped. I 
accounted for the affair in another way. I had 
taken with me to Peshawer the relics I had ex- 



tracted from tlie Darunta topes, and they were in 
the kas-ktirzln, which the Ghilji told the Mo- 
mands was full of ducats, and which he had fixed 
upon as his share of the plunder. At the desire 
of Sultan Mahomed Khan, and Pir MAhomed 
Khan, I had exhibited them, and around at the 
time were standing some hundred or hundred and 
fifty persons. I presumed that the Ghilji was one 
of the crowd, and having seen what he consider- 
ed treasure, coveted its possession, and determined 
to'* obtain it by whatever means. I subsequently 
ascertained that he was, as he represented, a man 
of Maidan, and that he had been forced to fly on 
account of his improper conduct. One of the 
crimes imiDuted to him being the seduction of 
the wife of his ostM, or teacher, amongst Afghans 
a grave offence. I judged, from the stories told 
of him, that he had been in the employ of the 
sirdars of KS,ndahar as a robber and assassin ; the 
chiefs of these countries retaining instruments to 
execute their most desperate jiurposes. Some time 
afterwards, at Kabal, he found me out, and was 
willing to have been introduced to me, but I re- 
fused to see him. In the course of 1835, five 
nightly attempts were successively made to enter 
my house by a band of mufiled villains^ and my 
thoughts naturally enough recurred to my old 
Ghilji friend; indeed, so long as I resided at 
Kabal, from this time my house was occasionally 
visited by night, and I was compelled to be pre- 


pared and vigilant.^ After remaining two or three 
days at the castle of Mirza Aga Jan, I proceed- 
ed to Darun^a, and resumed operations upon the 
topes, and other sepulchral monuments in that 
vicinity, and was for some time occupied in per- 
fecting the examination of objects, which my jour- 
ney to Peshawer had suspended. From Darunta I 
repaired to Chahai’bagh of Jelalabdd, and instituted 
a series of labours upon the topes which studded 
the eminences confining the plain to the south. 
These disposed of, I passed on to Hidda, for the 
sake of verifying the analogous structures there, 
having previously obtained the sanction of Mirza 
Aga Jan, who held the place in jaghir. The mirza 
sent his brother to secure us a due reception, and to 
enjoin the malek and his people to afford us all the 
assistance we might require. While engaged here 
the hot winds were somewhat troublesome, but we 
did not on their account suspend our labours. 



Arrival of ex-sirdars of Peshawer. — Haji Khan’s project. — March 
of Dost Mahomed Khan to Kandahar, — Feeling in the country. 
-^Gulistan Khan’s rebellion. — His message to Amir Mahomed 
|j[h4n.“— Faction of Nawab Jabar Khan. — His proposal to Dost 
Mahomed Khan. — Letter to the Shah. — Imprudence of the Shah. 

— Action near Kandahdr. — Flight of the Shah. — Fate of his 
followers. — Errors of the expedition. — Intercepted correspon- 
dence — Abdul Samad’s villainy. — Dost Mahomed Khan’s wish. 

— State of affairs at Kabal. — Letter from Kamran. — Deport- 
ment of Kandahdr sirdars. — Eeturn to Kabal, — Death of Amir 
Mahomed Khan. — Shamsodm Khan. — Proceedings of ex-sirddrs 
of Peshawfer. — Occupation of Jelalabad. — Disavowal of their 
officers. — Meeting with Dost Mahomed Khdn.— Letter to Ean- 
jit Sidgh. — Kdmran’s offers to Shah Sujah al Miilkh. — The 
Shah’s distrust, — Flies to Lash — to Sistan — to Balochistdn. — 
Pursuit of the Shah. — Generosity of Mehrab Khan. — The Shah 
retires upon Zehri and Bagh. — Honesty of Samandar Khan. — 
His death, — The Shah’s reception at Haidarabad. — His retui’n 
to Ludidna. — Dost Mahomed Khan’s letter to Ludiana. — Eeply, 
— Saiyad Keramat All’s officiousness. — Dost Mahomed Khan’s 
promise, — The Saiyad’s dilemma. — His ingenuity.— His good 

I WAS yet occupied at Hidda when Stilts Ma- 
homed Khan, having failed by submission and en- 
treaty to induce the Sikhs to relinquish their recent 
conquest, and being unable longer to subsist his 
followers, abandoned the plain of Peshawer, and. 



vid Minchim and the pass of Karapa, entei-ed the 
valley of Jelalabad. Simultaneously, his brother, 
Pir Mahomed Khan, having journeyed from Eohdt, 
crossed the Safid Koh range and descended upon 
Kajar, whm-e Sultan Mahomed Kh^ marched and 
joined him. With Pir Mahomed Khan was Naih 
Haji Khin. I have before noticed the sird^’s boast 
that he possessed three l^vhs of rupees, that he cared 
not who knew it, and that, despite of his vaunts 
to employ it against the Sikhs, he thought better to 
preserve it. The treasure he had with him ; alud 
when from Kohat he had entered Bangash, Haji 
Khan wished to have persuaded him to take the 
road of Khost, where, in concert with the turbulent 
natives, he had hoped to have secured the prize. 
Pir Mahomed Khan was saved by the Ghulam 
Khana chiefs with him, who apprised him of the 
naib’s designs, and led him by tlie direct road 
through Bangash, the Turi inliabitants of which 
are Shias, the reason ostensibly urged by Haji Khan 
for wishing to conduct the sirdar amongst the Af- 
ghans of Khost. 

Dost Mahomed Khm had proceeded from K^bal 
to Kandahar to assist in the repulse of Shdh Stijah 
al Mulkh, who for some time had invested the 
place, and had made an unsuccessful attempt to 
carry it by assault. His brother, Amir Mahonied 
Khan, was left in charge of Kabul. The march of 
Dost Mahomed Khm was a hazai’dous step, but 
one called for by the crisis. It was matter of no- 



toriety that the chiefs of his army were well dis- 
posed towards the shah, with %hom they were in 
correspondence. Indeed, the Ghulam Khana lead- 
ers had resolved to return from Ghazni, to secure 
the peirson of Amir Mahomed Khin, and to pro- 
claim the shah. From this resolution, which, if 
carried into effect, would then have sealed the 
doom of Dost Mahomed Khan and the Barak Zais, 
they were diverted by the timid counsels of one 
of their number, Mahomed B%her Khan, who 
suggested that it would be better that the Afghans 
sliould set the example in defection. Of the feel- 
ings of the inhabitants of the country at large 
there was also little question, but their sympathy 
in the shih’s cause was passively displayed in the 
expression of good wishes, not in the energy of 
action, which might have contributed to its suc- 
cess. It is remarkable, that the only attempt to 
create a movement in favour of the shah was made 
by Gulistan Kh^n, the Haz4ra chief of Karabagh, 
south of Ghazni, at the close of the autumn of the 
past year ; and even he did not avow himself act- 
ing in behalf of the shah, but made resistance to 
oppression the plea for his rebellion. He boldly 
engaged and defeated the Ghazni troops sent against 
him, and had hoped to have set the precedent for 
a general rising, but the apathy of the mass was 
not disturbed, and no one appeared to side with 
him. Amir Mahomed Khin, in charge of Ghazni, 
conscious of the delicate state of the times, did 




not press matters with the refractory chief, and 
even soothed him By concessions. Under pretence 
of conferring a khelat upon him, he wished to have 
allured him to an interview; hut, if purposing 
treachery, Gulistan Khan was too experienced in 
darb& stratagems to place himself in the power 
of one to whom he had given so much cause for 
jealousy. His reply was characteristic. He said, 
that in conformity to the sirdar’s orders he had 
mounted and taken the road to Ghazni, hut had 
not travelled far when he met certain maleks (rer- 
ferring to Afgh^ maleks put to death by Amir 
Mahomed Khin) with their heads in their hands, 
who inquired of him where he was going, and if 
he wished to be treated as they had been. Know- 
ing them to be Afghmis, he thought it possible 
they were wilfully giving him evil-counsel, and he 
proceeded, paying no attention to what they said. 
He had not gone much farther when Mir Yez- 
danbaksh met him, with his head also in his hands, 
who exclaimed, “ Unhappy man, whither are you 
going? Is not my fate a warning to you?” Now, 
he said, he could not discredit one of his own 
Hazmas, and returned. Amir Mahomed Khan, 
however he relished this instructive communica- 
tion, sent a khelat to Karab%h, nor insisted upon 
the Hazara ‘chiefs attendance. Now that Dost Ma- 
homed Khan had marched, a son of Gulistan Khan, 
with a party of horse, accompanied the army. It 
has before been noted, that the Nawab Jabar Khan 



corresponded with the shah uijder the idea, which 
beset him, that his expedition was set forth 
the approbation, as it must have been with the 
knowledge and indirect sanction, of the British- In- 
dian government. He had formed a strong party 
in Dost Mahom^ Khin’s camp, and the Nawabs 
MSiomed Zemin Khan, Mihomed Osman Khan, 
and others, had bound themselves to act in respect 
to the shah precisely as he might direct. The shah, 
I have been told, agreed that the Nawab Mahomed 
^^man Khan was to receive Jelilabad, and the 
Nawab Jabar Khan the government of the Ghiljis, 
of which they had been deprived by Dost Ma- 
homed Khan ; while Mahomed Osman Khan was 
to retain the jaghir he held. The Nawib Jabar 
Khan, first taking care of himself and his con- 
federates, not desiring absolutely to ruin Dost 
Mahomed Khin, aimed to procure some arrange- 
ment in which his interests might be consult- 
ed. It is impossible to conceive what plan he 
had devised, but at Ghazni he much entreated 
Dost Mahomed Khan to permit him to pi*oceed 
in advance to Kandahai’, for the purpose of mak- 
ing terms with Sh^h Sujah al Mulkh, never 
doubting but that the shah would be victorious. 
Dost Mahomed Khan replied, L41a (a term of 
affection), there will be time enough for that when 
we are defeated; and addressed a letter him- 
self to the sh^h, ironically setting forth that his 
brothers at Kandahar were uncouth men, and did 

s 2 


not utiiJerstand the respect due to imperial dig- 
nity;., that he, more enlightened on the subject, was 
on the road, .and on reaching them would teach 
his brothers, their duty, and escort him (the shah) 
to Kabal, with all honour. The march from 
Ghazni to Kandah& was rapid, g[,nd on his arrival 
there he well knew that his only chance of safety 
was to join battle iromediately, for had he delayed 
but a few days he would have been abandoned by 
his troops. The shah, hitherto, had been entrenched 
in a position resting upon the city of Kandal^r, 
destroyed by Nadir, and had he remained there 
his enemies would have been destroyed, without an 
effort on his part. His headstrong temper and self- 
vpill proved his ruin, for, rejecting the counsels of 
Samander Khan and his chiefs, on the arrival of 
the Kabal army he abandoned his entrenchments 


and moved to the northern extremity of the hill, 
at whose base the old town of Hussen Khan stands, 
and occupied, with his troops, the gardens which 
abound at that point. He pretended that it was dis- 
graceful to be pent up within lines of breastwork ; 
but his object was clearly that of having, in case 
of discomfiture, his rear open to flight, for it has 
always been the bane of the shah to be deficient in 
the actual crises of his battles, and to be more ex- 
pert' in providing for his j)ersonal safety than for 

Some of the Ghulam Khana chiefs actually went 
by night to join the shdh, but finding his position 


abandoned, and ignorant whe^e to 
returned to the camp. The folly of the 
done all that Dost Mahomed Khan jand his brothers 
could have wished, they lost no tim^ in bringing 
on an action, and the shah, seemingly with equal 
alacrity, precipitated his troops into battle, while, 
with the same breath that he urged them forward 
he issued orders to arrange for flight. While the 
troops were yet engaged the pusillanimous monarch 
left the field, following his treasure, which had been 
^nt off“ the preceding night. 

Dost Mahomed Khan, aware of the temper of 
his followers, while making the best arrangements 
in his power, had great mistrust of the event, as 
was manifested by the despatch of his equipage to 
Kjlla Azem, a march in the rear. With about 
two thousand men, on whom he could most cer- 
tainly rely, he maintained himself aloof, as it were 
watching the various fortunes of the field. On one 
occasion he drew his sword, and directed a forward 
movement, but after galloping some fifty yards 
again reined up. It is difficult to comprehend the 
nature of the action that took place. No two 
accounts agree, the consequence of all acting inde- 
pendently, and without concert or orders. A weak 
battalion of the shah, commanded by an Anglo-In- 
dian, Mr. Campbell, carried all before it, dispersing 
in succession the battalion of Abdul Samad and the 
cavalry of the Kandah& chiefs, and of Mahomed 
Akbar Khan ; entangled at length between the 



high banks of a flry -water-com’se, it was over- 
whelmed, and Mr. Campbell, wounded, was made 
prisoner. His treatment was most handsome, and 
he was subsequently taken by Dost Mahomed 
TCbau to Kabal. Of Samander Khan, the gene- 
ralissimo of the shah’s army, nothing was heard. 
This chief had the reputation of being a very gurg, 
or wolf, in combat, and Dost Mahomed Kh^ en- 
tertained of him so much dread that his counte- 
nance or words betrayed it whenever his name 
was mentioned. Some of his relatives, howevpr, 
distinguished themselves, and fell on the field vic- 
tims to their zeal. A variety of causes are as- 
cribed as producing the disaster of the shah, but 
all are reducible to his own incapacity and irresolu- 
tion. Had he been endued with a little sense and 
firmness, the treachery or cowm-dice ^of Jehandad 
Khan, the inertness of Samander Khan, and the 
want of regularity amongst his followers, might not 
have been evinced. Indeed, the whole expedition 
had been one of blunders, and its termination in 
failure and disgrace was but the natural result of 
its conception and prosecution in folly and error. 
Dost Mahomed Khin’s sons fought, if to little pur- 
pose, but the nawabs, the Ghulam Khana troops, 
and others, stood immoveable in line, and did not 
even return the fire which they received. Their 
eyes wandered in vain over the field to discover 
the shdh’s standard. It had never been raised. 
The triumph of the Barak Zais was followed by 


the usual scenes * of slaughter and plunder, and 
the entire artillery, stores, and camp of the fugitive 
shdh fell into their hands. His records and corre- 
spondence became the prize of the K^dah^ bro- 
thers, who transferred them to Dost Mahomed Khan. 
He wisely took no*notice of the circumstance at the 
time, although it is believed that he intended to 
have swept out his own house, and to have wreaked 
his vengeance upon the Ghuldm Khana leaders. 
Amongst the documents found was a copy of the 
treaty negotiated between the shdh and Ranjit 
Singh, and a variety of letters bearing the seal of 
Claude Martine Wade Sahib Bahadar, addressed 
to various individuals, apprising them that any ser- 
vice rendered to the shdh would be considered as 
rendered to the British government. Mirza Sami 
Khan more than once told me of this circumstance, 
saying that one of the letters was addressed to 
himself. He was accustomed to add, that the shah 
had a knack of forging seals, and he might have 
exercised his dexterity in this instance. What he 
believed I cannot tell. Whether the letters were 
spurious or otherwise, the shah had not employed 

Abdul Samad, who, with the Nawab Jabar Kban, 
had corresponded with the shah through the me- 
dium of the British agent, Saiyad Keramat Ali, — 
who, again, considered he was advancing the views of 
his government,— had, as soon as he reached KAnda- 
har, sent one of his battalion men with a message 


to the royal camp/' in wMcli ' lie was found on its 
capture. Abdul Samad, to conceal his own guilt, 
without allowfng time for explanation, blew the 
unlucky mah from a gun. . 

The Kindahar chiefs were anxious to have pur- 
sued the flying monarch, but Doft Mahomed Khan 
did not concur ; and those best acquainted with his 
views and wishes insist that he had really no desire 
to secure the person of the shMi, although a very 
great one to possess himself of ShhhzMa Mahomqd 
Akbar, the king’s son by his own sister, as he wo^fld 
thereby have had, in any crisis of his affairs, a very 
convenient instrument to have elevated to royal 
dignity. As matters stood, however, he felt the 
necessity of returning to Kabal, where his brother, 
Amir Mahomed Kh^, was dangerously sick, while 
the sirdars of Peshawer, encamped in 4he Jelalabad 
valley, might profit by his absence. Besides, ^there 
were symptoms of discontent in the Kohistan, ex- 
cited by Ghfil^ Easul Khan of Perwin, who had 
left the anny on its march from Ghazni to Kanda- 
har, and judging that the supremacy of the Barak 
Zais was drawing to a close, had returned to his 
home, and, by collecting troops, sought at once to 
promote the shah’s cause and to avenge his per- 
sonal feuds and animosities. While Dost Mahomed 
Khau was yet at Kandahar, he received a letter 
from Shahzada Kamr^n of Herat, professing that 
he was in nowise interested in the fate or fortunes 
of Shah Sujah al Mulkh. No greater importance 


was attached to this.lelflei>|&lka was due to the fact 
of the Shahzada having condescended 'to send it ; 
as he was not in the habit of corresponding with 
the Barak Zais, whom he affected to qpnsider as 
rebellious slaves. At this time it was within the 
power of the confederated chiefs to have annihi- 
lated the Herat ruler, but their own miserable dis- 
sensions effectually neutralised the ample means at 
their command. Notwithstanding the K^dahar 
chiefs owed their safety to Dost Mahomed Khdn, 
th^^omitted on no occasion to treat him slightingly, 
and to assert their superiority, while they were so 
mistrustful of him as not to admit him within the 
walls of the city. Carrying off fifteen of the guns 
captured from the sh^, the Kabal chief set out 
from Kfindahar, and on his road picked up an ad- 
dition to the number of his wives, in the person of 
a sister of the Thoki chief, with whom he formed 
a political as well as matrimonial alliance. On 
reaching Kabal he fpund his brother, Amir Maho- 
med Khfin, living, indeed, hut speechless, and in 
the arms of death. The last audible words uttered 
by him were instructions to sell the old grain con- 
tained in certain magazines, and to replace it with 
new, exemplifying in his last moments the domi- 
nant principle of thrift and gain, which had dis- 
tinguished him through life. As with very many 
provident fathers, he had a most improvident and 
thoughtless son ; and the youthful Shamsodin Khan, 
on proceeding to Ghazni to assume charge of the 


property to wMclu^lie had become heir, remarked to 
his attendants, “ What an excellent thing it is to 
have no father !” 

We haye noted the arrival of the fugitive chiefs 
of Peshawer in the valley of Jelalabad. As soon as 
they were aware that Dost Mahomed Khin had 
passed Ghazni, imagining, like other people, that 
his defeat was certain, and informed of the alarming 
sickness of Amir Mahomed KhS,n at Khbal, they 
began to avow their intentions of possessing them- 
selves of the province, and their several dependent 
officers were commissioned to occupy the various 
towns and villages. Mirzas Imam Verdi and Agk 
Jan, who administered the country on the part of 
Amir Mahomed Khhn, retired to the castle of Azziz 
Khffii, Ghilji, in Khach of Lughman, and it quietly 
dropped into the hands of Sultdn ]\fahomed Khffii 
and his adherents. Matters had been in this state 
but a few days, when tidings of Dost Mahomed 
Khffii’s victory arrived. Sultan Mahomed KhAn 
recalled his officers, pretending they had acted 
without his orders or sanction, and repeated salutes 
of artillery testified to the joy he felt on the happy 
occasion. He next proceeded to Kabal, which he 
reached before Dost Mahomed Kh§.n, and advanced 
to meet that chief to Killa Kazi. He was received 
courteously, and was told, that, the shdh disposed of, 
it remained to recover Peshawer from the Sikhs. 
Haji Khan, whose fortune again brought him to con- 
front Dost Mhhomed Khan, was assured that the past 

i.;. ^ 

V j ; i ■ ' ’ 


was forgotten, the chief remarking, that if he had 
abandoned him he had joined another of the family, 
and had not connected himself with strangers. A 
crusade against the Sikhs was immediately pro- 
claimed, and letters were despatched to Eanjit 
Singh, calling upon^him to give up Peshawer to 
Sultan Mahomed Khan, from whom he had fur- 
tively acquired it, while Dost Mahomed Khan was 
engaged in the repulse of Shah Sujah al Mulkh, 
as much the enemy of the Mah^aja as of the 
B^r\^ Zais. 

As we shall hereafter have no opportunity of 
alluding to the vanquished Shah Sujah al Mdikh, 
it may he explained here, that his flight from the 
field of battle at Kdndahar was directed to Farra, 
which fifr reached in safety. Shahzdda Kamran 
on hearing of his arrival despatched handsome 

w' .... % 

presents, and a letter, stating that he was interested 
in the shah’s favour, that his success would be 
agreeable to him, and in accordance with his own 
plans. He recommended another attempt to be 
made upon Kdndahar, as Dost Mahomed Khan 
could scarcely march a second time to its relief, 
and proffered to send his son, ShahzMa Jehdnghir, 
with four thousand horse, and guns, to assist. 

Of the sincerity of Kamran those with the king 
did not doubt, but he, always suspicious, fancied 
that Prince Jehanghir would be instructed to 
seize him, and this idea so completely possessed 
his mind that he precipitately fled from Farra 


to Msh, tlie fo: 5 ,tress and domain of Silu Klian. 
This chief, in disgrace with ShahzMa Kamran, 
accorded the rites of hospitality to the king his 
guest, hut did not, perhaps could not, further 
assist him. It is hard to determine whether the 
shah was warranted in his apprehensions of Shah- 
z4da Kamrdn. His seizure did not follow as a 
consequence of the Sh4hzada’s offers of assistance, 
hut was an event quite compatible with the spirit 
of Afghan diplomacy. In truth, the proposal to 
conquer Kandahar for him evinced more gen^sity 
than the shah was conscious he deserved, and very 
probably he imagined that he was about to he made 
a tool of, and when the object was gained would 
he discarded, or placed in durance. From L&sh, 
he directed his steps across the desert of Sistm 
towards Kalat of Balochistan ; and Raham Dil Khm* 
of Kandahar, informed of his movements, made 
an effort to intercept him. The shah had here 
need of all his good fortune. Having gained the 
territory of Kalat, he had encamped at the southern 
extremity of the plain of Mangarchar, between 
Mastung and the capital, when Raham Dil Khan, 
with three hundred horse, reached its northern 
extremity. Thence he sent out his spies to procure 
precise intelligence of the shah, of whose proximity 
he was ignorant. One of them, who ascertained 
'the shah’s position, sympathized with royalty in 
misfortune, and informed him of his danger.. Not 
a moment was lost ; and the king, with a few at- 


tendants, galloped off towards Gar^im, a little village 
about six miles from Kalit. The spy, on his return 
to Rahim Dil Khin, told him that the shah had 
taien the Bolan route, which induced , the chief 
to follow smartly in that direction, but finding on 
his road that he was,in error he returned and made 
his way to Garini. The shah had previously 
arrived at Kalit, where Mehrab Elan, the Brahii 
ruler, was encamped in a garden. The monarch, 
‘without ceremony, walked directly into his tent, 
anJk^laimed his protection. It was instantly ac- 
corded. Daoud Mahomed, the Ghilji adviser of the 
Khan, in vain entreated his master to deliver up 
the defeated prince, who was fortified in his resolu- 
tion J^y his wife, Bibi Ghinjan. Mehrab Khan 
intimafed to Rah&u Dil Khan at Gar^ni that it 
was Unbecoming in him to pursue an unfortunate 
Sadfi .2ai king with so much rancour, and, inform- 
' ing him that he had determined to protect him, 
iscbmmended that he should retire. The khan 
subsequently sent the shah to Zehri, that he might 
repose a while after his fatigues and adventures; 
after which he went to Bagh in Kachl 

Here he found Samander Khan, who creditably 
enough delivered to him a sum of money, left in his 
castle at Quetta, when the advance was made on 
Kandahar, and counselled a fresh effort for the 
conquest of that place. The shah approved the 
plan, and commenced the levy of troops, when 
Samander Klili fell suddenly sick, and died. The 



shah next proceeded to Haidarabad in Sind, where 
Mir Sohabdar, one of the mirs, thought fit to in- 
fringe the etiquette the monarch in misfortune even 
insisted upon, and strove rudely with his follow- 
ers to enter the royal tent. The shah gave the 
order “Bizan,” or slay, and t;svo or three of the 
mir’s adherents paid the forfeit of their chiefs 
indiscretion. The other mirs were at hand to mo- 
derate the king’s ire, and to excuse the conduct 
of their boisterous relative, however it may have 
been evinced with their contrivance and knowledge. 
The shah finally finding he could do no better, 
returned to Lfidiana, from whence he had stf^ted, ' 
bringing with him, as is asserted, more money ‘tfian , 
he had taken away. V 

Dost Mahomed Khdn when at Jelalabad, . and 
previous to his march to KiLndahar, had written • 
to the political agent at Lddiana, desiring t© be 
informed if Shah Sujah al Mtilkh marched with the • 
• support of the British Government, observing, that 
if he proceeded with a few followers without such 
support, it were an easy matter to dispose of him, 
but if with it, the case became different, and he 
could not hope to oppose him and the British 
Government combined. The political agent re- 
< plied, that the Government had nothing whatever 
-■ " to do with the shah’s movements, but that they 

, were his well-wishers. 

; • , ■ / It has been noticed that Saiyad Keramat All, 

adopting the general impression, had committed 



himself by becoming the mediuiji of correspondence 
between the Nawdb Jabar Khan, Abdul Samad, 
and others at Kabal, with the shdh. His conduct 
was not likely to be concealed from Dost Mahomed 
Khan; and as the saiyad’s licentious opinions on 
religion had rendered him obnoxious to many 
people, they urged^*upon Dost Mahomed Khan 
the propriety of seizing him, and expelling him 
the country. One of his bitterest opponents, 
Akkdnd Mahomed, obtained from Dost Mahomed 
Khitn.the promise to do so should he succeed in 
defeafcfng Shdh Sujah al Mulkh; and at Kandahar, 
when the saiyad’s letters, with the others, turned 
. up in the shah’s camp, the fulfilment of the pro- 

• mise wa's claimed, and in the temper the sirdar 
’ was in he was readily induced to send orders to 

■ Aiiiir - Mahomed Khan to place the saiyad under 
. aiTeA....T^e Nfiwab Jabar Khdn, apprised of the 
ciipunsfanee, also despatched a letter to Amir 
Mahomed Khan, conjuring him, if he esteemed him 
a brother, to respect the saiyad’s liberty, and 
another to his favourite wife, directing her on no 
account to allow the saiyad to be taken from her 
house, while he urged all his influence with Dost 
Mdhomed Khan to have the order rescinded. The 
saiyad, in this dilemma, shrewdly enough gave out 
that he was ordered to return to India, which, if 

• he did not reach by a certain date his pay was to 
be stopped ; and further, that his wife was waiting 
for him at Raoal Pindi. The sudden sickness of 

272 THE saiyad’s ingenuity. 

Amir Mdliomed KMn may have saved the saiyad ; 
and the nawib was enabled to represent to Dost 
Mahomed Khan' that it was needless to expel a 
man who was himself going, and whose wife was 
waiting for him at Raoal Pindi. 


Start on a tour to Khonar.— Bisut. — Tokchi. — Topes. — Pulwiri.- — 
Bazdrak. — Khonah Deh. — Malek Shafi. — Kohist^nis. — 
Khiishal Khan. — Tope of Khonah Deh. — Killa Padshah. — Fatl 
Mahomed Khan. — IslamabM. — Saiyad Hissam and his ladies. 
— Mistaken for Bdzi-ghars. — Remains at Isldmahad. — Route to 
. f^hitrM. — Dara Nur. — Barkot and Daminj. — Mahomed Zeman 
Kh.|n*s failure. — KAzi Khel family. — Feud. — Bilangar. — Bisut. 
—Return to Tatang. — Trip to Lughman. — Killa Kafr. — Cha- 
harbagh. — Kergah. — Mandarawar. — Tirgari. — Rivers of 
Alishang and Alingar. — Mumjiima. — Namzat Bazi. — Fatal 
accident. — Ziirat Metar Lam S^hib. — Tomb. — Wilford’s re- 
veries. — Native traditions. — Sultan Mdhmdd’s dream. — Dis- 
covery of Lamech’s grave. — Ancient vestiges Koh Karinj 

Alishang. — Nadjfl. — Malek Osman. — SMeh Rdna Kot. — ^ 
Rubies. — Alingar. — -Dara Niazi. — Revenue of Lughmdn. — 
Extent of cultivation. — Crops. — Eels. — Fire-flies. — Inhabitants. 
— Skilful agriculturists. — Amusing story. — Mahomed Akbar 
Khan's disaster. — Tope of Murkhi Khel. — Conjectures. — Nokar 
Khel. — Murkhi Khel. — Jajis. — Nasrulah. — Tumulus of Nokar 
Kh61. — Departure for Kabal — Terikki. — Arrival at Kabal. 

The unsettled state of the country was unfavour- 
able to the continuance of my researches, and I 
left Hidda, where I might otherwise have longer 
stayed, for Tatang. After resting a day or two, 
I repaired to my old haunts of Darunta, and 
directed the examination of a number of tumuli, 
which abound there, some apparently connected 
with the topes, but many of them, it was fair to 

VOL. m. T 




infer, independent structures. I was occupied some 
time with them, when, taking my workmen, with 
their implements, we started on a tour into Khonar, 
as well to discover if there were any monuments 
there as to see that part of the country. We left , 
the castle of N£b Yai- Mahomed, my headquarters 
at Darunta, myself, as well as my companions, on 
foot, and tracing the bank of the river, crossed 
it at the ferry of Behar Robat, where I saw the 
process of washing for gold. The road for about 
a mile led from the ferry across a small marsh 
choked with reeds, filling the space between the 
river and a low hill to the north of it ; when we 
crossed a spur from the hill stretching towards 
the stream, on which is a white tomb, called the 
Kabar Lull, and entered the plain of Bisut. A 
mile brought us to the village of Kerimabad; a 
little beyond which are the two castles nf Be- 
nares Khdn. We followed the high road skirting 
the cultivated lands, having between us and the 
hills a greater or less extent of barren surface. 
Traversing the entire extent of the valley from 
west to east, we reached at night a small Afghan 
fortlet, called Killa Shahgalli, north of the village 
of Bilangar. In the morning we moved on to 
Tokchi, and came upon the Kameh, or river of 
Khonar, the hills on either side of it approaching. 
In what is called the tanghi of Tokchi are three 
castles, one of them a superior one, named Bimg4h, 
built by Abdul Ganni Rhdn, one of the Barak 


Zai family. It has a large extent of good land 
adjacent, and on the hill opposite to it on the 
west are the remains of a minute t©pe; curiosity 
had led, very possibly, Abdul Ganm Kh,an himself 
to examine the structure ; and whatever else he 
may have found, a huge block of stone, lying 
amongst the rubbish, plainly informed us that it 
had once been more honourably situated within 
the monument. Beyond the castles we walked 
fo:^ a considerable distance through marshes and 
fla#s, until we reached a zi&at at the corner of 

^ '4 

a low detached hill, a few yards to the east of 
us being the small village of Abdul Khel. Here 
also we found a tope, of more considerable dimen- 
sions, but of ruder construction, which, with re- 
ference to the structures on the plain of Jelalabdd, 
would rank in the third, or inferior class. It had 
no signs of embellishment, and not a trace of the 
coating of cement with which, we may conjecture, 
it was once covered, was visible. It had been 
perforated at some former period on all sides, and 
although it was impossible to decide whether the 
relics had been discovered, there was little en- 
couragement to employ our labour in search of 
them. In age the monument appeared to agree 
with those of Hidda. About a mile beyond the 
ziarat we reached the castles of Pulwari, having 
passed to our right, on and about an eminence 
near the river, a very considerable ancient place 
of sepulture, evidenced by the usual tokens of 

T 2 


•walls, mounds, &e. I have been told that there 
is an inscription here, but could never find any 
one able to point it out. From Pulwari we went 
on to Sh%hi, an enclosed village, of about three 
hundred houses, where we halted for the day, in 
a grove of plane-trees adjacent. The following 
morning our route led us to Bazarak, also a ‘ Wall- 
ed-in village of three hundred houses. Resting 
awhile there, we were visited by Padshah Gul, the 
hereditary malek, who sent an offering of pome- 
granates. From hence we passed on to Khofiah 
Deh, a small enclosed village of sixty houses, seated 
on an eminence ; behind which was a small, but 
very perfect tope, in style of architecture greatly 
resembling the tope Nandara of Darunta, and I 
should judge, of the same age. The basement and 
cylindrical superstructure were very entire. This 
monument I should have been pleased to have 
opened, but as soon as I learned that the village 
belonged to Malek Shafi Khan I suspected there 
would be difiiculty. This man had long been the 
petty tyrant of this part of the country, and was 
connected Avith the inhabitants of Dara Nur, 
amongst whom, when pressed by the authorities, 
he took refuge, and who, if required, furnished 
him with their bands. By their instrumentality 
he had become paramount over his immediate 
neighbours, and during the feeble sway of Ma- 
homed Zeman Khan, whom he little feared, had 
made himself of some notoriety, Amir Mahomed 



Khan’s first care on receiving charge of the Jela- 
labad province, was to reduce to a due sense of 
their dependent situation the several maleks, who 
had too much presumed on the weakness of his 
predecessor. Malek Shafi Khan early received 
his attention, and,, agreeably to the plan of at- 
tempering severity with kindness, was fined five 
thousand rupees, and then made to give his daugh- 
ter to a son of the chief. I found the malek was 
close at hand, in the neighbouring village of Kal- 
latak, which he holds in jaghir, and therefore paid 
him my respects. He received me as I anticipated, 
very coolly, and on starting the question as to 
whether he had any objection to my employing 
workmen on the tope, without absolutely replying 
that he had, his language was by no means en- 
couraging. He was surrounded by his armed at- 
tendants, men of the Dara Kur, or KoMstanis, 
as here called, and they conversed with him in 
their own peculiar dialect, which, however, is so 
mixed up with Hindi, that I, and others of my 
people, comprehended the drift of their discourse. 
We understood that we might open the tope, but 
should not be permitted to carry olF what we found 
in it. I therefore wished the malek good-b’ye for 
the present, telling him I should call upon him 
again, when Dost Mahomed Khan came with his 
troops to J elalabM, although I doubted whether 
I should have the pleasure of seeing him, as he 
then would be, probably, off to the Dara Nfir. 

1. , f 



Khushal Klian, J^bar Khel, of Kirgah in Lugh- 
man, one of his friends, and his surety with the 
Sirdar Amir ^Mahomed Khan, was on a visit to 
him, and present at our interview. Being also 
an acquaintance of mine, he strove to induce the 
malek to be civil and compliant, but to no pur- 
pose, and following me after I arose, told me that 
he was involved in Malek Shaft’s faction, but must 
confess he was a desperate man, and- not to be 
trusted. ^ 

, The malek, about forty years of age, had a fine 
commanding presence ; but his countenance, while 
expressive of ability, alike betrayed his little scru- 
pulous and reckless disposition. My experience 
with topes induced me to conjecture that this one 
of Khonah D^h had been erected over a relic of 
some saint, and that we should not have found 
any coins in it. In the hills behind itr, are a 
number of caves, proving the spot to have been 
a vlhfra, or monastery, as there are more than 
would have been necessary in simple connexion 
with the monument. We now passed the village 
of Kallatak, containing, within walls, about five 
hundred houses, and proceeded to Sheva, another 
village, of three hundred houses, where we halted 
for the day. The river was now a little distance to 
the south. From Sheva we passed in the morning 
to Lamatak, a village of sixty houses, and thence 
to Killa Padshah, the deserted seignorial castle of 
Fati Mahomed Khdn, Popal Zai. This noble- 



man was one of the sirdars and fHends of Mahomed 
Azem Khin in Kashmir, and had received substan- 
tial proofs of his patron’s favour. ELe was reputed, 
and perhaps with justice, wealthy, and on that 
account, as well as others, did not venture to 
place himself in ,the power of Dost Mdhomed 
Khdn. So long as Mahomed Zemdn Khin re- 
tained authority at Jelalabad he attached himself 
to his interests, and enjoyed in return a consi- 
derable revenue fi’om Khonar. He erected the 
kiila, or castle, which we now saw in decay, and 
planted orchards and gardens, making the retreat 
a very agreeable and commodious one. He con- 
trived to extricate himself from Jelalabad a day 
or two before its capture, and escaped to Peshawer, 
but Dost Mahomed Khdn seized and confiscated 
his property in Khonar. The Nawab Jabar Khan 
was nsuch displeased, one of his wives, and the 
most powerfnl of them, being a daughter of Fati 
Mahomed Khfin ; and thought that, for his sake, 
the castle and property might have been spared. 
Dost Mahomed Khan, on his part, was glad that 
the opportunity occun-ed to annoy the feelings of 
his relative. 

From Kiila Padshah we moved on to Islam- 
abad, a small walled-in village, where resides Saiyad 
Hissam, of the family of the saiyads of Khonar. 
As we were following the path people came from 
the village, shouting to us to retire, and driving 
away the weavers, plying their looms under the 



shade of the trees. The saiyad and his ladies, it 
seemed, were about to walk to a garden and sum- 
mer-house by the river-side, and, of course, no 
profane eyes were permitted even to look upon 
such sacred and reserved objects. We took the 
liberty to advance in place of, retiring, and when 
we were at a due distance a report was made, 
and out stalked Saiyad Hissam, a corpulent, un- 
wieldy personage, attended by a flock of chad- 
dered females. When they had nearly reached 
the garden we returned towards the village ; and 
the saiyad, looking back, observed my companions, 
with their implements shouldered, and it occurring 
to him that they were b&i-ghars, or merry-an- 
drews with their poles, he bellowed with a voice 
like thunder for them to come down and divert 
his ladies ; but some one, probably, informing him 
of his mistake, he again roared out, and motioned 
with his hand for them to be off. 

We here inqumed as to the road in advance, 
and found it not advisable to proceed farther, as, 
though we were many, we were unarmed. We 
had already witnessed at Killa Padshah that the 
men . of the Dara Nur came into the little hamlet 
there, and violently helped themselves to any trifling 
thing they coveted, and we very nearly had a 
scuffle with them. 

The valley hence becomes contracted, and we 
could see up it for about three miles, to a place 
called Kundi, when it turns to the north. Im- 


mediately behind Islampur is a,hill, covered with 
the remains of walls and parapets, indicating a 
place of ancient sepulture. On on^ of the emi- 
nences are the remains of a very small tope, so 
dilapidated to the south that the interior of the 
building is expose^, and shows that a perpendi- 
cular shaft extended from top to bottom. At 
Kundi, I was informed, were similar vestiges, but 
to a greater extent. At this place the valley of 
KJionar may correctly be said to commence, as 
beyond it are the petty towns and villages held 
by the various members of the saiyad family, for 
many generations established in it, as Khonar, 
Peshat, Ac. 

It would be an interesting journey to follow 
the course of the river from this point to Chi- 
tr41 ; and, while collecting all the information I 
could Tespecting it, I did not question but that, 
with due precaution, the route was a practicable 

From Islamabad we returned to Killa Padshah, 
and remained there during the heat of the day. 
This castle is placed at the entrance of a valley 
leading up the hills to the north, in w'hich are 
the castles of Budiali, Suruch, Amlah, &c., and 
which breaks off into the valley of Dara Nur 
on the east, and into the valleys of Barkot and 
Daminj on the west. At its upper extremity is 
a castle, called Killa Padshah, alike built by Fati 
M^omed Khan, possibly for the coercion of, or 



as a check upon, ^the neighbouring tribes. It was 
regarded by them with great jealousy, and at the 
time of his disasters was taken possession of. It 
is now held by Maleks Khoda Nazar and Mastapha. 

Dara Nur is inhabited by people calling them- 
selves Safis, but speaking their own peculiar dia- 
lect, and not understanding the Pasbto language. 
They are a straightforward, manly race, with florid 
complexions, light eyes, and hair. They have many 
peculiar customs, and retain many vestiges of an- 
cient arts ; for instance, they have bee-hives, un- 
known to the inhabitants of the plains. I'heir 
valley is most celebrated amongst their neighbours 
as being the native soil of the nerkhis (narcissus), 
posies of which brought therefrom I have seen. 
It is aifirmed that there is a variety of the flower 
with black petals. The hills of the inhabitants 
yielding grapes, quantities of wine and vinegar are 
made by them; the few samples of the former I 
have met with were sour and unpalatable, and did 
not cause me to admire the beverage of the Safis. 
The valleys of Bai-kot and Daminj, to the west 
of Dara Nur, are alike inhabited by Safis, inde- 
pendent and lawless, but engaged in enmity with 
their neighbours of the contiguous dara. Barkot 
is said to include about one hundred and fifty 
families, and Daminj the same number, or a few 
more. . The people of the two daras, unable to 
contend with their more numerous enemies, are 
strictly leagued with the inhabitants of Kashmun, 


a village higii up in the hills still farther to the 

Mahomed Zeman Khan, during his exercise of 
power, marched with a force to compel the in- 
habitants of Barkot to become raiyats, and to pay 
tribute. They flooded the approaches to their val- 
ley, and the sird& retired disgracefully, after 
losing many of his men. He consoled himself 
by the boast that he had been where NMir had 

never been. 

■■ % 

Towards the afternoon we retraced our stej)s 
to Damatak and Sheva, the road pleasantly lead- 
ing along a canal fringed with trees, on which 
vines were spreading in festoons above. From 
Sheva, instead of again visiting Kalatak, we skirted 
the river-bank, and passing three castles, called col- 
lectively Killa Noh Jui, the property of Malek 
Shafi |Chan, Ve came to a seignorial castle, be- 
longing to Sadadin, father of Mir Saifadin Kh^, 
the khan mdlla of Kabal. Hence we passed on 
to Sheghi, where we fixed ourselves for the night; 
In this neighbourhood are the family castles of 
the Kazi Khel family of Kabal, from whom the 
k&i and . kh^n mulla, with others of the hier- 
archy, are provided. Their ancestor, Faizulah, kazl 
to Taimur Sh4h, was a person of great influence; 
he was succeeded in ofl5ce by his son Sadadin, 
now living retired in this neighbourhood, one of 
whose sons is the actual khan mulla. Murder 
has been committed in this- family^ one of them. 


return to tatang. 

Saiyad Habib, having been slain by bis brother; 
consequently there is a serious feud in it ; and 
it is probable that in a few years the ruin of 
the whole will follow in the train of the fratri- 

From Sheghi, on the succeeding day, we re- 
tm-ned by the road we had come to Killa Shah- 
galli, and thence moved on to Bilangar, a village 
of two hundred houses, where we halted. The 
next day, having previously skirted the plain of 
Bisut to the north, we took a central road through 
the villages and cultivated lands. This led lis by 
the castles of Manohar Khan and Abdul Gafur 
Kb an to Bisut, the ancient village, giving name 
to the plain. It was small, enclosed within walls, 
and contained a slight bazar. The neighbourhood 
was cheerful, from its pastures and clusters of date- 
trees. Thence, at a short distance, we passed' the 
smaller village of Abdin, and afterwards the two 
castles of Benares Khhn, from which we made 
the village of Kerimabad. From that place we 
gained Kabar Lull, and thence passed on to Killa 
Behar Robat, where we halted for the night. The 
following morning we crossed the river, and re- 
joined our head-quarters at Killa Nmb Yar Ma- 
homed. I was sufficiently pleased with this pe- 
destrian excursion to meditate another to Lugh- 
man ; and, allowing my companions a day or two 
to repose themselves, I went on to Tatang, to look 
after my horses, and to ascertain if aught worthy 



of my attention had occurred^ during my ab-^ 

Returning to Darunta, I started with my com- 
panions to Ltighman. 

From the naib’s castle, a course of hearly two 
miles brought us to the termination of the Siah 
Koh range, througii a fissure in the extremity of 
which the river of Kabal escapes from the valley 
of Lughman into that of Jelalabad. This spot 
always appeared to me as singular as it is pictu- 
resque. On the rocks on either side there are 
watdr-marks, considerably, perhaps sixty to eighty 
feet, above the highest level the river now attains. 
On the summit of the eminence on the opposite 
bank are the remains of ancient walls and parapets, 
called Killa Kafr, but pointing out an ancient 
burial-place. This eminence in composition is the 
same ■^ith the Siah Koh, of which .it is obviously 
the termination, and sinks beneath a low series 
of sandstone and conglomerate elevations, which 
stretch north of the river the whole extent of the 
plain of Jelalabad, resting upon Koh Kergah, and 
filling up the space between the valleys of Lughman 
and Khonar, as Koh Kergah defines their northern 
limits, so far as it stretches. Having crossed the 
ferry, the road winds over the point where the con- 
glomerate rest upon the eminence ; and thence we 
commanded a fair view of the portion of Lughman 
before us, of the villages of Chaharbagh and Kergah, 
of the river of Kabal, and the district of Khach. 

’ * f 

*. * 


Skirting the conglomerate elevations the greater 
part of the way, we at length reached Chahmbagh, 
where we were entertained by the Hindu DiwAn 
Jowahir. In the neighbourhood of this village are 
a vast number of mounds, and beneath the hills 
behind it to the north we found a small but com- 
pact tumulus, arranged in the manner of those of 
Darunta. Chah&bdgh is the capital of a district, 
and yields with it a revenue of twenty thousand 
rupees. It may contain five hundred houses, has 
a moderately-supplied bazar, and a manufactory of 
swords, gun-barrels, and cutlery. The next "day, 
passing the castles of Khfishal Khan, Jabar Khel, 
we made Kergah, a small village romantically seat- 
ed on a rocky eminence at the western extremity 
of the line of hill generally designated by its name. 
Immediately west of it, the united rivers of Lugh- 
man fall into that of Kabal. We crossed theJbrmer 
stream, and went on to Mandaraw^, where we 
proposed to halt, but the person we intended to 
honour with our company was absent. This is a 
considerable walled-in village, with bazar, and oc- 
cupies a square of about three hundred and twenty 
yards. Our course from Killa Kafr to Mandarawar 
had been from east to west ; we now turned towards 
the north, and the road tracing the line of emi- 
nences confining the cultivated lands, we left be- 
hind us in succession the villages of Haidar Khan 
and Kala Kot, and in the evening reached the 
walled-in town of Tirgari ; to gain which we had to 



re-cross the stream. At Tirgari unite the rivers of 
^ Alishang and Alingdr, the latter hearing the name 

of Kow, and its source is supposed to he very re- 
mote, that of the river of Alishang being nearer. 

• The valley of Alingar, wide and spacious, tends 

eastward from Tirgari, as that of Alishang inclines 
westward. In Aling& is the castle of Mumjuma, 
belonging to Mahomed Shah Khan, Ghilji, who has 
also other castles there, as well as in T^zin. In one 
. of his Lughman castles, called Badiabad, it would 
appear, the captive ladies and officers in the power 
I of Mahomed Akbar Khan, were secured, previous 

V to their transfer to one of his Tezin castles, where 

I late accounts describe them to have been carried. 

I Mahomed ShAh Khan is connected by alliances both 

with Mahomed Akbar Khan and the Nawab Jabar 
Kh4n. The former espoused one of his daughters, 
and th^ latter^ when governor of the Ghiljis, was 
affianced to his sister, represented to be a handsome 
> and intelligent woman. 

Many of the Afghan tribes have a custom in 
wooing, similar to what in Wales is known as bund- 
ling-up, and which they term namzat hhi. The 
lover presents himself at the house of his betrothed 
with a suitable gift, and in return is allowed to pass 
the night with her, on the understanding that in- 
nocent endearments are not to be exceeded. The 
bands of the maiden’s peijmnas are very tightly 
; secured, and she is enjoined on no account to suffer 

I them to be unloosed. The precaution is not always 


effective, and whether from being inconveniently 
tight or from other causes, the bands are a little 
relaxed ; and, from natural consequences, it is ne- 
cessary to precipitate the union of the parties, and 
not unfrequently the bridegroom when he receives 
his bride carries home with her his first-born in 
a bakkowal, or cradle. 

The Nawab Jabar Kh^ went on a namzat bazi 
visit to the sister of Mahomed Shah Khan, and 
wishing to profit by the opportunity more than the 
lady’s modesty permitted, received a severe chastise- 
ment from her slippers, which so disheartened him 
that, though often threatening to fetch her to his 
house, he has never summoned resolution to do so, 
and when I left the country she was yet pining 
away in celibacy and solitude at Mumjuma. 

We found an Afghan friend at Alishang, and 
accompanied him to his village of'Pashai^ about 
three quarters of a mile beyond it. The following 
morning we repaired on a visit to the zi&at, or 
shrine of Metar Lam Sahib, about two miles distant 
from our village. In our transit we had to cross 
the river of Alishang, which, like its neighbour of 
Alingfo, while not deep, unless at particular seasons, 
has a rapid current, and its bed so full of loose 
boulders that it is always dangerous to cross. No 
year elapses that many casualties are not occasioned 
by these rivers, and while we were here, and within 
our observation, a fatal accident happened. A man 
crossing on horseback was drowned, the animal 


having lost his footing and fallen. I was surprised, 
for there was not so much as a foot and a half 
of water, but I was given to understand that a man 
who falls is lost. Having gained the eminences 
edging the cultivated lands, their summits covered 
with ancient sepulchral vestiges, we soon reached, 
in a hollow, the celebrated ziaxai. I inspected it. 


and my companions strove to propitiate the favour 
of the holy personage supposed to be interred here. 
There is no very pompous or extensive establish- 
ment, yet the place is kept clean, and in a certain 
degree of order. It is regularly visited every Juma 
by the people of the neighbourhood, and in the 

VOL. HI. ri 



spring inelas, or fairs, are held here. It is consi- 
dered that the fertility of the cultivated lands is due 
to the possession of the grave of so distinguished 
a patriarch, and whoever is buried within the pre- 
cincts of the holy place is deemed secure of para- 
dise ; hence many noble families choose to send then- 
dead here, as did Fati Mahomed Khan of Khonar, 
and the Sirdar Saiyad Mahomed Khan of Hasht- 
nag&, besides many, others; and the contributions 
of such people, no doubt, mainly support the humble 
establishment. The tomb, one of those of extra- 
ordinary dimensions, which has been assigned to 
the father of Noah, is but half of the length of that 
ascribed, with equal propriety, to the patriarch Lot, 
being sixteen yai-ds only in length from north to 
south, while its breadth is about two yards and a 
half. In height it stands about five feet ; and 
covered over with cement, is painted throughout 
in imitation of brick-work. Palls of cloth and silk 
are duly spread over it. Wilford had learned in 
some manner that the grave was provided with a 
small door beneath, conducting into a vault where 
the corpse of the patriarch, in excellent preserva- 
tion, was to be seen in a sitting posture, now the 
favourite one of the natives of India. Whether 
he believed such to be the case, or wished others 
to believe so, I cannot tell, yet the gravity with 
which he repeats the tale is wonderful. I need 
scarcely add, that there is no such door beneath 
the grave, nor any such vault, and those who would 



wish to see the good old patriarch Lamech, sitting 
cross-legged, would be disappointed if they came 
to Lughman in search of him. The traditions now 
current in the country vary in somb measure from 
those related to Wilford, as indeed they differ in 
themselves. Some consider Metar Lam to have 
been the brother of Nohlakhi Sahib, another cele- 
brated saint, or deified hero, who with nine lakhs, or 
nine hundred thousand men, waged war against the 
infidels. The former died here, and the latter in 
the Khfr country, where his ziarat is held in high 
veneration, although, of course, inaccessible to Ma- 

It is universally believed that the Kafrs, stealth- 
ily and by night, visit the zidrat of Metar Lam 
Sahib. Another story relates, that when Sultan 
Mahmud first entered Ltighmfin, Metar Lam ap- 
peared to him in a dream, and informed him that 
his remains were interred in the country, and no 
honour was paid to the spot, from its being un- 
known. The apparition, farther, good-naturedly in- 
structed him as to the manner in which the locality 
was to be detected. In pursuance of the lessons 
he had received, the sultan mounted a camel, al- 
lowing the animal to go whithersoever he pleased, 
and he was finally brought to the spot where the 
ziarat now is. The sultdn, alighting, thnxst his 
lance into the ground, whence blood instantly is- 
sued. The miracle con\dnced the prince of the 
verity of the dream, and of the facts disclosed by 

u 2 

’ I I 


it, and the sacred place became, in consequence, the 
object of his care arid munificence. V ery many of the 
shrines in Lughman are of the connexions of Metar 
Lam; and his grave being once found it became 
easy to disefover the graves of his relatives. They 
are all of extraordinary dimensions. On our return 
to Pashai we examined the several ziarats at the 
villages in our road, and found fragments of sculp- 
tured white marble in more than one of them. 
There was, no doubt, at all times a town of more 
or less importance at this point, and the old burial- 
places were those vestiges we observed on the emi- 
nences contiguous. Many relics, as coins, &c., are 
occasionally found ; but they create no wonder, for 
in what part of the country are they not found in 
similar situations ? Our next excursion from Pashai 
was to Alishang, and to the castle of Alladad TChan, 
somewhat beyond it. We carefully investigated 
the valley, now diminishing in compass as it neared 
the hills, on either side, that no tope or important 
structure might escape our scrutiny, and we found 
none, although numerous caves and tumuli every- 
where are common. None of the caves, however, 
occur in number or groups, so that we might infer 
they related to a place of former consequence ; the 
conti’ary deduction might be authorized. 

The northern limit of the valley is prominently 
marked by the high mountain Koh Karinj, ex- 
tending from east to west along its entire length, 
and round whose respective extremities the rivers 



of'Alishang and Alingar wind. This mountain, 
while snow sometimes partially covers its summits, 
is without the limit of perpetual congelation, and 
is distinguished hy its vegetable, as well as animal 
productions. The vine flourishes on it, and monkeys 
rove over its sides. I have constantly heard of an 
inscription, said to exist at some part of the hill, but 
could never find any one who could point it out. 

On the northern side of Koh Karinj commence 
the seats of the Siaposh Kafrs, who are accustom- 
ed to roam over the hill; therefore when parties 
visit“it, as they sometimes do, on excursions of 
hunting or pleasure, it is necessary that they go 
in number, and prepared for the chances of a 
hostile encounter. AMshang is a small walled-in 
town, of about four hundred houses, but has nothing 
remarkable in its appearance, or any tokens to an ancient site of consequence. The con- 
tracted valley, indeed, on either side, has abundance 
of mounds, and in the sides of the encircling emi- 
nences are caves, but, as we have so frequently 
observed, such vestiges are too common to demand 
especial notice, unless they have in themselves 
something peculiar or extraordinary. The emperor 
Baber mentions the place under the same denomi- 
nation it bears at present ; and he judged it neces- 
sary to put the refi’actory malek to death. The 
actual inhabitants are reputed for their quarrel- 
some propensities, and there is a proverb, or saying, 
current in Lughman, referring to the two towns 




of Cliaharb^gli an,d Alishang, or rather to the man- 
ners of those who inhabit them, which runs : — 

Chaharbagh, ding, dang ; 

, AKshang, jang, jang. 

We followed the valley beyond the castle of 
Alladad Khan until it might be said to cease, 
and to the point where the road strikes off towards 
the north for Nadjil, said to be eight cosses, or 
twelve miles, distant, when we returned. Nadjil is ' 
held by people now called Tajiks, but were recently 
Kafrs, and who, while professing Mahomedaflism, 
preserve, in great measure, their pristine manners 
and customs. They pay revenue to the governor 
of Lughman. Their malek, Osman, from his long 
standing and experience, enjoys a reputation out 
of his retired valley. He boasts of descent, not 
exactly from Alexander the Great, but ffo^a Amir 
Taimtir ; and when rallied upon the subject, and 
asked how so diminutive a being can lay claim 
to so proud an origin, replies, that he has only to 
put out one of his eyes, and lame one of his legs, 
and he would become Taimur himself. The tradi- 
tion goes, that. Taimur procured a wife in this 
country. It is curious to find, on reference to the 
history of this monarch, not a confirmation of the 
tradition, but a circumstantial detail of his visit 
to this part of the world. 

Baber notes, that in his time swine were plentiful 
in Ldghman. In these days there are none, the 


entire conversion of its inhabitants having effected 
the extinction of the unclean race. The natives 
of Nadjil fatten capons, which are sent as presents 
and luxuries to their friends. About eight miles 
south-west of Alishang is a place called Saloh Rand 
Kot, where are two,, or three modem castles and, 
it is said, some ancient vestiges. From a spring 
there, it is also asserted that fragments of rubies 
are ejected, and that parcels of them have been 
collected and sold to the pessdrls, or drug-com- 
pounders, at Kabal as medicaments. The opposite 
valley to Alishang, that of Alingar, is much more 
spacious and of greater length. It is inhabited 
chiefly by Afghans, Ghiljis, Arrokis, and Mazis ; 
is amply provided with castles, but has no consider- 
able village. In one of its southern valleys, the dara 
Nidzi, very many of the usual sepulchral indications 
are to be found ; and the discovery of treasure there 
when the nawib held the government of the 
Ghiljis, led to the loss of many lives. The revenue 
of Lughman amounts to two hundred and thirty 
thousand rupees; and as the Afghans contribute 
one hundred and sixty thousand, it may be judged 
how much of the land is in their possession; as 
a great part of the Tajik revenue is derived from 
the towns and villages in which they nearly ex- 
clusively reside. As is customary throughout the 
Kabal territories, the AferhAns and Taiiks havs 

• • I 


is computed that' there are one hundred thousand 
jerribs of cultivated land in the valley of Lughman, 
exclusive of twenty thousand in Khaeh, or the nar- 
row slip of land between the course of the Kabal 
river and the Siah Koh range. 

The lands are very productive, and the agricultu- 
rists are esteemed expert. Two general crops are 
obtained in the year, as in Ningrahar and PesJ.iawer, 
the Rabbi and Kharif, the first of barley and wheat, 
the latter of rice, sugar-cane, and cotton. The arti- 
ficial grasses are extensively grown, and wasma, a 
species of indigo-plant, is reared.. Formerly the ex- 
tract was made, as neglected vats and reservoirs in 
the earth at one or two places testify; at present 
the leaves of the plant are dried as tobacco leaves, 
and the pulverized mass is sold to the dyers, who 
use the infusion. I observed with pleasure the fire- 
fly enlivening the darkness of the nights. Ibad pre- 
viously seen an occasional one at Darfinta: here 
they were numerous, and in groups. In some of the 
canals the eel is found, called m^-mahi, or the 
snake-fish; it is matter of dispute whether the am- 
biguous animal is or not lawful food. The heat is 
very oppressive in Lughman until the month of 
September, when the weather becomes tempei’ate, 
and the winter is delightful. The great amount of 
land given over to the cultivation of rice, by being 
inundated until the grain matures, throws out very 
noxious exhalations before the harvest, and to walk 


amongst the fields is very unpleasant, hut the same 
may be said of all rice-countries. 

The Tajiks of Lfighman speak a _^dialect called 
by themselves and their neighbours Lughmani, but 
which, I presume, to be nearly the same as the 
Pashai, the Koh'istani of Dara Ndr, and the dialect 
of the Siaposh Kafrs. They also speak Persian. 
They are industrious, and remarkably neat culti- 
vators of the land. The ridges between the several 
plots of soil are formed very precisely, the fields 
are weeded, and altogether are so tended as I have 
nowhere else witnessed. They are partial to drill- 
husbandry, and transplant all their rice-plants, and 
receive the benefit of their skill and labour- in 
overflowing crops. They are esteemed a very cun- 
ning and litigious people, and, according to their 
neighbours, their agricultural proficiency need not 
^ be wondered at, considering to whom they are in- 
debted for it. On which matter they have the fol- 
lowing amusing story : — . 

In times of yore, ere the natives were acquainted 
with the arts of husbandry, the shaitan, or devil, 
appeared amongst them, and winning their confi- 
dence, recommended them to sow their lands. 
They consented, it being farther agreed that the 
devil was to be a sherik, or partner, with them. 
The lands were accordingly sown with turnips, 
carrots, beet, onions, and such vegetables whose 
value consists in the roots. When the crops were 

* I 


mature tlie shaitau appeared, and generously asked 
the assembled agriculturists if they would receive 
for their shaje what was above-ground or what 
was below. Admiring the vivid green hue of 
the tops, they unanimously replied, that they 
would accept what was above ground. They were 
directed to remove their portion, when the devil 
and his attendants dug up the roots, and carried 
them away. The next year he again came, and 
entered into partnership. The lands were no.w 
sown with wheat and other grains, whose value 
lies in their seed-spikes. In due time, as the crops 
had ripened, he convened the husbandmen, put- 
ting the same question to them as he did the 
preceding year. Resolved not to be deceived as 
before, they chose for their share what was below 
ground ; on which the devil immediately set to 
work and collected the harvest, leaving them-to dig 
up the w*orthless roots. Having experienced that 
they were not a match for the devil, they grew 
weary of his friendship ; and it fortunately turned 
out that on departing with his wheat he took the 
road from Luglmiin to Barikab, which is pro- 
verbially intricate, and where he lost his road, and 
has never been heard of or seen since. The por- 
tion of the road to this day retains the name of 
Shaitan Gum, or the place where the devil lost his 

Between it and Lughman is a locality called 


Badpash, remarkable for the cureent of air which 
constantly drives there. In my time, Mahomed 
Akbar Khan, with his troops, returning from a 
foray on the Sahibzada Uzbins, was caught in a 
wind-tempest at the place, and he and they were 
as nearly blown away as the devil had been be- 
fore them. The force was overwhelmed in the 
elemental strife, and broken up. Several persons 
perished, with their horses. Many w’ere found 
afterwards, and slain by the Sahibzada Uzbins. 

P^rom Pashai I made one long march to Darunta, 
and thence the next day passed on to Tatang. Be- 
sides the trips and excursions I have noted in this 
work, I had during this year thoroughly explored 
the valley of Jelalabad, abounding in interesting 
monuments, as tumuli, mounds, caves, Ac. 

Having turned my attention to the side of KabM, 
before finally leaving the lower countries, I made 
yet another short excursion to Murkhi Khel, at the 
foot of the Safed Koh, to ascertain if it were true, 
as affirmed by rumour, that a tope existed there. I 
made one march from Tatang, passing through 
Nimla, and reached the place by evening, where I 
was civilly received by a malek, whose house was 
immediately adjacent to the monument. He was 
very willing that I should examine it ; and I have 
ever since been much chagrined that I did not at the 
time do so, as this is one of the objects which, when 
in my power, I neglected, while subsequent events 


prevented my again giving it my personal atten- 
tion. The monument was in style of construction, 
and as regards appearance, the miniature type of the 
superior tope at Hidda ; I therefore had little doubt 
as to its age ; but I had hoped, from the nature of its 
relics, if it fortunately contained any, to have been 
enabled to have speculated upon the precise charac- 
ter of the two structures, which the costly and di- 
versified deposits obtained fi-om the Hidda monu- 
ment scarcely permitted. I had a strong impression - 
that the latter edifice might be due to one of those 
princes whose coins we possess, and which we call 
Indo-Sassanian, and my visit to Murkhi Khel tended 
to confirm me in my conceit. 

That the spot had been anciently appropriated to 
the reception of the dead of some peculiar race or 
sect, was sufiaciently intelligible from the surprising 
quantities of human bones strewing^the surface in 
certain places. These were in such number that the 
walls separating the several plots of soil were formed 
of them. To answer this purpose they were, of 
course, entire, and it was impossible to imagine that 
they had ever been subjected to the action of fire. 
They might, indeed, have been interred ; and it was 
necessary to suppose so, or to conjecture that at 
Murkhi KhH we had fallen upon a spot where the 
old Guebre inhabitants of the country deposited 
their corpses. I was inclined to the latter opinion, 
because some fifteen or sixteen copper coins I pro- 



cured here, picked up amongst the bone localities, 
were all Iiido-Sassanian. When I reflected for the 
moment that the monies might or might not be as 
essential a provision to a Guehre corpse as to one 
which was destined to cremation, another" fact well 
' explained their presence. 

■ At Nokar Khel, about three miles north, or lower 

I down on the plain, entire skeletons are and have 

been frequently found. Around their ancle-bones 
.were originally tied trinkets, coins, or tokens of 
? some kind; of which the present inhabitants are so 

, aware i that upon detecting a new subject they 

I never fail minutely to examine its lower extremi- 

I ties, and are generally rewarded by some trifle; 

sometimes they obtain articles of value. In these 
|: days Murkhi Khel is a delightful locality, com- 

I ' prising the two sides of a spacious glen, down which 
? flows a fine rhulet. There is a village called by 
‘ that name, of about fifty houses, and several small 
hamlets, castles, and towers, together forming an 
aggregate of nearly three hundred houses. My 
friend, the malek, told me that there were about 
. one hundred vineyards. Although the tempera- 
ture is low, they have two harvests, one of wheat in 
the spring, and another of gall and ju& in the au- 
tumn. The latter is so productive, that I was 
assured a charak and half of seed yielded in return 
■ ■ a kharwdr of grain. About two miles east of 
Murkhi Khel, also at the foot of the hills, is Zo&, 








femed for the multitude of its vineyards and or- 
chards ; west of it is Mama Khel, where resides Mir 
Afzil Khan, who I have before had occasion to men- 
tion. Murkhi Khel is, moreover, situated at a point 
where a road leads over the Safed Koh range to the 
Jaji comitry. 

During my stay here — and the spot had so many 
attractions that I remained three days — I saw many 
of the Jajis, who seemed to make the house and 
tower of my malek their serai. They were a shade 
more rude in manners than the people on the 
northern skirts of the Safed Koh, and these are not 
very refined. Their dress is peculiar, a kind of cap 
being used in place of the lunghi, or turban, and 
their pantaloons fitting closely to the legs, while the 
lower portions are highly ornamented with needle- 
work. An intelligent youth, Nasrulah, who knew 
more about his own country, or had 'a better way of 
communicating his knowledge than any other of 
his countrymen I conversed with, after having satis- 
fied my inquiries, demanded in return, a tavlz, or 
written charm, to soften the hearts of Gul Khan 
and his vdfe Tanai, who objected to give him their 
daughter, his kanghAl, or sweetheart, with the musi- 
cal name of Gulsimma. 

The subordinate hills of the Safed Koh are in 
the neighbourhood of Murkhi Khel interesting, as 
containing steatite, prase, and other magnesian 
minerals, while they are clothed with forests of 



pine-trees. From all the accounts I gathered, 
this celebrated range has an abrupt descent upon 
the plains of the opposite province of Khuram. 
On our return we came down upon Nokar Khel, 
near which is a tumulus, of large dimensions. The 
peojjle of the vicinity hearing of the operations 
carried on upon the topes and tumuli near Je- 
lalabad, considered it might be profitable to ascer- 
tain the contents of the edifice in question, and 
parties, in turns, commenced their labours at the 
summit. In four or five days they grew discouraged, 
and desisted. 

From Nokar Khel we passed on to Nimla, where, 
the evening being far advanced, we halted for the 
night. The next morning we crossed the undu- 
lating country to Bdlla Bagh, and fording the Sfirkh 
Rud, again reached Tatang, having now nothing far- 
ther to do than to make the best of our way to 
■ Kdbal. * Accordingly w'e started, having as escort 
Abdulah, brother of the malek at Jigdillik, from 
which place we took the route of Hira Manzi, lead- 
ing over a very high hill, but the road good, so that 
it is not requisite to dismount, and came down di- 
rectly into the valley of T^zin. Here we did not 
halt, but for a few minutes ; on resuming our road, 
we crossed the Haft Kotal, and traversing the table- 
space beyond, eventually reached Terikki, where w^e 
passed the night with some Ahmed Zai Ghiljis, who 
dwell in tents there. Here were the remains of a 


Chaghatai castle, and the fragments of marly rock 
every where strewing the surface of the soil were 
full of fossilized shells. In the morning we passed, 
in the distance to our left, the village of Khurd 
Kabal, and crossed the range which separated us 
from the Kabal valley, descending upon the tope 
and village of Kamari. HencU' we struck across the 
plain, and reached in safety my old quarters in the 
Balia Hissar. 

b ^ 4-< 


Dost Mahomed. Khan’s intention to assume royalty. — Yiews and 
opinions of parties. — Sultan Mahomed Khan’s departure. — Day 
of inauguration. — Ceremony. — Exhortations. — Remarks of his 
subjects. — Dost Mahomed Khan’s demeanour. — His justification. 
— Preparations for the war. — The khan mulla’s dexterity. — Plun- 
der of the Hindus. — Mahomed Osman Khan’s address. — Dost 
Mahomed Khan’s intentions. — Extortion from Mahomedans. — 
Death of Sabz All- — Amount of exactions. — March of troops. — 
H^ji Khan’s departure. — State of the season. — Mirza Uziir. — 
Mahomed KuH Khdn. — Progress to Jelalabad. — Robbers at S6h 
Baba — Jigdillik. — Necessity of Mahomed Kuli Khan. — Gan- 
damak. — Dart|nta. — Death of Naib Yar Mahomed. - — Letters 
from Ludiana. — Equivocal nature of employment. — Incivility 
of the nawab.^ — Saiyad Keramat All’s departure. — His tactics. — 
His intentions. — His assault on Ranjit Singh. — Delicate duties. 
~ Evils of Saiyad Keramat All’s conduct. — Afghan notions of 
official etiquette. 

At Kabal the public mind was much occupied 
by the preparations making for the announced 
crusade against the Sikhs, and by the understood 
intention of Dost Mahomed Kh^ to assume the 
dignity of p&dshah. Hdji Kh^n, who, previous to 
his departure from Kabal, proposed this step, now 
on his return again recommended it, as did Mirza 
Sami Khan, and others. The relatives of the sirdar 

VOL. in. 



were unanimously opposed to it, urging, that it was 
unbecoming and impolitic ; but since the deaths of 
Amir Mahomed Khan, and Mahomed Rehim Khan, 
the Amin-a-Mulkh, there were none amongst them 
to whose opinions he judged it necessary to pay de- 
ference. It was therefore decided upon, and the 
day for the ceremony of inauguration fixed. Sultan 
Mahomed Khfin, with his brother, Pir Mahomed 
Khan, were living at Kabal, on no very friendly 
terms with Dost Mahomed Khdn. The latter omit- 
ted no opportunity, by taunt or sarcasm, to annoy 
Sfiltan Mahomed Khin ; he possessed himself ef his 
guns, muskets, and other military munitions, which 
were surrendered because it was known that, other- 
wise, they would have been forcibly taken. The two 
brothers, notwithstanding many defections happened 
amongst their followers, still maintained a large 
proportion of troops, and Sultan Mahomed Khan 
was willing, in concert with his friends, to have 
drawn the sword and braved the chances of a 
struggle with his brother. On one occasion he 
actually left the city and proceeded to the Afsh& 
castles, but admittance was refused to him. Had 
he been received he would have displayed his 
standard, and been joined by those in his interest 
or in the plot, and Kabal, for a few days, whoever 
had been the victor, might have exhibited, as of 
old, instructive scenes of tumult. Now that the 
inauguration of Dost M^omed Khan was about to 
take place, Sultan Mahomed Khan did not choose 



either to assist or to be present at the ceremony. He 
therefore obtained permission to proceed to Bajor, 
to induce Mir Alam Khan to co-operate in the 
warfare ag-ainst the Sikhs, and left Kabal, having 
obtained a sum of money fi*om Dost Mdhomed 
Khan for his expenses. The day at length arrived 
when the chief of Kabal proposed to elevate him- 
self above his brothers, by the assumption of a new 
title, and superior degree of rank. It was ushered 
in with no expressions of joy, and there were no 
discharges of artillery to announce to the inhabi- 
tants »of the city that their chief was about to in- 
vest himself with regal authority. Towards even- 
ing, Dost Mahomed Khan, leaving the Balia Hissar, 
proceeded to the Id Gah, near Si^h Sang, where 
many, but not all, of his relatives and chiefs at- 
tended, with the eldest son of Mir Wais. The 
latter officiated as primate ; and repeating prayers, 
placed two or three blades of grass in the turban 
of Dost Mahomed Khan, proclaiming him Padshah, 
with the title of Amir al Momamn, or commander 
of the faithful. Then, turning to the crowds around, 
and alluding to the holy war the amir intended to 
wage with the infidels, he informed them, it was the 
duty of every Mussulman, by voluntary contribution, 
to assist in the promotion of so righteous a cause 
to the extent of his power. Abdul Samad scatter- 
ed a few rupees amongst the crowd, which then 
began to disperse, the amir’s relatives, and other 
chiefs, taking the road to the city by the Derwaza 



Latori, wMle he,, and some half a dozen particu- 
lars, returned to the Balia Hissar by the road he 
went. There were immense crowds collected from 

r ■ 

the city, both of Mahomedans and Hindus, proba- 
bly in expectation of witnessing some display of 
pomp and ceremony, and they returned to their 
homes disappointed, as there really was little to 
be seen. 

I was sitting on the summit of a small emi- 
nence, called Tappa Khdk Balkh, within gun-shot 
of the Derwaza Shhh Shehid, as the newly-created 
aiTiir passed along the road, separated from the 
tappa by the breadth of a cultivated field. Some 
of his horsemen galloping over it, he cried out to 
them, not to ride over the raiyat’s grain. One of 
those near me observed, “ Do you hear the scoun- 
drel? How soon he evinces solicitude about his 
raiyats.” Another party, of six or §even persons, 
broke up as he came near, saying one to the other 
that he was a bacha Kaballi, or lad of Kabal, and 
if he saw them sitting together he would fancy 
that each of them had a bottle of wine under his 
cloak. For some days after this event the darbar 
was frequently the scene of much mirth, if not of 
buffoonery. ' It had formerly been the custom in 
addressing the chief to call him Sirdm', it now 
became fit that he should be styled Amir Sahib, 
and it was settled that any one who should be 
guilty of a lapstis Ungues should forfeit a rupee. 
The people who recommended Dost Mahomed 



THE amir’s demeanour. 

Khan to proclaim himself padshah, it was sup- 
posed, did so under the idea that he would not, 
a slave to etiquette, interest himself so much in 
the management of affairs, leaving a little more to 
their discretion. In this they were grievously dis- 
appointed, for not only did his plainness of manner 
and easiness of access continue as before, but he 
seemed to give more personal attention to business 
than ever. Inspecting some new gun-carriages, made 
' under orders of Abdul Samad, he inquired for the 
wood and nails of the old ones. Abdul Samad sub- 
mittfed that it was derogatory in a pMsh&h to ask 
about such trifles. The amir told him that he was 
altogether mistaken, for it behoved him to look 
after them as they would come into use. If the 
amir himself had any reasons for putting on a su- 
perior title beyond the petty ones of mortifying his 
relatives, and gratifying at a costless rate his own 
vanity, they may be found in the opinions held by 
Afghans in general, that in combats, whether for 
political or religious ends, it is becoming to fight 
under the standard of a sovereign, as in that case 
the reward of martyrdom is certainly secured to the 
slain. It is also agreeable to Afghan ideas, that an 
individual who ihas discomfited a padshah, as Dost 
Mahomed Khan had done Shah Sujah al Mulkh, 
should himself assume the dignity he is supposed 
fairly to have won. It was, _ moreover, alleged 
by his supporters that he merely revived the pre- 
tensions and claims of the Bai’ak Zai family, as set 


forth by Ms ancestor, Haji Jamal, who proclaimed 
himself padshah, and struck coin, previous to the ac 
knowledgment of the Sadu Zai family, in the person 
of Ahmed Shah ; and, it was asserted, that the claims 
of the BMak Zais by lying dormant had not 
superseded. The more cogent of the arguments 
advanced by his friends, however, was the neces 
sity of the moment. As for Dost Mahomed 
he said, and always afterwards insisted, that 
Khdn, Mirza Sami, the khan mulla, with the w 
horde of mullas, and of the religious classes, forced 
him to take up the title. There was an amhsing 
contention amongst the ingenious mirzas to pro- 
vide fit mottoes for the official seal of the amir, 
and for the new rupee it was intended to strike. 
In both instances Mirza Sami Khan bore the 
palm from his competitors. While these proceed- 
ings were in train, the important conflict ^before 
them was not lost sight of by the amir and his 
friends. They began seriously to think on the 
means of prosecuting it, and how and where to 
obtain money engrossed all their attention. It 
may have been hoped that voluntary contribu- 
tions would have spared the amir the trouble 
and odium of making extortions, but it was clear 
that, however the Mahomedans of Kabal were at- 
tached to their religion, they were quite as partial 
to their gold, and no one thought of offering it in 
support of the great cause of which the amir 
avowed himself the champion. 

I : 


With the Hindus,^ the khin mulla’s 

sagacity discovered a sacred text admirably adapted 
to their case, as well as to the circumstances of 
the amii’. It set forth, that it was lawful to seize 
the wealth of infidels, provided the wealth so seized 
was employed in repelling the aggressions of in- 
fidels. Now, as ilanjit Singh had clandestinely 
acquired Peshawer during the absence of the amir 
at Kandahar, and to recover Peshawer was the 
' object of the amir’s present expedition, it was 
clear that Ilanjit Singh was the aggressor ; and 
in eagaging in a defensive war against the infidel, 
it became obviously consistent with divine sanction 
that the amir should supply his necessities from 
the funds of his Hindu subjects.- Had the amir 
possessed a single doubt of conscience it must 
have been allayed by the sound deductions of the 
khAn mulla.' The Hindu shikarpuris, or bankers 
of the city, were sent for, and being informed they 
were prisoners until they had arranged to con- 
tribute three lakhs of rupees, were made over to 
the custody of Hfiji Khan. Officers were des- 
patched over all parts of the country in search of 
Hindus, and to secure those who had wealth. 
Shamsodin Khan was enjoined to look after those 
of Ghazni ; and Mahomed Akbar Khfin zealously 
fulfilled his instructions regarding those of the pro- 
vince of Jelalabad. Many fell into the hands of 
their pursuers, many contrived to hide themselves, 
but the houses and visible property of all wei*e 


plundered througliout the country. In the city 
only the principal suffered. The petty sirdars and 
jaghird^’s imitated the salutary example set them 
by the amir. ^ H4ji Khan by his agents despoiled 
the Hindus of Chahar B%h of Lughman ; and 
Mahomed Osm4n Khan repaired to Balia Bagh, 
where he seized all the Hindus", having dexterously 
induced them, by letters assuring them of pro- 
tection, to remain in their houses until he arrived. 
Subsequently, when the amir passed Balia B%h 
in his way eastward, he inquired of Mahomed 
Osman Khhn how much money he had procured 
for him from his Hindus. The reply was, none, 
as they had given him the slip, and secreted them- 
selves under the Safed Koh. 

Many times afterwards the amir would ask 
about the Hindus of Balia B%h, and Mahomed 
Osmin Kh^ as constantly averred "he knew no- 
thing of them. In coui’se of time, it proved that 
they had, all the while, been detained in close 
custody at B£la Bagh; and when they were dis- 
covered and produced before the amir, it was 
lamentable to witness the trim in which they ap- 
peared. The amir could not get any of the money 
taken from these particular Hindus by Mahomed 
Osman Khin, but he compelled him to give them 
bills for the amount, and . soothed them by the 
hopes of having the sums taken from them repaid. 
The hunting over the country for Hindus con- 
tinued long after snow had fallen, and when the 


hiding-places of any of them were brought to 
light messengers were instantly despatched to seize 
the fugitives. The Shikarphris did not long re- 
main in durance; sensible they had no hope to 
escape the demands made upon them, t&y tender- 
ed a smaller amount, and after some debate, in 
■which Haji Khan professed himself their friend, 
a sum a little beyond two lakhs of rupees was 
accepted from them, for which the amir gave 
' them his bonds for repayment. It must be noted, 
that whatever monies were taken on this occasion 
may rather be considered as compulsory loans than 
as absolute extortions, it being the intention, if 
affairs prospered, to repay them. The amir walk- 
ed in the footsteps of his profligate brother, Fati 
Khan, who, notorious for the unscrupulous manner 
in which he replenished his coffers, and met his 
pecuniary ex^encies, was also as celebrated for 
the punctuality with which he repaid the sums 
he forcibly borrowed, whenever able to do so ; 
whence, although as unprincipled a man as per- 
haps ever lived, he ultimately acquired the honour- 
able reputation of being a “ sahib itawah,” or a 
man of his word, and trustworthy. The financial 
operations of the amir were not confined to his 
Hindu subjects, but included ■within their compass 
the more opulent of the Mdhomedan merchants, 
as w'ell as many individuals politically suspected, 
or obnoxious. Sabz Ali, a merchant, from whom 
thirty thousand rupees were asked, expired under 


tlie tortures applied to Mm, at wMcli the amir 
expressed, and probably in truth, much regret, as 
he did not desire the death of the man, but his 
money. He was not well pleased, however, that 
the accident should set aside his claim, and dealing 
with the conjmicture in the best way he could, 
compelled the relatives of the unfortunate man 
to ransom his corpse. Neither did the amir on 
this occasion spai-e his own wives. From some 
of them he obtained jewels to a considerable - 
amount ; and his mode of treatment with these 
fair subjects varied according to their dispositions. 
From the timid, a slight menace, or peremptory 
command would be sufficient ; for others, his vows 
to abstain from conjugal intercourse until his de- 
mands were satisfied, in the end proved successful. 
Besides all these various means, he levied two 
years’ jezia, or capitation-tax, on the ..Hindus 
throughout the country, and anticipated the re- 
ceipt of a year’s revenue on the town duties, of 
Kabal. It was supposed that he had made ex- 
’traordinary collections to the amount of nearly 
five lakhs of rupees, and having expended two 
lakhs in unavoidable expenses, and in marching 
his army from Kabal, took with him into the field 
funds to the amount of three lakhs of rupees. The 
troops had been for some time, in succession, des- 
patched to Jelalabad, and in the latter end of 
February the amir followed them, leaving Mirza 



Sami KHan, and the Nawab Jabar Khan to obtain 
money on jewels which he had procured from his 
wives ; the mirza to act as agent in negociating 
the loan, and the nawab to act as guarantee that 
the jewels should not be claimed before the sums 
advanced on them were paid. 

On the 5th of March Haji Kham left the Balia 
Hissar to join the Amir. His departure was sig- 
nalized by the scattering of copper money amongst 
* the populace, who were loud in the praises of 
sakhi, or generous, Haji Khan. On reaching the 
ziarat* Shah Shehid, whither the crowd followed 
him, he halted, and, extending his hands, implored 
a benediction ; then abruptly saluting the by-stand- 
ers with one of his best Salam alikams, cantered 
off for Bhut Khak. He was entirely alone, and 
wrapped in a postin, his people having preceded him. 

This .season presented a strange but favourable 
contrast to the last. Snow bad fallen in the begin- 
ning of December, but it had gradually disappeared, 
and the weather w'as beautiful and mild. The 
new year, 1835, commenced most auspiciously, and’ 
spring seemed to have taken the place of winter. 
During the month of February the flowers of Noh 
Roz made their appearance, as did swallows ; and 
it was matter of congratulation that the .winter 
had passed. On the night of the 26th Februaiy 
a smart shower of snow destroyed these expecta- 
tions, and some cold weather succeeded, but still 

I I 

• • 



not to be compared to the rigour of the preceding 
year ; neither did the snow fall in such quantity 
as to remain long on the surface. 

I had for some time been thinking of proceeding 
to JelOabad, and now arranged to go in company 
with Mirza Uzur, Hdji Khan’s chief secretary, and 
one of my Bdmiin acquaintance. The 7th of 
March was the day fixed, and when I sent to the 
mirza to inquire if he was ready to start, he replied 
that he wanted ten rupees to redeem his cooking-" 

utensils, lodged with one of his creditors. As 1 had 

no mind to delay, I sent him the sum required, and 
presently after he came, and we rode on to Bhdt 
Khak, and occupied the samfiches. The mirza 
had eight or ten small but active nags. It had 
rained, in a drizzling manner, all the way from 
K^bal, and, now and then, a flake of snow fell. In 
the morning the same kind of weather continued, 
and I wished to move on, but the mirza said it 
was indispensable that he should send a man back 
to the city for hinna, to dye the tails and hoofs of 
his horses, as it was ungenteel to travel with them 
in a colourless state. We were, therefore, detained 
this day at the samuches. In the evening we were 
joined by Mahomed Kuli Khfin, the only surviving 
son of the Vazir Fati Khan, who had a party of 
about forty horse, besides his laden cattle. He 
occupied a samuch, contiguous to outs. The wea- 
ther was too threatening to allow us to march, and 
we were, therefore, against oiu’ wills, detained an- 





other day here. In the evening, with Mirza Uzui- 
I supped with Mahomed Kiili Khan. I found him 
a handsome youth, of nineteen or twenty years of 
age, but with a peculiar cast of features, having a 
long acquiline nose and pointed chin. He was Yery 
intelligent, but, it was easy to perceive, libertine 
and dissipated. He formerly resided with his uncles 
at Peshawer, who allowed him twenty thousand ru- 
pees per annum. On their expulsion, he came of 
necessity to Kabal, where his excesses were not so 
indulgently viewed by the amir, and he was told, 
that, ±0 secure favour, he must reform his course 
of life, and dismiss his evil associates. I suspect 
these conditions were rather too difficult to be com- 
plied with, and his contumacy afforded the amir a 
pretext for behaving very parsimoniously towards 
his nephew. M^omed Ktili Khffii is one of two 
brothers, ttie'tfnly sons the vazir had, and they were 
by a celebrated Kinchini, named B%hi, whom he 
married. Sirbalend Khdn, the elder, is said to have 
been a promising youth, and met his death acci- 
dentally in the Bagh Shah at Kabal, amusing him- 
self with the jerid, or exercise of the lance. En- 
deavouring to transfix an apple on the ground, his 
weapon rebounded and pierced his breast. He 
lingered a few days and died. We sat a long 
time in chat with Mahomed Ktili Khin, and on 
parting it was agreed that we should be compa- 
nions on the road. The next day being fine and 
clear, we started, and taking the road of Sokhta 



Chanar, we halted on the rivulet below Tezui. 
Just before reaching our ground we fell in with 
a party of robbers, but they filed over the hills lead- 
ing to Tezin. During the night our chokis, or 
guards, were kept on the qui-vive, I suppose by 
these very fellows, but we lost nothing. The fol- 
lowing morning we proceeded ‘‘down the valley, and 
met a large Afghan kfifila. We learned that a 
band of about thirty Sahibzada Uzbin robbers were 
stationed at the ziarat Seh Baba, a little in ad- 
vance; that they had not ventured to assail the 
kafila, the men belonging to it being Afghans, and 
too numerous. We had scarcely passed these when 
we met a smaller kafila, also Afghfin, who informed 
us that they had been attacked, but had preserved 
their property at the expense of three of their men 
being wounded. Of this we had ocular evidence in 
the poor fellows bathed in blood. It ''was a sad pity 
we had not reached five minutes earlier. Mahomed 
Kuli Khfin, Mirza Uzui', and myself, with about 
fifteen horsemen, soon reached Seh Baba, where 
we drew up, that the rest of our party might join. 
We descried a fellow skulking on the summit of 
one of the eminences in our front, but on our 
hailing him he decamped. He was the sjry of the 
robbers, who, no doubt, were in ambush close by us. 
We were too strong to bo attacked, and it is never 
part of the system of these thieves to commit them- 
selves with horsemen. 

Our whole party assembled, we placed our bag- 


31 & 

gage in front, and ascended the undulating sand- 
stone eminences intervening between Seh B4ba 
and Barikab. We rested awhile at the latter place, 
and then resumed our journey to Jig&illik, w'here 
we halted in the garden. We saw nohe of the 
inhabitants here, as they had removed, for the sea- 
son, or perhaps to escape the visit of troops, to a 
valley lower down, called Peri Dara (the fairy’s 
vale). I received an intimation at this place that 
should be applied to on the part of Mahomed 
Kuli Khan for money, as it appeared that the son 
of the, vazlr was pemiyless ; and I had authorized 
my servant, if such a request were made, without 
speaking to me, to give, as if from himself, a small 
sum. Ghulam All, the maternal uncle of the young 
khan, in due time represented his necessities, and 
my servant gave ten rupees, which sufficed to pro- 
cure provender, and other little necessaries they 
needed. In' mentioning this circumstance I must 
not be thought to convey an imputation on my 
companion, who, so far from being intrusive, or 
greedy of the property of another, was liberal to 
prodigality. He was destitute as to money, yet 
still would have given me anything of what he 
possessed, and I had difficulty to refuse little things 
he was continually sending me. From Jigdillik 
the next day we marched on to Gandamak; and 
it proved that two sisters of Mahomed Kull Kb 4u 
were in the ricinity, one residing permanently at 
Mama Khel, with her husband, Mir Afzil Khan, 


death: of yar mahomed. 

the other, a wife of Mahomed Zeman Khan, tempo- 
rarily occupying a castle near Gandamak. He had 
frequently boasted to me on the road that he should 
be at home on reaching Gandamak. The sister 
there senf her little boy to his uncle with a pre- 
sent of fruit, and shortly after came a sheep, with 
other necessaries. A messenger from Mama Khel 
brought a gentle reproach from the sister there on 
account of Mahomed KuK not having visited her. 
The next day, taking leave of the vazir’s son and 
Mirza Uzdr for the present, I, with my party, took 
the road to Balia B%h, and passing it, as well as the 
nawab’s castle of Tatang, we reached Darunta in 
the evening. It was with much regret that I heard 
the news of my good friend the Naib Yar Maho- 
med having departed this life but a few days before. 
He spoke frequently of me in his last sickness, and 
said his ill-fortune detained me at Kabal, or had I 
been present I should have given him medicine, and 
cured him. He was succeeded as naib of the 
Ghiljis by his son, Ghulam Rasul Khan. Before 
I had left Kabal I had;, seen the Nawab Jabar 
Khan; and aware that it had been arranged that 
he should proceed to Bajor, I had concerted to 
accompany him, purposing to remain there for some 
time, and examine the country and its neighbour- 
hood. The nawab, having effected his political ob- 
jects, would of course return. I had sent one of 
my young men to Tatang to see if the nawab had 
reached from Kabal, and he brought me a message 



tliat one of that nobleman’s kMds, just arrived fi-oni 
Ludiana, was the bearer of letters for me. This 
took me to Tatang the next morning, and a letter 
was put into my hand from Captain Wade, the 
political agent at Ludiana, informing me’ that the 
government, at his recommendation, had been 
pleased to appoint ibe their agent for communi- 
cating intelligence in these quarters. 

Whatever my feelings were on this occasion, it is 
■. unnecessary for me to obtrude them on public at- 
tention. I might have supposed it would have 
been qnly fair and courteous to have consulted my 
wishes and views before confemng an appointment 
which compromised me with the equivocal politics of 
the country, and threw a suspicion over my proceed- 
ings, which did not before attach to them. I might 
have also lamented that I should be checked in the 
progress of antiquarian discovery, in which I was en- 
gaged, and I might reflect whether the positive 
injury I suffered in this respect was compensated by 
the assurance that his lordship, the governor- 
general in council, “ anticipates that the result of 
your employment will be alike useful to govern- 
ment and honourable to yourself.” 

The messenger who brought the letter for me 
had delivered a packet to the nawdb, from his son 
and the persons in his train at Ludiana. I knew 
not the nature of then.’ communications, but this 
nobleman, who had hitherto been so assiduous in 
his attentions and civility, treated me with such 





marked rudeness, that I abruptly left him, and with- 
out taking leave mounted my horse. This was the 
first fruit of ^my new appointment; nor was it until 
some time after his return to Kdbal that our inter- 
course was carried on in the same friendly manner 
as before. To do the nawfib justice, when- he found 
that he had been deceived, ‘br that he had mis- 
understood matters, his concessions and apologies 
were ample. 

I have before noticed Saiyad Keramat All, and » 
the dilemma from which he was relieved by the 
death of Amir Mahomed Khan. It appeared that, 
in consequence of disagreement with Captain Wade, 
he had requested permission to return to India, 
which was granted, and Mohan Lai, the Hindii 
mfinshi, and companion of Lieutenant Burnes in his 
travels, was appointed to succeed him. The saiyad, 
however, oir the return of Dost Mahomed Khfin to 
Kabal, with the view of maintaining his position 
until the time fixed for his departure, adopted a new 
line of tactics, and fell in heartily with all the pro- 
jects of the politicians of. Kabal as to alliances with 
the British government, while he imputed his mis- 
deeds relating to the correspondence with ShAh 
Sujah al Mulkh, to the known wishes of Captain 
Wade, however they had proved contrary to those 
entertained by the government. Previous to his 
departure he had procured a document, sealed by 
a number of persons, calling upon the government 
to depute an envoy to Kabal, and that envoy to be 


either Captain Burnes or Captain Conolly ; and 
when he finally left he vowed that he would procure 
the removal of Captain Wade from Ludiana, or be 
himself sent across the k^la p^jii (black water), that 
is, be transported. 

He had also other wrathful intents ; in conse- 
quence of which, w^en at Lahore, he rejected the 
presents tendered by Ranjit Singh, and commanded 
him to desist from his aggressions on the Afghans. 
Finding the Maharaja not perfectly compliant, he 
stroked his beard, and swore he would play the 
deuce with him when he got to Calcutta. The old 
prince, terrified, applied to Captain Wade at Lu- 
diana for protection against the saiyad. 

The first duty I had to discharge was to set the 
various parties at Kibal right with the political 
agent — ^no easy matter — and “ to correct any miscon- 
ceptions the nawab may be inclined to form 

from his (the saiyad’s) representations;” — again a 
difficult task — for as Captain Wade also wrote, “ I 
could hardly have credited the accounts which I 
have received of his intrigues since he went to 
Cabtil, had I not myself acquired an insight into his 
transactions at that place, both while he was there 
and since his return, that clearly proves his decev^id 
conduct, and the subterfuges to which he can 
have recourse to serve his owii mischievous designs. 
The impositions which he has been practising on the 
nawab are, I understand, of the most glaring nature. 
His removal from Cabul must be regarded as a for- 


’ I I 


tunate event. There is no knowing the extent to 
which he might have involved the interests of go- 
vernment ha^ he remained. His sole object while 
there seems to have been to deceive the Barak Zais 
into an extravagant belief of his own importance, at 
the expense, if possible, of the just influence of his 
immediate superior. He was long ago warned by 
me not to interfere in the affairs of the chiefs, who- 
ever they might be ; that his duty was merely that 
of a reporter of passing events. Such an interdic- 
tion was likely to be very intolerable to his in- 
triguing disposition; and considering his irritable 
temper, much of his real or affected discontent, ran- 
cour, and malice, towards every one who has at all 
interfered with him, may, no doubt, be ascribed to 
my detection of his attempts to impose on the cre- 
dulity of these people.” Farther, “ The nawab and 
all his relatives and retainers, ought now to, be con- 
vinced of their extreme folly and weakness, in trust- 
ing to the specious words and promises of their un- 
worthy adviser, Keramat Ali. The governor-gene- 
ral has desired me to inform the nawab, that he 
cannot recognize the saiyad as a proper channel of 
communication, and has not replied, therefore, to 
the letters of which he was the bearer. I have 
done so, and will thank you to reitex’ate the injunc- 
tion, as well as to point out to the nawab and his 
family the propriety of confining their correspond- 
ence to the prescribed channel of the officer charged 



with the conduct of the intercourse existing be- 
tween the two states, and to send copies, as ordered, 
of all letters that he may desire to s^nd to other 

It will be seen that the commencement of my 
official labours was under auspicious circumstances. 
I never took the trouble to ascertain, precisely, what 
the saiyad had done, — that he bad done a little I 
have shown, and I found that he had bound the 
nawab, and many other persons, to support him by 
oaths on the Koi4n. I treated the matter less se- 
riously than did Captain Wade, and in the course of 
two or three months, by the assistance of friends, 
had succeeded to put the nawib, and others, in a 
more friendly disposition. An evil, greater in my 
estimation than the imtation occasioned to Captain 
Wade, arose from the political lessons given by the 
saiyad to Dost Mahomed Khin, and the principal 
people at Kdbal, for he instructed them not as 
things were, but as he fancied them to be; this 
was unfortunate, and so was his connexion with the 
Persian adventurer, Abdul Samad ; and his errors 
here were afterwards felt in their effects. I had 
also no small trouble in inculcating the propriety of 
compliance with Captain Wade’s notions of the eti- 
quette to be observed in correspondence with him- 
self and the government ; and I remembered that, 
in Saiyad Keramat All’s time, some objections had 
been made to the mode in which letters were 

* I I 


despatched from Kahal, it being insisted they 
should be put in proper envelopes, and then en- 
closed in silken bags. This produced some merri- 
ment in the darbar, where many thought that, as 
Afghans, their letters might reasonably enough be 
forwarded under felt covers. 


Attempt to assassinate the Amir. — His anxiety. — Letter from the 
governor-general. — Views of the government^ and of Captain 
Wade. — Commencement of communications with Persia. — Ma- 
. homed Huss4n. — Allah Y ar Khan s letter. — The Amir’s progress. 

— His prayer at All Baghan. — Prognostications. — Dreams. — Mr. 
Harlan’s mission. — Sultan Mahomed Khan’s letter. — Plr Ma- 
hom^ Khin intercepted. — Deputation of the nawab. — Junction 
of Sultan Mahomed Khan. — Khaibar chiefs. — Eanjit Singh’s 
movements. — Negotiations. — Truce. — The Amir’s cunning. — 
Rage of Pir Mahomed Khan. — Committal of Pir Mahomed 
Khan. — Various counsels. — Arrival of Ranjit Singh. — His' 
energy and dispositions. — Mission to the Afghan camp. — Amir 
decides on retreat. — Proposals to Sultan Mahomed Khan. — Sikh 
envoys made oyer to Sultan Mahomed Khan. — Retreat of the 
Amlr.-^ Arrival in Khaibar. — Sultan Mdhomed Khan’s conduct. 
— Search for Sultdn Mahomed Khan. — Letters from Sultan Ma- 
homed Khan. — Disposal of the army. — Return of the Amir to 
Kabal. — Mlrza Sami Khan’s wrath. — Evils of the Amir’s in- 
judicious policy. 

On our road from Kabal a courier had informed 
us of an attempt to assassinate the new amir in the 
camp at JelalabM. • The offender proved to be a 
man once in the service of Fati Mahomed Khan, 
the father-in-law to the nawab. Mahomed Kuli 
Khan justly observed, that the loss of the amir at 
such a crisis would be a great evil. Whatever may 
have been Dost M£iomed Kh^’s suspicions as to 



the inciters of the intended crime, he did not judge 
tit to express them at this juncture, and the assassin 
himself was, I believe, suffered to go unpunished. 

At Jelalabad the amir was sufficiently employed; 
and Mirza Sami Khdn drew up plans for the dis- 
position of the army in the conflict which was to 
take place with the infidel Sikhs. There is little 
doubt that the amir began to distrust his vaunted 
power for the expulsion of his foes from Peshawer 
by force of arms, and would have been glad, by 
any fair pretext, to have been enabled to withdraw 
from the contest, and on this account he anxiously 
looked for replies to letters he had addressed to 
Captain Wade and to the British government. I 
am not aware of the nature of these letters, but 
can readily imagine they were numerous enough. 
I sometimes saw the nawab, but, under his irritated 
feelings, to very little profit ; and sometimes I saw 
Mirza Sami Kh4n, who was civil, but asserted, that 
until informed by the nawab he did not know that 
Saiyad Keramat Ali’s actions were disapproved of 
by Captain Wade. 

While the army was yet at JelalabM a letter 
was received from the governor-general. It was 
opened with expectations far from realized by the 
contents. The amir merely smiled, Mirza Sarai 
Khan felt much surprised that no answer had been 
given to what he considered the essential point, 
affirmed that the liveliest hopes had been enter- 
tained, and that the matter was one w'hieh could 



have been easily arranged by the British govern- 
ment. The nawdb was very wraths — avowed that 
the government was pleased that the Afghans should 
be exterminated ; and his sentiments being re-echoed 
by his friends about him, I was glad to get away 
from them. 

The governor-general’s letter, which would have 
been a very good one at another time, had now ar- 
rived mal-or^propos. Subsequently, after the amir’s 
brief and fruitless campaign had terminated, and 
he had returned to Kabal, I received a letter from 
Captain Wade, explanatory of his own views and 
those of the government at this period, which now 
there can be no harm to disclose, and that cannot 
be better done than in the political agent’s own 

“ With regard to the anxiety of the amir and 
his brother for the arrival of an answer to their 
letter, soliciting the mediation of the British go- 
vernment to settle iheir quarrel with the Sikhs, 
the letters which I despatched to them on the 6th 
of March will have prepared these chiefs for the 
reluctance which is felt by our government to be- 
come a party in such an affair. I regret the result 
sincerely, and endeavoured to avoid, by submitting 
a proposition, which if approved, would in its effects 
have, in all probability, secured Dost Mahomed 
Khan’s present object, and laid the foundation of 
an alliance between him and our government bene- 


ficial to the interests of both parties, without dis- 
gusting Ranjit Singh or compromising the obliga- 
tions of friendship due to him. Government, how- 
ever, has taken a different view of the subject, and 
it behoves "^us, therefore, to try and establish by other 
means that influence in Afghanistan which it is our 
object to obtain. 

“ In the letter of the governor-general, which will 
probably have been shown to you, a plain declara- 
tion is made to Dost Mahomed Khdn and his 
brothers, of the desire of the British government to 
form a close connexion with them by an inter- 
change of Gomm&i'cial advantages. They are not 
likely, at first sight, to discern the benefits which 
they will assuredly derive, in a political point of view, 
from an alliance formed on such a basis, and may, 
in their indignation at the apparent indifference 
with which our government has regarded their ap- 
plication for assistance against the Sikhs, think that 
nothing but a motive purely selfish has dictated 
the counter-proposition which we have offered ; but 
I need not observe to you, that should Dost Ma- 
homed Khan be disposed to encourage our ostmsihk 
object, a 7’eal advantage may be gained by him, as 
concerns the future importance and strength of his 
government, by entering heartily into such a con- 
nexion with our government as his lordship’s letter 
has indicated. 

“ I herewith enclose copies of the letter’s which 



I have just addressed both to the nawab and the 
amir, which will give you some insight into my sen- 
timents. It is impossible for me to exert any direct 
interference with the dispute which is now raging 
between them and Ranjit Singh, without being 
authorized to do so by government, but my opinion 
is, and I have expressed it to Abdul Ghias Khmi’s 
preceptor and his companion, that the amir should 
use every endeavour in Ms power to negociate a peace 
• with the Sikhs. He committed great precipitation 
in bidding defiance to the Mahm’aja at the time 
he did» If determined on hostility, he should have 
ascertained beforehand whether there was any person 
on whose aid or assistance he could depend, instead 
of declaring war, and finding himself left to pro- 
secute it with no other resources than his own, 
when it was too late to retrace his footsteps with 
credit. , Not^thstanding this fatal error, I still 
anxiously hope that some means may be devised by 
Dost Mahomed Khan, who has, on several occa- 
sions nearly as difficult as the present, given such 
great proofs of the fertility of his genius, to ex- 
tricate himself, without any serious loss of honour, 
from his present emban’assing position. I sympa- 
thise deeply with him, and though I cannot use the 
authority of government, the obligation I am under 
‘ of cultivating a good understanding’ with him and 
his family will not make me backward in availing 
myself of any opporttmities which my personal in- 



fluence may afford me, and of which I may legiti- 
mately take advantage, of restoring an amicable feel- 
ing between^him and his ambitious neighbour. 

“ I generally concur in the truth of the opinions 
which you have stated, to justify an exertion of 
British mediation (to put a stop to the contest 
which has perhaps ere now endangered the political 
existence of Dost Mahomed Khan), and shall send 
a copy of the eloquent appeal which you make 
in his favour to government, with such remarks as ' 
appear calculated, in my opinion, to throw light 
on the proper line of policy which it is our duty to 
pursue at the present crisis, but I doubt the dis- 
position of the government to involve itself, at once, 
in such direct political alliance as the amir and his 
immediate interests require. The threat of seeking 
the support of a rival power shows that want of 
foresight for which the Afghans are "proverbial. If 
they reflect on their relative situation to the British 
government, they must see that such a step might 
prove more destructive of their independence than 
■any which they could possibly take.” 

It would be contrary to the plan I propose for 
observance, to comment upon this letter. 

The threat alluded to of seeking the support 
of a rival power was, in some measure, attempted 
at this very time. Mahomed Hussen, since memor- 
able as having been one of the agents employed 
by Dost Mahomed Khin, being about to return 


to Persia, Ms native country, requested a letter 
for the shah. Mahomed Hussen had for some 
years resided at Kahal in the Serai MOiomed 
Khumi, engaged in traffic, and bearing a most 
disreputable character. He had becorne one of 
the companions of Saiyad Keramat Ali, and lat- 
terly, since Abdul Samad had been admitted to 
the amir’s confidence, had avowed himself to be 
a correspondent of Abbas Mirza. I doubted the 
• truth of this statement, and that I was justified 
in doing so was afterwards evidenced ; for, when 
in Persia, he never announced in his intercourse 
with any one that he had been so employed, w'hich 
he w'ould not have failed to do, if only for the 
purpose of arrogating a little credit to himself. I 
was not aware of the communication made through 
Mahomed Hussen at the time : and when I be- 
came informed of it I also learned that he had 
proceeded to Bokhara, and, not seeing his way 
clear into Persia, remained there. Subsequently, 
it was again pointed out to me that Mahomed 
Hussen had carried letters to the Shah of Per- 
sia; and supposing that those written in the 
Jelalabad camp were designated, I did not pay 
much attention to the information ; and, still later, 
when a letter from Allah Yar Khan at Meshed 
apprized the amir of Mahomed Hussen’s an-ival 
there, and of his despatch to Tehran, I suspect- 
ed it to be a fabrication, not being aware that 
Mahomed Hussen had returned to Kdbal, and re- 


started with fresh credentials. Notwithstanding 
the marked rudeness of the nawab to me, when 
the first letters were given to Mahomed Hussen, 
I must do him the justice to state, that he refused 
to be a party to them, and affirmed that he had 
always advocated a connexion with the British 
government, and would continue to do so. This 
fact I learned from others, as well as from himself. 

On the 5th of April the amir broke ground 
from Jelalabad, and by easy marches reached Bas- 
sowal. It was clear he lingered on the road, 
awaiting, possibly, some overtures from the ■•'Sikhs, 
and at Ali Baghan he was favoured with a letter 
from Atta Singh, a brother of his former acquaint- 
ance, Jai Singh. There also the festival of Id 
Khurbin was celebrated ; and the amir, on the 
occasion, offered up prayers for success in the im- 
pending conflict. He exclaimed audibly, of course 
that he might be heard by those around, that he 
was a weak fly, about to encounter a huge ele- 
phant ; that, if it pleased God, the fly could over- 
come the elephant, and he implored God to grant 
him victory. Neither did he neglect an appeal 
to the more profane arts of divination, and Hazaras 
in the camp, skilful prognosticators of events to 
come, consulted, agreeably to the custom of their 
country, the blade-bones of sheep. Many, also, 
were the dreamers of the army ; and the inter- 
pretation of their mysterious visions was neces- 
sarily made to indicate the elevation of the amir. 



and his triumph over his deadly antagonist, Ranjit 
Singh, variously typified as a serpent, a dragon, 
or a devil. While such ingenious devices wei’e 
imagined by the amir, or tolerated by him in 
others, it is just to observe, that the economy of 
his camp, and his management of the overflowing 
hosts of Ghazis, wer5 excellent. 

It had been understood that Mr. Harlan was 
deputed from the Sikh camp on a mission to Sul- 
• tan M^omed Khan at Bajor ; and, while at Bas- 
sowal, a letter was received from the latter chief, 
stating the fact of Mr. Harlan’s arrival, and that 
he had been put to death, while his elephants 
and property had been made .booty. This news 
created a sensation in the camp, and the multi- 
tude exulted that by the act Sultan Mahomed 
Khan had detached himself from Sikh interests. I 
had the satisftiction to listen to the “Alamdillahs !” 
or God be praised ! of the nawab’s dependents, 
who vociferated that, now the brothers had be- 
come one, and had wiped away their enmities in 
Feringhi blood. Mirza Sami Khan, however, pre- 
tended to be amazed; it was hard, he said, to 
believe that Sultan Mahomed Khan had com- 
mitted so foul an action, yet here was his mes- 
senger and his letter. The amir, he said, would 
have received Mr. Harlan with honour, and have 
dismissed him in like manner. Whether the letter 
was really sent by Sultan Mahomed Khan, or fabri- 
cated by Mirza Sami Khan, I know not ; but a 


day or two disclosed that Mr. Harlan’s reception 
had been most flattering, and it afterwards turned 
out that the amir’s brother easily fell in with 
Sikh views. Mr. Harlan, with reference to the 
part he now played, said he did not deceive Sul- 
tan Mahomed Khan, but allowed him to deceive 
himself, and, of course, he reported to his employ- 
ers that the chief was gained over. 

Here also joined Pir Mahomed Kh^ ; he had 
lingered behind at Jelalabad, and now dropped 
down the river on a float. He probably had in- 
tended to have passed on to LMpura, and to, have 
joined his brother in Bajor; but the amir, anti- 
cipating, or apprized of his project, had stationed 
people on the river-bank, who compelled him to 
bring-to. He had, therefore, no other course than 
to renew his oaths of fidelity to the amir, and 
to swear that he renounced brotherhood with Sul- 
tan Mahomed KhSn, should he make arrangements 
with the Sikhs without the amir’s sanction or 
concurrence. Accompanying Pir Mahomed Kh^ 
were two or three men most obnoxious to the 
chief of K4bal, and their countenances too plainly 
manifested their fears, and they were unwilling 
sojourners in camp. 

From Bassowal the nawab was allowed to pro- 
ceed to Bajor, pledging himself to return with Sul- 
tan Mahomed Kh^ and the Bajor levies to Daka, 
where the amir proposed to halt for a few days. 

When the -army marched from Bassowal, I re- 



turned to Jelalabad, where I resided with an old 
acquaintance, Mirza Aga Jan. At Ddka, the 
nawab, Tvith Sultdn Mahomed Khan and Mr. Har- 
lan, returned to camp. The ex-chief of Peshawer 
was attended by his own troops and a respectable 
force from Bajor, under orders of Amir Kh^, 
the cousin of Mir Alam Khan, who was too wary 
to trust himself in the amir’s power. Air. Harlan 
did not find the amir so facile as his brother, 
and was upbraided for his interference in matters 
which could not concern him, as well as for pro- 
moting dissension between him and Sdltan Ma- 
homed Khan. Air. Hailan found it necessary to 
send the amir a Kordn, and to make many pro- 
mises; in allusion to which Mirza Sami Khan, 
in a letter to Alladad Khan, the chief of Tak, 
who had succeeded his late father, Sirwar Khan, 
remarked, that Air. Harlan had used many sweet 
words, but that he was aware that Feringhis were 
like trees, full of leaves, but bearing no fruit,— 
an allusion so happy that he sent a copy of the 
letter to me, if not for my instruction, possibly 
for that of the political agent at Ludiana. Mr. 
Harlan, after witnessing a review 'of the army 
at Ghagari, was, no doubt, glad to receive permis- 
sion to pass over to the Sikh camp, from whence 
he had come. . 

In the passage through the defiles of Khaibar 
many of the maleks, or petty chiefs of Peshawei-, 
who had been caressed, and appointed to lucra- 

VOL. III. * z 


tive oflfices by the Sikbs, forsook them, and re- 
to the amir, excusing their defection on 
the plea of religious zeal. The amir, with 
host, finally encamped at Shekhan, in the 
of Peshawer, resting on the skirts of the Kha 

Ranjit Singh, it is supposed, was not inclined 
to believe that the amir would venture to lead 
is forces into the plain, and, apparently under 
this belief, although he had left Lahore, seemed 
to loiter in the country east of the Indus. The 
tidings that the Afghans had actually encamped 
taken up position at Shekhan, made the 
hdraja accelerate his movements, and he despatched 
peremptory orders to his sirdars at Peshawer to 
avoid a general action, and await his arrival. 

In consequence of such oi'ders, the Sikhs re- 
newed negotiations to amuse the amir until the 
Maharaja appeared. The nawdb and one 
Huss6n were diplomatists on the part of the Af- 
ghans ; the latter commissioned to watch the con- 
of the former, justly suspected by the 
Ag^ Hussen, however, did more, and aflSrming 
that he had a complete ascendency over the amir, 
received three thousand rupees, promising to pre- 
upon him to return to Kibal. 

At length Sultan Mahomed Khan proceeded 
the Sikh camp, where he remained for some 
time, and through his instrumentality a truce was 
until the arrival of the M 



The ex-ehief, it is fair to obserTe, bad proposed 
perfect reconciliation to bis brother, provided be 
would affix his seal to a bond, and engage to make 
over Peshawer to him, whether recovered by force 
of arms or by negotiation. The amir refused, 
acknowledging that he intended to give Peshawer 
to his own son, Mahomed Akbar KhAn. Sultan 
Maliomed Khan then demanded the promise of 
Jelalabad, which was alike denied. Without hope, 

■ therefore, from the justice or generosity of his 
brother, he considered himself free to further his 
own interests in any mode and in any quarter. 

The amir, conscious of the evil likely to arise 
from the presence of his brother in the hostile 
camp, in despite of the existing truce, secretly 
encouraged his Ghazis to attack the Sikhs, dis- 
honestly hoping thereby to endanger him. Be- 
tween the Afghan and Sikh armies were nume- 
rous ravines, and the inequality of surface was 
favourable to the approaches of the Ghazis, and 
sheltered them from the fire of artillery, so much 
dreaded. They made several desultory attacks, and 
even two rather serious ones upon their infidel ene- 
mies, and brought some , heads into camp, together 
with plunder from tents. They were probably 
indebted to the orders of the Maharaja, which 
reduced the Sikhs to the necessity of awaiting 
assault, and then merely to stand on the defen- 
sive. Ph Mahomed Khan on these occasions was, 
or feigned to be, in gi*eat agony. He presented 


himself to the amir, and drawing his dagger, threat- 
ened to plunge it into his own breast, denouncing 
the baseness pf exciting the Ghazis to action, with 
the desire^ that his brother might be put to death 
in retaliation. The amir protested that he could 
not restrain the ardour of his Ghazis, affected to 

■ C 

order that they should not violate the truce, and 
again encouraged them to do so, and to help them- 
selves to the golden ornaments of the infidels. 
It was the custom daily to send out a kai'owal, or 
advanced guard, commanded by one of the princi- 
pal chiefs ; and when it was Pir Mahomed Khan’s 
tour of duty the amir made such demonstrations 
as engaged the attention of the Sikhs, and ulti- 
mately committed the karowal in conflict. Pir 
Mahomed Khdn was a brave soldier, and creditably 
acquitted himself ; but, in receiving the congra- 
tulations of the amir, he did not forget to inveigh 
against the atrocity of the scoundrel. 

The Afghan councils were strangely discordant. 
Mii’za Sami Khan constantly advocated battle, and 
he was supported by the amir’s eldest son, Ma- 
homed Afzil Khan, Hdji Khan, and others. Haji 
Khan consistently proposed a variety of schemes, 
and wished, with the cavalry of the army, to de- 
scribe a chirk, or circle, and to intercept the Maha- 
raja between Atak and Peshawer. Abdul Samad 
professed an irresistible desire to combat, and only 
demanded that his foe, M. Avitabile, should be 

, — . . _ ^ 

The nawab and his party insisted that it was useless 
to contend against the superiority of the Sikhs, and 
the amir, whatever his boasts, showed that he fel 
the same. 

There are some •who think that, had the 
brought on an engagement, the occasion was not 
unfavourable, and that it was possible he might 
have dispersed one or two of the Sikh camps, as, 
while the sirdars individually would not obey the 
orders of any one but the Mahardja, there was a 
doubt whether, if attacked, they would have assisted 
each other. 

The veteran ruler of Lahore at length appeared 
in camp, and his presence diffused confidence 
amongst his troops, and unanimity amongst his 
sirdars. Di^rder and confusion were converted, as 
if by magic, into order and regularity, and the energy 
inspiring the bosom of the chief was communicated 
to those under his command. An immediate change 
was directed in the disposition of the army, hitherto 
dispersed about the village of Sudani. The camp 
nearest to the Afghans remained stationary, to dis- 
guise the contemplated movements, while upon it 
the rest of the army formed in the shape of a semi- 
circle, completely enveloping the Afghan position. 
The Sikh forces were classed into five camps, their 
fronts protected by ai'tillery ; behind it were sta- 


tioned the regular infantry, of which thirty-five 
battalions were present, and again behind them 
were the various masses of cavalry. 

While arranging his troops for attack, the Maha- 
raja deputed, in company with Sultan Mahomed 
Khan, Faquir Azzlzaldin and Mr. Harlan to the 
amir’s camp, with instructions "to prevail upon him 
to retire, and to bring Sultan Mahomed Khan 
back with them. ^Vhile the envoys were still 
urging their suit the amir became informed that 
his camp was surrounded, and that but one of two 
alternatives remained to him, to fight, or to retreat 
vrithout loss of time. He was confounded for the 
moment. He clearly saw that his enterprise had 
failed, and that his vigorous antagonist had deter- 
mined to bring matters to a prompt issue. To 
engage had perhaps never been his purpose; he 
was conscious of his inferiority ; and when he rea- 
soned, that, by remaining on the ground he- at 
present occupied he ran the chance of losing his 
guns, munition, stores, and equipage, when he would 
be reduced to the level of Jabar Khan, Mdhomed 
Zem^ Khan, or any other of his relatives, he at 
once determined to retire, while the opportunity 
permitted. Of course he consulted in his dilemma 
with his confidential minister, Mirza Sami Kh^, 
and with one or other of them originated the inge- 
nious idea of carrying olF with them Ranjit Singh’s 
envoys, Faquir Azzlzaldin and Mr. Harlan. It was 
conceited, that the old Sikh chief could scarcely 


exist without the faquir, who officiated as his 
physician, prepared his drams, and was absolutely 
necessary to him. It was hoped that Ranjit Singh 
would be obliged to cede Peshawer in exchange 
for the indispensable faquir, or that, at least, a 
good round sum would be gained as ransom. Re- 
solved to act upon suggestion so admirable, it 
occurred that a degree of odium might attach to 
a violation of the respect which amongst Afghans, 
as amongst all other nations, is conceded to the 
persons of envoys. The tact of one or the other 
proposed a means of obviating this difficulty, as 
I'cgarded themselves, and it w'as agi-eed to criminate 
Sultan Mahomed Khan. That sirdar was accord- 
ingly sent for, and the amir, exchanging oaths on 
the Koran, informed him of what was meditated, and 
expressed his wishes that, as the elchis came to the 
camp in his company, so he should carry them off, 
when everything they w^anted would be obtained. 
Sultdn Mahomed Khan, who at once perceived that 
the amir’s object was to gain his point at the expense 
of his own reputation, and irreparably to ruin him 
in the estimation of the Sikh ruler, feigned ex- 
ceedingly to approve the plan, promised entire 
compliance, and took all the oaths on the Kor^ 
required of him, considering them, made under 
such circumstances, as invalid. The amir summoned 
the envoys to his jiresence, and coarsely reproached 
and reviled them, — foul language with Afghans 
being the preliminary step^when more violent mea- 


sures are contemplated. He made them over to 
the charge of Sultdn Mahomed Khan. 

Dost Mahomed Khdn had too much experience 
in Afghan camps not to know that an orderly 
treat is almost an -impossibility. He did, however, 
his best to obviate confusion, but could not prevent 
the greater part of the arm^ bazar from 
plundered by his GhSzis, now become a disorganized 
mass, and formidable only to their quondam friends. 
The regular troops were drawn up in line, 
the artillery and camp-equipage was borne off, 
when it had entered the defiles of Khaibar they 
retrograded and closed upon the rear. It was even- 
ing when the retreat was effected, and it had 
come dark when the amir reached the heights of 
Ghagari, within the Khaibar hills. There his 
were assailed by the reports of the Sikh 
discharged in triumph at his flight, just made known 
them. He turned round, and looking to 
Peshawer, uttered an obscene oath, and said, 
you kdfrs, I have taken you in !” referring to 
of the faquir and Mr. Harlan, who, as 
supposed, were in custody of Sultfin Mahomed Kh^ 
in the rear. 

The latter sirdar, penetrating the evil intentions 
of his brother, and seeing an opportunity of recom- 
mending himself to the favour of Ranjit Singh, 
in place of canying off the envoys, escoi’ted them 
towards their own camp, and having placed them 
beyond danger, retired to Minchini, north of 


great river, there to await the decisions of the 

It should have been explained, that the reasons 
for making free with the persons of the envoys, 
as advanced by the amir, were, that they should 
be detained as hostages for the fulfilment of the 
terms they proposed, w'hich were, that the amir 
should retire, and that half the territory of Pesha- 
wer should be I'estored to Sultan Mahomed Khan. 
As the amir saw no chance of obtaining the coun- 
try for himself, he aifected to consent to this ar- 
rangenient, but next demanded some ratification, 
or some proof of the Maharaja’s liberality towards 
himself, and representing that he had been put to 
great expense in putting forth the expedition, sug- 
gested that it would only be considerate to give 
him a few Idkhs of rupees by way of nall-bandi, 
literally, to piy the charges of shoeing his horses. 
He protested that he had not come to make war 
with the Maharaja, whom he revered as a father, 
but to make peace. The faquirs promised that 
the request should be considered by the Maharaja, 
and the amir observed, that the claim was then 
admitted, and that the elchis should remain with 
him until it was adjusted, and until Peshawer had 
been made over to his brother. The faquir urged 
that it was necessary he should return to the 
Maharaja to apprise him that his propositions had 
been accepted, and of the claim for nall-bandi now 
advanced by the amir. The latter replied, it was 


unnecessary, as all could be done by a short letter. 
Finally, when the faquir was weary of offering- 
argument in vain, and hinted at the indelicacy and 
impropriety of the step the amir seemed to inti- 
mate he had decided upon, he was told that the 
Sikhs were kafrs, and unlike any other people, 
as they were breakers of oaths and treaties, there- 
fore anything was fair in dealing with them or 
with the agents employed by them, although it 
would not be fair with other people. The amir’s 
march from Shekhan was continued to Jabarghi, 
and in the morning he sent to enquire where 
Sidt&n Mahomed Khan was located, not doubting 
but that, with his prisoners, he w'as in camp. The 
sirdar was not to be found ; still the search was 
continued until about noon, when a courier was 
announced from Sultan Mahomed Khan. The 
man produced a letter, addressed to tlie amir, which 
commenced with the most violent abuse, and after 
calling the amir everything that was bad, required 
that he would instantly dismiss his brother, Pir 
Mahomed Khan, wdth his naib, Hdji Khan, and 
restore all the guns, muskets, and other articles 
of which the amir had robbed hini. Another 
letter, addressed to Pir hlahomed Khan, informed 
him that it had come to his (Sultan Mahomed 
Khan’s) knowledge that the amir had concerted 
to blind him, and that to preserve his eyes he had 
been compelled to retire. The amir and Mirza 
Sami Khan were excessively chagrined and mor- 


tified, having, besides the failui’e of their schemes, 
been duj)ed by Sultan Mahomed Khan, while they 
were exposed to odium and ridicule. Indeed, many 
of those who heard the letter read were obliged 
to retire from the amir’s presence that they might 
indulge in laughter unrestrained. 

The amir had been particularly anxious to 
preserve the army entire, that he might boast of 
having retreated with honoui*, but his utmost efforts 
. could not keep it together. It broke up and dis- 
persed. He had wished to have inspected it at 
Daka, , but as this was impossible he purposed to 
assemble it at Jelalabad, and despatched a small 
guard of horse to Stirkh Pul with orders to turn 
back any fugitives from the army seeking to reach 
Kabal. The first strong body that anaved at Surkh 
Pul overpowered the guard, and plundered it of 
horses, arms, -cand accoutrements. The amir, in 
disgust, made no farther attemj3t to restrain the 
flight of his men, and eventually reached Kabal 
privately by night. For some three or four days 
he would admit no one to his presence ; it was 
supposed that he felt ashamed. Mirza Sami Khan 
in like manner secluded himself, reviled the amir 
for not having fought as he counselled him, broke 
his kalam-dan, or pen-and-ink case, the badge of 
his office, and vowed that he would have nothin^' 


farther to do with state-affairs. That the amir 
had acted injudiciously in originating the contest 
so ingloriously concluded, there can be little doubt. 


He had engaged, vdthout allies or resources, in a 
struggle to which he was unequal, and the conse- 
quences of his failure proved a fertile source of 
subsequent 'embarrassment to him, while he had 
thrown ^tway the advantages he possessed, and 
those which he might have derived from his victory 
over Shah Stijah al Mulkh. •He had also discovei- 
ed that he could not justly calculate upon the 
religious ardour of the people, for although large 
numbers of Gh^is did join his standard, they were . 
not in the countless myriads he expected, and many 
of them were from countries independent of his 
jurisdiction. Having deceived them, as it were, 
in this expedition, he certainly could not expect 
that they would attend him on any future oc- 



The Amir’s reproaches. — projects. — State of Kabal. — Intrigues 
and plots. — Retrenchments. — Haji Khan’s conversations. — The 
Nawab’s irresolution. — Overtures from Ludiana. — Their effect 
at Kabal. —-Results. — Dexterity of Sir John Hobhouse. — Vio- 
lence of intrigues. — Letter from Captain Wade. — Arrival of 
Rashid Akhiindzada. — Proscription lists. — Rashid Akhiindza- 
da’s subtlety. — Mirza Sami Khan’s retreat. — Precautions of the 
devoted. — Danger of my situation. — Interviews with the Amir. 

— Rashid AkhundzMa opposes the Amir’s plans. — Useless 
expostulation of the Amir. — Abdulah Khan consigned to plunder. 

• — Seizure and spoil of Abdulah Khan. — The Amir’s repentance. 

— Restitution of property. — Popular dissatisfaction. — Captain 
Wade’s interference. — Resignation of appointment. — Cessions by 
Ranjit Singh to Sultiln Mahomed Khan. — Letters from Pesha- 
wer,— The Nawab’s willingness to be deceived. — Interview with 
the Amir. — Events of 1 836. — Series of intrigues and alarms. — 
The Amir’s plans. — Strives to gain over Mdhomed Osman Khan. 
— Sudden panic. — Haji Khan’s recommendation. — The Khan 
and his Hindu creditors. — The Amir’s financial measures. — 
Movements of the Sikhs and of Kamran. — Haji Khan's re- 
marks on the times. — Departure of Plr Mahomed Khan.— His 
attempted assassination^ — Impediments thrown on liis retreat. 
— Letters from India. — Resume duties, — Intercourse between 
Kabal and Liidiana. — Renewed commimications with Persia.-— 
Haji Ibrahim. — Hiissen Ali. — Ivan Vektavich. — His seizure, 
release^ and despatch from Bokhara. — His intentions and asser- 
tions. —Abdul Samad's projects. — His influence in the Amir’s 
haram. — The Amir’s evasion. — Journey to Tatang, 

As soon as the amir recovered sufficient confi- 
dence to sit in darbar, there was but one topic 




on wliicli he indulged, and tliat Avas the treachery 
and perfidy of his brothers, and other relatives, Avho, 
he said, harl, betrayed him to the Sikhs, and Avoukl 
not alloAA; him to fight. He believed, or affected 
to believe, that it Avas essential to the success of 
his future plans that they should be removed, to- 
gether Avith other obnoxious persons ; and the mode 
and manner of compassing their degi’adation or 
destruction now absorbed his attention. As the 
business Avas a serious one, he strove, if not to pro- 
cure the sanction of, to palliate his proposed mea- 
sures to his brothers, at Kandahar, and they" feign- 
ing to acquiesce in the propriety of all he urged, 
promised to semf Rashid Akhundzdda to Kabal, 
at the due time, to represent themselves, and to 
assist and countenance him in the necessary acts 
of justice, which he had determined to carry 
through. Kdbal was in a cruel state of conster- 
nation, as it had been ever since the return of 
the amir ; the streets were the theatres of con- 
stant conflicts and slaughters, of Avhich no one 
seemed to take notice, and the city appeared on 
the verge of delapsing into anarchy. The darbrir 
of the amir Avas unattended, and the functions of 
government seemed to be suspended. The chance 
is, had there been a leader upon whom the mass 
could have confided, a change in the rule of the 
country might easily have been brouglit about. 
Various parties applied to the Nawab JaKir Khan, 
AAdio, Avliile he listened to eA'^ery one, and expressed 



himself as dissatisfied as any other pei'son, was de- 
terred by indecision of character, or perhaps pru- 
dence, from profiting by the opportunity to elevate 
himself. A cause of much disquietude and stormy 
altercation during this season of plots and alarm 
was the necessity the amir found himself under 
of reducing his army,* and of providing for the in- 
creased numbers now dependent ujmn him, owing 
to the breaking-up of the Peshawer darbar and 
government. There were many of his Barak Zai 
relatives, and many Dfiranis of respectability, as 
well as others, who had previously subsisted in tlio 
employ of Sultan Mahomed Khan, whoso claims 
even the amir did not dispute. The question was, 
how to satisfy them. As it was impossible to en- 
tertain both his full amount of ancient troops and 
these new-comers, he adopted the medium course 
of i-ejecting the inefficient, and of i-etaining only 
the effective of both classes. So much opposition 
was offered that he succeeded but jiartially to 
carry his point. But when he called upon his 
chiefs to sacrifice a portion of their allowances to 
meet the wants of their relatives and friends now 
expelled from Peshawer, he was assailed by loudly- 
expressed discontent, and amongst the most noisy 
and querulous was Plaji Khan, who, if he had not 
acquired his former influence, indulged in all his 
accustomed freedom of speech. 

Pi-evious to starting on the late expedition he 
had been questioned as to what was likely to 


happen, and replied, “ Nothing serious ; hut as long 
as the business is about the amir will put his 
arms around my neck and cry Hdjl Lala ! what is 
to be done ? Haji L&la ! what is to be done ? 
When it is over, he will think of nothing else 
but, by some pretext or other, to reduce my sti- 
pend.” I had visited the klidn in the camp at 
Jelalabad, and he asked me what I thought of 
pending affairs. I put to him the same question. 
He said, it was hardly possible to contend with 
the numerous and disciplined troops of the Sikhs ; 
that he had recommended the amir to postpone 
the expedition until next year. He complained 
that the amii- pldfced no trust in any one but his 
own sons. All the brothers, he averred, should 
have been present ; those at Kandahar were not 
inclined to move; while Sultan Mahomed Khan 
was at Bajor, everyone knew for avhat purpose. 
Had the enemy been Shi^, he said, being still 
Mussulmans, there would have been a means of 
accommodation with them, as there would had 
they been Faringhis, who do not trouble them- 
selves about the religion of other people ; but 
with the Sikhs, unclean infidels, wdio were nei- 
ther one thing nor the other, there was no com- 
ing to an understanding. He concluded by la- 
menting that with such antagonists there was no 
room or justification for the exhibition of treason. 
The khan, however, proved prophetical, as regarded 
the fate which awaited his stipend; but he took the 


amir’s resolution in very ill-humour, and was anxi- 
ous, by strong language, to have set it aside. One 
day he addressed the amir: — “ If I tell you that 
you have surpassed your brother, Vazlr Fatl Khan 
and Sirdar Mahomed Azem Khan; that: you went 
W'ith twenty thousand men, and placed yourself in 
front of seventy thousand Sikhs, that you dis- 
charged your guns upon them, that you fought 
them, and brought their heads into your camp, — 
then you are angry. If I tell you, that you went 
and showed them your nakedness, and sneaked off, — 
then you are angry ; there is no saying anything to 
please you.” The amir put his turban on tlie ground 
before Hajl Klifin, and conjured Jiim to have pity, 
remarking, “ You know what I was when you first 
became acquainted with me ift the vazli-’s camp.” 
The reduction of alloAvances being general, the bulk 
of those affected by it wished to have broken out 
into rebellion, and were ver)' earnest vith the Na- 
w’ab Jabar Khan that he should resist its apjdica- 
tion to himself, which they would acce])t as a sig- 
nal to unsheath their swords in his support. The 
nawab was irresolute; and on the amir opening the 
subject to him, yielded at once, and consented to 
the diminution of his allowances. 

When the wrath of Mlrza Sami Khan liad be- 
come a little appeased, and he condescended to 
resume the toilsome duties of office, he never 
ceased to complain of the neglect shown by the 
Sahiban of Hind. About this time I received the 

2 A 




letter from Gaptaia Wade, of wliicli I have given 
extracts in the preceding chapter. In other letters 
from the mirzas in attendance upon Abdul Ghiaz 
Khfm, the "same officer had explained in detail 
the steps do be taken to bring about a commercial 
treaty. I could not but remark, that such informa- 
tion was conveyed through uuqifficial channels; still, 
as communicating the wish of the government, I 
had only to support it to the extent of my power. 
It was • understood that Shah Sujah al Mulkh, on 
his return to Lddimia, had not for some time been 
favoured by a visit from the political agent, who 


reproached the unlucky monarch for having made 
him a daroghghwi, or liar, to his government ; and 
it may have been supposed, that owing to that 
functionary’s temporary ire Dost Mahomed Khan 
was indebted for the present overtures. I had 
conferences with the nawab and Miri^ja Sami Khan 
on the subject, and enforced the propriety of doing 
everything that Captain Wade seemed to intimate 
and desire, and after much delay answers were 
sent. There was a struggle between the nawdb 
and Mirza Sami Khan as to which of them should 
be deputed to Ludiana to arrange the treaty, the 
former considering he was entitled to be so honour- 
ed, and the latter deeming himself to be the fit 
person on account of his enjoying the amir’s con- 
fidence. These differences were unfortunate, as 
both parties had been given to understand that 
it was Captain Wade’s wish to be invited to Kfibal 


Minself, and I considered this so very likely that 
I regretted my inability to persuade them simply 
to express their entire concurrence as to the ad- 
vantages of the proposed arrangements, and to 
leave the ulterior steps to the pleasure** and dis- 
cretion of the political agent. Mirza Sami Khan 
addressed a letter to» CaiJtain Wade, in which he 
expressed his great desire to see him, which, how- 
ever, could not be gratified without an intimation 
from Ludiana. I susj^ected this w’ould jmove fatal 
to the commercial treaty, and eventually a letter 
was r§ceived in reply, noting that however great 
the mirza’s desire might be to see Captain Wade, 
it could not exceed that officex*’s desire to see the 
mirza ; and nothing farther was heard of the over- 
tures for a commercial treaty. The errors of the 
Kabal politicians may, however, have benefited 
Shah Sujah al Mulkh, for the political agent’s 
anger towards him moderated, and at an inter- 
view, when the Shah lamented his ill success, he 
was soothed, and informed that God would make 
all things easy. 

It became my duty to report, from the slight 
encouragement with which Captain Wade’s over- 
tures were received at Kfibal, as well as from the 
juggling to which they gave rise, that, in my 
opinion, the advantages of a commercial treaty 
were not duly appreciated, as well as that the 
time was adverse to the consideration of such 
matters ; and, singular enough, I see my sentiments 



at tins time, 1835, brought forward in a recent 
debate in the House of Commons by Sir John 
ITobhouse, to justify the aggressive line of policy 
adopted in 1838. 

The receipt of the letters from Liidiiina did not 
affect the active intrigues carried on in Kubal, 
which raged with undiminished violence. The na- 
Wclbs, and others of the amir’s relatives, were 
closely combined; and the Kazilbashes wished to 
have made me the medium of opening a corre- 
spondence with Ludiana, for the purpose of re- 
instating Shc\h Svijah al Mhlkh. T, of coui;ge, de- 
clined to become the medium, and even to see 
their principals, as had been washed. These jreople 
•were anxious to have begun the business without 
reference to the nawhb, and only asked my coun- 
tenance. I necessarily was unable to respond to 
so much zeal. I, however, apprised the nawab 
of part of what had been proposed, and he prayed 
me to say nothing wdiieh might damp the effer- 
vescence. The audacious Abdiil Samad, by a per- 
son in his confidence, offered to seize the amir 
and to proclaim the shah, provided I gave my 
assent. The amir’s eldest son, in close alliance 
with the nawhbs and their faction, swore the amir 
was not his father, and stigmatized him as some- 
thing worse than a knave. Pir Mahomed Xvhan, 
with Haji Khdn, w'ere inclined to the most des- 
perate measures, and constantly upbraided the na- 
wab for his dilatoriness. 



In tliese troubled times, when the slightest 
movement would have involved the country in 
anarchy, I preserved the same steady course, yet, 
as in duty bound, reported circumstances as they 
arose and came to my knowledge, to Captain Wade ; 
and the notice he took of them will be seen by 
the following extracts from his letters at this 
period : — 

Luduina, ^ 5th July, 1835. 

“ T have to thank you for the zealous attention 
which you continue to evince in the discharge of 
the duties that have been imposed on you. I am 
well aware of the difficulty which you must some- 
times experience in encountering the intrigues that 
at present prevail in Kdbal, and in conciliating the 
good-will of the different parties who are now con- 
tending for the gratification of their own views 
and interests at that place, but my confidence in 
your discernment assures me that you will be able 
to meet any contingencies that may arise Avith abi- 
lity and discretion, and in a manner best calculated 
to secure the reputation, and promote the ackiuns- 
ledged 'designs of our government, in opening the 
navigation of the Indus. It will be a pleasing- 
office to me to bring your services from time to 
time to the notice of government, whenever I find 
that I can do so with propriety, and I hope they 
vdll ultimately reap their full reward.” 

In the same letter the replies from Kabul, re- 

• * I 


ferring to the commercial overtures, are alluded 
to. “ By the present opportunity I have the plea- 
sure to send you the letter which you wished me 
to write to Dost Mahomed Khan, together with 
my replies to two letters addressed to me by Mirza 
Abdul Sami Khan and Mirza Rajab Ali, which 
I have left open for your perusal. Copies of two 
letters sent to the amir and his brother, are like- 
wise enclosed for your information. My letters to 
the two mirzas are merely in reply to letters re- 
ceived from them, of the contents of which I con- 
clude you are aware. It is not consistent with 
the usage of our government, whatever it may 
be of theirs, for its officers to coiTespond with 
people in the relative situation which they hold 
to their chiefs. The chiefs themselves, too, are 
in the habit of writing to the head of our govern- 
ment, with a frequency which is eibbarra^ssing to 
government, when it cannot respond to their letters 
in a tone agreeable to their expectations and 
wishes ; and I approve of the discretion which you 
have used in discouraging the transmission of let- 
ters which appeared to you to be objectionable in 
principle.” And again: “The present crisis of affaii'S 
in Kdbal is a highly interesting one. I heartily 
hope with you that it may eventually tend to place 
our relations with that country on a better footing 
than they are at present. The means are equally, 
if not more, in the hands of the Barak Zais than 
our own, but as the different parties concerned 



refer the consideration of their conflicting views 
to me, and I have no authority to favour one more 
than another, it is diflicult for me to express any 
opinion as to the course which they ought respec- 
tively to take, that is not authorized in some mea- 
sure by the communications vrhich I receive from 
government. In the^case of Sh4h Sujah’s last ex- 
pedition, I was obliged to reply to similar appeals 
by observing, that the Barak Zais ought to be the 
. best judges of what consisted with their own wel- 
fare ; and I do not feel entitled to deviate from 
that expression on the present occasion, though 
I deem it my duty to communicate everything that 
you report, for the information of government.” 

I shall not comment on these extracts farther 
than to observe, that there is no longer any allusion 
to commercial overtures, and that, as before ex- 
plained, the political agent’s intercourse with ShSh 
Siijah al Mulkh had been renewed. 

Captain Wade had justly described the crisis of 
affairs in Kabal as a highly intei’esting one, l)ut 
it had not yet arrived at maturity. Ilashid Ak- 
hilindzada, as agent to the brother-chiefs of Kan- 
dahar, reached the city, and we had to look for 
the development of the projects wdiich the amir 
and his adviser Mirza Sami Kh^n had concerted. 
The Akhundzada pretended perfect acquiescence, 
but was instructed by his employers to counteract 
the amir’s plans. Lists of the proscribed were 
draw’u up. The first comprised twelve names of 

’ * f 



tlie amir’s relatives and other principal men. The 
second contained about one hundred names of [ler- 
sons of minor consideration, and of all classes and 
descriptions, but who, being supposed to possess 
wealth, \v%-e deemed fit objects for plunder and 
slaughter. Rashid Akhuudzada cleverly performed 
his part. He simulated entire ap[)roval and com- 
pliance with everything the amir proposed, won 
his confidence, and became entrusted with all his 
secrets. The Akhiindzada had, however, due at- 
tention to his own profit in the delicate business, 
and while assiduous in cultivating the good graces 
of the amir, he was in constant communication 
with those of the adverse and devoted faction, 
who strove, by valuable presents, to secure his fa- 
vour. He alternately soothed and excited their 
alarms, but never alloAviog their ajiprehensions 
wholly to subside, conti’ived to keej) -them in that 
state of incertitude and uneasiness which preserved 
unimpaired his importance to them, and induced 
the necessity for them to be very liberal, and to 
be unable to refuse anything which he desired or 
coveted. The K&ndahar agent, a shrewnl man, was 
so avaricious that it has been remarked of him, 
that were he placed in a naked room, rather than 
leave it without taking something away he wo\ild 
scrape off the plaster from the walls, (hi this 
occasion there can be no doubt but that he greatly 
enriched himself at the expense of those whom 
the amir had consigned to destruction. 


^ for the general seizure was finally fixed ; 
the crafty Mirza SamiKhfin having arranged every- 
thing, so that, as he imagined, it only remained to 
act, withdrew himself to the Koh Daman, on pre- 
tence of looking after his villages, hut" in reality 
to put himself out of the way, that he might here- 
after assert that all had been done without his 
sanction or knowledge ; and that, in case of fi^ilure, 
he might return to the city with good grace as 
a mediator. The amir could scarcely have been 
ignorant that his designs had become matter of 
notoriety. Copies of his lists were in possession of 
many. The Nawab Jabar Khan, moreover, had 
openly taxed him with his dark intentions in darbar, 
and upon his denial had given up his sources of 
intelligence, which a little confounded him. Sup- 
ported, as he conceived, by Rashid Akhiindzada, he 
determined to work out his plans. The individuals 
exposed to danger did not neglect their precau- 
tions. They kept their retainers under arms night 
and day, and took especial care not to call upon 
the amir together, that they might not be seized in 
amass; also, when they did attend they were nu- 
merously accompanied by armed followers. In this 
unpleasant state of affairs my house in the Balia 
Hissar was assaulted for five successive niglits by 
bands of muffled villains. I quietly filled my house 
with armed men, and without takiiig farther notice, 
y/ bided in tranquillity the course of events. It is just 
to observe, that I did not so much suspect the amir, 



however capable he was of any enormity, as I did 
the unprincipled Abdul Samad, and others. This man 
had been desirous of forming an acquaintance with 
me. Seeing no possible benefit likely to arise from 
intercourse with such an individual, I declined to 
have anything to do with him, but however civilly 
I excused myself he was not the less olfended. 
Now that he might reasonably calculate upon a 
period of anarchy and confusion, I supposed he 
considered the occasion favourable to destroy me, 
assured that at such a time there would be little 
inquiry or calling to account. In this conjuncture 
Fati Mahomed Khan, Popal Zai, himself one of 
the proscribed, represented to the Nawab Jabar 
Khtin the peril which menaced me in the Balia 
Ilissar, and the nawab promised to send for me 
on the morrow. He was too much occupied with 
his own cares and apprehensions to4hink of me, 
and forgot to do so. I had decided not to shift 
my quarters, so the nawab’s omission was unimpor- 
tant. Until this year, although I had lived in the 
country since the spring of 1832, I had never called 
upon the amm, as I had nothing to say to, or to 
do with him, and so far as I knew, while aware of 
my presence, he did not concern himself about me. 
1 had become intimate with his eldest sons, and 
of this circumstance, most likely, he was informed. 
Subsequent to my appointment, he had sent for 
me twice, and, to judge from the evidence of his 
language, for the express purpose of intimidating 


and insulting me. I did not allow myself to be put 
down, and answered him in a tone similar to that 
in which he addressed me. At length the even- 
ing came when Dost Mahomed Khhn proposed, 
the following morning, to put into execution his 
long-cherished and cogitated plans of blood and 
plunder. He fancied himself about to be elevated 
above the treachery of his relatives and their ad- 
herents, while treasures w'ere about to flow into 
his coflers which would enable him to wage eternal 
crusades and warfare with the Sikhs, and other in- 
fidels, He sat meditating on his fell purpose, await- 
ing Rashid Akhiindzada, when that important per- 
sonage made his appearance. With a countenance 
full of dismay, he announced that all had transpired, 
and plainly told the amir, that he must not think 
of putting his designs into effect, for he had just 
left the naw-abs and their confederates, who had 
exchanged oaths, and sworn to repel force by force. 
The amir was sorely incensed, but tlie Akhundzada 
pressed his point, insisting that violence must not 
be thought of, or ruin would follow. Their con- 
versation grew very animated, but the amir saw 
that he had been foiled, and understood on whose 
side the Akhundzada had ranged himself, while, left 
as it were alone, he had not even Mirza Sami Klnm 
to consult. He asked the Akhundzada why he had 
come from Kandahar to deceive him and to over- 
throw his plans. This question brought on a dis- 
cussion, which closed by the amir receiving per- 



■with Kamran no one believed, and it was deemed 
absurd to expect money from a man w'ho had been 
subjected to spoil but the preceding year by his 
employers at 'Kandahar. 

At an early period of my antiquarian researches 
I had, through the medium of Colonel, now Sir 
Jlenry Pottinger, made proposals to the Bombay 
' government, over which the Earl of Clare then 
presided, and they were favourably received. I 
had subsequently the satisfaction of receiving the 
assurance that my labours were appreciated, a valu- 
able testimony, because I felt that it would not 
be given unless judged to be merited. Captain 
Wade, aware of this connexion, on requesting me 
to correspond with him, and before I received 
notice of the appointment as agent, had, on the 
6th of December, 1834, in allusion thereto, accu- 
rately described it as “ one of a scientific nature,” 
and properly continued, “and will not, of course, 
interfere with the connexion which you have formed 
with me, as such a collision might prove embaiunss- 
ing to all parties.” So soon, however, as the duties 
of agent were, to use Captain Wade’s appropriate 
term, “imposed” on me, and he considered me 
well within his grasp, I found that it was plainly 
his intention to interfere, and that he was very 
careless as to producing the collision and embar- 
rassment he had formerly deprecated. From the 
correspondence which ultimately became revealed, 
as well as from other - sources, I observed wdth 


regret that he was abetted by the then Mr. Se- 
cretary Macnaghten, and that he had succeeded 
temporarily to embroil me with Colonel Pottin- 
ger and with the Bombay government, who ho- 
nourably supported their own officer. '’I saw no 
alternative, therefore, but to tender the resignation 
of an appointment which was made instrumental in 
promoting strife and mischief, and did so with 
one hand while with the other I forwarded a full 
explanation to Colonel Pottinger. I now felt my- 
self at liberty, as winter had set in, to retire from 
Kdbal ; and leaving behind its politics and in- 
trigues, repaired to the milder and serener atmo- 
sphere of Tatang. 

I was not so easy in mind as to resume old 
pursuits with any pleasure, and did little moi'e 
than while away the winter months. About this 
time Ranjit „Singh, finding that the occupation 
of Peshawer was not only expensive but even 
difficult — although on the retreat of the amir a 
fortress of considerable strength had been ei-cctcd 
on the site of the old citadel, and other foi-ts had 
been constructed in the country, — thought pru<lent 
to secure the services of Sultan Mahomed Khan 
by giving to him Hashtnagar, and the Dofiboh, 
north of the K^bal river, with the southern dis- 
tricts of Kohfit and Hangti, which his troops could 
not well hold ; and this prudential act gave him 
an opportunity of boasting that he had fulfilled 
his arrangements with Dost Mahomed Khan. 

3G8 interview WITH THE AMIR. 

SiHtiin Mahomed Khan’s arriTal at Pesliawer 
^vas followed by the despatch of numerous vaunt- 
in letters to his brother and relatives at Ka.bal, 


and they attahhed more than due credit to them foi‘ 
the time. "^The Nawab Jabar Khan Avas so assured 
that Sultan Mahomed Khan was in a condition 
to act oifensively that he net only entirely fell 
in with his supposed vieAvs, but rejected the sum- 
mons of the amir to return to Kabal. Tt was to 
no purpose I pointed out that he was in error : 
he was unwilling to dismiss an illusion 'so agree- 
able to his wishes. Orders after order’s came from 
Dost Mahomed Khan, still the nawiib prolonged 
his stay ; and finally, wiien he could not bring 
himself to obey them, he despatched his fimiily, 
and I availed myself of their company to the city, 
and again found myself in my old quarters. 

The amir had naturally kept him,self informed 
of my movements and actions ; and he appeared 
more satisfied than formerly as to my intentions. 
I had an interview with him shortly after my re- 
turn ; and he chose to be civil, remarking, that I 
ought to call upon him, as we w’ere neighbours, 
and it w’as only seemly that one neighbour should 
enquire occasionally after another ; and prolrably, 
in consequence of my liaAing combated the muvalr’s 
inclinations in favour of S61t;\n Miihomed Khan, 
would frequently obseiwe, that I was at least not 
his enemy, and, moreover, listened approvingly to 


the praises which many in the darbar now ven- 
tured to bestow upon me. 

It is needless to detail the political events of 
this year ( 1836 ), as they would principally turn 
upon the abortive attempts of the amir to dissipate 
the confederacy of his relatives, and their measures 
to counteract him. . Generally, they would prac- 
tise upon his fears, which were easily excited ; 
and the stratagem sufficed to divert his atteiition 
from them to other objects. The iwesence of 
Sultan Mahomed Khan at Peshawer enabled them 
to procure an abundance of eloquent epistles suit- 
able to their views ; and when they wanted these 
it was easy to forge them ; and his brother, Pir Ma- 
homed Khan, provided with his seal, could readily 
affix it and make them sufficiently authentic. It 
must be acknowledged that the amir was not 
suffered to remain in repose. If disposed to be 
tranquil, Pir Mahomed Khan would present him- 
self with a letter, said to have been just received 
from his brother, and addressed to himself or to 
his mother. Prefacing the delivery by protest- 
ing that he was Ijound to produce any commu- 
nication from that quarter, and of course that 
he was not answerable for its contents, the letter 
on being read would be full of the most oppro- 
brious terms and menaces, and consequently ex- 
tremely irritate the amir. The latter had been 
anxious to have carried into execution the dark 
plans of last year, and was desirous of doing the 



business himself, without trusting to Rashid Ak- 
hiindzada or others. His doubts, however, as to 
the results led him to endeavour to detach -some 
of the confederacy, and he selected Milhoined Os- 
mmr Khdn as one likely to be worked upon. 
When he thought him sufficiently prepared, he 
divulged his intentions, and, said, “ Let us take 
a knife, and cut through the flesh of our arms 
to the bone ; and when Ave have mangled and 
mutilated ourselves, no one can reproach us with 
mangling and mutilating others.” Mahomed Os- 
man Khdn reported to his friends all that passed, 
and returned to the amir to listen to fresh inti- 
mations of his designs. I do not think there 
was much reason for apprehension this year; but 
on a sudden the amir was overwhelmed with 
letters from various persons, announcing that Sul- 
tan Mahomed Khan, with a large fgree, Avas sta- 
tioned in Bajor, ready to descend upon the valley 
of Jelalabdd. All who were in the seci’et ex- 
claimed, “ Good heavens ! what are you about ? 
why sleep when the enemy is at your doors?” 
The business was so Avell managed that the amir 
was panic-struck, and although he could not com- 
prehend the danger, feared it. He inquired what 
was to be done? Haji Khan replied, that troops 
must instantly be despatched to secui'e the })asses 
leading from Bajor and Peshawer to Jelalabad. 
The amir asked who would go ? The khan replied, 
that he would, and that Abdul Saroad should be 



sent to Khonar. Haji KhAn ordered his pesh- 
kh^na to Siah Sang, where it remained for a 
month, and was then silently withdrawn. A con- 
siderable degree of ridicule was cau'sed by the 
manoeuvres put into play on this occasion; and 
they were never clearly understood, for it soon 
became known that Sultan Mahomed Khan had 
never quitted Peshawer. Had the amir dispei'sed 
his troops, and deprived himself of his battalion, 
he would have been left alone in Kabal at the 
mercy of his adversaries, — a position in which they 
might have been pleased to see him, but one into 
which he w^as too wary to place himself. He 
probably discovered the futility of attempting to 
involve the whole of his obnoxious relatives in 
destruction by a cowp de main^ and henceforth his 
policy led him to essay their subvereion by attacking 
them singly, , 

Haji *Kh^, who had been so eager to display 
his zeal, availed himself of the opportunity to im- 
prove his finances, and called together some Hindus 
of the city, to whom collectively he was indebted 
seven thousand rupees. They attended with ala- 
crity, presuming he intended to settle their accounts 
preparatory to entering upon his campaign. He 
addressed them in an oration, setting forth, that 
he was about to engage in a war with infidels, and 
that, adverting to its chances, they all knew how 
disgraceful it would be to a Mussulmiin to die in 
debt. That he owed them seven thousand rupees, 


for which they held hia bonds ; they would coufev 
a signal favour upon him, and at the same time 
perform a worthy action, if they returned them, 
and allowed’ him to go to battle with a clear con- 
science. '’He had always been their friend in the 
darbar, and they had made large jirofits in their 
transactions with him ; and .they ivell knew that 
if he returned safe and victorious they would not 
be losers by him. He had not a rupee to move 
his men from the city, and they would confer an 
everlasting favour upon him if they advanced him 
two thousand rupees at so important a crisis ; in 
doing so, they might expect that' their riches 'W'ould 
increase vastly in this world, and they would all 
become cows in the woi'ld to come, for so cha- 
ritable and generous a deed could not but secure 
its due reward. The Hindus were astounded, but 
the khan was irresistible, and jirocured the sur- 
render of his bonds, with the two thousand rupees, 
for which he gave an order for grain on Chahar- 
bigh of Lughman. 

The large military force the amir deemed it 
advisable to keep up, and to which he was in 
some measure compelled, pressed heavily upon his 
finances, and a multitude of expedients wei’C put 
into practice to meet the extraordinary expenses 
it involved. No opportunity was neglected of 
seizing property, and although a pretext, more or 
less valid, was generally urged, extreme dissatisfac- 
tion prevailed^ and the popularity of the amir 


diminished daily. An effort made to increase the 
revenues derived from the Ghilji districts of Ghazni 
threw them into insurrection, and the Ghilji dis- 
tricts of Kabal wei’e on the verge of revplt for the 
same reason. In both instances the amir gained 
a trifle, notwithstanding the Ghazni Ghiljis defeat- 
ed his troops. In the autumn Mahomed Akbar 
Khan marched into Taghow, and after some severe 
fighting, in which men of consideration were slain, 
possessed himself of the valley. Here also tribute 
was enforced. Many of the troops employed in 
this eijpeditioii went provided with bar-hts, or orders 
for their pay, drawn out in anticipation. Such 
orders are described as being on the stag’s antlers, 
meaning that the stag must be first caught. 

Abroad, while to the east the Sikhs were con- 
solidating their power at Peshawer, and extending 
their arms and influence on the western banks of 
the Indus, now actually occuppng the level country 
of Daman, in which formerly only their agents 
resided, while they pushed their troops into Band ; 
to the west, Shah Kamran demonstrated that he 
was able to leave Herat ; and his army spread over 
Sfstan, which he rendered tributary. Of all men 
living there was no one so dreaded by the Barak 
Zais as Shah Kamran. For many years civil 
dissensions and intrigues had confined him within 
the walls of Herat, and it was supposed that he 
would never be competent to leave them. Having 
purified his house, agreeably to his own fashion, 


by murdei’ and banishment, he now appeared in 
the field, and but for the views of his minister, Yar 
Mahomed Khan, which were opposed to his progress 
eastward, ^would veiy probably have possessed him- 
self of Kandahar. His movements, liowevor, pre- 
vented some contemplated scizui’es at Kabal, Haji 
Khan suggesting that the times were critical, and 
remarking, with some propriety, that when a man 
was abroad who would spare none of them, it 
behoved them not to destroy each other. 

The close of this year was marked by the depar- 
ture from Kfibal of Pir Mahomed Kh4n, half 
brother to the amir, and full brother to Sult4n 
Mahomed Khan. Of the amir’s relatives he 
was the most turbulent, and therefore most appre- 
hended. A daring and dcjsperate man, he was 
particularly desirous of acting, and the more pru- 
dent Nawab, Jabai* Khan, had frequently ^ trouble 
to restrain him. He had, besides, money, and was 
therefore enabled to keep his troops together', and 
of them he had as many as seven hundred, chiefly 
Atchak Zais and Ghiljis. The amir, constantly 
informed of all his plans — for it was notorious that 
his UTiters had been corrupted— thought it necessary 
to be rid of him, and had twice sent assassins by 
night to his house. They missed Pir M4homed 
Khan, but on the first visit carried otF money and 
valuables to the amount of twenty-four thousand 
rupees, and on the second, to the amount of five 
thousand rupees. Complaining to the amir, the 



sird^ was jeeringly told, that most likely the 
Nawab Jabar Khan had done the evil, as every 
one knew he entertained robbers. Matters having 
come to this extremity, Pir Mahome'd Khan saw 
the necessity of leaving Kabal, and a5“ter much 
debate and altercation did so. Many of his fol- 
lowers were seduced* by the amir, and remained, 
while his eldest son even returned from Bhut 
Khak. Orders were sent to the authorities at 
JeMlabad to obstruct his passage by evei*y means 
short of actual violence ; not to admit him within 
the town, and to tamper with his dependents. 
Other orders were sent to Khonar, to the Momands, 
and to the Khaibaris respectively, instructing them 
not to grant a passage through their countries either 
to Bajor or to Peshawer. Mhhomed Akbar Khan 
precipitately gained Jelalabad from Taghow, where 
his brother, Mahomed Haidar Khan, was sent from 
Kdbal to replace him, but, in despite of obstacles, 
Pir Mahomed Khan, with the remnant of his fol- 
lowers, reached Lalpura, whei-e he was met by Amir 
Kh^n of Bajor with a good force, and together they 
marched into Bajor. 

Soon after my return to Kdbal in the spring, I 
had received letters from India; among them one 
from Mr. Trevelyan, in reply to a communication 
I had made containing the reasons which had com- 
pelled me to tender the resignation of the appoint- 
ment imposed on me. I was recommended to 
continue to discharge the duties, and was told. 



“ Your sole duty, is to keep the supreme govern- 
ment informed of all that is going on in any of 
the countries beyond the Indus, intelligence of 
which reaches Kabal, with the addition, whenever 
you think' proper to oiFer any, of your own views 
and comments upon the particulars communicated 
by you. By doing this well, »as jo\i have hitherto 
done, you will render an important public service, 
and it will always be open to the Governor-general 
to employ you in any other way he may think 

In deference to these sentiments, althougli not 
very satisfactory ones, I renewed my correspondence 
with Captain Wade, in despite of an official letter 
1 received at the same time, with a very obsequious 
private one from that officer, and which would have 
fully justified me to have declined any farther 
intercourse with him, even according -to his patx’on, 
the then Mr. Secretary Macnaghten, who, when in- 
foi*med of it in 1838, and being told that a friend 
of mine had characterized it as an insolent and 
imperious letter, remarked, that it merited sevei*er 

Dui’ing this year little correspondence took j)lace 
between the authorities in Kabal and Lvidiana. 
The accession of Sir Charles Metcalfe to the 
government in India had produced letters, indeed, 
from the amir and nawab Mirza Sami Khfin ; re- 
membering that Sir Charles had coi’responded with 
the Vazir hati Khan ; but no replies were received. 



the policy of the government being for the mo- 
ment opposed to dubious connexions with states 
beyond the frontiers ; which events have proved 
was the wise policy, since a deviation from it has 
produced such signal disaster and disgrace. 

It became my duty this year to i-eport the des- 
patch of fresh letters* to Persia, which wei*e sent by 
H^ji Ibrahim, a brother of Abdiil Samad. This 
profligate man had amassed some money, for, be- 
sides large allowances, he teafficked, made ducats, 
and scrupled at no means of increasing his wealth. 
It was a point with him to send it out of the 
country, and his bi'other was commissioned to return 
to Persia, and to deposit it there. Of course, letters 
were procured to the shah, if no other object were 
hoped from them, that the importance of Abdiil 
Samad might be made known. As the journey 
w*as dangerous to the Haji, Hussen Ali, a young 
man of the Balia Hissdr, who had more than once 
gone as far as Orenburgh, was prevailed upon 
to accompany him to Bokhara. I was well ac- 
quainted with Hussen Ali, and he took leave of 
me j)reviously to his departure, but never mention- 
ed that he was charged with letters for the Rus- 
sian government, nor did any one suspect that he 
was. He had a commission to purchase fui*s for 
Abddl Samad, and spontaneously offered to be 
useful to me in any way. 

At the close of last year letters from Bokhara 
had announced the presence there of Ivan Vekta- 



vich, whose name has since been sufliciently noto- 
rious. A merchant of K4bal, then at that place, 
noted to his correspontlent that Vektavich had 
been arrested as a P&sian spy, when he declared 
himself to be a Russian, and was in consequence 
released by the Ghosh Begl. Thereupon presuming, 
he openly took notes, which being reported to the 
amir, that chief proposed to slay him, but the 
Ghosh Begi again privately sent him away, with 
an escort, to MangkishMk, on the Caspian. Vek- 
tavich had requested of the merchant to forward 
letters to me, and to Mr. Court at Lahore, but 
his sudden departure deprived us of the honour 
of his communications. Vektavich gave himself 
out as a most important personage, and declared 
that Russia, being at ease as regarded Persia and 
Turkey, intended to interfere in the affairs of 
Central Asia. * 


Vektavich was still in Bokhai'a when Ilaji 
lbr£ilm and Hdssen' Ali reached, and the latter 
went in his company to MangkishMk. Ilaji Ibra- 
him, in a letter from Bokhara, reported the flight 
of ITussen Ali, and that he had made off' with a 
number of his ducats, and requested his brother 
to confiscate his house and property at Kabal. 
Abdtil Samad did not do so, and observed, that 
Hfissen Ali had gone on his business, or, as w'as 
supposed by those who heard him, to buy furs. 

In reporting the despatch of letters to Persia 
I remai’ked, that it remained with the government 


to consider thevalue to be placed on such communi- 
cations, and to treat them lightly or otherwise. 
In case they were seriously judged, there were ready 
instruments of arresting thd evil, vizi Shah Stijd,h 
al Mdlkh at Lddidna, or Shah Kamran, already 
in the field. From the tone in which I set forth 
the matter, it must bave been clear that my opi- 
nion was, that very little notice need be taken of 

Amongst the consolatory events of this year, 
was the assurance communicated to me, by orders 
of the Bombay government, that the vindication, 
into which the subtle conduct of the political agent 
at Lddlana had forced me, was entirely satisfactory. 

I remained this year in Kdbal until its termina- 
tion, and should most likely have passed the winter 
there, when I became apprised of a circumstance 
which induced me to accompany the Nawib Jabar 
Khdn to Tatang. The amir’s eldest son, Mahomed 
Afzil Khdn, had been appointed to collect the 
revenue of Khuram, which for two years had been 
neglected, and Abddl Samad, with his battalion, 
was commissioned to attend him. This fellow, it 
seemed, had urged my seizure upon the amir, 
striving to delude him with the notion of finding 
twenty thousand rupees in my house. I was un- 
conscious of all this, when I received an intimation 
from a quarter I was not permitted to suspect, 
that it was necessary to be on my guard against 
the designs of Abdul Samad. According to the 

' I I 


information given, the amir, when the subject 
was proposed to him, honourably affirmed that T 
M^as his guest. He therefore was not consenting. 
Abdul Samad, who possessed a singular influence 
with the amir’s most powerful wife, endcavoiu-cd 
to obtain her support to the step he recommended; 
and from this lady’s control over her husband, if 
she really exerted it, I had reason for mistrust. 
The day for Abdul Samad’s march drew near, 
and he strenuously pressed upon the amir to 
proceed to extremity with me, saying, that unless 
he did he should not leave Kabal satisfied. . The 
amir replied, that he might go with his mind 
perfectly at ease, for he should very soon be in- 
formed how Masson Sahib had been treated. I 
understood that the amir by his answer had evaded 
the request, and ridden himself of Abdiil Samad’s 
importunity. I, however, informed' the Nawab 
Jab& Khan of what I had heard, without niahing 
him acquainted with the source of my intelligence, 
and he, observing, very truly, that they wm-e all 
scoundrels, and not to be trusted, proposed that I 
should accompany him to Tatang, to which I agreed ; 
and in a day or two after we started. 


Aggressions of Hari Singh. — Preparations to repel it. — Despatch of 
troops to Jelalahad. — Plans of attack. — Attempt to assassinate 
the Amir. — Retaliation of Mahomed Akbar Khan. — March into 
Khaibar. — Cannonade of Jamrud. — Attack by Hari Singh. — Dis- 
comfiture of Afghans. — Battle renewed by Shamsadin Khan. — 
Danger of Amir s sons. — Feat of Mahomed Akbar Khan. — Hari 
Singh mortally wounded. — Retreat of Sikhs. — Mirza Sami 
Khan's prayers. — Death of Hari Singh. — His intrepidity. — Dis- 
putes in the Afghan camp.— Altercation between Abdul Sarnad 
and Mir Afzil Khan. — Retreat of Afghfin army. — ’Haji Khan's 
deeds in the Doabeh. — Lenah Singh's messages. — Haji 
Khan's letters to Kdbal. — Contest with Lenah Singh. — Retreat 
of Haji Khan. — His suggestions at Jelalab^d. — His treachery. 
— Abdul Samad's effrontery.— His degradation and dismissal.— 
Interview with the Arnir, — With Mahomed Akbar Khan. — 
Mirza Sami Khan's advice.— Correspondence between Sikhs and 
Afghans. — Return to Kabal. — Adventure at Jigdillik. — Recep- 
,tion of Mdhomed Akbar Khan at Kabal. — Dismissal of Haji 
Khan. — His welcome at Kandahar. — His connexion with the 
British. — His understanding with Gixlu. — His pursuit of Dost 
Mahomed Khdn. — His final disposal.— The Amir's displeasure 

with the Ghazni chiefs. — Zerin Khan's remark -Motives of 

displeasure. — Removal of Shamsadin Khan — ^Remonstrance of 
Kandahar Sirdars — Supposed plans of the Amir.— The Amir's 



The commencement of the year 1837 was distin- 
guished by active preparations on part of the amir 

382 aggressions OF HARI SINGH. 

to resent the occuiDation of a petty castle at Jamrful, 
byHari Singh, the Sikh governor of Peshawei-. The 
amir was apprehensive that the step taken by the 
Sikhs was a prelude to farther aggressive measures, 
and he salv, in the intimidation and submission of 
the people of Khaibar, the road laid open to Jehtl- 
abad. Jamrud, it may be observed, is at the very 
entrance of the defiles of Khaibar. The amir did 
not on this occasion himself leave Kabal, but de- 
puted his confidential minister, Mlrza Sami Khfin, 
to superintend the operations, his son Mahomed 
Akbar Khan commanding the troops. It was not 
the actual intention of the amir that collision 
should take place, but it was judged necessary to 
make a display of force, and to secure the Khai- 
baris, endangered by the proximity of the Sikhs. 
For this purpose Mlrza Sami Khiin was provided 
with money, and instructed to an-ange Ahe payment 
of annual allowances to their principals. It was also 
determined, if possible, to erect a castle and to esta- 
blish a gamson in Khaibar. Five of the aralr’s 
sons were present with the army collected on this 
occasion ; Mahomed Afzil Kluin, Maliomed Akbar 
Khan, Mahomed Azem Khan, Mahomed Haidar 
Khdn, and Mahomed Akram Khiln. With them 
were the Nawabs Jabar Khdn and Mahomed Os- 
inAn Khfin, Sujah Dowlah Khan, son of Ijiic Nawiib 
Mahomed Zeman Khan, and Shamsadln Khan, the 
amir’s nephew. Of the high militai-y chiefs, wm-e 
Naib Amir AkhundzAda, Naib Miilla Momind 


Khan, Mahomed Hussen Khan, Arz Begi, Zerfn 
Khin, and Nazir Dildwar. Haji Khan, who had 
previously been sent on a mission to Mir Alam 
Khan of Bajor, and who had returned reporting 
that he had settled everything, was despatched again 
in that direction for the purpose of invading, in 
conjunction with th^ Bajor and Momand levies, 
the districts of the Doabeh, and Hashtnagar, north 
of the Kabal river. 

No sooner had the preparations to resist Sikh 
aggression been determined upon, than it was follow- 
ed by one of the usual attempts to remove the amir 
by assassination. At midnight some one introduced 
himself into the apartment of Ghour Kinchini, one of 
the amir’s wives. Not finding him there the assas- 
sin went to that occupied by the mother of Mahom- 
ed Akbar Khdn. There alike unsuccessful, he found 
his way into the chamber of Azziz Khan, Ghilji’s sis- 
ter, where Dost Mahomed Khan was sleeping. Foi- 
tunately, he was aroused, and calling upon a kaniz, or 
slave-girl, to bring a light, the villain made off, con- 
triving, however, to carry off some articles of appa- 
rel, and six hundred rupees in value of trinkets from 
the apartment of Ghour Kinchini. In the morning 
the amir consulted with Mirza Sami Khan and 
Mulla Momind Khan, and arrested several indivi- 
duals of the Balia Hissar, while he removed the 
katwal from office. Nothing farther transpired, and 
the prisoners were released ; but the amir publicly as- 
serted he knew the instigators, and would settle his 


accounts with them when the expedition ter- 

Subsequently Sultan Mahomed KhAn complain- 
ed that assassins had been sent by Mahomed Akbar 
Khan on "'several occasions to Peslutwcr; and it 
proved that he had not complained without reason ; 
and so closely was he beset that he never moved 
abroad but in daylight. 

Mirza Sami Khan, with the amir’s sons, marched 
into Khaibar, and one circumstance leading to an- 
other, they advanced to the castle of Janinid, when 
becoming bold by the non-appearance of Hari 
Singh, a cannonade was commenced upon one of its 
faces. In the course of two or three days the 
weak defences of the place were destroyed, and the 
Afghans were congratulating themselves on its be- 
ing about to fall into their hands when, on the 
morning of the 30th April, Hari SingKunexjjectedly 
attacked their position, and for the inomenf cai-ricd 
all before him. 

The divisions of Naib Amir Akhuudzada, IMiilla 
Momind Khan, and Zerin Khan were brok(.m and 
dispersed, being those upon which the attack bore*, 
while their leaders were severally wounded. The 
unattacked divisions dispersed and fled, leaving the 
amir’s sons, and the Nawib Jabar Khan on the 
field, with a few individuals adhering to them. Ma- 
homed Haidar Khan, a boy, who had never before 
seen battle, retired weeping. Mahomed Afzil Klian, 
who, at the . head of two thousand men, was sta- 




Progress to Peshdwer. — Captain Burnes summoned to Lahore. — 
Letter of Captain Burnes. — Peply of government. — Unsatis- 
factory employment. — Letters of Captain Burnes. — Letter of 
Mr. Macnaghten. — My recommendations. — Plans of the govern- 
ment. — Their development. — Mr. Macnaghten volunteers his 
services. — His career and fate. — Jew. — Dr. Lord’s Russian spy. 
— Captain Burnes’ representations to Lord Auckland. — Mr. 
Colvin’s note. — My submission. — Offensive communications. — 
Resignation of service.— Excursion. — Jouimey to Lahore and 
Perozpur.— Passage down the river. — Mr. Macnaghten’s letter. 
— Interview with Sir Alexander Burnes. — Lord Auckland’s 
offers. — Captain Burnes’ insincerity — Dr. Lord’s account. — 
Sir Alexander Burnes’ account. — Application of Mr. Macnagh- 
ten. — Squabbles.-^ Conclusion. 

From Kabal we were escorted to Jelalab^d by 
N^ir AH Mabomed, and thence on jalas, or floats, 
we descended the river to Peshawer. Here we 
were soon after joined by the Kunduz party, and 
Captain Burnes received orders to proceed to an 
interview with Mr. Secretary Macnaghten, deputed 
on a mission to Maharaja Ranjit Singh. It may 
have been collected that I was by no means satis- 
fied with the relation in which I stood to the 
government of India — indeed, on the arrival of Cap- 

I 2 



tain Bui’iies at KAbal, I represented to liim that I 
thought there was no longer occasion for me to con- 
tinue in hopeless and unprofitable employment. 
He, howevei', had addressed a letter to government 
which I nJay be excused inserting, and prayed me 
to await the result. 

“ Cabool, 9th October, 1837. 

“ Sir, 

“ Before proceeding further with my communica- 
tions on the state of affairs in this quarter, I feel it 
a duty incumbent on me to report, for the informa- 
tion of the Right Honourable the Governor-general 
in Council, the great aid and cordial assistance 
which I have derived from Mr. Masson, not only 
since my arrival here, but from his constant corre- 
spondence since I left Bombay. 

“ If I shall be fortunate enough _to merit the 
approbation of his lordship in council, for what may 
be accomplished here, I feel that I shall owe much 
to Mr. Masson, whose high literary attainments, 
long residence in this country, and accurate know- 
ledge of people and events, afford me, at every 
step, the means of coming to a judgment more cor- 
rect than, in an abrupt transition to Cabool, 1 could 
have possibly formed. 

“ I discharge, therefore, a pleasing task, in ac- 
knowledging the assistance which I rc-ceive from 
Mr. Masson, and while I do so, it is also my duty to 
state, that I by no means wish the Right Honour- 



able the Governor-general in council, to consider 
Mr. Masson as responsible for the opinions and 
views which I may take up and report to govern- 

“ I have the honour to be, sir, 

“ Your most obedient humble seiwant. 
Signed, • “ Alex. Buenes. 

“ On a mission to Cabool.” 

To W. H, M‘Naghten, Esq. 

Secretary to the Government of India, Fort William.” 

This letter was noticed in a despatch from the 
secretary, not to Captain Burnes, but to Captain 
W ade, in the following manner : — 

“ The Governor-general has deidved much satis- 
faction from the high testimony borne by yourself 
and Captain Burnes, to the praiseworthy manner in 
which Mr. Masson has conducted the duties en- 
trusted to him, and Captain Burnes will be requested 
to furnish to him copies of your letters, and to inti- 
mate to that gentleman the high sense which is 
entertained by the Governor-general of his faithful 
and valuable services.” 

As Captain Burnes was now alone, and it was easy 
to foresee the mission would be involved in difficulties, 
I judged it delicate to remain with him until it was 
brought to an end, otherwise I certainly should have 
forwarded my resignation at this time. Now that 
we had reached Peshawer I again brought the mat- 
ter to Captain Burnes’ notice, and he again pi'ayed 


me to stay there, while he would represent my ease 
to Lord Auckland at Simla, and settle everything, 
so that I should be compelled to be satisfied, I 
consented to remain at Peshawer, because I had no 
wish to see any persons belonging to the govern- 
ment, for my opinions of many of them had long 
been made up ; I also well knew that there were 
difficulties which Captain Burnes, perhaps, did not 
foresee, but which I suspected W'ere not to be got 
over; moreover I had determined on the course 
to adopt, simply that of advancing no pretensions, 
but if still neglected, and kept in a position where I 
could not be useful, to clear myself from embarrass- 
ment by quitting a service which had long been dis- 
agreeable to me, and which I felt to be dishonour- 
able besides. 

Captain Burnes had reasonable anxiety that his 
conduct in the late mission might be called into 
question. The French ofllcers at Peshawer also ex- 
pressed solicitude for him. He was soon relieved 
from any apprehension on that account. 

In a letter from Hassan Avdal of 2nd of Juno, 1838, 
he enclosed me one from Mr. Macnaghten, and 
wrote, “ I suppose it is a counterpart of my own to 
ascertain your sentiments of what is to be done to 
counteract the policy of Dost Mahomed Klidn. 
They shall have my sentiments sharp enough, and 
as for Sikh rule in Cabool it will never do. What 
theirs are I do not know, but you may guess from 
Wade’s note to me which I enclose. It is unique — 





Why lie infers you were to stay at Peshawer I know 

On the 4th, or two days after, he wrote from 
RAwal Pindi, — “ They wish to have aP, our opinions, 
but their determination to act is clear.* I have a 
letter by Lord Auckland’s desire from Mr. Colvin 
this morning, telling me to repair to Adeena-nag- 
gar, where I shall be fully and confidentially in- 
formed of his lordship’s views in the pi’esent crisis. I 
am also told, that ‘ the Governor-general is quite sa- 
tisfied that you have done all that could be done to 
ensure success at Cabool, notwithstanding the failure 
■of oiir negotiations.’ He (his lordship) is perfectly 
assured also, that you will now apply yourself to the 
fulfilment of any new part that may be assigned to 
you with the same assiduity and ardent zeal which 
you have always manifested in the dischai’ge of 
public duty.— inference from all this is that Shah 
Shoojo’is immediately to be put fortoard.” 

The letter of Mr. Macnaghten is much too curious 
to be omitted, Captain Wade’s unique note I regret 
to have lost, or perhaps I returned it. 

Camp in the Panjafo, May 1838. 

“ My DEAR Sir, 

“ You will have heard that I am proceeding on 
a mission to Runjeet Singh ; and as at my interview 
with his highness it is probable that the question 
of his relations with the Afghans will come on the 
tapis, I am naturally desirous of obtaining the 


opinion of the best-informed men with respect to 
them. Would you oblige me, therefore, by stating 
what means of counteraction to the policy of Dost 
Mahomed Khan you would recommend for adojv 
tion, and whether you think that the Sikhs, using 
any (and what?) instrument of Afgluin agency, could 
establish themselves in Cahoul.^ In giving your opi- 
nion as to what should he done in the ])resent crisis, 
you will not, of course, view the fpiestion as one 
affecting the Sikhs and AfgliAns alone, hut as one 
materially connected with our own interests. I 
should he glad to he favoured wdth your reply as 
soon as convenient. Perhaps you had better direct 
it to the care of Captains Wade or Burnes, in the 
camp of the Maliarajah. 

“ I am, my dear sir, 

“ Very truly yours 

Signed, “ W. H. Macnagiiten.” 

To C. Masson, Esq/* 

Mr. Macnagiiten as before noted, had been de- 
puted on a mission. It might he supposed from this 
letter that he did not know why he had been de- 
puted, or farther than he was sent to arrange some- 
thing, whatever it might he, at his own discretion. 
Lord Auckland’s missions seem to have been much 
of the same character. 

In reply to Mr. Macnaghten, I deprecated the 
extravagant notion of estahlishing the Sikhs in 


Kabal, and as the lesser evil recommended the 
establishment of Shi\h Stijah al Mulkh, aware that 
the government had determined upon action of 
some kind, and never dreaming that an anny of 
twenty thousand men was to be employed to effect 
an object which, could have been readily accom- 
plished without a British soldier, simply by sending 
the Shah to Peshawer under a proper understanding 
with the M^lharaja. 

That government at this time contemplated no 
employment of its arms, a subsequent letter from 
Captain Burnes of 21st of June, may perhaps show. 
It was from Lahore, after he had seen Mr. Mac- 
naghten. “ Public affairs here are in an advanced 
state, and I consider our relations with the Panjab 
on the verge of being materially altered, and Shooja 
ool Moolk close on ascending the throne of his 
ancestors. You may remember the treaty between 
the Shuh and Runjeet. That is the base of every- 
thing, and it only now' remains to be settled w'hether 
he is to go by Peshawer or by Candahar to his 
throne. A son at Peshawer to demonstrate there, 
and the Shah himself at Shikaiq^ore seems the 
favoured scheme here, but this is not yet settled. 
The Shah is to have an agent on our part wdth him, 
English officers and English money ; but it is not 
yet settled if he is to have any of our troops. I am 
clear for a reg-iment or two ; but there seems to be 
some fear of objections to the thing on the part of 



Rmijeet Sing. Tlie treaty to bo f<)rnie<l is tri- 
partite, and the Sinde orange is to l)e squeezed. 
How much I know not, but very much 1 hoj)e.'’ 

In the sasne letter Captain liurnes wrote, “ I 
have had 'the satisfaction of being told that 1 was 
sent to do impossibk things at Cabool, so all my 
labour that did not succeed^ was not expected to 
succeed! Politics are a queer science.” 

In a very short time it became developed that 
a large armament was to accompany the Shah, and 
Sir Henry B'ane was flattered with having the direc- 
tion of it, while Captain Burnes was soothed with 
the notion of being associated with his excellency 
as commissioner. Councils of all kinds were held 
at Simla, until the expedition was fairly determined 
upon, when Mr. Secretary Macnaghten volunteered 
his services for the occasion on the ground that 
Captain Burnes could hardly be depe;ided upon in 
so important an affair. This was no doitbt true, 
although the unfortunate secretary was the last man 
in India who should have put himself forward. He 
saw I fear the opportunity of gratifying his ajubi- 
tion and vanity, and either over-estimated his abi- 
lity or fancied that he had an easy tjisk before him. 
The retreat of the Persians fi-om Herat, in fact, had 
rendered an expedition unnecessary ; but the army 
had been assembled, the appointments had been 
made, and it was necessai'y the now cuivoy ami 
.minister should parade through Afghanistan. 1 
need not allude to the subsequent career of that 


functionary or to Ms miserable end. It wouM tempt 
one to exclaim, 

Grand Dieu ! tes jugements sont pleins d^equite.” 

I remained at Peshawer throughout the hot and 
rainy seasons, in a bad state of health. Major 
Tod passed through^ on his journey from ITerat to 
Simla, and with him came the Jew described by 
Dr. Lord as a Russian spy, and who of course appro- 
priately appears in the Afghmi correspondence, pages 
18 and 21. This man lived the few days he stayed 
at Peshawer at my quarters. A pedlar by trade, 
he and his visitors were so noisy in making’ their 
bargains that I was obliged on account of my head 
to have him removed to the opposite side of the 
garden. He had a plan of Jerusalem with him and 
I should judge was not perfectly sane. That such a 
man could be conceived a Russian spy was certainly 
ridicufous. He went tow’ai-ds Kashmir with a kiifila 
and I gave him five or ten rupees to help him on 
his journey. The French officers assisted him in like 
manner. When Captain Burnes saw Lord Auck- 
land at Simla he conversed with him on my affairs, 
and reported to me the substance of his lordship’s 
remarks. They were unmeaning enough, but stated 
my services were too valuable to be dispensed with, 
while omitting to do what would be only just to 
place me in a fair position. Captain Bunies also 
stated my claims to assistant’s allowances during the 
Kabal mission. His lordship admitted they were 



valid, but said the benefit had better be pi-ospective. 
Captain Burnes when apprising- me of all this sent 
me a note from Mr. Colvin to himselt^ which as he 
said would explain itself. “ You may write to Mr. 
Masson to say that Ijord Auckland is miUj/ sen- 
sible of his merits, and would wish to consult his 
convenience and feelings as uuu-h as he with pro- < 
priety can. 'While the present crisis lasts, his | 
services are too valuable to his country to admit of I 
his being detached to a distance. He will remain, ■ 
probably, so long as the rains last at Pesliawer, but 
when the Shah proceeds in force towards Shikarpiir j 
he will have to move down to that quarter to join ■ 
the principal political officer employed. ^Vhen the > 
object of the expedition shall have been attained, 
Lord Auckland will gladly consider what arrange- , 
ment can be made so as best to meet his views.” \ 
Most assuredly this communication, did not sa- 
tisfy me, for it settled nothing ; however, offered j 
no opposition, and expressed to Captain Burnes that ' 
I was content to go on — resting on the assurance j 
he had given me that Dr. Lord, who had been ; 
appointed to pi’oeeed to Peshiiwer, was coming to f 
relieve me. I had' scarcely signified my consent, ' 
when I received a letter fi-om [Mr. Secretary Mac- ^ 
naghten, directing me to forward my correspond- 
ence, under cover to Captain Wade. This might 
have surprised me for more than one reason, but I ; 
had soon more cause for surprise in another let- ; 
ter from Mr. Macnaghten, informing me of Dr. 



Lord’s mission, and calling upon me to aflord liini 
every aid in my power. 

I now found that it was Mr. Maenaghten's 
pleasure that I should remain at Feshawer, and 
that he had set aside the decision* of Lor<l 
Auckland and the private secretary. I now ielt 
privileged to follow my own inclinations ; I, there- 
foi’e, awaited the arrival of Dr. Lord, and did as- 
sist him as far as information and counsel could as- 
sist such a man — and then forwarded my resignation 
to government, in a manner that it might be known 
I was in earnest. Released from the thraldom in 
which I had been kept since 1835, I then made 
an excursion to Shah Baz Ghari in the YusefZai 
districts, to recover some Bactro-pali inscri{)tions 
on a rock there, and was successful, returning with 
both copies and impressions on calico. From Po- 
shawer I next crossed the Indus, and proceeded to 
Lahore, from whence I reached Ferozpur on the 
same day that Lord Auckland crossed the iSatlej on 
a visit to Ranjit Singh. I had the satisfaction to bo 
again amongst my countrymen in the Bi-itish camp, 
where I remained until it broke up, and the army 
marched towards Bahdwalpur and Sind, when 1 
sailed down the river in the fleet with Sir Henry 

While at Ferozpiir, I would on no consideration 
see any of the politicals, for I was abundantly sur- 
feited with them. However, when there I received 
the official acceptance of my resignation, which I 


introduce here because it lias been latterly put 
forth that I was dismissed the service. I did not 
take the trouble to contradict the falsehood, — it 
was unnecessary. 


{Pol. Dept.) 


“ Sir, 

“ I am desired by the Right Honourable 
the Governor-general of India, to acknowledge the 
receipt of your letter dated the 16th ultimo, ten- 
dering your resignation of the service of th§ go- 
vernment of India. 

“ In reply, I am directed to acquaint you, 
that in compliance with your wish, the Governor- 
general has been pleased to accept your resigna- 

“ I have the honour to be, ». 

“ Sir, 

“ Your most obedient humble servant, 

“ S‘‘' W. H. Macnaquten.” 

Secretary to Governor of India, 
with the Gov.-general. 

Camp, at Ferozepore, the 
SOth November, 1838. 

After passing Bahawalpur, where Sir Henry Fane 
had an interview with Bah^wal Khdn, we reached 
the frontier of Sind, where I again saw Sir Alex- 
ander Bumes. He informed me that Mr. Colvin 


tioned on the plain, alone stood firm, and kept his 
troops together. Hari Singh, in the first instance, 
appeared to have the intention of attacking this 
body, but, observing its steady attitude, suddenly 
wheeled round, and fell upon the divisions ranged 
amongst the small eminences skirting the plain. 
The amir’s sons, an^ the Nawab Jabar Khan, while 
scorning to fly, were in ravines and hollows sepa- 
rated from each other, unconscious of what was 
passing around them, and fearful, lest they might be 
detected, to ascend the eminences to ascertain. 
Fourteen of the Afghan guns had been captured, 
and 'the Sikhs, supposing the victory gained, com- 
mitted themselves in pursuit, when they were met 
by a large body of horse under Shamsadin Khan, 
who, not present at the attack, was on his way to 
the field ; nor did the flight and discomfiture of his 
friends indpce him to check his progress. Very 
many'" of the troops who had fled without combat 
also returned with him, and the Sikhs in turn be- 
came fugitives. 

While these events were passing a small party of 
Sikh horse galloped over an eminence into the 
hollow where Mahomed Akbar Khan was placed, 
and, of necessit)^ a conflict took place. The noise 
brought his brother, Mahomed Akram Khan, from 
a contiguous ravine, where no one knew he was, 
and together making up about one hundred men, 
they repulsed the Sikh party, and Mahomed Ak- 
bar Khdn, assisted by two or three of those near 

VOL. HI. 2 c 

I • 


liim, killed one of liis infidel foes, on wliicli account 
he aiTOgated, to himself high credit. The Nawab 
Jabar Khdn and Sujah Dowlah Khan had also 
united, and on- the arrival of Shamsadin Khan made 
a successful 'charge, and i-ecaptured a couple of guns, 
M£iomed Akbar Khdn, who detested both of them, 
hastily came and struck a spear into the ground, 
thereby attributing to himself the merit of the affair. 
At this crisis Hari Singh, who might or might not 
have been able to remedy the confusion w’hich had 
spread amongst his troops, received a fatal wound, 
and was carried off the field. The Sikhs retired 
under the walls of Jamrud, and entrenched them- 
selves. Mahomed Akbar Khfin, elate at the sudden 
and haj)py change in the fortunes of the day, pro- 
posed, possibly without intending so much, to march 
upon Peshawer ; when Mirza Sami Khan appeared, 
and crying that his prayers had been accepted, and 
his good name preserved intact, entreated the boast- 
ing young man to be satisfied with what was done. 

As soon as the action commenced the mirza had 
secreted himself in some cave, or sheltered recess, 
where, in despair, he sobbed, beat his breast, tore 
his beard, and knocked his head upon the ground ; 
now, he asserted, that he had been offeriirg up 
prayers, and was willing it should be believed they 
had been efficacious. The results of the struggle 
were, that the Afghans recovered eleven of the 
fourteenguns captured from them ; they also pos- 
sessed themselves of three belonging to the Sikhs, 


who, in like manner carried off the same number 
belonging to the Afghans. Amongst the latter 
was a very large cannon, much prized, whose fel- 
low, the Zahar Zang, was at Ghazni Hari Singh, 
remarking-its superior dimensions, had* directed it 
to he borne off upon its capture. The Afghans 
had really not munh to boast of in this action, 
although Mahomed Akbar Khan plumed himself 
on a transcendent victory. The Sikhs scarcely 
acknowledged defeat, but their loss in the person 
of their chief was irreparable. That gallant leader 
expired, and was burnt the evening of the action. 
Hari Singh was possessed of great personal intre- 
pidity, but, whether from want of judgment or 
from undervaluing his foes, had frequently been 
placed in critical situations, and at length fell a 
victim to his temerity. He held the Afghans in 
bitter contempt, ever affirming that they were dogs 
and ebwards, and that he knew them well. 

Born in' the same town as Ranjit Singh, he had 
been his playmate in boyhood; in mature age he 
became the most faithful and able of liis chieftains. 
It is said, the i-uler of Lahore was seriously affected 
by the tidings of his death. After the action grave 
disputes arose between Mahomed Akbar Khiln 
and the Naw^b Jabar Khan on the propriety of 
moving forward; but ere they could agree power- 
ful reinforcements had arrived for the Sikhs, which 
compelled the Afghans precipitately to retire. The 
retreat was effected by night, and, as usual on such 




occasions, as soon as the signal was given the anny 
bazar was plundered. On reaching Daka, Maho- 
med Akbar Khan wished to pass the troops under 
review, to prove that he had retreated in perfect 
order, — neither disliking, perhaps, to show' that he 
could manage better than his father had done, 
nearly similarly situated. Sopie few of Ids rela- 
tives, and of the chiefs, paraded before him. The 
greater part refused to do so; which increased 
the animosity, already too prevalent, in the camp. 
At this place, also, high w'ords passed in the darbar, 
between Mahomed Afzil Khan and Abdul Samad ; 


the former placed his hand on his sword, wdien his 
brother, Mahomed Akbar Khan, said to him, in 
Pashto, “ Let the dog alone, he has often addressed 
more abusive language to myself.” The profligate 
Persian, with his battalion, had been ordered to 
join Mahomed Akbar Khan, and should have 
reached before the battle, but he had lingei%d on 
the road, and contrived to arrive after it had been 
fought. In the subsequent trifling operations, he 
was observed to be so partial to the covering of 
shelas, or ravines, that he acquired, in vitty al- 
lusion to the Persian words of command, dosh fang, 
&c., the appropriate sobriquet of Shela-fang. hh-om 
Daka the Afghd,ns, retired to the skirts of the 
Saf6d Koh, Mahomed Akbar Khmi locating his 
troops along the valley of Chapliar, while he fixc<l 
himself at the head of it, in Aghdm. The Nawab 
Jabdr Khan retired to Tatang. 


We have stated that Haji Khan had been de- 
spatched towards Bajor, it being intended that, in 
co-operation with the Bajor and Momahd troops, 
he should make a diversion in the ‘Doabeh north 
of the K^bal river. In that district was a castle, 
held by a small Sikh garrison, and the Sirdar 
Lenah Singh, with «, thousand horse and two guns, 
had been detached for its protection. Hiji Khan 
found himself in command of five or six thousand 
men, including his own retainers, being attended 
by Mir Alam Khan of Bajor, Sadat Khan the 
Mojnand chief, and Saiyad Baba Jan of Peshatt, 
in Khonar. Procrastinating amongst the hills, 
L^nah Singh sent him a letter, stating that report 
gave him credit for being a great warrior, if so, 
—and he had come expressly, as he avowed, for 
kazz^h (or to devote himself in the cause of re- 
ligion,)— why keep under the shelter of the hills. 
The Szkh recommended him to advance upon the 
plain, where his object was likely to be attained. 
On another occasion, Lenah Singh sent a man to 
see what kind of a person Plaji Khan was, whether 
fat or lean, tall or short. The khan exhibited 
himself, and then pointing to a man in armour 
sitting by his side, said. This is Mir Alam Khan, 
of Bajor. He next showed the fellow S4dat Khan 
Momand, and Saiyad Baba Jan of Khonar, with 
others, and dismissed him to report what he had 
seen. While this farce was playing Mahomed 
Akbar Khan arrived at Jamrud, and learning that 



no assistance had been given to Hari Singh, saw 
tiiere was just a chance of effecting a decisive 
impression upon Peshdwer, and desiring the khan 
to leave objects of minor consideration in the 
Doabeh, earnestly besought him to cross the Kabal 
river and join him. IMji Kluln. who had a game 
of his own, wrote to the am-ir that Mahomed 
AkbarlChiln had requested him to cross the river, 
but how could he do so with an enemy in front,’ 
and until he had exterminated him. Ultimately, 
advancing on the plain, the Afghans encamped 
close to the castle, under which Lenah Singh was 
entrenched. The Momands attacked the ramparts, 
and it is believed would have forced them had not 
aji Khan compelled them to desist. During the 
combat one of Lenah Singh’s guns burst, which 
enabled the khan to write to Kabal that he had 
won a great victory, killing one hundred to one 
hmi^ed and fifty Sikhs, and capturing a gun. The 
annihilation of Lenah Singh was promised. His 
next letter was dated from Gand-ab, and announced 
^at, influenced by letters from Sidtau M<ihomed 
Khan, the Bajor, Khonar, and Yusaf Zai chiefs 
had abandoned him, and that he had no alternative 
hut to retire with Sddat Khan Momand. The 
amir was sorely incensed, and the khan was next 
eard of at Jelflabad, where he was urging Ma- 
homed Akbar Khan to send him and Abddl ^mad 

As ^ould renew hostilities, 

ikhs now mustered nearly forty thousand 


men at Peshawer, it is difficult to imagine wliat 
the khan’s object may have been, unless to have 
inducted them into the valley of JelalabM. Sultiln 
Mahomed Khan, with his brother, Pir M&omed 
Khffia, during these operations were both at Lahore, 
in attendance upon, the Mah^aja. When apprised 
of what was passing*, they sent letters to Haji Khan 
and Mir Alam, with all the presents they had re- 
ceived from Ranjit Singh for themselves, and in- 
stantly set out for Peshawer. Popular rumour ac- 
cused Haji Khin of receiving a sum of money 
from Lenah Singh ; it was possible, but not likely. 
Of his treachery no one doubted. 

The day of the degradation of the notorious 
Abdul Samad at length drew nigh. Perceiving 
his influence had declined, and that his dishonesty 
had become known, he resolved by some manoeuvre 
to recover himself, or by some desperate deed to 
free himself from embarrassment. His battalion 
was in arrears of pay for some months, and he 
profited by the circumstance to put into play a 
stratagem, in which the men were to perform a 
part. As concerted between Abdul Samad and 
his captains, they arose, cut down their tents and 
his own, and on foot led him to Chahdr Bagh, in 
their way to Kabal, where they said they Avere 
going to clamour for their pay. Mahomed Akbar 
Khdn, with a few horsemen, rode after them, 
striving to prevail upon them to return. Four 
shots were fired at him, when he retired. The 

I I 


battalion continued its route ; on reacliing Gan- 
damak Abdul Samad was seated upon a horse. 
WLen they neared Kdbal he was again made 
to walk, and the battalion finally marched to the 
meadow in front of the amir’s palace, where they 
placed their vagabond commander on the summit 
of a mound. His friends pitched a tent over him, 
with the amir’s permission. Aga Saiyad IMiOiomed, 
the amir’s sandukdar, sent to the battalion, was 
unhorsed and maltreated. 

Towards evening Abdul Samad was summoned 
to the amir’s presence. He went, accompanied by 
twenty of his men, armed with carbines. The amir 
had prepared for any violent attempt, by placing a 
party of Afghans at the head of the stair-case lead- 
ing to his apartment, with orders to allow no one 
hut Abdul Samad to enter. When the fellow had 
passed, his followers made a vain effort to force a 
passage ; two or thee of them were wounded and all 
were despoiled of their arms. Some were secui’ed, 
others fled. Amongst the former was one who had 
fired upon Mahomed Akbar Khan, and he was oi- 
dered to be hanged forthwith. Abdul Samad pro- 
tended that his battalion had revolted on account 
of an-ears of pay. The captains affirmed, that they 
had merely obeyed his own orders, and had done 
what he suggested to them. Ismael Khan, Mervi, 
the amir’s mirakor, becoming guarantee, he was 
suffered to go to the house of one of his disso- 
lute companions^ called Shdh Sahib, in the Arabah. 


An inventory was taken of his effects, which were 
afterwards confiscated, and he sought refuge in the 
house of Khan Sherm Khan, in Chandol. Ulti- 
mately he left Kabal and reached Bokhara, where 
his impudence and dexterity enabled him to secure a 
tolerable footing. There were many curious circum- 
stances attending his dismissal, which I never right- 
ly understood. It is almost certain that after his 
disgrace the amir’s ruling lady sent him a rich 
dress, worked by her own hands. 

When the army marched from Jelalabad towards 
Khaibar I returned to Kabal, and the amir hear- 
ing of my arrival sent for me, and I breakfasted 
with him. He was very civil, and laughingly said, 
that he did not think the nawab would be so anxi- 
ous to pass the next winter at Tatang, as he cer- 
tainly never would have gone there this year had 
he dreamed was to happen. When the 

tidings of the engagement at Jamrud reached I 
congratulated him, not on the victory which had 
been gained, as I was not quite sure of its nature, 
but that his five sons had escaped accident. ' He 
noticed my qualified congratulation, but received 
it cordially, and I sat with him during the day. 
Subsequently I had business which took me to 
Mirza Sami Khan, at Agham, under the Safed 
Koh at Jelalabad, and intimating to the amir my 
intention of visiting the camp, he approved of it. 
On reaching Agham I had an interview with Ma- 
homed Akbar Khan, who dilated on the recent 

* f 


victory, and particulai’ly explained that it was not 
OAving to the wound of Hari Singh. Mirza Sami 
Khan had previously assured me that the sirdar 
had become so intelligent that it AA’as a pleasure to 
converse with him, while in valour he surpassed 
Rustam. He prayed me to turn the conversation 
on military affairs and battles, aven-ing that the 
sirdar delighted to commune on such topics. Mil- 
homed Akbar Khdn was affecting a little ceremony 
and state more than usual, particularly civil, and 
I was considered his immediate guest so long as I 
remained in camp. Desiring to see the correspon- 
dence which had passed between the sirdar and the 
Sikhs subsequent to the retreat, a variety of letters 
were read to me ; amongst them was one addressed 
to Ranjit Singh, informing the old raja that they 
knew Harl Singh occupied the castle of Jamrud 
without his orders, therefoi’e they did not^mcan to 
make war upon the Maharaja when they marched 
to Jamrud. Harl Singh was their otdy enemy. 
They would have been satisfied with the demolition 
of the obnoxious castle, but the sirdar attacked 
them, and of the consequences the jMilharaja was 
aware. The moment they heard of the arrival of 
Shahzada Noh Nlhal Singh (the Maharaja’s grand- 
son), they retired ; as, with reference to the chances 
of war, exemplified in the fate of Harl Singh, it 
would have been considered a great misfortune, 
(and what was impossible !) that a similar aceidelft 
should befal a prince so dear to the JMahaz’aja. I 

^ ■ . 


could not forbear to smile at the display of such 
delicate sympathy, which Mirza Sami Khan ob- 
serving, put his arms around me, and said, “ Mas- 
son Sahib, you are a lion. We were 'obliged to 
come back, because we had nothing to eat. This 
is what we write to Ranjit Singh.” The corre- 
spondence altogether v^as a queer one, and Maho- 
med Akbar Khan directed my attention to be espe- 
cially directed to a letter addressed in his name 
'to the young Sikl* Shahzada; he said that it was 
“ mazzardar,” or very delightful. It was so, but I 
do not now remember much of it. 

From Agham I crossed the country to Tatang, 
where I found the Nawab Jabar Khan. On ask- 
ing him whether I should congratulate him on the 
recent victory, he replied, “ For God’s sake, do 
not mention it.” At this time news arrived from 
Khonar oF the decease of Fati Mahomed Khan, 
the naw&’s father-in-law, which compelled that 
nobleman to make a journey to Khonar. I there- 
fore started for K<\bal, and reached Jigdillik. Be- 
ing well known here, I halted amongst the people 
of the place, who dwelt in tents, about a mile 
off the road, up the valley. In the evening, seated 
on the pinnacle of a moderately high mound, with 
one of my servants by my side, while on the op- 
liosite side of the valley, about eighty or one hun- 
dred yards distant, was a tree, with a rivulet flow- 
ing beneath it; I observed a man running, Avith 
a musket in his hand, and crying audibly, so that 



we heard hiin, “ Dar Feringhi liir dl?” or Is the 
Feringhl gone? Briskly moving under the tree, 
he knelt, placed his musket on the bank of the 
rivulet, and deliberately took aim. I remarked, 
“ That fellow means to fire.” My servant rei)licd, 
“ No, he can hardly mean it.” “ By heavens, he 
does!” and as the words passed my mouth tlie 
shot came, striking about a foot beneath us. We 
secured him before he had time to reload, which 
he made no offer to do, as now he appeared- 
quite stultified. Taking his musket from him, we 
led him to the tents, where he proved to bo one 
Akram Khan, a resident inhabitant there, and the 
youngest of three brothers. I sat up until midnight, 
in the hope he would reveal the instigator of the 
act, but both he and his bi-others said that was im- 
possible. The man was at my mercy, and had I 
reported the case to the amir he would undoubt- 
edly have ordered his slaughter*, even thougii he had 
been commissioned by himself, which, however, I 
4id not suspect. Still, reasoning, there was little use 
in sacrificing the poor stupid fellow, when tire ])er- 
son who prompted him would escape ; T dismissed 
him, with the recommendation not to try his hand 
at such experiments again. The next morning the 
three brothers went ofij armed to the teeth, and I 
quietly pursued my road to Kabal. 

In the middle of July Mahomed Akbiir Klnin, 
with the forces from Jelalabad, reached tire city; 
and his arrival was honoured by a grand proeessioir 

■■ % 


of the military. A vast deal of powder was ex- 
pended. ^Seated on the same elephant with him 
was Mahomed Osman Khan, who had not parti- 
cularly distinguished himself at Jamrud, where he 
restrained his men, willing to have fought*, by cry- 
ing ‘‘ Zentilik,” or May his wife be divorced who 
draws a sword. Having at Dalca paraded his men 
before Mahomed Akbar Khan, it was inferred his 
compliance, in that instance, procured him so much 

HAji Khan arrived with the rest, and in a day 
or two received orders to .quit Kabal. The khan 
became’ a suijpliant, placed his turban on the ground 
before the amir, and entreated that he might be 
allowed to remain in his service, even upon a re- 
duced salary. The amir was inexorable ; and the 
khan left for Toba, with his horsemen, leaving his 
wives and family, who were to follow him, in the 
Nawab Jabar Khan’s castle at Chahai-deh. Had 
the amir been capable of acting as the Vazir Fati 
Khan most likely would have done on such an occa- 
sion, he would have replaced the turban of Haji 
Khan upon his head, have raised him from the 
ground, and have forgiven him, while, instead of 
reducing his salary, he would have augmented it 
some ten thousand rupees per annum. By such 
procedure there was a chance that he would have 
compelled the khan to be honest for the future; 
if he failed he would then have been justified to 
proceed to extremities with him. The amir, no 



doubt, was surfeited by bis continual treason, and 
argued, that if he were to put him to death, how- 
ever he might merit his fate, every one would join 
in condemEing the measure, remembering that Haji 
Khmi hscd been serviceable to him in his advance- 
ment to power. He thei-efore sutfered him to de- 
part, although aware that he would combine with 
those hostile to him, and that he was a person 
capable of doing much mischief. It was a common 
remark, that the amir was so fearful of him, and. 
desirous to be rid of him, that he would have dis- 
tributed a lakh of rupees in charity in the morning 
if sure that Haji Khan would have died in con- 
sequence a natural death during the day. Some 
time after, it was found that the khan had made his 
way to Kdndahdr, where the sirdars received him 
with all honour. 

The khan was destined to play a prominent part 
in the proceedings of the British army in 'Afghan- 
istan. Sir Alexander Burnes had no sooner reach- 
ed Bakar than one of the khan’s agents was with 
him, and an advance of some thousand rupees se- 
cured his good-will and services. Sir Alexander 
told me of the' fact, and I observed that, while ho 
was worth the money, he was a great villain, and it 
was necessary to be cautious with him. Before the 
army reached Kandah& Hdji Khan joined it, and 
his defection precipitated the retreat of the brother 

The long stay made at Kdndah^r probably in- 


duced the khdn to suspect that his new friends 
were not so invincibla as he had supposed, and he 
meditated to profit by their weakness, and therefore 
engaged in plots with Gul Mahomed,, Ghilji, or 
Gulu, as conamonly called. Having recourse to his 
old game of padshah and vazir, he proposed that 
Gulu should be padshah and himself vazir, and that 
they should set up on the spoil of the British army. 
While this arrangement was concluded, Hdji Khdn 
was the confidant of the unsuspecting envoy and 
minister, and nothing was done without his know- 
ledge and concurrence. The shdh, moreover, had 
rewarded his treachery by creating him nasir-a- 
dowlah, and Sirdar Sirdaran. 

On the flight of Dost Mahomed Khan from 
Arghandi, Haji Khan was despatched, with Major 
Outram, in pursuit of him. The result was, as 
might have been expected, for whether the k ha n 
were competent or not to have seized his former 
chief, few persons but the envoy and minister wmuld 
have despatched him on such an errand. The kha,n 
on his return was seized and sent to India for his 
treason. It would have been well for the unfor- 
tunate envoy jand minister had he been sent with 
him, for his lack of sense, and he deserved to have 
been. Dost Mahomed KhA.n since his capture, it 
is said, admits two errors in his career, one that 
he dismissed Captain Burnes, the other that he did 
not slay Haji Khan. 

Very soon after the departure of Haji Khan the 


amir evinced symptoms of displeasure witli Naib 
A mir Akliundzada, brother to Rashid Akhundziida 
of Kandahar, and employed under Shamsadin 
Kh^n, the hakam, or governor of Ghazni ; also with 
Z6rm Khan, Barak Zai, a colleague of the Akhund- 
zada. Their jaghirs were resumed, and an inquiry 
instituted into the accoimts of Naib Amir. Zorin 
Khan was ordered to leave Kabal, and a message 
M^as conveyed to him that if he remained longer 
than two days his effects should be confiscated. 
The Durfmi placed his hand upon his beard, and 
swore, “ that if he remained one day the amir was 
at liberty to shave it and do what he pleased with 
it.” Mirza Sami Khan then was sent to sootbe 
and pacify him, and to induce him to stay. It was 
not understood at the time why the amir should 
have selected these two individuals for degradation 
or for insult, because, while justly angry with many 
others for their conduct in the action at-^lamnid, 
he had nothing to reproach them with on that ac- 
count, as both had been severely wounded. The 
train of events developed the amir’s secret motives, 
and it proved that his pretended harshness was but 
a ruse to humble them, preparatory to taking the 
government of Ghazni from his nephew, Shamsadin 

On the death of Amir Mahomed Klian the 
amir assumed a control over the administration of 
Ghazni; still the ancient officers were continued in 

kemoHl of shamsadin khan. 401 

employment, and Shamsadin Khan succeeded his 
father as governor. Amir Mahomed Khan’s widows, 
and their families, i*esided constantly in the citadel, 
and the governor of course generally made it his 
place of abode. Now the amir determined to re- 
move them altogether, to deprive Shamsadin of his 
government, and to place therein his son Mahomed 
Haidar Khan. The rheasui’e was entirely offensive 
to the several members of the family, who beheld 
in it another instance of the amir’s contempt of all 
family claims ; but they said very little, and Ma- 
homed Haidar Khin, after some slight deminring, 
■was installed in his new government. 

The sirdai's of Kandahar also regarded the step 
with aversion, and even remonstrated with the 
amir. They plainly saw that the policy of the amir 
would ultimately lead him to Kandahar, and the 
occupation of Ghazni they regarded as a prelimi- 
nary msasui’e. As he would only trust his own 
sons, they were aware that they had a year or 
two of grace, until Shir Jan, now eleven or twelve 
years of age, should be held competent to replace 
Mahomed Haidar Khan at Ghazni, who would be 
commissioned to JeHlabad, when Mahomed Akbar 
Khan, disengaged, would be brought to Kandahar, 
and established there. They well knew that they 
had hitherto escaped because he had no son that 
he could spare to take up their authority, and it 
did not accord with his views to confide in any other 
than a son. 

402 THE AMIE’S EXULTATldisf. ' 

The amir was so gi-atifiecl with the induction of 
his son into the fortress of Ghazni that he publicly 
avowed his exultation, and remarked, that now ho 
felt secure, g,nd convinced that his government had 
firmly taken root. 


5 i 


Intercourse between Kabal abd India.— Letters to Lord Auckland. 

— Announcement of Captain Bumes’s mission Letters from 

Captain Wade. — Replies. — Lddidna Akbar. — Farther letters 
from Captain Wade. — Replies. — Persian Envoy. — Russian let- 
ters.— Mahomed Shih’s firman. — HSji Ibrahim’s private letter. 
— Captain Wade’s letters. — Kamber All’s difficulties. — Kanda- 
har treaty. — Lieutenant Vektavich. — Mdhomed Hussdn’s ar- 
rival at Kabal. — His ridiculous conversations. — Letters from 
Captain Bumes and Captain Wade. — Interview with the amir. 
—Favourable dispositions of Ranjit Singh. — Night interview 
with the amir. — The naw^b’s counsel. — Lieutenant Pottinger’s 
departure from KSbal. — Remarks on his presence at Herat. — 
Siege of Hei-dt. — The Govemor-Genei-al’s warning off.— Results. 

In September of this year, 1837, Captain Alex- 
ander Burnes reached KAbal, on a mission from the 
Governor-general of India. As the consequences 
flowing from this diplomatic essay have been suffi- 
ciently serious, it may be useful to revert to the 
causes which led to it and to its progress, so far as 
my situation at Kabal gave me the opportunity of 

It will have been noticed, that intercourse, more 
or less, had subsisted between the authorities at 
KS,bal and the political agent at Ludimia ; more- 
over, that Lord William Bentinck had been accus- 

3 D 2 


tomed to send letters to Dost Mahomed Khan. 
During the interregnum of Sir Charles Metcalf 
such intercourse had been interrupted, and Captain 
Wade was reduced to frame excuses that the letters 
from Kabal were not answered. In tlie winter of 
1836-6 the unofficial mirzas attendant u])on Ab- 
dul Ghias Kh4n at Lildiana had re)>orted, as they 
said, by Captain Wade’s desire, that the British 
government could not treat with the Bai'ak Zais 
in consequence of their dissensions with t'ach otlun*. 
In the spring following, it became known at Kfihal 
that a new Governor-general had arrived in India, 
and nearly at the same time a letter frtTin the 
mirzas suggested, on the part of Captain Wade, 
that a letter should be addressed to him from 
Kabal. It had been no pleasant task for me to 
reply to the remonstrances I w^as obliged to hear 
respecting the uncourteous withholding of replies 
to the amir’s letters, and when I hearcVwof Loi'd 
Auckland’s arrival at Calcutta I told Mirza Bami 
Khan that he might probably now write with a 
better chance of success. Whether he W’tuild have 
written or not I cannot tell, but as Captain Wa<le’s 
suggestion was to the same effect, I of course sup- 
ported it, and it was agreed to despatch letters of 
congratulation to his lordship. They were written 
in the usual flowery style, and sent off. 

In October 1836 the amir received letters from 
the Governor-general, informing him, in reply to 
his communications, that a mission would be de- 

i % 


puted to him, and letters from Captain Wade in- 
structed us that Captain Burnes was to conduct it. 
The letter from Captain Wade to myself on this 
occasion, I give entire, as best explaining the nature 
and objects of the mission. 

'^Ludidna, SOth September, 1836. 

“Sir, . 

“ A Qasid of Nawib Jabbar Khan accompanies 
your own, with letters from the Governor-general 
and myself to the nawab and his brother, the amir, 
the purport of which I hope will be satisfactory in 
some degree, if not altogether to them. His lord- 
ship has determined to depute Captain Burnes on 
a commercial mission to the countries bordering on 
the Indus, with a view to complete the re-opening 
of the navigation of that river. He will proceed, 
in the first instance, to Hydrabad, to negotiate for 
further facilities for the trade in the territory of the 
amirs of Sindh ; whence he will proceed to Mit- 
hankot, where I am instructed to meet him ; and 
he and Lieutenant Mackeson, in concert with my- 
self, are to devise a convenient point on the Indus 
for the establishment of an entrepot, and annual fair ; 
after settling which. Captain Burnes will proceed 
up the river to Attak, where he will disembark and 
proceed, via Peshawer, to Kabul, thence to Qanda- 
har, and via the Bolan Pass, to Shikarpur, and back 
again to Hydrabad. The mission is declared to be 
sti’ictly of a commercial character, and the object 
of it is to collect commercial information, and to 



make known to the merchants residing beyond the 
Indus the measures which have been adopted with 
a view of re-establishing the trade by that river. 
Circumstances may arise to require my continued 
presence fiere ; in wdiicli event Lieutenant Mackeson 
will meet Captain Bm-nes at Mithankot, and be 
directed by me to accompaiiy that officer during 
his passage through the Sikh possessions. In your 
reports, subsequent to intelligence of these measures 
reaching Kabal, it is desirable that you shoidd 
note how it is received, and any measures that 
the amir and his advisers may contemplate in con- 

“ I am, sir, &C. &;c. &c., 

“ Sd. C. M. Wade, 

“ Political Agent.” 

“ To C. Masson, Esq., &c. &c. &c., Katul.” 

From this letter it will not fail to be observed 
that there was little notion entertained at this time 
of convulsing Central Asia, of deposing and setting 
up kings, of carrying on wars, of lavishing treasure, 
and of the commission of a long train of crimes and 

The Governor-general’s communications were re- 
ceived with cordiality and satisftiction, which 1 
reported to Captain Wade. 

In a succeeding despatch from that officer, dated 
11th November, 1836, was the following extract : — 

“ It might be important to ascertain if the letters 

* I 

■ 1 % 


alleged to have been wi-itten to the amir from his 
brothers and others at Qandahar, were actually fabri- 
cations or not, and what had transpired between 
Mahomed Shah of Persia, and the envby from Qan- * 
dahar to his court, regarding the reported intention 
of the Persians to advance during the ensuing 
‘season against Herat.^’ 

In a letter of 31st December, 1836, Captain 
Wade wrote: — “With reference to the items of 
intelligence contained in your letter of the 30th of 
August last, regarding the designs of Mahomed 
Shdh against Herat, I am desired to observe that, 
by infonnation received from other quarters, the 
Governor-general of India, in council, is led to be- 
lieve that there may be more foundation than is 
supposed by you for the rumour relative to the 
chiefs of Qandahar ; and as his lordship, in council, 
is anxious be kept constantly informed of the 
affairs'" of Afghanistan, I have been directed to call 
on you to furnish me with the earliest intelligence 
of all important occurrences in that quarter, for the 
i m mediate information of government.” 

The loss of my manuscripts and papers at Kalat 
in 1840, incapacitates me from presenting to the 
public copies of my correspondence with Captain 
Wade for the period in which I filled the situation 
of agent at K4bal, which I would have gladly done, 
since Sir John Hobhouse has the modesty to make 
me an accessory in the evil measures so lauded by 
him. What my opinions were, may readily be 



learned from the letters and extracts I have quoted, 
and may quote. In reference to this letter of 31st 
December 1836, the recovery of a letter- book at 
- Kalat allows 'me to insert part of my ans-wer to it. 

“ 1st February, 1837. 

“ Of course I have not the opportunity of know- 
ing from what other channels..the Oovenuu-gt'iu'i'al 
of India in council is led in some degree to cre<lit 
such rumours, but I have observed that the public 
prints of India have, during the last twtdve months, 
teemed with the most fallacious statements and 
absurd rumours relative to Mahomed Shah and the 
Afghan countries, which must necessarily have had 
origin in some quarters, but that they were due to 
pure invention, or a desire to mislead, seems proved 
by subsequent events having shown their falsity. 

“That Mcihomed Shah may entertain designs 
upon Herat is most probable, but the -tenor of all 
information would lead to the supposition that his 
means are not so matured as to allow him to march 
on that place.” 

I may be excused to point out that a Persian 
paper, called the “Lddlana Akbar,” was printed at 
Ludiana, under the direction of Shamat All, the 
confidential munsM of Captain Wade. Ttem.s of 
intelligence frequently appeai-ed in this paper, cer- 
tainly never put together by the munshl ; and as 
it was industriously forwarded to Kabal, I. was 
often annoyed, for the statements rogai'ding Dost 


Mfihomed Kli^n were not only false, but so per- 
sonal and insulting that they were not innocent, 
and that chief, while he would indignantly reject 
the paper, when some one officiously presented , 
it, was wont to observe, that I wrote the* lies about 
him. The evil corrected itself in time, for the 
statements were so pgregiously absurd that it was 
admitted I should not write such nonsense, and 
the crime was placed on the right shoulders. In 
consequence of the unfounded tales and rumours 
I could not but notice in the Calcutta prints, I 
wrote to a literary friend at that presidency, asking 
if he knew how they originated ; and although I 
received no direct reply to this particular question, 
subsequent issues of the paper, in which they ap- 
peared, revealed, that they were borrowed from the 
“ Delhi Gazette,” and that they were translations 
from the “ Ijudicina Akbar.” However, as Mahomed 
Shah was represented, about this time, to be carry- 
ing fire and sword through Afghanistan, the govern- 
ment grew alarmed, and applied to their officers on 
the frontiers for intelligence ; and owing to this 
panic I was indebted, I presume, for the above 
letter from Captain Wade. 

Before my reply had reached. Captain Wade 
would seem to have suspected he was searching 
for a mare’s nest, for in a letter of 1st Febraary 
he writes, “The reports regarding the intercourse 
alleged to have taken place between the Bm-ak 



Zais and tlie King of Persia, and the advance of 
the latter on Herat, are certainly too vague to 
justify any confidence in them ; at the same time, 
, in the present state of aftairs, it might not be alto- 
gether right, on our pai't, to neglect the moans of 
being well informed of any political events of in- 
terest that may be passing on |;he frontiers of Persia 
and Turkistan.” 

In a letter, dated 7th April, he I’eplies to mine 
of 1st February, and the extracts I give from it 
are curious, on more accounts than one. 

“Copies of such parts of your letter's as have 
related to the supposed designs of the King of 
Persia, and the overtures said to have been made 
to that monarch by the reigning members of the 
Barak Zai family, for the expulsion of the Sikhs 
from their country, have been forwarded without 
delay to government, as well as a copy of your 
report regarding the preparations of Dost iMaFiomed 
Khan to repel the Sikhs froirr the occupation of 

“ If the amir seriously contemplated such a step 
as the last, he has lost the favourable opi)ortunity 
of carrying it into effect, which the late asseml)ly 
of the gr'eatest par't of the Mahariijri’s troo])s at 
Arnratsir, to join in the celebration of Kour Nao 
Nahal Singh’s marriage, presented. No sooner 
have these festivities passed than Ranjit Bingh has 
ordered his forces to move on Peshfiwer, and their 
concentration in that quarter will, no doubt, rentier 

, I' ' 'I 


it extremely diflficult for the amir to resist their 

“I entirely concur in what you state regarding 
the delusive nature of the reports which are eon-, 
stantly appearing in the newspapers, on* the subject 
of the designs of Mahomed Shllh on Afghanistan ; 
yet, however fallaci^ous they may appear to be to 
near observers, there are not wanting interested 
persons to mislead the shclh with false hopes of 
success in an expedition to that country, and, as 
it would appear from your letters of the 20th 
September, 15tli October, and 7th and 30th No- 
vember last, that Dost Mahomed Khan, or some 
of the Persian party in Kabal, had been endea- 
vouring to open a con-espondence with the King 
of Persia, having for its object an offensive and 
defensive alliance with that ruler, the impression 
received by government would seem to have had 
som^ foundation. 

“ Accounts have lately arrived confirmatory of 
the report, that appears to have reached you by 
the wuy of Bokhara, of the entire defeat of the 
Persians by the Turkman tribes, a result which 
I fully expected. It is easier to speculate than 
to calculate on the facilities to Persia of carrying 
her arms into Afghanistan, so long as the British 
government maintains its place among the nations 
of Europe and the east.” 

In my Lord Auckland’s memorable Simla decla- 
ration one ot‘ the imputed crimes to Dost Miihomed 



Khan is, that he profited by the opportunity of the 
presence of the Sikh troops at Amratsir to cele- 
brate the marriage of the Maharaja’s grandson, to 
attack the detachment at Peshawer. We here 
find Captain Wade rebuking the amir for neglect- 
ing the occasion. 

I hold this letter farther yaluable, as demou- 
strating the little value and importance attached 
by me to Persia, or Persian intrigues. It is fortu- 
nately in my power to give extracts from a letter 
of mine, dated 2nd February, whicli, while clearly 
setting forth my sentiments, will also show that I 
was alive to the interests of the Indian govern- 
ment, and not indifferent to the designs of other 

“I believe that the Government of India may 
be confident that no Persian emissaries have yet 
appeared beyond Plerat ; the ci-devant zisghar (gold- 
smith) of Kfmdahar, and such poo])lo as *Abdul 
Samad at Kabfil, who, without being authorized, 
talk largely on public affairs to increase their own 
importance, I presume are not to be considered 

“While the various reports circulated in these 
countries the last two years, such as the arrival 
of Mahomed Shah at Meshed, or its neighbour- 
hood, with an impossible amount of forces, were 
not entitled to belief at the time they wore current, 
— and experience has since proved them to be false, 
— reports at times have reached here, of some in- 



tended operations npon Khiva from Mazanderaii, 
which looks like acting in concert with, or at the 
suggestion of, the power whose vessels can com- 
mand the Caspian. Among these , rumours one 
has been frequently repeated, that the sh^ was* 
felling the - forests of Mazanderan. This may be 
true, or not ; but if he could be persuaded to destroy 
the best defences of that province, it would, of 
course, be so much the more open to invasion. 
TJie conqwst of Orgenj hy eitlher Persia or Russia 
is probably not the easy matter some suppose ; but 
if the latter power have any designs upon it, it 
wovfld greatly facilitate their chances of success 
by engaging the former to co-operate in the at- 
tempt, while both powers, it must be conceded, 
have tolerably good reasons for desiring the de- 
struction of the Orgenj state. The government 
of India must certainly be in receipt of constant 
intelligence from Tehran, whei*e such plans Would 
probably be partly concocted, and must become 
known, and perhaps it might be subject of reflec- 
tion, whether it ought not to be determined before- 
hand what course would be best to be adopted, 
in the event of a possible contingency ; for one of 
the necessary consequences of the occupation of 
Khiva by the Russians, or by the Persians under 
their influence, would be, the distribution of their 
agents in all comfrries intermediate between them 
and British India.” 

In July of this year it became known at Kabal 




that Mahomed Htissen, who had carried a letter 
- - from the amir to Mahomed Shah, had i-eturned 
to Kandahar, in company with one Kamber AIj, 
a Ghulam S^iah, and the bearer of letters and 
presents to the Barak Zai chiefs. 

In a letter of 8th July, 1 noted the circum- 
stance to Captain Wade : — “ A day or two after I 
last addressed you, and when I 'was still at Tatang, 
I received an intimation from Kabal that Kamber 
All, the Persian envoy, had reached Kandahar, and 
that Abdul Samad’s property had been confiscated 
by the amir, and that he had taken refuge in the 
house of Khan Sherin Khan at Ch^indol. Having 
occasion to address Captain Burnes at that time, I 
forwarded a copy of the communication, and re- 
quested him, wdien he wrote you, to transmit it, 
or a copy, for your information. I proceeded im- 
mediately to Kabal, and in course of two or three 
days letters Averc received frol^l Blahomed IFikssen, 
who accompanies Kamber Ali, eoj)ics of wlii<‘h X 
have also the pleasure to forward with this commu- 

A little while before this, and previously to my 
departure from Kabal for Jelalabad, the amir in- 
formed me of a letter sent by his other agent, Haji 
Ibrahim, the brother of Abdul Samad, and jmr- 
porting to be from the Russian envoy and minister 
plenipotentiary. Count Simonich. As it was fortb- 
coming at the moment of Abdul Samad’s degrada- 
tion, most people supposed it to be a fabrication, 


and the amir evidently leaned to the same opinion. 
As he had sent it to Mirza Sami Khan, I could ‘ 
form no judgment upon it, but when I saw the 
mirza at Agham he showed it to me, and wished ^ 
to give me a copy of it, but, aware that Captain 
Bumes would shortly arrive, I affected to treat it 
as a matter of no importance, as I had done with 
the amir, and obsei’ved, that it could be shown to 
Captain Burnes when he came. I, however, re- 
ported the matter to Captain Wade. 

“ The letter is written on pinh-coloured paper ; has 
no signature, but a seal stamped on it, with a legend, 
as Mirza Sami Khan reads it, ‘ Graf Ivan Simo- 
nich, Wazir Mdkhtahar Behi Russi.’ The letter is 
addressed to Amir Dost Mahomed Khan, and states 
that Haji Ibrahim, after his dismissal by the shah, 
waited on the writer; that favourable reports of 
the amir and the Afghans had frequently reached 
him;, and that he was their well-wisher. But for 
the seal, and Haji Ibrdhim’s explanation, there is 
nothing in the letter to judge who wrote it ; and, if 
genuine, it would seem intended to give weight to 
the shah’s firman. Of neither, however, has any 
notice been taken.” 

I should have remarked, that Kamber Ali des- 
patched from Kandahar a firman, addressed to Dost 
Mahomed Khan, notifying to him that his petition 
had been received, and that His Majesty the King of 
Kings had enrolled him amongst his faithful subjects. 

Never was a man more enraged than the amir ; 


he swore that he had sent a letter, not a petition, 
and vowed dire vengeance on Mahomed Shah, 
not even intending to spare the graves of his fore- 
fathers, or of Nadir. There was hearty mirth dis- 
played by ^.he sums of Kabal, who thought their 
ruler deserved such a firman, and they rejoiced that 
his face had been blackened. 

A translation of the above letter from Count 
Simonich is given as enclosure 1 in No. 2, in page 
5, of the Correspondence relating to Afghanistan, 
presented to Parliament by her Majesty’s command. 
Succeeding it, and designated as enclosure 2 in No. 
2, is a letter to the amir from Hajl Ibrahim. ' 

The latter document was mtended by the H^jl 
to be read in darbar. Accompanying it, was a very 
long one for the amir’s private information, which, 
of course, neither the amir nor Mirza Sami Khan 
would wish to be made public. Howx'vei-, at the 
time of its arrival, having heard of it, I cHmirivcd 
to get a copy, from which I forwarded other copies 
both to Captain Wade and to Captain lJurnes, — 
and I presume one or the other must haves sent it 
on to government. To have published this letter 
would not have accorded with the views of her 
Majesty’s ministers, as it would have demonstrated 
both the character of the miserable agents whose 
proceedings have been made the pretence of so 
much alarm, and would besides show how ridiculous 
were the apprehensions to be entertained from 
Persia. I have still a copy, but it is too long to b(^ 

* cIptain wade’s letters. 417 

introduced ; however, amongst many other things, 
the Haji sorely complains that Mahomed Huss^n 
was' provided with a better letter than he was ; ex- 
plains how the shah was well beaten by the Turko- 
mans; and details Mahomed Hussen’s behaviour in 
the camp at Sh^rud, where, on the occasion of a 
review of the troops, he took occasion to lecture 
the shah. The monarch was too dignified to reply ; 
but when he withdrew, Hiji Mirza Aghassi, the 
prime minister, said to Mahomed Hussen : Fellow, 
who are you that presume to admonish the shah ? 
You are not an envoy, but the bearer of a letter. It 
is said, that the Afghans are asses, and now we 
know it, or they would not have sent such a fellow 
as you here. 

Captain Wade, in a communication, dated 19th 
June, 1837, wrote : “ The nature of the information 
contained in your letter regarding the communica- 
tions received by Dost Mahomed Khan from Per- 
sia, is highly interesting, and would have fully au- 
thorized you in making an immediate report, as 
there seems great reason to believe that both HAji 
Ibrahim and M£homed Hussen were accredited with 
letters to the Persian court, in some form, from the 
amir, though it may now be convenient to him to 
deny that they were acting on his authority ; and 
much allowance may be made for the importance 
which has been attached to these envoys in Persia 
from the pi’obable intrigues and exaggerations in 
which they have no doubt been indulging.” 

VOL. ni, 2 E 



In a letter of 29th August, 1837, Captain Wade 
wrote : “The Govemoi*-general, in council, to whom 
I have considered it my duty to submit every part 
of your lettea’s which relate to the polities of that 
quarter, is'anxious to receive every information on 
these subjects, and I feel assured that you will not 
relax in your vigilance and activity in keeping mo 
regularly informed of passing events, at a juncture 
when it is of the highest consequence to the British 
government that I should possess every means of 
forming a correct opinion. In a despatch, which I 
lately received from government, adverting to the 
interesting nature of the information that I had 
communicated from you, his lordship in council 
seemed desirous that you should continue to i-eport, 
without delay, every event of interest ; I l)eg, there- 
fore, that your despatches may be more frequent 
than before.” 

On the 15th Septembei’, 1837, Captain tVack; ^vrot e : 
“ The new proofs you have afforded of your zeal 
and intelligence, in the performance of your sp('cial 
duty of keeping me regularly informed of passing 
events in that quarter, continues to engage the fa- 
vourable notice of the Governor-general in coumal, 
and I trust that your continued industry and discri- 
mination may secure for you a continuance of the 
favour of a liberal and discerning government 
“ Your report of the impression at Kabul ns to 
the reply that is likely to be given to Kamber Ali 
Khdn, is in coincidence with the national prejudices 


and trim policy of the Afghmis, — Dost Mahomed 
Khan’s real object in laying his grievances •at the 
foot of his Persian majesty’s throne, and the causes 
which gave rise to it, are obvious. An ‘opportunity 
is now afforded to the amir of removing those causes 
by conciliating the Sikhs, who are ready to bring 
their quarrels with him to an amicable adjustment, 
on reasonable terms, in accordance with our wish 
for a mutual state of peace.” 

Captain Wade wrote, in a letter of 13tb October, 
1837 : “ The information contained in your several 
Reports, now acknowledged, is very acceptable. I 
am enabled to confirm the intelligence which you 
mentioned having received of the deputation of 
Fatah Khan to the court of Persia, on the part of 
Shahzadah Kamran. The envoy in question had 
arrived at Tehrfin,” 

On the 19th October following I received an in- 
timaticfa* from Captain Wade as follows: “Until 
Captain Burnes shall have quitted Kabfil it is con- 
sidered desirable that you should be subject to his 
orders, and discontinue your direct correspondence 
with me, and I beg that you will act accordingly. 
Captain Burnes will convey to me every week, if 
necessary, such information as he may collect either 
by his own means or those of yourself.” This letter 
was in consequence of instructions from govern- 
ment, ' communicated by the then Mr. Secretary 

Captain Burnes had reached Kabal in September. 

, p 


The Persian, Kamber All, had not been allowed by 
the sirdars of Kandahar to come on to K&bal ; 
Raham Dil Kh^, one of them, avowing, that if he 
left the city for that purpose his throat should be 
cut. The Persian had, moreover, disgraced himself by 
his revels, and was finally in an unpleasant predica- 
ment, His companion, Maiiomed Hussen, had bor- 
rowed of him some eight hundred rupees, and, being 
asked for payment, devised a plan to evade it, and 
clear himself of his creditor — quite worthy of him. 
He recommended Kamber All to feign sickness, 
and to keep his couch, while he went to Kabal 


for some of Dost Mahomed Khan’s people, with 
whom he would return and fetch him. Mahomed 
Hussen, after a violent dispute with Hiijl Khiln, 
now at Kandahar, was permitted to leave, and, for- 
getting the celerity which he had promised to use, 
came leisurely on to Kabal — was sent by the amir to 
the Nawab Jab^ Khan’s house, and never thought 
of returning to Kindahar. Poor Kamber Alt, in 
great terror, urged his departure tipon the sirdars, 
particularly as he had received letters from Maho- 
med Sh^i’s camp, directing his returir if no good 
was to be done ; and the result was, that the sirdlirs 
dictated a treaty, which is published with No. 3, let- 
ter from Captain Burnes to W. H. Macnaghten, 
Esq., page 6 of the Correspondence, and which Kam- 
ber All was too glad to seal, to get away. A child 
ought not to have been deceived by such a docu- 
ment, however Captain Burnes may have chosen to 



attach importance to it, or the Indian government 
to have fallen into his error. Kamber Ali.was so 
apprehensive of being waylaid on' his return that 
he left all his property behind, and decamped “ jer- 
rah,” or slightly equipped, as Lieutenant Vektavich, 
who succeeded him, set out from the Persian camp. 
There is a remarkable circumstance attending the 
despatch of Lieutenant Vektavich, viz. that he left 
the camp the morning after the return of Kamber 
Alf, seemingly in consequence of the latter’s failure 
to reach Kabal, without which there is a possibility 
we might not have been honoured with the presence 
of the Cossack lieutenant. I have always doubted 
whether he came from St. Petersburgh, and whe- 
ther he passed through T^hram. If he did not, the 
silence of Count Simonich to Sir John M'Neil, of 
which the latter complains, would be accounted for, 
as the count would at that time be ignorant both 
of his Arrival in the camp before Herat and of his 
mission to K^bal. Attached to Kamber All was a 
Saiyad Mobin, who, it is said, was in the receipt of 
a salary from Count Simonich as news-writer. It is 
lamentable to be obliged to confess that such was 
the imprudent conduct of the British mission ; and 
SO flagrant the reports in consequence circulated 
of their plans and intentions, that Russia, or any 
power, was justified to send persons to ascertain 
the nature of their proceedings — the principal ob- 
ject, I suspect, confided to Vektavich. That such a 
man could have been expected to defeat a British 



mission is too ridiculous a notion to be entertained ; 
nor would his mere appearance have produced such 
a result had not the mission itself been set forth 
without instructions for its guidance, and had it not 
been conducted recklessly, and in defiance of all 
common sense and decorum. 

Mdhomed Hdssen on re?Lching Kabal -was, of 
course, introduced to the amir, and gave an account 
so extraordinary of his sayings and doings in Persia 
that the chief and his nobles were obliged to rest 
their hands on the ground, while they w'ere con- 
vnlsed with laughter at the egregious lies he told. 
On points of business nothing could be gained fi’ora 
him, and the amir, confessing his inability to make 
aught of his story, intrusted Mirza Sami Khdn 
to question him ; but with no better success. The 
amir then regretted that he had taken the fellow 
from his dokdn, or shop, in the bazai*, and asked 
for a horse which Mdhomed Hvlss^n had %vrittcu 
from Persia he had purchased for the amir, and 
which was so excellent that Nddir had never one 
equal to it in his stables. The elchi would fain 
have denied the letter to be in his writing, but 
this being proved beyond doubt, he reinenibore<l 
that the Turkomans had chapowed the shah’s 
camp, and carried off two hundred of his majesty’s 
best horses. By the same accident he lost the noble 
animal procured for the amir. The amirslily quar- 
tered him upon the Nawfib Jabar Khan, the Ferin- 
ghi’s friend, and occasionally sent for him, when 


inelinecl to be mirthful and to laugh at the mon- 
strous tales he related. 

While Captain Burnes was on the way to* Kabal 
he had addressed a letter of remonstrance to the 
amir respecting the action at Jamrud and the 
warfare carried on against the Sikhs. Captain 
Wade had done the same ; moreover, addressing 
Mahomed Akbar Kh^. The latter was not dis- 
pleased at his letter, because he was recommended 
having shown his ability in making war, now to 
display it in making peace. But the amir was 
sorely incensed at the letter addressed to him by 
Captain Burnes. I had to bear the weight of his 
resentment, and he was absolutely savage. 

I was always sorry that Kamber Ali had not 
found his way to Kdbal, for not only must he have 
failed, but the proposals he was instructed to make 
were of that nature that either he must have 
suppressed* them or it would have fallen to my lot 
to shield him from insult. But for the mismanage- 
ment of Captain Burnes he might have had the 
credit of doing as much for Vektavich. 

As Captain Burnes drew near to Kabal he had 
written me, in a letter from Daka, dated the 4th of 
September : “ The view which you have taken 

of Peshawer being passed over to S6lt^ Mahomed 
Khan, is to me very satisfactoiy. I am not without 
hope that we shall, in course of time, be able to 
work out this matter, but it would be presumption 
in the extreme to hope for it if certain circum- 

424 THE maharaja’s proposal. f 


stances, which I shall unfold, did not lead me to 
have a well-grounded hope. I should like to have 
the am°fr’s own views, — SuMn Mahomed Khan's 
I have, and, ^ if I am not deceived, an inkling of 
those of Ranjeet Sing.” 

It will be observed, that Captain Wade, on the 
15th September, informed me that the “ Sikhs are 
ready to bring their quarrels with him to an amica- 
ble adjustment, on reasonable terms, in accordance 
with our wish for a mutual state of peace.” 

It appears that the maharajji was so confounded 
at the death of Singh, that he informed Cap- 
tain W!ade that he should be glad to give up 
Peshawer, preserving his pardah, or his honour. 
Nothing could be clearer than that the mahctnija, 
was willing, at the request of the British government, 
to have abandoned his unjust conquest, — such re- 
quest would have saved him the appearance of 
having been forced to give it up, and '‘haw. pre- 
served his pardah. F arther, no person acqnaiirted 
with the state of the country and its rcdations, 
could have doubted but that he intended to r(>- 
store it to Sultan Mahomed Khan, who already 
enjoyed half the revenues— and from whom it was 
taken. Its restitution to Dost Mahomed Khan was 
a measure neither to be conceived wdtlr any pro- 
priety rror to be demanded, with any justice,' from 
the m^iMja. The disposition of the imtlnrra);t 
was so unhoped for, and so favourable to the suc- 
cess of the mission that it is no less extraordi- 

v inti^Rview with the amir. 425 

nary than unfortunate that Captain Bumes should 
not haTe seen the matter in the light every one ‘ 
but 'himself did. 

While Captain Burnes was at Peshawer, where . 
his pleasures and his business detained 'him a few 
days, the amir began to imagine he might stay 
altogether there, and grew alarmed. He had re- 
course to me in this juncture, and in a manner 
characteristic of him. Very late at night two of 
his men came to my house, saying, the amir wished 
to see me. I observed, the hour was unseasonable ; 
however, as I was still up, I would go. At his 
house I was introduced to Mahomed Akbar Khin, 
who desired me to follow him, and led the way 
into a dark passage. I called to him to give me 
his hand, as I was not a cat that could see in 
the dark, and he laughed, and did so. After 
groping our way through" a variety of passages, we 
came»i'fl)on the roof of an apartment where were 
sitting the amir, Mirza Sami Khan, Mirza Imam 
Verdi, and Naib Amir Akhbndzada, around a fai- 
nus, or paper lanthorn. I seated myself by the 
amir, and Mahomed Akbar Khan sat by the side 
of Nliib Amir. The reasons for sending for me I 
found were to ascertain, first, whether Captain 
Burnes was really coming to Kabal, and secondly, 
what were the objects of his mission. To the first 
point I answered, that Captain Burnes was deputed 
to him and not to Peshawer ; and to the last, that 
I could not tell him what I did not know' myself. 


That envoys were provided with instructions (in 
which, however, in this case I was wrong), with 
which he would become acquainted when Captain 
Burnes arrived. The amir was scarcely satisfied. 
However, 'as I had nothing to communicate to 
clear up his doubts, he said, Burnes must jdease 
himself : and I, saying it was late, took leave, and 
was again escorted through the dai’k passages by 
Mahomed Akhar Khan. With reference to this 
interview I may remark, that the tone of tlie 
amir had been so high that the Nawab Jabiir Khan 
had recommended me to advise Captain Burnes to 
stay for a few days at Peshawer, as well as to 
send Sultan Maliomed Khcin to Bfijor; when, as 
he said, the amir would be reduced to call on 
me, with the Koran in his hands, and implore me 
to persuade Captain Burnes to come on. This 
manoeuvre was a good Afghfln one, and I <loubt 
not would have brought the amir to the no<tes.sity 
of being a suppliant, but I hardly thought it ho- 
nourable that it should be put in play by ourselves ; 
and while mentioning what the nawab advised to 
Captain Burnes, I stated that I thought it net'illess 
to act upon it, as matters without it were likely to 
go on smoothly. The amir very possibly heard of 
all this, and therefore sent for me. 

In May of this year Lieutenant Eldred Pottin- 
ger arrived in Kabal, and in duly, without ac- 
quainting me, or even the Nawab .fabar Khan, 
in whose house he resided, dcqiarted for Herat, by 


the route of the Hazarajat. With reference to 
the eictreme jealousy entertained by the Barak* 
Zai chiefs of Shah Kamran, I had to contend 
with a good deal of ill-will on this account, as^ 
they could not be persuaded that I was innocent 
of Lieutenant Pottinger’s departure, or that it was 
not owing to a concerted plan between us. This 
officer had procured twelve months’ leave of ab- 
sence, to explore the passes west of the Indus ; 
and when his uncle, Sir Henry Pottinger, heard 
of his journey to Herat, he wrote to me, desiring 
I would spare no -expense in transmitting letters 
of *recal, pointing out that he would be compro- 
mised with the government, who, at his solicit- 
ation, had granted the leave of absence. I have 
always thought that, however fortunate for Lieu- 
tenant Pottinger himself, his trip to Herat was 
an unlucky one for his country; the place would 
have * been fought as well without him ; and his 
presence, which would scarcely be thought acci- 
dental, though truly it was so, must not only 
have irritated the Persian king, but have served 
as a pretext for the more prominent exertions of 
the Russian staff. It is certain, that when he 
started from Kabal he had no idea that the city 
would be invested by a Persian army ; in proof 
of which I have letters from him soon after he 
reached ; the first alluding to no such expectation, 
and the second describing the Persian advances as 
sudden, and wholly unlooked-for by the authorities. 

* i I 


Kamr^’s army, in the early spring, had threat- 
' ened Kindahar, and advanced to the Helmand, 
from which it moved upon Lash and Jiwand, and 
^ then spread itself -over Sistan, where the horses 
of the cavalry perished from disease, and the tinest 
force which for some years had marched from 
Hei-cit became disabled. In this state, the sur- 
render of the frontier fortress of Ghorian, through 
treachery, reduced KamrAn to the necessity of en- 
during a siege. 

The results are well known. The Governor- 
general of India, to employ the official term, warned 
off the Persians, who, nevertheless, paid so Ifttle 
attention to the warning off, that after they re- 
ceived it they made their last and most desperate 
assault on the place, when, being foiled, and sorely 
pressed by famine, and desertions from their camp, 
they retired in compliance, so they say, of his lord- 
ship’s warning off. * • 
Colonel Stoddart, the British reprcsentativtJ in 
the Persian camp, and Lieutenant Pottiiiger, joined 
in their congratulations to the Governor-geiu'ral, 
and ascribed to Providence the deliverance of tlu' 
capital of KamrAn. God forbid that I slumhl 
write profanely! but if Providence hud uuglit to 
do in the matter, by all human calculation, it had 
intended that the Persians should have left their 
guns and equipage behind them, and perhaps that 
MAhomed Shah, Count Simonich, M. Goutte, and 


- ^ RESULTS. 429 

the rest, should have been picked up by the Turko- 
mans In their flight towards Tehrin. So much 
good, or so much evil may have been prevented 
by Mahomed Sh^’s compliance with the Governor- • 

general’s warning ' off. 

• I I 





Captain Bumes’s notion of his mission.— Fallacy of opening the 
Indus. — Remarks on commercial missions. — My correspondence. 
— Letters from Captain Burnes. — His arrival in Kfibal. De- 

fect in instructions.— Captain Wade's jealousy. —Obstacles.— 
Advantages.- Statement of my views. — Favourable concur- 


In the preceding chapter I have explained the 
origin of Captain Burnes’s mission, and shown Cap- 
tain Wade’s notions of its object ; in the present I 
shall exhibit Captain Burues’s opinions, which may 
be best done by recourse to his lettere. 

“ Hydrabad in Sinde, 2ik1 February, 1887.' -The 
growing demand for markets to t'ho meridiant 
throughout the world has stimulated the govm-n- 
ment, no less than the mercantile community, to 
make one grand attempt to open the Indus,' and 
the countries in and beyond it, to commerc'e ; and 
the government of India have reposed their conli- 
dence in me to try and work out this great end. I’lie 
objects of my journey are, primarily, commercial; 
and my political powers cease on leaving the Imlns ; 
but we would ill discharge our duty to om-.s-elves 
if we did not look to the right and left. But you 


will mach oblige me by giving currency, as far as is 
^in youApower, to the fact, that the main and great 
aim' of government is to open the Indus, ‘and to 
inform the chiefs in Afghanistan, and the merchants 
of that country, of the arrangements which have been 
entered into. I cannot adduce a better proof of 
the sincerity of government in this great national 
undertaking than that after I had been directed to 
set out, . Runjeet Sing threatened Sinde, and was 
alone prevented by British influence from attacking 
it. The government said, justly, that if the balance 
of power on the Indus is destroyed our commercial 
hopes are Tinned, and we have therefore concluded 
a treaty with the ameers, taking them under our 
protection, and fixing a British agent in Sinde ! We 
have no wish to extend our political relations be- 
yond the river, but a great one to enter into friendly 
commercial ones with all the chiefs between this 
and ^Persia* I might wi'ite to you very diiFusely on 
this subject, but I think I have placed before you, 
in a short compass, all that is interesting, and enough, 
I hope, to enable you to form a judgment on the 
prospects of success, on the kind of I’eception we 
shall experience, and on other points ; of which 
your local knowledge and long acquaintance quali- 
fy you, above all others, to judge. If you will 
favour me with that judgment, I need not assure 
you of the thanks which I shall owe you.” 

In the commencement of this letter Captain 
Burnes intimated his wish to be informed of the 

* f 

■ ■ ■■ f'-- ■" 


“ state of parties in Afghanistan,” and, whilt' I pro- 
mised to write on that subject, I replied <At once 
to the matter of the above extract. 

The main,, and gi’eat aim of government, is de- 
clared to be to open the Indus. Was the Indus 
ever closed, or farther closed than by its dangerous 
entrances and shallow depth of w'ater? Another 
object was to open the countries on and beyond the 
Indus to commerce. Were they also ever closed ? 

No such thing : they carried on an active, and in- 
creasing trade with India, and afforded markets for - 
immense quantities of British manufactured goods. 

The governments of India and of England, as" well 
as the public at large, w'ere never amused and de- 
ceived by a greater fallacy than that of opening the 


Indus, as regarded commercial objects. The results 
of the policy concealed under this pr'etext have 
been the introduction of troops into the countries 
on and beyond the river, and of some half jlozen 
steamers on the stream itself, employed for warlike 
objects, not for those of trade. There is, besi<les, 
great absurdity in commercial treaties with the 
states of Central Asia, simply because there is no 
occasion for them. From ancient and prescribed 
usage, moderate and fixed duties are levic'd ; trade 
is perfectly free ; no goods are prohibited ; and the 
more extensive the commerce carried on the greater 
advantage to the state. Where, then, the benefit 
of commercial treaties ? 

However, these were points on which it would 


have been unnecessary for me to catechize Captain 
Bur^s ; my duty led me to do my best to facilitate, 
his objects, such as they were, and I answered him 
in the following manner. 

“ I have no idea that the amir, or ^ny one here*^ 
fully appreciates the advantages of a strictly com- 
mercial treaty, — all, no doubt, look forward to some 
political advantages, if no other than the security 
of their own dominions, from a connexion of any 
kind with the Indian government ; and although 
your mission be avowedly a commercial one, it may 
easily be brought to be considered as the step to 
something that may be approved of even by them- 
selves, and to which, in the natural course of things, 
it must lead. 

“ About two years since Lord Bentinck, in a 
letter to the amir, first suggested some kind of 
commercial arrangement ; his letter was not under- 
stood as “it ought to have been, and the amir’s reply 
was not so satisfactory, perhaps, as to induce his 
lordship to put foi’ward a mission ; but I may note, 
that with Lord Bentinck’s letter Captain Wade 
addressed me, stating, that it was unnecessary to 
point out to me the advantages that would in con- 
sequence of such a treaty arise to the amir in the 
stability of Ms government, and so forth ; and Cap- 
tain Wade to the amii’, either directly or through 
the medium of Abdul Ghias Khan, explained, that 
one of the benefits of such treaty would be, that 
every one should know his own boundaries. If 

2 F 


• I I 


these advantages, held out two years since, m;ty he 
-held out without exceeding your instructions this 
period, in case such matters should he started, there 
would he nearlj an end to discussion. These ohser- 
"vations, and, those preceding, I make in allusion to 
the sole topic, upon which I apprehend you may not 
he prepared to reply in the manner tliat may he 
wished, hut hy no means inteifd them to he dis- 
couraging. Lord Auckland’s letter on this ])oint 
was even satisfactory, for, alluding to the fSikh aggres- 
sions of which the amir complained, he mentioned, 
that if the British government wore a party be- 
tween, such aggressions should or would cease,-— or 
something to that effect, — upon which the amir 
observed, that was something to the point, and then 
added, idly, however, laughing and rubbing his 
hands, that he had been better pleased to ho or- 
dered to attack the infidel Ranjit.” 

In the reply to the letter of which the' above is 
an extract. Captain Burnes seems to have htu^n 
set into a blaze hy letters from Mr. hTNcil. lie 
writes : “ It gave me very great i)leasure to ree(^ivt^ 
your letter of the 16th April from Jelalahad, which 
reached me at Bhawulpore on the 10th of May. 
For yom* luminous view of the state of affairs in 
Cabool, believe me, I feel deeidy indebted- 1 would 
have replied to your communication instantly, l)eing 
quite alive to the necessity of letting the ameer, 
and all concerned, know of our approach, but a most 
important despatch, no less than the one containing 


all tt[j views of the Governor-general on Afghanistan, 
was s|pt, by the mistake of Captain Wade’s moon- 
sh'ee, to Mr. Mackison, and I resolved, at alf hazards, 
to await it. It reached me late las.t night, and I 
cannot now regret the delay, as in half an hour after 
I received an express from Persia containing mat- 
tei-s of the first importance. The despatch of the 
Governor-general I*enclose,"and also the confiden- 
tial express from Mr. M‘Neil, well assured as I am, 
in putting you in possession of these important do- 
cuments, I am but advancing the interests of go- 
vernment, and shall be able through you, even be- 
fors I get to Cabool to elicit information to guide 
my proceedings. 

“ To proceed, however, step by step in my inqui- 
ries and observations, it is first necessary to observe, 
that about ten days before I received your letter 
from Jelalabad, I had become cognizant, through 
Can^ahar* of the fact that Dost Mhhomed Khiin 
had opened a communication with Persia. I forth- 
with despatched the information to Lord Auckland, 
but I was not prepared for so rapid a confirmation of 
the circumstance as that which I received from you. 
You may imagine I lost no time in despatching ex- 
tracts of all parts of your letter relating to public 
affairs to the private secretary. I observe what you 
state, that the ameer’s hopes from Persia have since 
he opened that communication greatly abated, but it 
was the circumstance of his opening the communi- 
cation at all that appeared to me important, and to 

• I I 

■ (■ ■ . ■■■■:, 


be a subject for our serious consideration. /‘^Vliat 
then was my surprise to read the communications 
from the King of Persia to Dost Mahomed Khan, 
^of which Mr,M‘Neil has with such dexterity pos- 
sessed himself. 

“ The enclosed despatch of the supremo govern- 
ment, written to Mr. M'Neil on the lOth April, 
will show you that our policy in Afghanistan en- 
gages the anxious attention of government. What 
then, now must be the anxiety when such intrigues 
are brought to light? Before I heard of them I had 
addressed a letter to government, of which I en- 
close you a copy. It is not an official letter,‘but 
to the private secretary, and I do not forward to 
you the enclosure, which I hope soon to converse 
with you in person. From all these communi- 
cations you will be put in the jtossession of the 
views of government, of Mr. M‘Neil, and myself, 
and your competent knowledge, and great local ex- 
, perience will, I am sure, prove at this critical junc- 
ture of great service. I beg of you to favour me by 
writing your most unreserved sentiments. N<Jthing 
will gratify me more, and though I have published 
a book, and printed and written various views, no 
one will be more glad to alter those views tlian my- 
self. I have no system to uphold but one, which is 
an ardent wish to place our relations in the west on 
such a footing as will best serve the interests of 
India. As yet I have no authority beyond that of 
conducting a commercial mission ; but various hints 


4 and fitters, together with the chain of events now 
in progress, have served to convince me that a stir- 
ring time ai 'political action has arrived, and I shall 
have to show what my government is made oi^ a% 
well as myself. Waving, therefore, ’all what is 
called ‘ political humbug,’ I have placed all matters 
before you. The next point to be attended to is 
the state of politics at Candahar, a Eussian letter to 
the chief, and presents from the Czar. Why, zounds ! 
this is carrying the fire to our door with a ven- 
geance. — Nothing can come out of that scheme ; 
but it also shows that we must be on the alert 

On the 25th of June Captain Burnes had become, 
more composed as he then wrote from Dera Ismael 
Khan: “After I last wrote to you, and four or five 
days had elapsed, I received an express from Lord 
Auckland’s secretary on the first news of the inten- 
tions of Dost Mahomed Khan (to attack the Sikhs). 
These, as you may well imagine, gave cause for 
alarm, and I was instructed to delay my advance till 
I got instructions, which would follow in a day or 
two. These instructions have now reached me ; and 
though prudence dictates a cautious line of proce- 
dure, still I am left at liberty to advance if I choose ; 
and the government hope I may do good. I have, 
therefore, addressed Dost Mahomed Khan, and a 
copy of the letter I enclose for your information. 
The original I send ; also letters for the nawab and 
Mirza Sami Kh^n, which you will very much oblige 



me by delivering, in the way which you may ^.ndge 
most suitable. You will see that I have been very 
explicit with the ameer ; and if ho could but see his 
'"~-_own interests he would make terms with the Sc'iks 
Jrojn and leave us unfettered ; in which I see 

to him much good. The British government con- 
template no employment of its power in Cabool, 
though it ardently wishes for peace on its fronti('r ; 
and it is also most anxious that no fnrtlier injury 
should be done to the Afghans ; but this must de- 
pend on the Afghans themselves. You will well 
imagine how anxiously I shall look out for replies 
to these communications. I feel myself gifted with 
much more latitude since I last wrote to 3 'ou, but I 
must see with my own eyes before acting, or recom- 
mending action, and it will never do to offend lluu- 
jeet Sing, whose alliance we court, and must choi-ish.” 

Captain Burnes’s next letter to me, on^ the 2yth 
July, was alike moderate. The collision between 
the Sikhs and Afghans had passed over •, with refer- 
ence to which he wrote; “ It really seems to nn; that 
matters have subsided into a better form than was 
to be anticipated, though I quite agree in the ob- 
servation made by you, in one of your letters to Cap- 
tain Wade, that a very free use of the name of the 
British government seems to have been made.” 

“I shall not fail to inform Captain Wade of 
the arrival of the elchee from Persia by the 
first packet. The designs from the west require 
to be sedulously watched, though I have received 



m ■ 




« much’Ssupport to my opinions from finding you so 
^ stron^pon the improbability of Sbia ascendency in 
Cabool. I always looked upon it as bigbly im- 
probable.” . ^ 

On tbe 6th August Captain BurneS wrote from 
camp, near Attok : — “ At Hasan Abdall, on the 1st, 

I had the satisfaction of receiving your communica- 
tion of the 16th, by my own cossids ; and if I have 
already felt myself obliged by your full exposition of 
the state of affairs in Cabool, I must say that you 
have, if possible, increased my obligation by this 
most valuable communication. You have laid be- 
fore me the rocks which endanger every movement; 
and so foul is the path that I much fear, with such a 
beacon, I shall yet be involved in great embarrass- 
ments. I have only one sheet-anchor left, which is, 
that they will be roused in Calcutta to make some 
decided exertion, at variance with our late sleepy 
policy; and if they act not thus, I even question the 
propriety of their having ever deputed me to Cabool. 
The ameer’s letter which you enclosed is the coun- 
terpart of the original. I looked upon it as satis- 
factory, but there was still a tone and tenor in it 
which I do not like, and which your letter com- 
pletely explained, I do not think the British govern- 
ment is in a humour to be trifled with; and if the 
ameer hopes to play off the offers of Bokh^a and 
Persia, to quicken us in our movements, he may fail. 
If, howevei’, government attaches importance to 
the communications from Russia (and I shall won- 


' ' ■ ' ■ I ■ ■ ■ 

der much if they do not do so) their proc^^'dings 
may be jery different, for I do not apprehend we ' 
should ever submit to a Russian intrigue near our 

own frontier without seeking to counteract it, and 

that had we" not been already sent, some one of our 
nation must have followed, or they must ha%'c 8<nit 
you yourself powers. , 

“ The audacity of Mahomed Hussein, whose letters 
you enclosed, astounds me ; he is, however, a very 
Persian. I translated the epistles, and sent them on 
to the private secretary. They require no comment. 
This letter is by no means meant as an answtM- to 
your last communication. That I have studied, and 
reperused with great care, and it has instilled into 
my mind some doubts, which are always wholesome. 

It seems, however, certain, that we must form sonse 
connexion with Cabool, and it is more the way in 
which that should be brought about tlmf. puzzles, 
than the kind of connexion — so conflicting 'and 
various are the interests. 

“ It will interest you to know', that Captain 8hiel, 
the secretary of legation at Tehran, has accom- 
panied a Persian elchee to Khiva and Bokhara, to put 
down slavery — accompanied I say, because it has 
been so communicated to me, but I question the good 
which can arise from such a journey — wn should 
look nearer home. My opinions on Persian polities 
are very fixed. Without Mr. Macncil there we 
should have been soon ousted — with him the evil day 
only is postponed, and our connexion with the country 


* will eiiv in signal discomfiture and disgrace. Taking 
general view of thing sat present, I should not be 
vsurprisqd if government followed one of two views, 
>v— one is, to invest me with full powers the other is, 
to direct me to stay in Cabool till I can* communi- 
cate with them ; — the last, and most improbable of 
all, is, to suspend my ^movements.” 

From Peshawer, on the 22d of August, Captain 
Burnes wrote : “ It gives me great pleasure to 
acknowledge your letter of the 12th, which reached 
me yesterday afternoon. At all events, your present 
letter sets my mind at ease regarding the feelings of 
Dost Mahomed Khan. The change of tone in the 
ameer is what I very much desired, and what I cer- 
tainly hoped for, but I had also quite made up my 
mind to let him know at once that the British go- 
vernment were not likely to permit any coquetting 
on his part. The honour of having any agent, 
however humble, deputed to confer with him is by 
no means a small one, and if nothing took place but 
mere conference, and he saw his position properly, 
he might so strengthen himself, that in a year or two 
he would have no equal near him. Such at least 
are my sentiments ; and with them you may ima- 
gine that we are not likely to be taken by storm. 
In fact, if Dost Mahomed Khan continues to con- 
template attacks on the Seiks, and to increase his 
duties on the merchant, we may very well ask the 
■ utility of holding any communications Avith him.” 

“ The approach of the bursting bubble of Ma- 


homed Hussein’s mission is highly amusing, i While p 
seated on Hindoo Koosh, drinking tea and kuglnng:' 
at the said Mirza’s fibs, which Ferdinand IMindez 
Pinto ne’er outdid, I little thought I was holding 
converse with the future ambassador of the ruler of 
Cabool to the King of Kings ! Among other curio- 
sities to show you on the aflfairs of nations, I have a 
very morceau in the shape of forged credentials 
from the ameer to Lord Auckland in behalf of 
Hajee Hussein Khan ! ! I possess the original, and a 
rarer bit of Hajee Babaism I have not seen.” 

Captain Burnes next wrote me from Dak a, on 
the 4th of September, when, having cleared the 
Khaibar Pass, he had entered Dost Mahomed 
Khan’s dominions. He then said, “I have no 
means of doing justice to your many and con- 
siderate letters. Lying before me are those of 
the 14th, 17th, 23rd, and 26th of August, and 
yours of the 27th has just been put iiitcx my 

“The view which you have taken of Peshiiwer 
being passed over to Sultan Mfihomod Khfin, is 
to me very satisfactory. I am not without hope 
that we shall, in course of time, be able to work 
out this matter ; but it would be presumption in 
the extreme to hope for it if certain circumstanccis, 
which I shall unfold, did not lead mo to have a 
well-grounded hope. I should like to have the 
amir’s own views ; Sooltan Mahomed Khan’s I have, 
and, if I am not deceived, an inkling of those of 


RunjeeS Singb. Had we not bad to pull tbe Khai- 
m's reiii in Sinde, I should have said, that tbe ad- 
justment of it amounted to a certainty ; and I 
now believe that tbe drain wbicb Peshawer is upon , 
bis finances, bis wish to please us, and cftber things 
combined, will, in the end, tend to adjustment. 

“ Tbe non-arrival of tbe Persian elcbee is amusing 
enough. I suppose he has bad his coup de grace, 
for the ameer cannot surely put any reliance after 
such an exposure of Mahomed Hoosein’s fabrications. 
We have no late news here of affairs to the west. 

“Your letter to Captain Wade I perused, and 
sent’on by the cossid from Ali Musjeed. I really 
do not comprehend Captain Wade’s allusion to 
the state of affairs in Persia being favourable ; 
my accounts, as I interpret them, speak to the 
contrary. I am glad the panic, from the contents 
of his letter, has been removed, and I am a good 
deal ximused at what he says about the ‘ Governor- 
General and I have both been inculcating peace, 
&c.’ Had I known such inculcation I need not 
have written, as I did, from Dera Ismael Khan ; 
but I hope soon to read a lesson in propria persorm 
to Dost Mahomed Khan, and let him know what 
are and what are not the views of the British 
government, though it would indeed be gratify- 
ing to myself if I were better informed on them 
than I am. My last accounts from Calcutta are, 
in plain English, as follows : that Lord Auckland 
looks with great anxiety to hear from me in Cabool 


after I have seen about me ; the meaning of which 
is clear enough, that they are to act aften I havq- 
reported. This looks like toasting our toes at Ca- 
hool for the winter.” 

From Chupreeal, on the 0 th of Se})temher, Caji- 
tain Burnes wrote : “ I am glad to say that an im- 
portant express has reached me since 1 last ad- 
dressed you, which will not make me afraid to 
meet Dost Mahomed Khan, for T have it now in 
my power to be of service to him, but 1 shall not 
speculate at length on the subject now. I am 
very anxious to have the ameer’s own vitnvs of 
his own affairs, for on them a good deal wilf de- 
pend. I need only tell you, in confidence, tliat 
the adjustment of Peshawer is nearer than ever, 
if not mismanaged, and you -well know how easy 
it is to do that, even without Afghans, and their 
proverbial stupidity. 

“I do certainly consider Dost Miihomed' Khan 
has it in his power to become a great man, if he 
can resist the pressure from without (as the poli- 
ticians say at home) of his own family, and act 
for himself. 

“ I have had my attention most esjiecially (‘ailed 
to the affairs of Candahar ; and, more opportunely 
than I could have hoped for, I have just received 
a despatch from thence, old in date certainly, but 
full of particulars of the way the sirdfirs went 
about their communications with Russia, which 
bear the stamp of truth, and confirm much of 
what Mr. M'Neil writes. My account of the el- 


chee’s '■revels coincide with your own ; and in pre- 
gparing pay despatch I shall note the coincidences 
between the information. I imagine the* elchee 
will not come to Cabool ; but what think you of 
the sh‘d&s having sent other letters, and another 
envoy to Tehran and the Russian minister ?” 

From Tezin Captain Bumes wrote, on the 16th 
of September; “The accounts from Candahar are 
really perplexing. The information you convey 
tallies well with what I have received ; only that 
the Candahar sirdars have, I hear, of themselves, 
detained Kumber Ali, and got him to write to 
the ^hah, as they have themselves done, that Ca- 
bool is of no use to his Majesty, and Candahar 
is the ground to work upon ! ! ! Tant mimw. In 
the same truth, Kohan Dil Kh^ writes me a more 
than friendly letter, and his brothers are equally 

Op. ‘the 18th of September Captain Burnes 
reached Bhut Khak, where I paid him a visit, 
and remained with him the following day. Our 
conversation was nearly exclusively on political 
matters ; and I must confess I augured very faintly 
of the success of his mission, either from his man- 
ner or from his opinion “that the Afghans were 
to be treated as children,” a remark that drew from 
me the reply, that he must not then expect them 
to behave as men. On the 20th of September 
I returned to the city, after breakfast, and Captain 


Bumes bein^ met on the road by M<ihoined Akbar ^ 
Kh^n, was escorted with all honour to the presence^ 
of Dost Mahomed Khan. 

I have not judged it necessary to lunko any 
comments -.upon the various exti-acts I have sub- 
mitted from Captain Burnes’s lottei’s. If (kiplain 
Wade may be charged with doing too little, T 
think it may be conceited 'that Captain Jinnies 
was inclined to do too much. W^hat T conceived 
my duty had led me, as will have bc'en seen, at 
the earliest period of my correspondence M'ith Cap- 
tain Burnes to press upon him the necessity of 
having clear instructions, and of being prt‘parcd 
to meet the proposals likely to be made to him. 

I had reasons to suspect that the then govern- 
ment of India was a weak government, and I was 
aware that missions are put forth in a loose 
manner. I also foresaw the evils whi<“h delay 
would excite with impatient ])cople, and I could 
but know that in less than four months no an.swer 
from Calcutta to any communication could bo re- 
ceived. It was therefore clearly proper, us well 
as essential to success, that Ca])tain Burnes should 
come as well prepared as possible. I was, more- 
over, conscious of the jealousy of the political 
agent at Ludfana, who had informed the autho- 
rities at Kahal, through Ahdul Ghids Khan, that 
he would have been a fitter person tban Captain 
Burnes for the mission, and would have <lone more 
for them than he could do, on account of his 

n • 


influence with Ranjit Singh. I also knew that 
* Captain^ Wade could depend on the support of . 
Mr.- Secretary Macnaghten. On the other hand, 
Captain Burnes was agreeable to Lord Auckland, 
and had the privilege of constant compiunication 
with the private seci-etary, Mr. Colvin,— sufficient 
to protect him from evil infl,uences, had he used 
it wisely. * 

In conformity to the request of Captain Bumes, 

I sent him a paper on the state of parties in Kabal. 

I afterwards did more, and entered into a detail 
of the conflicting interests in Afghanistan, and the 
mode, in which, in my opinion, they were to be 
approached and reconciled. When at Bombay, in 
1841, I wrote to Sir Alexander Burnes at Kabal, 
hoping he would not object to send me copies 
of these two documents. I sailed for England 
before hfs reply, if he made any, could have reached 
me, and. sidce no letter of his has been forwarded 
to me. Nothing would have given me greater 
satisfaction than to have been enabled to publish 
these papers, for not only would they have shown 
my views and opinions, but I may fancy they would 
have established that the Afghm affairs were ca- 
pable of settlement, and that the settlement was 
in our power at that time. My proposal was 
simply, that Peshawer, — -the assumption of which 
by Ranjit Singh had brought on all our evils,--- 
should be restored to Sdltan Mahomed Khan; in 
fact, that a mere act of justice should be done. 

448 r 

appointment of AGIJNTS. 

By this the chiefs of Kandahar would be at once ^ 
reconciled, while Dost Mahomed Khan would hare 
no alternative but to acquiesce ; still, as to his 
exertions, in some measure, the restitution might 
be held due, I proposed that Sriltfin Mahonied 
Khan should pay annually a sum, more or less, 
not exceeding a lakh of rupees, from his revcmios, 
which I did not doubt he %vould gladly do, as the 
price of being relieved from Sikh control, and 
of the possession of the entire country. The Sikhs, 
having built a capacious and strong fortress at 
Peshawer, I foresaw they might either propose to 
leave a garrison in it or wish to dismantle it. It 
appeared to me better that it should remain 
an Afghan bulwark ; and as the ex])enso in the 
construction was not considerable, and I was well 
aware that Sultan Mahomed Khan had no funds, 

I submitted, that the government might advance 
the one or two lakhs which would be 'a-eqinred, 
unless indeed the restored sirdar should pay it ott* 
by instalments. To see that these arrangements 
were carried into effect and duly observed, I pro- 
posed that a superior agent should reside at KAbal, 
and subordinate ones at Kandahar and Peshawer, 
as checks upon the conduct of the chiefs, and for 
the purposes of seeing what was going on, but 
without exercising any kind of interference in other 

■ I never once alluded to Persian and Russian 
intrigues ; I hold them now ridiculous ; I held them 


SO then ; but while removing effectually the : only 
^ causes jwhich could make them of any import, I 
suggested (seeing, from the jealousy the Barak Zai 
chiefs entertained of Kamran, it ^\ould be im-^ 
prudent that the agent at Kabal should have any- 
thing to do with him or his affairs,) that Herat 
should be placed in correspondence with the envoy 
at Tehran, and that an officer to that state should 
be furnished from the mission there. 

While perfectly aware that the occupation of 
Peshawer was unprofitable, and the constant source 
of alarm and inquietude to Ranjit Singh, and satis- 
fied* that ho would relinquish it, if solicited by 
the Indian government as a favour to do so, I 
had not hoped that he would voluntarily come 
forward, and express a desire to be eased of it. 
As he did, it was only by the mismanagement 
which Captain Burnes, in his letter from Chap rial, 
depsec'ated, that our relations with the Afghdn 
states were not placed on as fair a footing as 
it was needful they should be ; for my experience 
had brought me to the decided opinion that any 
strict alliance with powers so constituted would 
prove only productive of mischief and embarrass- 
ment, while I still thought that Bi'itish influence 
might be usefully exerted in preserving the in- 
tegrity of the several states, and putting their rulers 
on their good behaviour. 

Another unexpected piece of good foi’tune hap- 
pened about this time, inasmuch as Kamran, in 

VOL. HI. 2 G 

• I I 

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■■ • , . , ■■ .. ■ . 

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his intercourse with Mr. coiisentod to 

acknowledge the indepondence of the Bui-:ik 
chiefs, m return for being secured against tin' 'at- 
^tacks of Pefsia, so that nothing was ^ranting to 
the success of Captain Burnes's mission Imt his 
own ability to avail liimseif of so great and un- 
expectedly concurring advantages. 


Captain Burnea's conversations. — His humility.— Visit of Mirza 
Sami Khan. — Resolutions of the amir and his advisers. — Their 
disclosure.— My dissent. — The nawaVs opinion. — Nature of the 
question. — Captain Burnes's notice of proposals. — Recommenda- 
tions to Lord Auckland. — Unnecessary alarms of Persia. — Cap- 
tain Burnes’s delusion as to the amir. — Captain Burnes's 
neglect. — Dispute on prerogative.— Arrival of Vektavich. — His 
suspicious credentials. — Dismay of Captain Burnes. — His im- 
prudent admissions. — Huss4n Ali. — Opinions at Kabal. — 
Replies of Government. — Despatch of Lieut. Leech to Kandahar. 
— Rejection of Dost Mdhomed Kh4n*s proposals. — Perplexing 
state of the mission. — Absence of nawib. — Rage of Dost 
Mahomed Khan. — Unpleasant stay in Kabal. — Letter from the 
Chairman of the Court of Directors. — Interview with Mirza 
Sami Kl^in. — His remarks. — Intimation to quit Kabal. — 
D'a^har conversations. — Determination to leave. — Proposals to 
seize Captain Burnes.— Assault on my house. — Good-will of 
the inhabitants, — ^Parting interview with Mirza Sami Khan. — 
Remarks on the mission. — The Afghanistan correspondence. — 
Delusive iuiclligence and reports. — Object of Vektavich. — His 
reply to Dost Mdhomed Khan. — His return to Kandahdr. — 
Abu Khan. — llaji Hussen Ali Khan, the Persian ambassador* 

Tub clay after Captain Burnes’s arrival he placed 
hefort^ mo the official documents relating to. his 
mission. I (observed, after reading the instructions, 
HO c^alied, that they were really none at all. He 
replied, that Dr. Lord on joining him at HaidarabM 
had madc^ the same remark. 



Captain Burnes repeatedly saw the amir ; and his 
conversations were not of the most prudent kind, ^ 
at least as I thought, for I considered it very un- 
''advisable to 'excite expectations not likely to be 
realized, an<5 to instruct a man, disposed to be san- 
guine enough, how essential his alliance was to the 
British government. The aipir and IMirza Kami 
Khan were satisfied to listen to Cajttain Burnes ; 
and did not explain their pretensions ; alleging, that 
after his long journey a few days rc‘posl^ was re- 
quired: their objects being to ascertain tin* temper 
and habits of the envoy, as well as to agn’i* amongst 
themselves on the terms to be proposed to him.*^ 

The amh- had every reason to exult in the humi- 
lity of his new guest, who never addressed him but 
with his hands closed, in the attitude of suppli- 
cation, or without prefacing his r(*marks with 
Ghaiib nawaz, your humble petitiom.'r, which 
acquired for him in Kabal the sobri<iut't; of 
Gharib Nawaz. My friends used jocularly to 
tell me, I might as well leave ; and the amir 
himself was well pleased to find Captain Burnes 
more compliant and obsequious than I had l.Mjen. 
Ihe Nawab Jabar Khan, however, took the liberty 
of remonstrating with the envoy, and pointed out 
to. him, that an agent of the British government 
had no ocmion to fear, and that he might possibly 
lepent having assumed so submissive a tone. 

Nothing could be more certain than that British 
reputation was highly considered in Kabal ; and it 





was supposed that a British mission would be coii- 
^ ducted* with a certain degree of decorum. It ex- 
cited universal surprise to witness the contrary, 
and that the I’evels of Kamber All, at Kandaha^^ 
Avere surpassed by the amir’s new gueste at Kabal. 
The amir, while receiving continual reports of what 
Avas going on, forbad any notice to be taken, rejoic- 
ing perhaps that the envoy’s intrigues were of any 
other than a political nature, and well satisfied that 
the mission should disappoint public expectation. 

Mirza Sami Khan observing how matters stood, 
honoured me Avith a visit at my house, the first he had 
ever made me; and after a feAv long-winded obser- 
vations, proposed that I should imitate the example 
of my illustrious superiors, and fill my house with 
black-eyed damsels. I observed, that my house was 
hardly large enough, and he said that I should 

have Shahz^da Ashraf s house, near the amir’s 
^ ■ 

palace! I then asked, where the damsels were 
to come from ; and he replied, I might select any 
I pleased, and he would take care I should have 
them. I told him, his charity exceeded all praise, 
but I thought it better to go on quietly in my old 
AA'ay, — and he dropped the subject. I related to 
the nawab and others what had passed, and we 
had a good laugh at the mirza’s expense, though 
all agreed it was Avell that one of us should refrain 
from committing himself, as strange things were 
likely to happen. The subject of the intercourse 
Avith Captain Burnes natui’ally occupied the atten- 



tion of the amir and his friends ; and IMirza Sami 
Khan and Mirza Ima.m Verdi were seleeted to „ 
conduct it. The next step was to of)nsider the 
^.erms for proposal to the Britisii govornmeut ; and 
these being ‘resolved on, I was favoured by a visit 
from the two mirzas. Tliey reiuindi'd me of the 
solicitude I had shown that tlu' rec<'j)tiou of the 
mission should l)e honourable and becoming, and 
appealing to mo that they had done all that was 
required, entreated, in return, that T would support 
their interests. I had only to reply that, by repre- 
sentation to Captain Burn(}S, and J could do no 
more, T would support them, if T could with a clear 
conscience d(j so ; and 1 prayed them, for the sake 
of impossible or unlikely advantages, not to iu>glect 
what was in their power to gain. They then re- 
vealed the proposal they had agreed uj»on, which 
was, that Peshawer was to be made ovg^r to the 
amir, as the sine qua 7ion of any undirstanding with 
the British government. I at once told them, that 
Cai)tain Burnes might do as he pleased, but that 1 
should dissuade him from listening to any such 
terms. IVlIrza Smi Khan was now ansimis to 
show me that his proposition originated Avith Mirza 
Imam Verdi, and not Avith himself, and made the 
latter say so, who maintaine<l that such an arrange- 
ment was only due as a conscquenct' of the victory 
at .lamrdd. I set my face entirely against the 
proposal, and regretted that they should have deter- 
mined upon it; and they left me, Mirza Sami Khan 

• •• 


• always exculpating himself from the charge of 
^having jariginated it. 

The Nawab Jabar Khan strongly pressed upon 
Captain Burnes the necessity of firmly rejecting the 
proposal about to be made to him, on which so'’ 
much depended. I did the same, in the most 
forcible manner I could ; and showed him how 
Mirza Sami Khan, anticipating his rejection, was 
ready to excuse himself as being the author of it, 
and to cast its blame upon Mirza Imam Verdi ; 
or, in fact, that the proposal was not expected to 
be received. I submitted to Captain Burnes that 
his 'course was a very clear one. The pleasure of 
Ranjit Singh to give up Peshawer afforded the 
opportunity of settling the Afghin question in a 
manner which could not have been looked for. 
It might be made to benefit the brothers at Kfin- 
dahdr and Peshawer equally with Dost Mahomed 
Kh4n,* and the British government would, at all 
events, have done its duty to them, and have ful- 
filled its wish to benefit the Afghan nation. Cap- 
tain Burnes urged that Dost Mahomed Khfin’s 
pleasure might not be consulted, were Peshawer 
made over to Sfiltan Mahomed Khan. I replied, 
that I believed it would whatever he might say 
to the contrary, but if not, let the arrangement be 
made without him; he would soon crave to be ad- 
mitted a party to it, as he would not venture to 
avow interests in opposition to those of aM his. 
countrymen, and could not afford to stand in -the 

r ^ 

♦ * I 





light of a proscribed person. Captain Burues did f 
■■ not intimate what com-se bo -vvould pursue;, but in^ 
due time the interview with luin and the nurzas 
took place. i').fter it was over I n'ceived a note from 
him, which will at all events prove ho was Tiot takuui 
by siu’prise. 

“ I have had Mirza Saniee and fniain Xhu’dee with 


me since breakfast, and they have* just made known 
to me what you wrote, and 1 shall ttd! y<m my 
answer when we meet you in the evening^.'’ 

Before the evening came T had learned, from 
rumour, what the answer had been, ami a more 
unfortunate one could not have been made. I t had 
spread over the city, and become the talk of the 
bazar; and an expre.ssion of the envoy's, that liunjit 
Singh would be so delighted when he heard the 
amir’s proposal that he would iire a shelyck, or 
salvo of artillery, was repeated by evc'ij out' in 
ridicule. * 

When I saw Captain Bunies he expluiiu'd, that 
the mu-zas had proposed, in ndtirn for tlu' cession 
of Peshawer to the anur, that one of the lattcu's 
sons should reside at Lahore with the maharajTi 
as a hostage for his fether’s good Indniviour. 
said, that he was so astonislieil that he made tlu‘ 
mir^as thrice re})oat what they ha<l said, to lx* sure 
there was no mistake ; and that, satisiied there was 
none, he had told them all would bo settled as they 
wished. ■ I could only ex])ress my fears that the 
worst results, would follow. 


By this stroke the chiefs of Kandahar, who had 
suffered Kamher All to depart, began, in self-de- ’• 
fence, to renew their correspondence with Persia. 
The Naw'db JabarKhan, and principals of the 
party at K^bal, ceased to interest themselves in the 
success of the mission, and either seldom visited the 
•darbar, or, when there never talked on business. 
No person of any respectability or character ever 
called on Captain Burnes, and the mission was left 
to follow' up its irregiilar career’, and to sink into 

Captain Burnes, as soon as he reached Kabal, had 
intimated to Lord Auckland the advisability of mak- 
ing the offer to Dost Mahomed Khan of guarantee- 
ing to him the possession of Peshawer on the death 
of Ranjit Singh ; he had now to forward his new 
proposals. In less than three months, under any 
circumstences, replies could not be expected. Dost 
Mahomed Khan, for the moment supposing that 
Captain Burnes would not approve the proposal 
unless certain it would be acted upon, was satisfied ; 
but the restlessness of the Kfindahar sirdars a little 
disturbed the leisure wdrich Captain Burnes had 
■gained. The correspondence with them led to an 
offer by him to supply thenr Avith three lakhs of 
rupees to repel any attack from Persia. I remon- 
strated as much as I could against this offer, and 
Captain Burnes finally apprised me he had made 
it, observing, “Masson, I have gone the Avhole 



It may be right to notice that, in the absence of 
'■ special instructions for his guitlancc, Captain llunies , 
considered it was the intention of gov('rnment that 
lj.e should do yrhat seemed to him best, when, if lu; 
chanced to do what was thought proper, he woidd 
receive unbounded applause ; if the contrary, he 
would be -wig’ged. Agreeably to his j)urpose of mag- 
nifying the danger to be apprehcndt'd from Pt'rsia, 
and of attaching importance to transactions at Kan- 
dahar, he contemplated the despatch of Lieutenant 
Leech, one of his assistants, to that place. 1 opposed 
the measure, thinking that, unless matters were 
settled at Kabal, it w'ould only increase embarrass- 
ment. I moreover felt certain it niust be totally 
at variance M'ith Dost Mahomed Khan's wislu's, 
an immaterial ])oint, if any )K-nefit wcwe to accrue 
from it ; still, what might bo attended to, when, as 
I clearly saw, evil was likely to arise from U. C!ai»- 
taiu Burnes most positively allinned that tin’ tMuir 
was consenting, or that Mu-xa Sand Khdn so as- 
sured him, which made me suspect that (he aiidr 
and his mirza might be pleased to witiu'ss the 
farther complication such a visit would occasion. 
There was some delay, however, in the de])arture of 
Lieutenant Leech. 

1 had from the beginning cantioiUHl (aptain 
Burnes not to be deceived by Dost iMahoined Khan. 
He argued, “ Oh, Masson, he is so shrewd~he talks 
so sensibly.” I admitted that he could do ail that ; 
still he was to be taken care oil' 1 luul no better 



success than had the naw^b, who alike endeavoured 
to persuade him that Dost Mahomed Khan was 
anything but an angel. From my knowledge of 
the amir, I could smile at receiving, such notes a^ 
this : “ I never had so kind a reception— he is every- 
thing to us!” — “All went nobly on last night; he 
was quite pleased,” &c. A very little time, how- 
ever, sufficed to permit the growth of doubts in 
the amir’s mind, whether the confidence of Captain 
Burnes as regarded Peshaw^er -would be shared in 
by his superiors at Calcutta, and he began to pay 
him much less attention and respect, and Mirza 
Sami Khan ceased to call upon him so frequently 
and so regularly as before. Indeed the conduct of 
the mission was often discussed in the darbar, and 
many expressed their opinions that the amir had 
deceived himself. Still, the infatuation of the envoy 
seemed ^s strong as ever; and he was apparently 
secure in the conviction that government would not 
fail to adopt his recommendations. On one occar 
sion. Dost Mahomed Khan being told he did wrong 
to expect Peshawer from Captain Bumes, Mirza 
Sami, present, said, he would step over to him and 
ask. He represented to Captain Burnes that cer- 
tain monafik^n, disaffected persons, had said, the 
amir reposed foolishly on his promises. The envoy 
replied : “ Only wait till Lord Auckland’s letter ar- 
rives, and, by the grace of God, the faces of the 
monafikan shall be blackened.” With this answer 
the mirza returned in great glee to the darbar. 



Conscious that Dost Mahomed Khan’s propo- 
sition would not be supported by the ^ifovewiment, , 
and equally aware that its rejection u-onhl gave rise 
to violent anger and disaj>])ointnu'T)t, I nuudi strove 
to induce Captain Burnes to urge upon government 
the advantage of ascertaiping exactly Ranjit Singh’s 
wishes as to Peslutwer, that we might lu' prt'pared 
to meet the storm we had to ('mstunter at Kabul 
by counter-propositions. Xot stispecting that go- 
vernment would object to his recommendation, ('ap- 
tain Burnes did not think this nect'ssary, and m'g- 
lected it for a long time, and until too late. He was 
in correspondence with Captain Wade, but it 'was 
of a kind rather to delay than to ]>romote business. 
In a note to me Captain Burnes writes : “ lU-re arc 
all — You’ll see Wade has got it again from gov<>rn- 
ment for ‘ commenting’ on my letters. 1 mn as- 
tounded at his not having told Ranjit !4ingh a word 
of what has passed here. No wondm’ he is ^sur- 

That the miiharaja was sinprised is Inwoud thmht, 
for with Ms news-writers at Kfihai Ik‘ cotihl not hut 
be aware of Captain Bnnies’s intercourse witlt the 
amir, and of what had ])assod hetwt'oii them, lor 
that was known to evc'iy pumpkiu-selhu- in the bazar, 
lie in consequence addressed a lelt('r to the t‘nv<»y, 
warning him that the Afghans vs’ere interest (sl and 
bad people, and that I^ost iHahomed Khiln was a 
■very wicked man, and a liar, but that Sulttm Md- 
bomed Khan was in the sirkar's s('rviee, and had 


been useful to him. I thought the purport of this 
^letter jvas very plain, but Captain Burnes showed > 
it to the amir on the idea that it was intended to 
be shown to him, and informed th(\ maharaja h^ 
had done so. I ventured to predict Ranjit Singh 
would not again address him, nor did he. 

Captain Burnes, in place of urging upon Captain 
Wade the necessity of ascertaining the maharaja’s 
wishes, entered into a discussion about “ preroga- 
tive,” — a note I have will explain its origin. “ Read . 
you ever such insolence. The man talks of pre- 
rogative!” Captain Wade had declai-ed, that to 
comment on Captain Burnes’s despatches was his 
prerogative. Captain Burnes retorted, that prero- 
gative was only enjoyed by kings; and Captaiii 
Wade answered, that he was mistaken, and sent him 
the meaning of the word from Johnson’s Dictionary ! 
Two months were wasted in_ this very profitable 

On the 19th of December Lieutenant Vektavich 
reached Kabal, and rather suddenly, for we had 
scarcely heard of his arrival at Kandahar when he 
made his appearance. The sirdars of that place 
were willing to have detained him, but he threw 
his papers on the ground, and menaced them with 
the Emperor of Russia’s vengeance should they do 
so; Avhen, finding they had a very different kind 
of a person than Kamber All to deal with, they 
permitted him to proceed. His arrival at Killa 
Kazi was announced to the ami]’, and some oik-* 

I f 


was sent to inquire liis rank, tliat his reception 
might he regulated- He i*eplie<l, that lu^ was no 
olchl, but a messenger, or bearer of letters. Count 
Nesselrode hqs since made him a commercial en- 
voy ; if so, it was entirely unknown t<» himself, or 
denied by him. Mirza Sami Kiidu impiiriMl of 
the amir, where he should bt> lodgt'd, and n'Ctuving 
a very careless reply, again subniilttHl that it was 
proper he should bo infornu'd. The amir said, 
“ lodge him ■svith Milhomed llussen at the nawfib’.s, 
and there will be two liitias, or butlbons, together.” 
The mirza had difficulty to get a better nqviy, but 
it \vas finally settled that the mirza himself should 
look after him, as, under his ey(> he could hohl no 
improj)or communications. 

The sirdars of Ivandalnir had written to tiu? amir 
that they did not know what to make <'f the 
Cossack, or of the fetter he had with liiiu, which 
wanted signature and seal, hlnlla IJashid did-the 
same, but also sent a show-letter, }mb!i.shed in page 
7 of the Correspondence relating to Afghanistan, 
which, for want of something better, has found a. 
place there, although it explains, in the postscript, 
its object to “rouse the mind of Alexander 

The letter, dated 2;}rd Deceinher, from 

Captain Burnes to Lord Auckland, recording tlu^ 
former’s views and recommendations, ami of which 
extracts arc given in page f) and 10 (vf tlu* Corre- 
spondence, is too curious a docunn'iit for me to 




pass over in silence, particularly as I must state, 
once (or all, that Captain Bumes never showed i. 

any of his despatches to government at the 
time they were sent, the reason knew to be 
that I should have protested againSS them. On 
the other hand, all despatches from the government, 
and even private letters from India and England, 
were sent to me as soon as received. This ex- 
planation is necessary with respect to this letter. 
No. 6. The reports of Vektavich’s conversations 
with the amir are absolutely false. Captain Buriies 
gives them on the authority of two sources, both 
of ‘whom were instructed by Mirza Sami Khlin 
to delude him, the object being, like that of Millla 
Rashid, to “ rouse the mind of Alexander Burnes.” 

The arrival of Vektavich completely overpowered 
the British envoy, and he abandoned himself to 
despair. He bound his head with wet towels and 
haivikerchiefs, and took to the smelling-bottle. It 
was humiliating to witness such an exhibition, and 
the ridicule to whicli it gave rise. The amir called 
on the disconcerted envoy, and Mirza Sami Khdn 
brought over the letter said to be from the emperoi', 
for both of them had suspicions, in common with the 
Kdndahar sirdars, that it might not be genuine, and 
so they told Captain Burnes, who, however, at once 
assured them it was genuine, and that there could 
be no doubt of it. After this imprudent admis- 
sion, the amir was at liberty to play off the Russian 
and the Imperial letter. The latter, however, was 



« * f 



Irft %vitl\ Captain Burin.’S to be copied. I uulie- 
" sitatiuft'ly oxia-ossed iny (*piniou that tli»> letter was 
a fabrication, as far as the (nnperor was coiua'rncd, 
but that it Wjis very prol)ably j 3 fot up in the Persian 
canii) belbivf Herat, becatise without soiu<* such 
document W'ktavich would not have dared to show 
himself in A%hani.stAn. Captain Buriu's jiointed 
out to me the lartye e.xterior seal on the tmvidcvjR', 
on which were the Hussian aruH. 1 sent for a loaf 
of Kussian .sn«-ar from th(‘ linzar, at tlu' laittoni of 
which we found precisely the same kiml of seal. 
Captain Burnes shrng<;<'<l his sh<iulders, (devatisi his 
eychrows, and rolled his tongue* round his eheek, 
but ho had done the evil iu not allowing tlu* andr 
and Mirza Sami Khun tin* benefit of their own 
doubts. Count Nesselrode, iu aekuowledging the 
mission of Vektavieh, tnay be supposed tu have 
adopted this letter, ulthongh he does not expressly 
do so; 1 still, howevt>r, believe it to havi* lletai a 
fabrication, while admitting the- Hussian niinisters 
dexterity iu relinquishing projects lu* never enter- 
tained. It tnay be further remarked of this docu- 
ment, that it was not written by the count at the 
emperor’s command, but purporteil to be from the 
emperor himself, another proof, in my ('stimation, 
that it was not genuine, — howt'ver, on that very 
account well calculated to deci'ivi* Dost .Miiliomed 
Kh4n. The arrival of Vektavieh with his It'tter 
astonished the amir, particularly as ho w'as uncon- 
scious of having written a lettc'i* to Russia, and for 




the moment did not remember Hilsseu All, and he 
required to be told that ho was the son of Baji iNJur~»' 
^ wari. He then observed I gave him no letters, and 
Mfrza Sami Khan explained that he had writti^n 
one, and claimed to himself znuch crOTit for having 
prociu’ed the amir the honour of a reply from the 
emperor. Whether the amir believed his inirza or 
not, I cannot tell. 

It was known that Hiissen All had aceonqianioi! 
Vektavich from Bokhara to Orenburg, llis non- 
appearance with the Cossack officer was considm'cd 
in Kabal badly accounted for by the pretenci* stated 
of* his being sick at Moscow, and the genm-al opi- 
nion was, that Vektavich had niurdma'd liim — ami 
this I state not wishing to belie Vektavicli, but to 
show the little respect in which he and his mission 
were.held by all, alas ! but the British envoy — Vt'k- 
tavich indeed had a musket with him wliicli was 
knpw'u to have belonged to Hiissen Ali. 

; j The reception of Vektavich was not such as 
be had reason to boast of and in the liouse of 
Mirza Sami Khan he resided, in fact, nndt'r sur- 


Eoplies to Captain Buriies’ lettei-s, and to his pro- 
posals to the government had begun to arrive, 'fhe 
government was then in possession of sohriidy of judg- 
ment and honourable, feeling, from which it since so 
strangely u-andcred. To the pivqio.sal that a promise 
should be made to the amir, of IVshawer on flic 
diaith of llanjit Singh, the reply was dignificil and 
VOL. in. 2 II 



proper, deprecating' tlu' delicacy ef spectilaliiig tm 
'the death of an individual. To t!u‘ propf^sa! ti> 
elevate t)ost ]Vfahome<l Khan to grt'at dignity and^ 
]).o\ver, the rcjdy was, wis<‘ly, that it. was not the 
policy of thc^ governinent to estahlish ;i great Ma- 
homedan kingdom in that tpiarter. 

Immediately after tlu* arrival oi‘ N'ektavicli, Lieu- 
tenant Loecdi was sent to Kandniiar; he was fur- 
nished with no instructions, for nom* couhl lie given 
to him; his pr(‘s<‘nce was to create what is so 
vaguely termed a moral iidhieiHM'. ! entirely <lis- 
approved his mission, hut Captain Hurnes pei-sisted 
it w'as with the pleasun' of tin* amir, whiidi I, never- 
theless, could not believe. Tli(>re <'an he no doubt 
that Licuttmant Leeeli signalized hiuisidf at Kan- 
dalulr. With his metlmd of establishing ;i nntral 
influence I have nothing to <lo, hut a note me 
from Captaiji Burnes may throw a litth‘ Jight on 
his political proceedings. “Here is a hdter* fonn 
Leech. He has done 1 thitik qtiite rigid to utivise 
Meher Bil to come here and to niise (ihazees-— and 1 
am glad to see he knows our footing with Ih-rsia so 
well.” In the evening when I saw Captain Burnes 
I told him that I thought Leech had done (|aitt> 
wrong, and susjiectiug it might l)e so, in his de- 
spatches to government ho all that had 

been written about the (Ihazees, or so In* inform- 
ed me. 

At length a reply was received from govern- 
mant to the despatch of Captain Burnes rt?porting 



, the offer of a siiTm of money, — three Iiikhs of rupees 
— to Kandaliar for the purpose of repelling Persia.* 
Vllie Governor-general in the strongest terms ex- 
pressed his regret and disappointmeEt, and directed 
Captain Burnes to rescind his oifer wieh, as very 
correctly stated, involved the grave questions of 
peace and war. The despatch was a very long 
one, and a letter *from the private seex’etary ap- 
jmsed Captain Burnes that it was specially dictated 
by the Governor-general. His lordship here omit- 
ted to do what was farther necessary — to re- 
cal the envoy whose acts had the tendency to 
commit and embarrass the government. The folly 
of sending such a man as Captain Burnes without 
the fullest and clearest instructions, was now shovra, 
and to do him justice, he observed that had a simi- 
lar • exposition of the government views been fiir- 
jiished to him in the first instance, he would never 
hav,e Committed himself. Recovering a little from 
the alarm it occasioned him, he still affected to be- 
lieve his own judgment of affairs the right one, al- 
though it now became his painful task to undo all 
he had done, and to destroy all the expectations he 
had so unhappily raised in the bosom of the amir. 

He made a curious remark on this occasion to me, 
that it was strange that Lord Auckland, the Nawab 
Jabar Khan and myself, held the same opinions on 
Afghfin affairs, never I suspect conceiting that we 
might be right and he wrong. 

The jiroposal to give Peshawer to the amir, Ran- 



jit Smgli receiving in I’eturn one of liis sons, Inni 
'' never been made to the maharaja, C'a|)tain nde 
denouncing it, and I am sorry to say, justly, as “ iii- 
sidious,” — ^the government thought so too. (‘:i])tuin 

■r- f y 1*' 

Wade, however, had not ascertained the mahurajiis 
intentions as regarded Peshawer, and when diretdial 
by the government to learn them, n-as obliged to 
report that the rhjas had returned to Lahore, and 
his influence was set aside. The muhiiraja’s wishes 
were, therefore, never knovni, and we had no means 
of softening the disappointment of the amir, wliieh 
any arrangement about the disputed territory might 
have enabled us to do. 

Captain Burnes, as soon as he perceived a crisis 
had come on, asked where that old fool the nawab 
was. He was at Tatang, where Captain Burnes a 
month before had sent him. The nawfib had a long 
time before sent his family there, but waited in Ka- 
bal until his lordship’s replies should arrive. ' Cap- 
tain Burnes was sometimes told that he kept the 
nawab from his ladies, which he took ill, ami in- 
sisted that the nawdb should go down to them. I 
saw the old gentleman before leaving, and ho laugh- 
ingly said that Sekander had turned him out of Ka- 
bal. He asked me v'hat I. thought of affairs, and 1 
put the question to him. He said they mnv. tjanda 
or rotten. I observed, I fear so, and bantered him 
on getting so nicely out of the way. Ho promised 
that whenever the despatches from government 
reached, he would, on being informed, be in Kabal 


the day after. Captain Burnes now sent an express 
for tjie nawab, who immediately returned to th@ 
city, after which he communicated to the’ amir, the 
contents of the letters he had received, at the sa^e 
time delivering a letter to, the ami^ address from 
the Governor-general. 

The conduct of Captain Burnes in this state of 
things was, in my opinion, neither the con-ect nor 
the judicious one. That he had approved the pro- 
posals of the amir there can be no doubt ; instead, 
therefore, of acknowledging his own error in having 
done so, he adopted the strange course of calling 
the amir to task for having made them. A very 
pretty interview necessarily passed, which a note 
from him to me written immediately after, will, 
perhaps, show. “ It is impossible to write all, and 
f(Jr me to come to you or you to me before dinner 
might ^show our funk. I gave it fearfully and left 
him in a furious rage, but not a word was forgotten 
of which I prepared for him. He gave the old 
story — -no benefit — no one cares for a falling 
nation — I offered my wares for sale, and you would 
not buy.” 

I may observe that Captain Burnes had not been 
a month in Kabal before Dost Mahomed Khfin be- 
gan to look upon him with very slight respect, and 
the remai’ks he made could scarcely be concealed 
from Captain Burnes. The latter alike gTew to 
think less amiably of the amh-, and used frequently 
to appeal to me as a witness that his opinions had 


» i 


changed. God knows both the nawab and myself 
-•had abundantly cautioned him to be on his.guard 
from the Very first. His present violent behaviour 
hjid consequently something very annoying to the 
amir, who in«4ruth hardly deserved such nuh' tre:it- 
ment in this instance, which the nawfib also lament- 
ed, while wishing Captain Burues had coiuincueed 
his negotiations in a firmer tone. 

From this period Captain Burnes’ residtsnce in 
Kabal had become more disagreeable than before; 
and I do not doubt but he would have retire<l, had 
not Doctor Lord and Lieutenant Wood been some 
time previously sent to Kunddz, and the latter of- 
ficer had gone thence to Badakshan. It is certtiin 
he ought to have left Kdbal, for his presence was 
only productive of increased mischief and disgi’ace, 

■ — although he justified his stay to government by 
the common-place plea of moral effect. Dost Ma- 
homed Khan was very uneasy, and even at times -so 
undecided, that he once signified he was willing to 
accede to whatever the govonuneut wished, — an- 
other time Mirza Sami Khan propost'd that the 
throat of Vektavich should be cut, and again pro- 
mised to renounce connexion and intercourst^ with 

the west if assured of protection against Pereia. I 

would not vouch that these offers were siacendy 
made, but they were made. Captain Burnes would 
listen to nothing, — one of his notes to me may {ex- 
plain why. “ This brings the ameer to ask in what 
way he has not met the wishes of government. T 



might have asked in return in what way has he ? 
but I, am sick of the matter, and visited him for 
Hhree hours and never touched on business. Why 
should I ? — Vektavich is here, and has no intentiqp 
of moving, — the good ameer declin^ all prelimi- 
naries for peace with Ranjit Singh, and writes to 
Candah&, and also tells me that he has no hope 
from our government,— but enough.” 

Captain Bumes did not cease to press on the 
attention of government the danger, from Persia 
and Russia ; and his desire for action was admirably 
seconded by letters he received from England. I 
have a note in which is written, “ I send you a 
letter to read from the chairman of the directors, 
who in truth wishes to W(dJe on. I wish they would 
be moved who are nearer.” This letter from the 
chairman was certainly a singular one, for it an- 
nounce^ no less than a determination to take the 
Paojab, Captain Burnes being promised the con- 
duct of the expedition. Sir John Hobhouse, in his 
spe'ech to the House of Commons on the 23rd June, 
1842, states that a despatch to Lord Auckland “ at 
the end of October, 1838, instructed his lordship 
in council to pursue very marly the same course, 
which it afterwards appeared he had adopted with- 
out knowing our opinions.” It appears, therefore, 
his lordship did not pursue quite the course recom- 
nu'iidod by Sir John Hobhouse and the Secret 
t'ominittee, and it is not impossible the slight error 
was made of marching to Kabal instead of to La- 

i I 


Iiore, — at least, such may be inferred from this ' 
'■ letter of the chairman, who was one of the Secret 
Committee. This letter w'as sent by Captain Burnes ' 
t9 Lord Auckland through the private se<.‘rc‘tary, IVIr. 
Colvin, and t^ame back with the expression of his 
lordship’s approval. 

iMy intercourse with the Amir and IVIirza Sami 
Khan had ceased altogether, the latter, seeing the 
bad turn atfiiirs had taken, now wished to see me. 
Captain Bunies recommended mo to call on him. 

I was with him nearly the whole day. He com- 
menced by setting forth that his relative, Mirza 
Jafar Kh^, had purchased land, had built castles, 
had planted orchards and vineyards, and wished to 
keep them, — and left me to apply the meaning of 
what he said. I observed that I thought I under- 
stood it, that every one desired to keep hi.s -o^y-n, 
which I believed was so exactly what our g()v<;rmm>nt 
wished, that I was surprised there should have betm 
any misunderstanding on the matter. I'Ik' mirza 
agreed that I was right. lie then, u-ith refenmee 
to the negotiations with Captain Burnes, urged that 
I must have known better, and I pointed out that 
he was well aware of my opinions from the first. 

I had dissuaded him from making ohnoxious pro- 
posals, and Captain Burnes from listening to them. 

More was out of my power. He asked how could 
Captain Burnes, unauthorised, sanction the proposal, 
and how could so great a government as that of 
India depute a « hillah mirdem,” frivolous man, as 


he had proved to be ? I replied that the govern- 
ment bad sent him, believing him to be the person : 
'who would be most acceptable to them, and’I prayed 
Mirza Sami not to allow any presumed defect jn 
Captain Burnes’ manner to make hhn lose sight 
of that officer’s good intentions, for, however he had 
erred, and I regretted he had done so, it was still 
in the wish to serve them that he had incurred the 
displeasure of government. He next alluded to 
the despatch of Lieutenant Leech to Kandahar, and 
said the amir was much pleased with me for having 
remonstrated against it. I urged that Captain 
Burnes constantly assured me that the amir was 
delighted at his going. The mirza said on the 
contrary, but that they assented, lest Captain Burnes 
should take it ill. I then remarked that here w'as 
thb cause of all our evil, — you say what you do not 
mean;, but, unluckily. Captain Burnes has not had 
sufficient experience of you to know it, and he 
takes you at your word, but again you are to blame 
and not he. But what a gMl to send ! remarked 
the mirza. He then mentioned the despatch of 
Dr. Lord and Lieutenant Wood to Kunduz, and 
said they did not go to cure Mahomed Morad Beg’s 
brother’s eye, but to visit Badakshan ; and further, 
that Badrodin had received a letter from Mirza 
Badla telling him that Dr. Lord, instead of curing 
the diseased eye, had put the sound one out. Lieu- 
tenant Vektavich and his letter were discussed, the 
document being displayed before us. I persisted 


that I had little faith in it, explaining' for what 
-reasons, and most certainly the inirza was as little 
credulous as I was. He inquired whether the Rus- 
sians would do such a thing as to seiul a fabricated 
letter. I atf^ once exonerated the Emperor, but 
thought it very likely Cloutte and such people 
would. This led mo to oxplam to him that any 
hope of benefiting by a collision betwtHm England 
and Russia was ridiculous; for not only did friendly 
relations exist between the two states, but should 
dilferences arise they would be adjusted in Europe, 
not in Kabal. We talked a long time about Herat 
and Persia, and I endeavoured to convince him 
that it was nonsensical to have any apprehension 
from Mahomed Shah, for he could nev«‘r drr'am of 
coming into Afghanistan unless positively invite<I, 
which, again, were any of the chiefs there to d(?, the 
mass of the people would reject both them nu<l him. 
If by any infiituation, contrary to all probability, he 
should advance, it would only be to bo luted, or 
plundered. The question of Peshawi'r was then 
broached, and he said that if it wore given to Sfil- 
tan Mahomed Khan, it would bo I'ight to ri'com- 
pense the amir for haA'ing maintained him and ins 
adherents in exile. I did not tell him that 1 had 
recommended a sum annually to be given to the 
amir on this very account, hut contented myself by 
observing the amir had a claim on that head to con- 
sideration. — He then said that many of Sultan Ma- 
homed Khan’s old servants now in the amir’s service 



would leave it ; 1 remarked that it would be better 
• amir’s finances would be eased, and 

^t Kabal they would only do harm by their intrigues. 
I spoke in the most unreserved manner of the danger 
of their position, and repeated to him wS»at I had her’ 
fore told him on more than one occasion, that the 
present state of affairs in Kabal could not endure, 
and that the govenlment, embarrassed as it was, 
must fall to pieces unless supported by the aid and 
countenance the British government in deputing 
Captain Burnes had tendered. Mirza Sami Khan 
did not deny the truth of this, but he asked, « To 
whht are we to agree?” No question could be more 
perplexing. My reply was, “ By heavens ! I know 
no more than yoUj but I am certain you will not 
be required to agree to anything hurtful,” and then 
adde4 “We must agree to everything without 
knowing what, and then we shall find out.” Be- 
fore we separated, it was arranged that Mii-za Sami 
Khan, who had discontinued his visits to Captain 
Burnes, should call on him the next day, and I w'as 
to attend. The next day I heard nothing more, but 
on the following I was sent for. Mirza Sami Khan 
was disgusted at Captain Burnes’ declamation, and 
I must confess I was no less so. It was clear 
enough it was no longer wished to settle matters. 

Both the amir and Mirza Sami Khan had inti- 
mated to Captain Burnes that business was over, but 
that he might, if he chose, remain a month or so 
at Kdbal, which was understood, by every one but 



himself, as a wisli he should leave, hut it was not 
convenient to do so until Dr. Lord and Ijieutenant 
Wood returned. ’ i 

This delay brought about tunny uu{)le;tsaut cir- 
Tjumstances „<nd discussions. Some of the people, 
who had kept aloof sinct^ the arrival of the mission, 
one evening ventured to ask tlu' amir what he was 
doing with Sekander. He replieti that lu' did not 
know. He had told him to go, but he stayed; 
he was ignorant for what object, 'ritev suggested 
he should send for me. lit* said In; would, and 
if satisfied with what I said, he would throw himself 
on the government. Two messages went brought 
to me that the amir was in th(> humour to have 
a conversation with me, and informing (''ajitain 
Burnos, I remained at home, supposing 1 might 
be sent for. It did not hajipeu so; whey «the 
darhdr was over, jntere.ste<l pc'rsons contrived to 
draw his attention to other things, amr if, jvas 
forgotten. I could havts .stam him at m\\ time, 
hnt refrained from troubling him. for 1 well knew, 
however I might bo able to bring liim to think 
reasonably, Captain Bnmos would spoil what \voul<l 
he done. 

Some indelicate expo,sures, alfecting some of the 
suite of Captain Burnes, probably a<-celeratt‘d his 
departure, for suddenly lu- determined to imsve 
without waiting for the arrival of Dr. Lord and 
Lieutenant Wood, w-ho were on the roa<I to join 
him. I never knew the exact reason for tlu* pre- 

.» cipitancy, and tliouglit, as he had waited so long, 

^ he mi^ht have remained another two or three days 
tfor his companions. • 

The contempt into which the mission had fallen, 
indeed, prompted certain persons to pfopose to the « 
amir the seizure and spoil of the envoy, and while 
proffering to commit the deed they had repeated 
the fatiha in his pre?!ence. The amir did irot sanc- 
tion the measure, although he did not rebuke the 
proposers. A very general report spread over the 
country, that Captain Burnes was to be made a 
victim, but I understood the intention, never perhaps 
errtertained by the amir, was abandoned ; indeed, 
at that time, it would have been pei’ilous in the 
extreme to have attempted such a thing, and there 
were plenty of us in Kabal to have made it recoil 
on»t][jose who imagined it. 

I had, during my residence at Kabal, been fa- 
voured* with many attacks on my house, the last 
I experienced about this time. I w'as sitting alone 
in my room with the door open, and had just time 
to close it against a paity coming up the stairs. 

In their flight they fell one over the other, and 
then over some water-jars at the bottom of the stair- 
case. After leaving KMial, I became informed of 
two of the men employed on this occasion, although 
such knowledge did not enlighten me as to their 

When it was known in Kabal that we were 
about to leave, there was a wish on the part of 



many of the iiihsihitants to jm'seiit me wiUi »ui 
^address, which I declined; it was su;’-;reste<l it^ 
miffht serve me with tin* u'evcniineiit, hut 1 imM 
tested against any favour fmm the govcrnnient to 
K)e gained h^^such an instrument. 

I w’as wholly unprejianal for so ultrnpt a depar- 
ture as we !na<le ; three of my servunts were in 
the Kohistan, and nnahh' to 1«af(' my tdfects packed, 

I was coni])ened to distribute more than half of 
them to my neiglihonrs. On the 2(»th of April 
Captain Biinies jua'ceded me to Bhut Khak, and 
I followed him. On tlie morning ttf the 27th, 
IVIlrza Sami KIiAii, who had come to the camp, 
asked Captain iinrnes if it were possible to renew 
negotiations, lie was tolil it was md. lie then 
came and cmhmeed me, and st'cnusl quite surprised 
to learn I was going, saying he had hoped I ^I’owld 
remain, that there was no occasion for me to leave, 
that no one was angry with me, that T haTl lived 
many years with them in credit, and that nothing 
conld happen to Iwsen me in estimation, and so 
forth. I had only to say I was sorry to leave in 
such a manner, but, as they thought prtqufr to r(‘j(‘ct 
Burnes, I had no option. \Ve th<'n nunintei! our 
horses, Captain Burnes saying to hun Yonr leaving 
them, Ma®ou, is ‘ the uiikimh’st cut of all.’ ” 

Thus closed a mission, one «d‘ the tnost extraor- 
dinary ever sent forth by a government, wludher 
as to the singular manner in which it was con- 
ducted, or as to the results. There was umloubt- 



odiy great Ijiame on all sides. Tlie government 
liad furnished no instructions, apparently confi<Iing 
the 'discretion of alnan who had none. .Captain 
Burnes I always thought was very wrong in not 
having insisted upon being provided with them 4 
his vanity and presumption led him, perha]>s, to 
despise them, or even to rejoice that they had 
been omitted — his ‘best exeiise for tlie series f)f 
blunders he committed. Dost IMaliomed Khan 
and his friends were, I think, most to be pitied. 
They had, indeed, shown the cloven foot, but it was 
the general opinion in Kabal, and was mine, that 
had tliey l)ecn pro|)erly treated, they would have 
done us much as could have been hoped froni them. 

Of this mission & very inadequate idea would be 
formed from the printed correspondence — in truth, 
sciycely any at all. It is deplorable to road the 
worthless evidence there adduced, and the erroneous 
impressfons of the deluded envoy. The intelligence 
from KAndahar, so frequently cited, was from the 
communications of one Mahomed Tahii’, a servant to 
hJohan Lull, and these were, clearly enough, written 
at the <lictation of Meher Dil Khan himself, to 
“ rouse the mind of Sekander Burnes.” The com- 
jnnnication, enclosure No. 28, dated 19th July, 
1888, is from a Frenchman named Carron, in Kabal. 
The sad manner in which Gaptaiu Burnes misre- 
presented facts, I cannot better show than by allu- 
sion to No. 13, a letter to Mr. Macnaghten, page 
14, in which my name happens to be mentioned. 


promised; he very properly ro]>litHl he was no 1)ankrr 
jvho carried money about with liini ; — (hat (In* amir 
must send his envoys with him to tin* Persian’ 
camp where they would gvt it. Had not the Kau- 
dahdr Si’dar been at Kabal, the (“hama' was (hal 
Vektavieh might in reality have lia<l his (hroat cut. 
As it was the anur despatched one Abu Khatu 
Barak Zai, with Vektavieh, add lu‘, as will ht' 
seen in enclosure No. 38, ])age 32 of the (.'orri'- 
spondence, accompanied him to Kandahar, and then 
“disappeared.” In the same encdosure, No. 38, the 
name of Haji Hussen Ali Khan figures as the 
Persian ambassador ; this was the same man who 
Calcutta presented forged credentials from Dost 
Mahomed Kluvn. Do governnu'iits deserve e(m- 
tempt or pity for being infliumced by (In* move- 
ments of such impostors and scoundrels? ^ 



He states that lie has more i«-rouu<Is for In'lievin-x 
that Captain Vektavich, the Hussiaii^ ageiit sO ^ 
KA,haI, is charged with letters for lluiijeet Singh,# 
&c., &c. “In the course of }'ester(lay, Mr. Ma-^sou 
was informed that the Russian ngnmt liad !ett»n-s 
for the Malutriljiih, and the purport of tlnmi was 
to the effect, that if his highness did not uitlidraw 
from Peshawer, the Russian •gov<‘rnment would 
compel him.” Now I nevm- was informed that 
Vektavich had letters for Ranjit Singh, imt 1 was 
informed that, at the amir’s re(, he was going 
to write -letters; and that Captain Runies knew 
more than this may be doubted from the follow- 
ing note to me. “V has agreed to write to 

Runjeet Sing and tell him the amir is nmh'r R n 
protection, ^so to Allard!” 1, moreover, at the 
time remarked to him, why should not VekRiych 
write? what does he care to whom he writes, or 
Ea ^Yritfis ? certainly attaching no imfiottanm* 

to anything he wrote. 1 was, therefore, surprised 
to find my authority <|uoted in his letter. I have 
another singular note, with wspect to \h‘ktayieh, 
which may he worth while giving, as exmnpliiying 
the plan on which Caidain Burnes finl the alarm 
of the government. He hud Just seen the amir, 
and writes, “ I will tell you all Mlnm we meet, but 
the most astoimdmj intelligence I had given me 
by him on the Russian’s authority was, that Russia 
had sent four thousand men to the east of th<‘ Cas- 
pian, to keep the Toorkmans in check while the 

, 7 % 


S- ■ ' 

shall attacked Herat.” This report went to govern- 
ment without any remark that it was utterly un- 
% foiuufed. That it must be false I pointed out, 
saying that Vektavich was sent to tell lies, that 
he kept himself in Kabal by telling, lies ; still ^nt 
was more than pity that Captain Burnes should 
be deceived, or that he should lend himself to 
deceive the goverfiment. On fifty occasions I had 
to protest against the delusive intelligence he for- 
warded without explanation ; his excuse, indeed, 
was that he merely sent reports as he received 
them, and was not responsible for their truth ; yet 
on some of these very items of intelligence, which 
the most an-ant blockhead in Kabal would have 
rejected as fallacious, and which no one, I venture 
to say, would have dared to make to me, a govern- 
Hjent of India and a British ministry justify the 
monstrous policy they followed, nor feel ashamed 
to Inipose them upon the ignorance of a British 
parliament, and to stultify the nation as to the 
character of their wanton proceedings ! 

We left Vektavich in Kabal. I had always 
thought his object was merely to see what Captain 
Burnes was doing — that he achieved more was 
owing to the folly of Captain Burnes himself. As 
soon as the mission disappeared, V ektavich had no 
longer a motive in staying, and he thought of re- 
turning, which, luckily for him, the arrival of Meher 
Dll Khan from Kandahar enabled him to do. Dost 
Mahomed Khan asked him for the money he had 

VOL. in. 2 ^ 

V^V- * ■ ' ' 

f r. r 



promised; he very properly rcjdied he was lu* 1i:mk(>r 
jvho carried money about with him : — that the umir 
must send his envoys with him to tlu' Fersiuii ■* 
camp where they would get it. Had not the Kan- 
dahdr Si'lar been at Kabul, tlie ehatiee was th.-u 


Vektavich might in reality liave had ins tfirosst cut. 
As it was the amir d(>spatehed one A ini Khan, 
Barak Zai, with Vekttivicdi, aitd lu'. as will he 
seen in enclosure No. 118, pagt' 112 of th<' Corre- 
spondence, accompanied him to Kandahar, and then 
“disappeared.” In the .same enelosnre, No, bS, the 
name of Haji Hussen AH Khan lignre.s as the 
Persian ambassador; this was the .same man who tM 
Calcutta presented forged credentials from Dost 
Mahomed Ivlnin. Do gov(>rmuents di'svrve con- 
tempt or pity for being inllucnced Ity tite move- 
ments of such impostors and sconndrcls f ^